Minnesota ENA



March 4, 2020


1800 – 1900

Educational offering: David Cheesebrow offering “Too Much Marching!”

education on Shiatsu massage for our aching feet & backs

ANCC CE will be offered (see additional sheets)

1900 Call to order

• Introductions

• Approve agenda - anything I forgot?

• Secretary report (minutes from Feb. meeting)

• Treasurer report (request for 2 volunteers to review books)

• Membership report (# of members - )


• Peer to Peer group report

• GA committee report including Minnesota ‘s Day on the Hill – April 22

• IQSIP (Institute for Quality, Safety, and Injury Prevention) report

• National ENA 50th Year Celebration

o Minnesota ENA Celebration June 6 using grant funds from ENA

o Video contest

• Cornerstones planning & short term activities (Nov 4 & 5) meeting held 1700-1800

• Report on the Minnesota Student Nurse conference

• Others??


Activities - opportunities for involvement

Night to Unite – August

CarFit and driver safety at Bird & Cronin – late spring

Are there other community events we could attend and promote ED nursing?

New marketing materials

How to reach out to new members – contest between Wisc. and MN

Creating our own documentary on history of ED nursing in MN

How about a CEN/CPEN/TCRN review?

Any interest in High Tea fund raiser?

Info for STAT newsletter

Greater Twin Cities Chapter ENA

Meetings dates and educational topics (confirmed or looking for suggestions)

February 5 – ECMO Pete Benolken & Jeanne Thompson

March 4 – David Cheesebrow – how to correct sore backs, legs, feet with Shiatsu – ANCC hours obtained

April 1– Joanie Somes - Spring Cleaning – out with the old perspective, in with new –applied for ANCC

April 22 – Day on the Hill in MN

May 6 – ideas for education? This is also MN State Trauma and State Council meeting during day

June 6 – History of MN ED nursing and how things have changed

July – off

August 5– will be Cornerstones meeting only

August 26 - MN State Trauma and State Council meeting during day Delegates must attend

Sept 2 – Older driver safety

Sept. 8 – 11 National ENA – General Assembly & Emergency Nursing 2020

Oct 7 –suggestions for educational idea

Nov 4 & 5 Cornerstones no chapter meeting, but will hold networking session open to all Nov 4.

State Trauma and State Council meeting is Nov. 11

Dec 2 – party? And orientation for 2021

Goals for 2020

1. Increase member numbers by 5% (currently about 450 members – need about 23 new members)

2. Increase emergency nurses & member engagement by 10% (at least 45 new faces, contacts that participate in a GTC activity)

3. Increase number of people attending GTC meeting in person or remotely by 10

4. Obtain ANCC CE for GTC ENA educational offering each month

5. Hold a Minnesota ENA Day on the Hill

6. Hold a 2 day educational conference this fall

7. Involve GTC members in 4 community activities where they represent emergency nurses and our goals which include emergency nurses will work in an ideal practice environment to provide the highest quality of emergency care in the safest way.

8. Collaborate with at least one other professional organization that provides/effects patient care

9. Promote certification by holding at least one certification review

10. Reach out to student nurses to inform them about emergency nursing & benefits of ENA membership

11. Support and promote Peer to Peer group efforts via messaging to members

12. Investigate alternate methods to communication with members

13. Hold fund raising activities to assist in funding MN Pathways scholarship


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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