2018 March Celestial Timings - Cayelin Castell

March 2018 Celestial Timings

by Cayelin K Castell

Spring Equinox (March 20, 2018 exact at 9:16 am Pacific Time) activates additional opportunities to Change Ourselves and our World...

At the Equinox the Sun is tracking due East and due West all over the planet no matter how far North or South you are. This year's equinox features three additional planets in Aries including Mercury, Venus, and Uranus suggesting; if ever there was a Solar Wave window to assist us in energizing the restoration of the cosmic balance, this is one of them. (More on Celebrating the Equinoxes HERE)

The Cognitive Sciences Laboratory in Palo Alto, California, has studied natural clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, ESP abilities. They discovered a specific window of time that consistently increased the accuracy of their test group by 400%. What they found is when Local Sidereal Time featured Galactic Center overhead (no matter the time of day) it supported more efficient use of everyone's psychic talents. This was first recognized by researchers at Bell Laboratory when they accidently began picking up radio emission from billions of suns in our Galaxy. They noticed this happened when Galactic Center was directly overhead. It helps to know the time this occurs as it shifts to 4 minutes earlier than the day before.

This means every 23 hours and 56 minutes, humanity has access to a doorway for connecting with cosmic energies that could change the world if intentionally energized. Imagine if we all gathered as a collective wave of intention to change the world transforming all the lower vibrational frequencies of fear, anxiety, survival, greed, judgment, power over others, etc to higher frequencies of Love, Joy, Compassion, Acceptance, Collaboration and Cooperation.

If we all spent time everyday sending loving energies with the intent to birth the New Earth in all her glory for the benefit of all life on our beautiful home planet, the transformation of this reality could happen "in the twinkling of an eye" especially if we coordinated with the Local Sidereal Time when Galactic Center is overhead. I looked for the Sidereal Time of Galactic Center Overhead and the best I could find was when Galactic Center was on the Midheaven. Close enough if we are using 30 minutes before and after for the entire window.

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On the Equinox March 20 access to this doorway of intention and possibilities is around 6:18 am lasting for about 30 minutes before and after the times given. Everyday the center point of this portal shifts to 4 minutes earlier, as shown in the Table below.


March 01, 2018 March 02, 2018 March 03, 2018 March 04, 2018 March 05, 2018 March 06, 2018 March 07, 2018 March 08, 2018 March 09, 2018 March 10, 2018

March 11, 2018 March 12, 2018 March 13, 2018 March 14, 2018 March 15, 2018 March 16, 2018 March 17, 2018 March 18, 2018 March 19, 2018 March 20, 2018 March 21, 2018 March 22, 2018 March 23, 2018

March 24, 2018

March 25, 2018

March 26, 2018 March 27, 2018 March 28, 2018 March 29, 2018 March 30, 2018 March 31, 2018

Galactic Center Midheaven

Rounded to nearest minute

7:34 am Local Time 7:30 am Local Time 7:26 am Local Time 7:22 am Local Time 7:18 am Local Time 7:14 am Local Time 7:10 am Local Time 7:06 am Local Time 7:02 am Local Time

6:58 am Local Time 6:54 am Local Time 6:50 am Local Time 6:46 am Local Time 6:42 am Local Time 6:38 am Local Time 6:34 am Local Time 6:30 am Local Time 6:26 am Local Time 6:22 am Local Time 6:18 am Local Time 6:14 am Local Time 6:10 am Local Time

6:06 am Local Time

6:02 am Local Time

5:58 am Local Time 5:54 am Local Time 5:50 am Local Time 5:46 am Local Time 5:42 am Local Time 5:38 am Local Time 5:34 am Local Time

The Aries Gathering In 2018 as we approach the Solstice nexus we have Uranus in the last degrees of Aries (about 26 degrees to 27 Aries during this month of March - moving into Taurus in May) squaring Pluto within about 5 to 6 degrees. The Uranus Pluto Square has been in effect for the last 10 years. (This article explains more) So working with the Equinox energy that includes a Solar Activation of the Earth's equator it is worth taking time to tune into these energies as a way of staying connected to the Uranian "Big Picture" or "Cosmic Perspective" and the Plutonic excavation and dismantling of everything that is NOT in alignment with these emerging Cosmic Energies. More on Aries, Uranus and Spring Equinox

One way to stay centered and connected to greater meaning and purpose and the transformational intent of this Time is through conscious breathing and intentional blessings. Conscious breath has had many names in different cultures including prana and chi. The Druids called it "Awen" (breath of divine inspiration).

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Awen has three main principles that are worth noting. They are: understanding truth, loving truth; and maintaining truth. Druidic practices include chanting the word "Awen" as a way to open to the flow of inspiration and energy coming from the other worlds and anchoring it more fully into your reality. (Awen Symbol to the right)

You might want to practice conscious breathing while reciting this Awen Blessing Prayer as a way to further support your intentions.

Blessed be this day And all it shall bring... Blessed be this place And all who are here... Blessed be all creation And all that has life... Blessed be our living and our dying And our life in the Spirit... ...Spirit of Light and Love In this and all worlds, In time and in eternity. Awen, Awen, Awen Fill us with your Love and Light

This triple alignment seems a perfect time to work with the blessings of the triple expression of Awen including...to love the truth, to understand the truth and to maintain the truth.

The Divine Blessing: The Love of Awen, The Peace of Awen, The Warmth of Awen, The Surprise of Awen, Be among us and within us, Now and forever....Thank You.

March Sky All Times are Pacific Time unless otherwise Noted.

In Like a Lion out Like a Lamb? The famous saying that most describes March is "if it comes in like a Lion it will go out like a Lamb." Most consider this to be about the weather in March that is often spring like one day and a raging blizzard the next. In Guy Ottewell's Astronomical Calendar he proposes this understanding may have originated due to the Constellation of the Lion being at the Zenith in the evening sky as the constellation of the Ram (lamb) is setting.

With the Lion constellation high in the evening sky and the heart star of the Lion, Regulus, above us it is helpful to remember the power of love to transform your life.

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If you have good and loving thoughts for someone, you are not only sending uplifting and harmonizing messages to that person but also to yourself. This repairs any short circuits that may exist in the universal grid of communication.

Think of it this way. If the main water pipe that supplies a community breaks or is obstructed, all the homes in that area so not have water flowing to their home.

We could imagine the same is true for our universal consciousness interrupting the flow of universal energy to you and your environment. We each have a responsibility to maintain or strengthen our connection to this universal energy we are all connected to and can strengthen as we loving connect with nature and other human beings.

When you sincerely desire others to have their needs met and to be happy we fling open the pipeline coming from pure source energy that is always there for us when we take time to remember and open to receive the blessings of love that are always there for us.

When our intent is to give from our heart, we connect automatically to the circuit of love, wealth and happiness. This allows us to draw from the very same source and become more loving, generous and happy ourselves. In other words, what you wish unto yourself, first wish unto others. (Excerpt from the book It's Time To Come Alive by Andreas Moritz)

March Planets

Mercury is in its best evening star appearance of 2018 for mid northern latitudes this month. Mercury (16 Aries 54) stations retrograde on March 22 at 5:19 PM Pacific time. (More on Mercury Retrograde)

Mercury stations directed on April 15 at 4 Aries 27 beginning a new synodic cycle of Mercury energizing the mind in its ability to know what it knows without having to know how it knows it. This is how Carl Jung defined Intuition.

Find out more about the living wisdom of the inner planets and the synodic initiation cycles we all experience in our upcoming new online course being offered by the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School with Daniel Giamario and Cayelin Castell HERE.

Venus has risen in the evening sky beginning her ascent birthing into and reclaiming fully vital and alive Wild Warrior Woman expression. Venus passes through the first gate (Root Chakra) when she meets with the Moon (14 Aries 49) at 2:58 PM on March 18 with Mercury near by within 5 degrees in the evening sky. Find out about the Venus Alchemy Evening Star class ceremonially celebrating this cycle with the first class on March 8.

On March 2, 2018 Venus and Mercury are about 1.5? from each other. On March 3 they are about 1? from each other in the evening sky. Both Mercury and Venus are setting about an hour after the Sun. Over the next couple of weeks with Venus and Mercury appear higher in the evening sky with Mercury moving farther to the upper

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right of Venus. Mercury reaches its greatest elongation from the Sun on March 15 at 18?. Mercury is dimming and magnitude starting the month of -1.3 magnitude shrinking to -0.4 magnitude by mid March.

Mercury drops lower toward the western horizon after sunset getting closer to Venus once again by March 18 when they have a 3 1/2? separation. Venus and Mercury will appear side-by-side on March 20 when Mercury has reached a +0.9 magnitude, much dimmer than the brilliant Venus shining at -3.9 magnitude.

By the end of March Venus is setting about 90 minutes after the Sun.

Also worth noting is extremely close conjunction of Venus with Uranus (27 Aries) on the evening of March 28. It is not likely you can see the sixth magnitude Uranus only four minutes to the right of Venus (there are 60 minutes in a degree, to give you a sense of how close this really is). However, if you locate Venus and tune into this part of the sky know that Uranus is right there.

Jupiter is rising about 10 minutes before midnight on March 1 and around 10 pm by the end of March. Jupiter (23 Scorpio 13) is brightening from a -2.2 magnitude to a -2.4 magnitude this month stopping to turn retrograde on March 8 at 8:46 AM. Jupiter's retrograde ends the 2+ months of All the Planets in forward motion. (Find out More HERE).

Jupiter stations direct on July 10 at 10:04 AM having returned to 13 Scorpio 21 passing by Zubenelgenubi. (see Article on this Stargate)

The waning Gibbous Moon is 3 to 4 degrees to the upper left of Jupiter just after mid-night Pacific Time on March 7. On March 10 we have an odd triangular relationship with Moon, Saturn and Mars with the Moon to the right of Saturn in the morning of March 11.

Mars (20 Sagittarius 33) rises about 70 minutes before Saturn (07 Capricorn 21) as March begins. Mars is rising around 2 AM shining at +0.8 magnitude as March begins and rises at 1:23 am as March ends brightening to a +0.3 magnitude by end of March surpassing Saturn in brightness. Saturn rises at about 3:10 AM local time at +0.6 magnitude as March begins and rises at 1:24 am as March ends rising about a minute after of Mars. Saturn brightens to a +0.5 magnitude by end of March.

Mars is Out of Bounds from March 17, 2018 at 3:39 am PDT until April 07 2:35 at am PDT see article on what Out of Bounds means and when the next one is happening etc.

Mars and Saturn are about 17? apart at the beginning of March and only about 2? apart at the end of March making their exact conjunction on April 2 hanging out around a star known as Kaus Borealis. Kaus Borealis (7 Capricorn) is thought to be a star associated with the great goddess Istar or Ishtar to the Babylonians and Inanna to the Sumerians. In Arabia Kaus Borealis was thought to be a keeper of the entrance to and from the Milky Way or Celestial River. [Star Names, Their Lore and Meaning, Richard Hinckley Allen, 1889]. We might imagine that Mars is ready to take action and

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