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Fix incorrect sentences. If a sentence is correct, you must write CORRECT, or it will marked wrong. Some correct sentences will have other correct responses, but you must choose letter A if the sentence is correct as written.

1. Leaving the hose running, the house was flooded.

A. correct as written

B. After Jodie left the hose running, the house was flooded.

C. After the house was flooded, the hose was running

D. Jodie left the hose running, the house was flooded.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem

2. Working in my yard, drinking water can be refreshing.

A. correct as written

B. Drinking water, working in my yard can be refreshing.

C. Refreshing, drinking water by me in my yard.

D. Working in my yard, refreshing water is imbibed by me.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem

3. Crossing the border, my bags were searched

A. correct as written

B. Crossing the border, searching my bags happened.

C. After crossing the border, searched my bags were.

D. After I crossed the border, my bags were searched.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem

4. When shampooing a carpet, the dirtiest spots need pre-spotting.

A. correct as written

B. When shampooing a carpet, pre-spotting the dirtiest spots is done.

C. When pre-spotting, shampooing the carpet is yes yes yes.

D. When you shampoo a carpet, you need to pre-spot the dirtiest spots.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem

5. After thinking the cat was going to die, it started to get better.

A. correct as written

B. After we thought the cat was going to die, it started to get better.

C. Getting better, we thought the cat was going to die.

D. If you inspect your deepest crevice of your mind, you will see a small spotted cow.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem

6. Arriving home after midnight, the house was dark.

A. correct as written

B. The house was dark when we arrived home after midnight.

C. The dark house was home after midnight arrived.

D. Arriving home after midnight, the darkness went through the house.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem

7. While driving from New Mexico, many rabbits were seen.

A. correct as written

B. Seen driving through New Mexico, many rabbits were driving.

C. Many rabbits were seen driving from New Mexico.

D. Rabbits, sipping on the cup till it runneth over, holy grail.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem

8. Taking out the garbage, snow started to fall.

A. correct as written

B. Snow started to fall while I was taking out the garbage.

C. Starting to fall, the garbage was taken out by me.

D. Taking out the garbage, the falling of the snow commenced.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem

9. Driving in heavy traffic, my head started to ache.

A. correct as written

B. My head started to ache, driving in heavy traffic.

C. Starting to ache, I drove in heavy traffic with my head.

D. My head started to ache while I was driving in heavy traffic.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem

10. Fishing for trout, our boat tipped over.

A. correct as written

B. Our boat tipped over while we were fishing for trout.

C. While fishing for trout, we tripped over our boat.

D. Tipping over, the trout fishing caused our boat to tip.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem

11. Searching my wallet, I found my driver's license.

A. correct as written

B. I found my wallet while searching for my driver’s license.

C. I searched for my wallet, and while doing so, found my driver’s license.

D. My license was found by me when I searched for my wallet.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem

12. Once seated by a hostess, menus would be given to the guests.

A. correct as written

B. The waiters gave the menus to the guests once they were seated by a hostess.

C. Guests were seated by the hostess and then guests gave out the menus.

D. The guests were given menus and then the guests were seated by the hostess.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem

13. After reading through the essay a few times, the fourth sentence began to resemble a

thesis statement.

A. correct as written

B. The fourth sentence began to resemble a thesis after it read through the essay.

C. The essay, being read four times, began to resemble a thesis.

D. Something resembling a thesis read through the essay a few times.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem

14. Going away from home, one of the first crucial tasks is to make new friends.

A. correct as written

B. When going away from home, making new friends is one of the first crucial tasks.

C. When you go away from home, one of your first crucial tasks is to make new friends.

D. For summer vacation, maybe visit a laboratory and invent a Chipotle ice pop.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem

15. As a champion track athlete, Carl Lewis’ credibility provides this new line of

sportswear with a fair amount of marketability.

A. correct as written

B. Carl Lewis’ credibility as a champion track athlete provides this new line of sportswear with a fair amount of marketability.

C. This new line of sportswear, with a fair amount of marketability, Carl Lewis’ credibility as a champion track athlete provides.

D. My license was found by me when I searched for my wallet.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem

16. Before reaching the age of sixteen, driving a car was my favorite daydream.

A. correct as written

B. As a daydream, I would often think of driving before I was the age of sixteen.

C. I would often daydream of driving a car before I was sixteen years old.

D. Before I was sixteen and daydreaming, I would drive a car.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem

17. Unwilling to believe that Karl Benz invented the first car, Henry Ford is the person

most Americans name as the automobile’s inventor.

A. correct as written

B. Unwilling to believe that Karl Benz invented the first car, most Americans name Henry Ford as the person who invented the first automobile.

C. Henry Ford is the person most Americans name as the automobile’s inventor if they are unwilling to believe that Karl Benz invented the first car.

D. Mirrors and mirrors, oh you mirror who mirrors all that is fine and mirror-like.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem

18. After losing both games, the drive home was quite unpleasant for our team.

A. correct as written

B. Our team, after driving home, lost both games.

C. The drive home, unpleasant, lost the games for our team.

D. Losing both games, the drive home was quite unpleasant for our team.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem

19. The tall boy led the parade with red hair.

A. correct as written

B. Leading the parade, the red hair displayed the tall boy.

C. The tall boy with red hair led the parade.

D. The red hair on the tall parade was so red that it was clearly red and red alone.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem

20. My brother just listens to one radio station.

A. correct as written

B. Only one station, my brother only listens to it.

C. My brother listens to one station just.

D. My brother listens to just one radio station.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem

21. After dancing solo on stage, the audience applauded Anna's performance.

A. correct as written

B. The audience, dancing solo on stage, applauded Anna’s performance.

C. The audience applauded after Anna’s solo dancing performance on stage.

D. After her solo dancing performance on stage, the audience applauded.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem

22. The new student will take the corner seat wearing the muscle shirt.

A. correct as written

B. The new student will take the corner seat wearing the muscle shirt.

C. Wearing the muscle shirt, the corner will be where the new student will sit.

D. The new student will take the muscle shirt seat in the corner.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem

23. At the end of the period we were told to promptly hand in our bluebooks.  

A. correct as written

B. At the end of the period we were told to promptly hand in our bluebooks.

C. Handing in our blue books, the teacher told us to end the period.

D. We handed in our teacher at the end of us handing in our bluebooks.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem

24. I saw the murderer had been captured in the evening paper.

A. correct as written

B. In the evening paper, the murderer was captured.

C. I learned from the evening paper that the murderer had been captured.

D. Learning from the evening paper, the murder was caught, I learned.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem

25. They drove the car into the garage full of gas.

A. correct as written

B. In a garage full of gas, they drove a car full of gas.

C. Full of gas, the garage was driven into by the car.

D. The drove the car full of gas into the garage.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem

26. He answered the telephone resting in the tub.

A. correct as written

B. While resting in the tub, the telephone was answered by him.

C. I searched for my wallet, and while doing so, found my driver’s license.

D. My license was found by me when I searched for my wallet.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem

28. She prepared the eggs which he ate in the frying pan

A. correct as written

B. She prepared the frying pan which he ate the eggs from.

C. She prepared the eggs which he ate in the frying pan.

D. Eating the eggs, the frying pan was prepared for the food.

E. the sentence is incorrect as written, but answers B, C, and D do not fix the problem


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