Art 259 Spring 2006 Midterm Project Requirements

ART 259—Spring 2020 Final Web Site Project Requirements

Create your own Web Site!

1- Minimum of four (4) separate html pages (you can do more for extra credit!)...At least two of your pages should have at least two columns of information, using the usual FLOAT and the CLEAR techniques.

2- All pages in the site should exhibit a graphical logo/masthead inside a header area, and appropriate text for your own particular web site, using h1, h2, and h3 subheads, etc, and appropriate paragraph text styled with CSS styles, all of which are kept in an external CSS file.

3- In addition, on at least one of your pages you should employ TWO or more different sets of navigational elements that have unique styling (using descendent selectors), and you should employ different CSS a:hover effects.

4-At least one use of the “Open New Browser Window” behavior, creating a window with minimal “chrome”.

5- All together, you should use at least three background images of your choice, based on CSS 'background image' rules. At least one of the images should be a pattern/tile image that repeats in either a horizontal or vertical direction (using repeat-x or repeat-y).

6- All pages in the site should exhibit appropriate use of png files and jpegs, created and/or processed in Photoshop (ie .jpeg for photographic-type images and .png for flat graphic-type images) and all images should be highly optimized (ie. smallest file size/acceptable image quality).

7- All pages should exhibit the appropriate use of structural HTML tags (including at one of each HTML5 element: header, aside, main, section, article, nav, footer) and other appropriate HTML elements, controlled by CSS rules, including custom classes and re-defined html tags, and all pages should use consistent design elements and the artful deployment of colors, shapes, graphic styles, and typography.

8- You should also include at least two custom WEB FONTs, using either the Adobe or Google online font system.

9- At least three external links that jump to other related sites on the web, using the _blank function to open the page in another browser window or new browser tab.

10- A well-designed HTML Customer Information Request form which includes text inputs, text areas, submit button (you can add other form elements, like check boxes and radio buttons, if you want extra credit).

11- You should also include one instance of a web video, using the new HTML5 video element, and the appropriate video attributes (controls, etc).

12- All your pages should include intelligent, useful textual information, employing thoughtful use of CSS style sheets to control font size, font color, line height, element margins and padding, rules, background colors, background images, etc.

13- Your web site pages should also employ at least TWO nicely CSS-styled HTML lists (not including your navigational lists), one ordered and one unordered, for content that can logically be put together into a group; and should also employ at least one instance of a and a tag.

14- All together on your site, you should use at least three (3) png files and three (3) jpeg files, and you should have at least three custom classes (for example: .caution or .intro, etc), and six HTML tag re-definitions (such as a css "body" style rule) in your external CSS file, plus your special pseudo-class definitions (a:hover) for navigational links.


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