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Slide 3 - Oracle Product Management Cloud


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Hello, my name is Dave, Welcome to training, for, Product Hub, in Oracle Product Management Cloud.

In this session, we talk about, Import Map Enhancements, in Product Hub.


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Slide 4 - Agenda


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For the enhancements covered in this training, we’ll give an overview, followed by, more detail, to explain. How you can use them, and, what business value they bring. Then, we’ll explain what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to know to set them up.


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Slide 5 - Enhancements Overview


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The Import Items using Mac-compatible Smart-Spreadsheets, feature, is designed to help you, generate Smart-Spreadsheets, that are compatible with, commonly used Apple’s Mac operating systems. The Update And Delete Attachments Through the Import Maps feature is designed to help you update and delete attachments using Import Maps.


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Slide 6 - Import Items using Mac compatible Smart Spreadsheets


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Import Map functionality has been enhanced to help you generate Smart-Spreadsheets that can be seamlessly used to import items from the Mac Operating-systems, as well as Windows operating-systems. Though the same Smart Spreadsheet can be used in either operating system, the Smart Spreadsheet is subject to certain limitations when used in a Mac Operating System. The Additional Information section in this presentation will cover more details about this.


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Slide 7 - Import Items using Mac compatible Smart Spreadsheets


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With this feature, your users will be able to generate Smart Spreadsheets that can be used in the Windows Operating System or in the Macintosh Operating system to support the operating system of their choice. The flexibility to use the smart-spreadsheet in both the popular operating-systems is designed to improve the user experience.


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Slide 8 - Update and Delete Attachments through Import Maps


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Import Maps has been enhanced to allow you to perform multiple maintenance actions on your attachments, including Update, Sync, and, Delete. As a refresher, let me highlight that, in Product Hub, an attachment is uniquely identified, by a combination of a mandatory Attachment Category, and the Attachment’s File Name, or URL, or Text, depending on the file type. So, if you want to perform any of the said maintenance-actions on a candidate attachment, then, in the Import Map’s Attachment node, at the minimum, you must populate the candidate Attachment’s Attachment-Category value in the Attachment-Category field, along with the values for the existing File Name, or URL, or Text, or Folder, with values for the existing attachment, based on the attachment type. Product Hub uses this information to locate the candidate attachment prior to performing the maintenance action,

Now, let us discuss each capability in detail.

You can update the candidate Attachment’s title, or category, or file name, by populating, their corresponding New Title, New Category, and New File Name fields available in the Attachment node of the Import Map. If the attachment type is URL, then you can update the Attachment URL by updating the New File Name field of the said Attachment Node. Similarly if the attachment type is Text, or folder, then, you can update the Attachment Text or folder, respectively, by updating the New File Name field of the said Attachment Node.

If you want Product Hub to perform an update to an existing attachment you need to populate the Transaction Type field of the Attachment Node as ‘UPDATE.’ Please note that the update will be performed only if the candidate attachment already exists in Product Hub. However, in your business, if the update process does not find a candidate attachment in the system, you may want it to create a new attachment using the same data you have populated. For such scenarios, you need to populate the said transaction type field as ‘SYNC” instead of ‘UPDATE.’ Just to reiterate, in the ‘SYNC’ type of transaction, update will be performed if a candidate attachment exists in the system, else, a new attachment will be added automatically.

With this enhanced capability, you can maintain attachments associated with Items, Item Revisions, Trading Partner Items, Catalogs and Categories Business Objects.

Slide 9 - Update and Delete Attachments through Import Maps


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Continuing on with the capabilities, you can perform the said attachment update, sync, and delete operations using, FBDI, Smart-Spreadsheets, Item Batches, Item Batches REST API, SOAP Services, and Import Maps functionalities.


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Slide 10 - Update And Delete Attachments Through Import Maps


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Your ability to manage your attachments in bulk using Import Maps and FBDI is designed to improve productivity.

Your ability to manage items and their attachments in a comprehensive manner using Import Maps and FBDI is designed to enhance the user experience.


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Slide 11 - Summary of Enhancement Capabilities


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Here is the summary of the features, I have talked about today.

The Import Items using Mac compatible Smart Spreadsheets feature, is designed to help you generate Smart Spreadsheets that are compatible with commonly used Apple’s Mac operating-systems, in addition to the Windows operating system.

The Update And Delete Attachments through Import-Maps feature is designed to help to you update and delete attachments using Import Maps.


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Slide 12 - Additional Information


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With respect to the Import Items Using Mac-Compatible Smart Spreadsheet feature, I would like to highlight 3 considerations.

The first one is that the data file generated from the smart-spreadsheet will continue to be saved to the same folder in which the smart-spreadsheet resides. The second one is that if more than 256 attributes are mapped in the import-map, you need to save the Smart-Spreadsheet as a macro-enabled workbook before using it. The last one is that if the Smart-Spreadsheets on Macs do not write some multi-byte characters of certain non-English languages in the generated data file, you need to enter those multi-byte characters, in the generated data-file by editing it.

With respect to the Update and Delete Attachments Through Import Maps feature, I would like to highlight a few considerations.

In the Attachment Node of the import map’s master data region, three new fields, New Attachment Category, New File URL Text and New Title, have been added. The same set of the said new fields have been added to the EGP_ITEM_ATTACHMENTS_INTF sheet of items FBDI, and in the Attachments sheet of catalog FBDI as well.

Any Import Map that includes the said new fields cannot be flagged ‘External.’ Three new fields, New Attachment Category Name, New File URL Text, and New Title have been added to the Item Batch Maintenance SOAP service. Please note that, for functional purposes, these three new fields are equivalent of the said three new fields added to the Import Map.

Slide 13 - Additional Information


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Continuing on, an existing Attachment can be deleted by populating the Transaction Type column as ‘DELETE’ on the EGP_ITEM_ATTACHMENTS_INTF sheet of items FBDI or the Attachments sheet of catalog FBDI, or the Smart Spreadsheet.

Similarly, an existing Attachment can also be updated, by populating Transaction-Type column, as ‘UPDATE’ on the, EGP_ITEM_ATTACHMENTS_INTF sheet, of items FBDI, or the Attachments sheet of catalog FBDI, or the Smart Spreadsheet. Please note that you can achieve the same by updating the Transaction Type as ‘SYNC.’ Instead, please recall that we have already discussed the difference between the UPDATE and the SYNC modes. Using any of the Item Import process, you can delete an attachment only if there exists a matching combination of a mandatory attachment category, and:

• Attachment Title for attachment of type ‘File’ or,

• Attachment URL for attachment of type ‘URL’ or,

• Attachment Text for attachment of type ‘Text’ or,

• Attachment Repository-slash-Folder for attachment of type, ‘Repository.’

Let me also draw your attention to the fact that, if updating an attachment category along with its primary flag, results in a possibility of two primary attachments for the same combination, then only the updated attachment will prevail as primary.

Slide 14 - Implementation Advice


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In this implementation advice section, we will go through what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to know to set them up.


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Slide 15 - Feature Impact Guidelines


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This table, depicts key update information, for the features covered in this training. The feature, Import-Maps using Mac-Compatible Smart-Spreadsheets, is available for your use, with no additional steps needed. The feature, Update-and-Delete Attachments through Import-Maps, is also available for your use, with no additional steps needed.


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Slide 16 - Features Delivered Ready to Use Impact Analysis


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This table, details, the impact to your current business flows of features in this training that are delivered, ready-to-use by your end-users.

Import Maps using, Mac-Compatible Smart Spreadsheets, is a minor enhancement made to the existing Import Maps functionality. You will be optionally able to generate Mac-compatible Smart Spreadsheets.

Update-and-Delete Attachments through Import Maps is a minor enhancement made to the existing Import Maps functionality you will be optionally able to update and delete attachments using the Import Maps.


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Slide 17 - Job Roles


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This table details the shipped job roles that will access the new capabilities covered in this training.

Product Data Steward is the Job Role that can avail the features we have talked about today.


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Slide 18 - Business Process Information


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Please note that all the enhancements covered in this training belong to Product Management Business Processes, with the activity and the task being Manage Product and Service Data Quality, and ‘Manage Import Batches,’ respectively.


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Slide 19 - Associated Training


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For related training, please refer to Product Information Management White Papers, Doc ID, 1250638.1.

Please refer to REST API for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Release 13 (FAMILY) documentation for the complete list of capabilities and the technical details of the REST APIs we have talked about today.

This concludes this presentation. Thank you for listening. You can easily, pause-and-rewind if you require additional time to take in the detail.


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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