D510 Reference Source List - National Interagency Fire Center

D-510 Reference Source List. February 04, 2010


(Note: Sometimes the hyper-text links don’t work, but if you copy the URL into the browser it may work.)

AD (Administratively Determined) hiring:

Incident Business Practice:

Single Resource Casual Hire Information Form, PMS 934:

USDA Forest Service AD Pay Plan 2009:



Aeronautical Charts. – Source: FAA Distribution Division, AVN-530, National Aeronautical Charting Office (NACO), Riverdale, MD 20737-1199. 800-638-8972 or 301-436-8301. Fax: 301-436-6829

Aircraft Contracts. – National or local agreements for services that outline responsibilities of the agency, vendor and their agents. Source: Area Aviation Officer, Fixed-Wing or Helicopter Specialist.

Air Tanker Contracts:

Single Engine Air Tanker Contract:

Helicopter Call-When-Needed Contracts:

Helicopter Exclusive Use Contracts:

Aircraft Identification Guide PMS 441. – National Wildfire Coordinating Group. Source: NFES #2393, National Interagency Fire Center, Fire and Aviation

Policy and Management, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise ID 83705; 208-387-5180. See also Interagency Aviation Training Aircraft Library: and

Aviation Management Directorate (was Office of Aircraft Services) :

Aircraft Source List:

Pilot Source List

Airfield/Airstrip Directory, May 1, 2000. USDA Forest Service classification information for airfields and airstrips in ID, MT, NV, OR, UT WA & WY.

Airport Location Identifiers, 7350.6. - Two, three and four letter identifiers for all airports in the United States. Source: Superintendent of Documents, US Government Printing Office, Washington DC 20402; 202-783-3238.

Also available at: or world wide at

Airport/Facilities Directory. – A pilots’ manual that contains data on public use airports, seaplane bases, heliports, VFR airport sketches, NAVAIDs, communication data, weather data sources, airspace, special notices, and operational procedures. Source: FAA Distribution Division, AVN-530, National Aeronautical Charting Office (NACO), Riverdale, MD 20737-1199. 800-638-8972 or 301-436-8301.

Airport/ FBO Directory from AC-U-KWIK. – Source: Your local FBO or AC-U-KWIK, PO Box 12901, Overland Park, KS 66282; 800-400-KWIK.

Airport Identifiers. - Source: , or world wide at: go to Aviation Directory at bottom of page and select

Databases, then select Airport/Information.

Air Space Tools, the NIFC Airspace Information System site:

Air Space Coordination (NIFC):

Airspace Coordination (Julie Steward)

Interagency Airspace Guide (288 pages; 13.2 MB):

Air Tanker Base Directory – This Directory is currently being updated and is not now (02/04/2010) available. See:

Updated and published annually by the USDA Forest Service, National Aviation Office, 3833 S Development Avenue, Boise, Idaho 83705. Source: NFES # 2537, National Interagency Fire Center, Attention: Great Basin Cache Supply Office, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise, Idaho 83705. Detailed Base information available through:

Air Tanker Pilot’s Association:

Albuquerque Service Center (ASC), USDA Forest Service centralized administrative services:

Budget & Finance:

Human Capital Mgt:


GovTrip News:

AMD Aviation Management Directorate:

American Red Cross:

AOPA’S Aviation USA. – Airport information. Source: Aircraft Owners and Pilot association, 421 Aviation Way, Frederick, MD 21701; 301-695-2000, or, Sporty’s Pilot Shop, Clermont County Airport, Batavia, OH 45103; 800-LIFT-OFF, Cat #M600A.

Automated Flight Following (AFF): Before you can use the program you will have to request a user ID and password. Click on the “Request User ID” link, and use your LotusNotes email address for your user name. They will email the password to you. Launch WebTracker 1.2 rather than WebTracker 1.3, unless you have JAVA and want to do fancy things with the maps.

Aviation Business System (ABS) Electronic SF-122 billing system.


Application (eAuthentification required): $SM$6Yaxu4AEdz4KixRCDWbh0d9Oqo4NvM%2bg0Bej4i8fn45W0S17EF2f9Q%3d%3d&TARGET=$SM$HTTP%3a%2f%2fibs%2efs%2efed%2eus%2faviation

Aviation Centered Education (ACE):

Aviation Management Information Systems (AMIS):

Aviation Publications:

Aviation website links (Interagency Airspace Coordination):

Bibliography of Wildland Fire Web Sites – NWCG Wildland Fire Education Working Team index

BLM 9400 Aviation Management Handbook (11/14/2008). – Source: National Interagency Fire Center, Fire and Aviation Policy and Management, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise ID 83705; 208-387-5180.

BLM Standards for Fire and Aviation Operations. - BLM Redbook. See Interagency Standards for Fire and Aviation Operations.

DOI Fire & Aviation Directorate:

Bureau of Land Management (BLM):

Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation (BAER)

Interagency BAER Guidebook, BLM & FS:


BAER Facts:

Forest Service:

Wildland fire effects on soil and water:

California ROSS Business Practices and Standards Guide June 2007:

Call-When-Needed Helicopter Services Contracts: Medium and Heavy-lift National Services, Light Regional Services. - Source: NFES #2168, National Interagency Fire Center, Fire and Aviation Policy and Management, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise ID 83705; 208-387-5180.

Catering, Sanitation, Shower Contract – See National Interagency Mobile Food Services Contract NFES #1276, and the National Interagency Shower Facilities Contract, Source: NFES #2729


Civil Twilight Calculation: US Navy. Source:

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 14, Aeronautics and Space. – Source: Superintendent of Documents, US Government Printing Office, Washington DC 20402; 202-783-3238. or

Cooperative Agreements. – Source: Local agency dispatch offices.

Department of Homeland Security:

Dispatch Priority Lists: VIPR Dispatch Priority Lists Web Site: (also provides a link to the National Interagency Dispatch Standard Operating Guide for Contracted Equipment)

EaTIS Equipment and Training Inventory System has been superseded by VIPR:

EERA Emergency Equipment Rental Agreements, now utilized locally for incidents.

Preseason Agreements from EERA Database:

End User Support Center (EUSC) has been superseded by the Forest Service Customer Help Desk: 1-866-945-1354. The Help Desk website requires eAuthentification: $SM$6Yaxu4AEdz4KixRCDWbh0d9Oqo4NvM%2bg0Bej4i8fn45W0S17EF2f9Q%3d%3d&TARGET=$SM$HTTP%3a%2f%2fapps%2efs%2efed%2eus%2fchd%2flogin%2ephp

Forest Service Chief Information Office:

Expanded Dispatch Job Aid, PMS-312. – National Wildfire Coordinating Group. Source: NFES #2400, National Interagency Fire Center, Fire and Aviation Policy and Management, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise ID 83705; 208-387-5180. Revised 2009:

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Website:

FAA Directory. – Contacts and telephone numbers for all FAA facilities. Source: Superintendent of Documents, US Government Printing Office, Washington DC 20402; 202-783-3238. Offices and Staff:

FAA Federal Aviation Regulations:

Federal Aviation Regulations/ Airman’s Information Manual. – Source: Aviation Supplies and Academics, Inc., 7005 132nd Place SE, Renton, WA 98059-3153.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA):

Federal Trade Commission:

Report Fraud, Spam, violations of the national do not call list:

FedTraveler: USDA Forest Service Travel has been superseded by GovTrip, which also provides travel arrangement services for the Department of the Interior:



Field Operations Guide (ICS 420-1) January 2001. – ICS position job tasks and responsibilities while on an incident. Source: Fire Protection Publications, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078. Firescope:

Disaster Assistance & Response, USDA, Field Operating Guide, Agency for International Development :

Fire and Aviation, USDA Forest Service Website:

Fireline Handbook PMS 410-1 (March 2004). – National Wildfire Coordinating Group. Field Reference Guide for Personnel on Wildland Fires. Source: NFES #0065, National Interagency Fire Center, Fire and Aviation Policy and Management, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise ID 83705; 208-387-5180.

FireCode. Incident management codes/job codes (Password protected):

FireCode User’s Guide:

Fire Detection Website. NOAA Satellite & Information Service:

Fire Program Analysis (FPA) System:


Flight Guide, Airport and Frequency Manual. – Source: Airguide Publications, Inc., 1207 Pine Avenue, PO Box 1288, Long Beach, CA 90801.

Forest Service Acquisition Management Incident Procurement:

Forest Service AVUE application site:

Forest Service Contracting Website:

Forest Service End User Gadgets:

Forest Service Fire Effects Information System. The FEIS database contains literature reviews, taken from current English-language literature of almost 900 plant species, about 100 animal species, and 16 Kuchler plant communities found on the North American continent. The emphasis of each review is fire and how it affects each species. Background information on taxonomy, distribution, basic biology, and ecology of each species is also included.:

Forest Service Handbook FSH 5700 Aviation Management Handbook. – Forest Service Handbook. Source: USDA-FS National Aviation Office, 3833 S. Development Avenue,

Boise, ID 83705; 208-387-5621.

Forest Service Handbook FSH 5709.11 Fixed Wing Operations. (Superceded by 5709.16) – Forest Service Handbook. Source: USDA-FS National Aviation Office, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise, ID 83705; 208-387-5621

Forest Service Handbook FSH 5709.14 Smokejumper Handbook. - Source: USDA-FS National Aviation Office, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise, ID 83705, (208) 387-5621.

Smokejumper Training Guide:

Forest Service Handbook FSH 5709.16 Flight Operations Handbook. – Forest Service Handbook. Source: USDA-FS National Aviation Office, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise, ID 83705; 208-387-5621.

Forest Service Handbook FSH 5709.17 Wildland Fire Qualifications Handbook. USDA Forest Service direction on Fire Qualifications.


Forest Service Handbook FSH 6709.11 Health and Safety Code Handbook. – Forest Service guide to safe practices and conditions for all USDA FS activities. Amendments are issued by the FS on an as needed basis. Source: Request from Local Unit Directives Manager.

Forest Service Incident Procurement Web Site: This is a portal to a wealth of information for vendors, dispatchers, & incident support personnel.

Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Center:

Forest Service Treesearch. We have resolved to make available all new books, chapters, and articles beginning January 2004, and to add older publications as rapidly as possible. At the start of 2004 the collection contained over 7,000 publications, making it the largest freely available collection of online forestry research in the world:

Forms, Reports and Templates:

Forest Service Software Library (eAuthentification required):

Geographic Area Coordination Centers:

Geographic Area Mobilization Guides. – National and Geographic Area incident mobilization information and contact points. Source: Request through the Geographic Area Coordination Center. Geographic Area websites available via:

Glossary of Wildland Fire Terminology:

Google Earth:

GovTrip has superseded FedTraveler for the USDA Forest Service, which also provides travel arrangement services for the Department of the Interior:



Guidelines for Takeover and Release of Incident Management Teams. – Source: Area Management Teams. May be found attached to Wildfire Situation Analysis (WFSA), which is being superseded by the Wildland Fire Decision Support System (WFDSS):

Haz Mat: Interagency Aviation Transport of Hazardous Materials, January 2005:

Helicopter Call-When-Needed Contracts:

Helicopter Exclusive Use Contracts:


GSA Domestic Per Diem Rates:

Choice Hotels (Comfort, Quality, Clarion, Econolodge…):

Embassy Suites Hotels:

Extended Stay America:

Hampton Inn:


Holiday Inn:

La Quinta:

Marriott Inns:

IFPM Interagency Fire Program Management:

“A Student Handbook for Writing in Biology”:

Incident Business Practices/Management:


Incident Management Situation Report (IMSR). – The previous calendar day’s incident activity and current calendar day’s weather prognosis. Source:

Incident Qualification and Certification System (IQCS):

Infrared Operations Manual. – Introduction, organization, mobilization, polices and aircraft safety associated with Infrared Operations. Source: NFES #0968. , National Interagency Fire Center, Fire and Aviation Policy and Management, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise ID 83705; 208-387-5180. See also

IAMS, Initial Attack Management System. – Has been retired. Provided frequently used aviation functions to expedite field operations. Source:

ICS Forms. – Source: NWCG Publication Management:


And editable:

And through FireScope:

IHOG: See Interagency Helicopter Operations Guide.

Interagency Helicopter Rappel Guide:

Incident Business Practices Working Team:

Interagency Airspace Coordination: (See also National Interagency Airspace Coordination)

Interagency Airspace Coordination Guide. – Airspace coordination, restrictions, closures and Military Operating Areas (MOA’s). Source:

Interagency Air Tanker Base Directory. – Basic information about all current air tanker bases. Source: NFES #2537, National Interagency Fire Center, Fire and Aviation Policy and Management, USDA National Aviation Office, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise ID 83705; 208-387-5180.

Interagency Air Tanker Base Operations Guide May 2003 (234 pages). - Basic information concerning standard operating procedures. Source: NFES #2271, National Interagency Fire Center, Fire and Aviation Policy and Management, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise ID 83705; 208-387-5180.

Interagency Aviation Transport of Hazardous Materials. – Objectives, policies, and standards for the transport of hazardous materials in aircraft under the exclusive direction of the FS or DOI. Source: NFES #1068, National Interagency Fire Center, Fire and Aviation Policy and Management, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise ID 83705; 208-387-5180.

Interagency Contract Information For Air Tanker, Helicopter, Large Transport and Smoke Jumper Aircraft. – Source: Airtanker Contracts:

Single Engine Air Tanker (S.E.A.T.) Contract:

Helicopter Call-When-Needed Contracts:

Helicopter Exclusive Use Contracts:

Interagency Fire Program Management Qualifications & Standards (IFPM):

Interagency Helicopter Operations Guide (IHOG). - Comprehensive information for those individuals required to work with helicopters. Source: NFES #1885, National Interagency Fire Center, Fire and Aviation Policy and Management, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise ID 83705; 208-387-5180. or

Interagency Helicopter Rappel Guide:

Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook (IIHBM), PMS 902. - National Wildfire Coordinating Group. Establishes interagency procedures for utilization of personnel, equipment and supplies, the maintenance of financial records, and the investigation of accidents and claims associated with all incidents. Source: NFES #3139 or #2160, National Interagency Fire Center, Fire and Aviation Policy and Management, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise ID 83705; 208-387-5180.

April 2004 (Ammended May 2009)

Interagency Single Engine Air Tanker Operations Guide (ISOG). – Interagency procedures for single engine air tanker operations. Source: NFES #1844. National Interagency Fire Center, Fire and Aviation Policy and Management, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise ID 83705; 208-387-5180.

Interagency Standards for Fire & Fire Aviation Operations. – The Interagency ‘Red Book’ handbook that states current policy. NFES #2724. National Interagency Fire Center. Great Basin Cache Supply Office, 3833 South Development Avenue, Boise, ID 83705-5354.

ISROG Interagency Standards for the ROSS Operations Guide (986 KB):

California ROSS Business Practices and Standards Guide:

“Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft”. – Aircraft types and specifications. Source: Jane’s Information Group, 110 N. Royal Street, Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314, United States. 1-703-683-3700; 1-800-824 0768.

This site contains some free information. You can buy access to the on-line version of the book (02/2010: $3,320), or you may wish to try an on-line auction site for an older copy).

Jeppesen Airway Manuals. - FAA regulations, approach charts, en-route charts, and airport directory. Source: Jeppesen Sanderson, 55 Iverness Drive

East, Englewood, CO 80112-5498; 303-799-9090.

Job Aids: NWCG Publication Management System

Expanded Dispatch Job Aid (2009):

Latitude and Longitude Look Up:

Latitude and Longitude conversion from decimal degrees to degrees, minutes and seconds.

Language Translation website (Babel Fish). Free text translation between English and Spanish, Russian, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese and Korean.

Lighting Maps (also weather and fire reporting):

Links to Fire and Aviation related sites:

Local Agreements for Equipment, Supplies and Services. – Source: Local agency dispatch office or procurement personnel.

Local Area Airport Guide. – Description and information about local or statewide airports. Source: Local airport vendors or fixed wing base operators. Possible source is the local mobilization guide.

Local Operational Handbook. – Local procedures that reinforce or deviate from National or area operations. Source: Local agency dispatch office.

Location Identifiers, 7350.6. - Two, three and four letter identifiers for all airports in the United States. Source: Superintendent of Documents, US Government Printing Office, Washington DC 20402; 202-783-3238.

Also available at: or world wide at

MAFFS Military Airborne Fire Fighting System Guide. - Provides specific instructions for the mobilization of the Military Airborne Fire Fighting System in support of an incident. Source: Contact the WO Air Tanker Program Manager at 208-387-5425. National Interagency Fire Center, Fire and Aviation Policy and Management, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise ID 83705; 208-387-5180.

Forest Service: or



Air Force:


Coming soon:

Military Training Routes, DOD AP/1B. – Maps and detailed information on military training routes and military contact phone numbers are available as printed material or as CD-ROM disks. Source: (Subscription) Defense Mapping Agency, Aerospace Center, 3200 South 2nd , St. Louis, MO 63118-3399.

Military Training Routes. – Order 7610.4J, Special Military Operations, Chapter 11. Policy, criteria, administrative, and operating procedures pertaining to routes for military training/RDT&E conducted below 10,000 feet MSL. Source:

Military Use Handbook, July 2006. – Provides overview of the mobilization process and responsibilities when military resources are used in support of an incident. Source: NFES #2175, National Interagency Fire Center, Fire and Aviation Policy and Management, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise ID 83705; 208-387-5180,

Mnemonics: Go to IQCS website and refer to Position Codes.

Old Mnemonics Table: Source: Wildland Fire, (updated 5/9/2004) :

Mobil Food Services Contract: Refer to National Interagency Mobile Food Services Contract.

National Advanced Fire & Resource Institute (NAFRI). The National Advanced Fire and Resource Institute is a national level center for strategic planning, development, and implementation of fire, fuels, resource, and incident management skills and educational processes:

National Contracts:

National Fire Plan:

National Incident Radio Support Cache User’s Guide, 2009, NFES 0968. – Instructions, diagrams and associated supplies for all communication equipment issued from the National Cache in Boise, ID. Source: NFES #0968, National Interagency Fire Center, Fire and Aviation Policy and Management, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise ID 83705; 208-387-5180.

Standard Frequencies:

National Interagency Airspace Coordination:

National Interagency Airspace Information Website: Current WAC, Sectional, and GNC Aviation Charts plotted with graphical TFR information to help pilots avoid inadvertent violation of Restricted Airspace due to fire fighting operations and other national airspace restrictions.

National Interagency Buying Team Guide 1999, PMS 315. – National Wildfire Coordinating Group. Source:

National Interagency Coordination Center NICC.

National Interagency Dispatch Standard Operating Guide for Contract Resources (NIDSOGCR):

National Interagency Mobile Food Services Contract. – Source: NFES #1276, National Interagency Fire Center, Fire and Aviation Policy and Management, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise ID 83705; 208-387-5180

National Interagency Mobilization Guide. – Objectives, policies, scope, administrative procedures, organization, cooperation, directory and resources.

Source: NFES #2092, National Interagency Fire Center, Fire and Aviation Policy and Management, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise ID 83705; 208-387- 5180.

NMG 2009: if link breaks to 2010 NMG:

National Interagency Shower Facilities Contract, Source: NFES #2729: National Interagency Fire Center, Fire and Aviation Policy and Management, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise ID 83705; 208-387-5180:

National Fire Equipment System Catalog (Part 1 & 2). – National Wildfire Coordinating Group. Incident and support oriented supplies, equipment and publications. Source: NFES #0362, National Interagency Fire Center, Fire and Aviation Policy and Management, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise ID 83705; 208-387-5180.

Part 2:

NWCG Publication look-up:

National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA):

Nature Conservancy:

Fire ecology and prescribed fire:

NOTAM Entry System: See TRF.

National Wildland Coordinating Group:

NWCG Working Teams: Have been superseded by NWCG Committees:

(OAS) AMD Aviation Policy, Department Manual DM-350. – Department of the Interior aviation policy directives. Source:

National Business Center Aviation Management:

(OAS) AMD Forms. – Source:

(OAS) AMD Source List. – Descriptions of OAS/AMD inspected rental aircraft by type and/or state. Aircraft Source List:

Pilot Source List

Pay Period Calendar from the National Finance Center:

P-Code/job code lookup tool:

PDF writer free utility. It's a little utility that installs a PDF writer as a printer, so you can make a PDF from virtually any application. Pretty handy, and this "junior" version is free. It also works with any version of windows, including the dreaded Vista.

Per Diem. GSA Domestic Per Diem Rates:

Phone Book. – Source: Local Telephone Company.

Position Codes:

Predictive Services:

Resource Ordering and Status System (ROSS):

ROSS Quick Reference Cards: Go to the ROSS home page and from the menu list on the left, go to ‘User Support’, and then on that page, scroll down to the bottom of ‘Support Documents’ and click on ‘Quick Reference Cards’. These are very useful.

ISROG Interagency Standards for the ROSS Operations Guide (986 KB):

California ROSS Business Practices and Standards Guide:

Red Book:

Little Red Book:

Retardant Material Safety Data Sheets: Available through

Road Atlas. – Source: Local purchase.

Rand McNally:

Thomas Brothers:

See also: or

ROMAN Real-time Observation Monitor & Analysis Network:

SAFECOMS – Descriptions and corrective comments regarding recent aircraft accidents or incidents. Source:

Showers: Refer to National Interagency Shower Facilities Contract, Source: NFES #2729,

Single Engine Air Tanker (S.E.A.T) Operations Guide:

Additional S.E.A.T Information:

Smokey Bear:

Special Use Airspace & Air Traffic Control Assigned Airspace, FAA:


High pressure work can cause a six-fold increase of heart attack risk:

Dr. Gilmartin, “Emotional Survival”:

T. P. McAtamney, “Surviving the Console”:

Task Books, Expanded Dispatch. - National Wildfire Coordination Group. Source: NFES #2374 EDRC, #2373 EDSD, #2372 EDSP, National Interagency Fire Center, Fire and

Aviation Policy and Management, ATTN: Great Basin Cache Supply Office, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise ID 83705; 208-387-5180

Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFR): FAA NOTAM site:

List of active TFRs, FAA: scroll to bottom of the above website to search for TFRs.

NIFC TRF site to look up a TFR:

To request a TFR: This can be done on-line using the NOTAM Entry System, but a program will need to be loaded onto your computer first. Contact Julie Stewart Julie_stewart@or., or Phil Vigil (FAA) at 703-904-4557 for instructions.

Terraserver. On-line Earth imagery:

Roget’s Thesaurus:

Travel Carriers:

Alaska Airlines/Horizon air:


Delta Airlines:

Express Jet Airlines:

Jet Blue Airlines:

Southwest Airlines:

United Airlines:

US Airways:

Unit Identifiers. – Designators for most Federal and State jurisdictions (i.e., National Parks, Forests, State Lands, Wildlife Refuges, etc.) Source: NFES #2080, National Interagency Fire Center, Fire and Aviation Policy and Management, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise ID 83705; 208-387-5180.

U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management:

USDA/ USDI Aircraft Radio Communications and Frequency Guide. - Source: NFES #0969, #2969, National Interagency Fire Center, Fire and Aviation Policy and Management, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise ID 83705; 208-387-5180.

U.S. Fire Administration. FEMA. Here you will find training and educational opportunities for the Fire Service and allied organizations. Also available are fire statistics, public fire education campaign materials, and information on funding opportunities. Federal travelers will find a directory of approved, fire-safe hotels, and for citizens, we offer information on home fire safety. Website:

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service:

U.S. National Park Service:

VIPR Virtual Incident Procurement:

VIPR Dispatch Priority Lists Web Site: (This also provides a link to the National Interagency Dispatch Standard Operating Guide for Contracted Equipment)

National Interagency Dispatch Standard Operating Guide for Contract Resources (NIDSOGCR):

VIPR Preseason Agreements:

Other Preseason Agreements from EERA Database:

You can also access the VIPR Contracts for additional information about the equipment: after downloading Formatta software (you will need administrative rights to download, see FS End User Gadgets):

Forest Service End User Gadgets:


Climate, Ecosystems, and Fire Applications (CEFA):

Climate Prediction Center:

Lightning Maps:

National Fire Weather Page:

National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration:

Old Farmer’s Almanac:

Storm Prediction Center:

Wildland Fire Assessment System (WFAS):

Weather Satellite Images:

GOES Geostationary Satellite Server:

National Climatic Data Center:

NEXRAD Weather Radar:

NOAA Satellites:

Space Science & Engineering Center:

WildCad WildWeb:

WildCad Support Logon site:

Wildland and Prescribed Fire Qualification System Guide, PMS 310-1. – National Wildfire Coordination Group. Description of the wildland fire qualifications systems Source: NFES #1414. National Interagency Fire Center, Fire and Aviation Policy and Management, 3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise ID 83705; 208-387-5180.

Wildland Fire Decision Support System (WFDSS) is superseding WFSA: “This system is intended to assist fire managers and analysts in making strategic and tactical decisions for fire incidents. It is designed to replace the WFSA (Wildland Fire Situation Analysis), Wildland Fire Implementation Plan (WFIP), and Long-Term Implementation Plan (LTIP) processes with a single process that is easier to use, more intuitive, linear, scalable, and progressively responsive to changing fire complexity. WFDSS was conceived as a way of integrating the various applications used to manage incidents into a single system, which streamlines the analysis and reporting processes.”

Wildland Fire Qualifications Handbook. FSH 5709.17. USDA Forest Service direction on Wildland Fire qualifications.


Wildland Firefighting websites:

World Aviation Directory. – Aviation Week. Regional and world wide large transport airlines information. Source: McGraw Hill Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020; 212-822-4600. or

Please send complaints or suggestions for additional references to Thomas Evans, tkevans@fs.fed.us Please put ‘D-510 Handy Reference List’ in the subject title.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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