MARCH FULL MOON Happy St. Patrick’s Day

March 2007, Volume 1, Issue 2

Happy St. Patrick's Day and Spring Equinox! The year of Expansion is almost a quarter past. How time does fly.

I truly appreciate the wonderful feedback that you have given on the newsletter. I really do love you all and my desire is to enlighten and inform.


Speaking of time, we are introducing our first streaming "Evening with St. Germain: Relationships--Myth or Magic?" on March 21st at 7 p.m. EST. You can go to our website: liveevents.html to sign up. The evening will be two hours of audio and the cost is $30. The event will also be available March 23-25 continuously to those who sign up.

We have a lot of ideas for topics for the evenings and we would enjoy your input on what you would like St. Germain to discuss on these evenings because these are for you. Send me an email and let me know your thoughts. Email Molly at vog@


March is a month of eclipses. The Full Moon (lunar eclipse) in Virgo brings more of the light of the Moon as it is not so

reflective of the Sun at this time. This Full Moon puts attention on our spiritual life and the illusions that can come out of old perspectives of what spirit is. Virgo tends to keep our feet on the ground, but can add a note of cynicism or skepticism that can keep the beautiful spirituality of Pisces at a distance.

Uranus co-joins the Sun at the time of this eclipse and adds a measure of instability. It also brings excitement and a desire to step further into the unknown that we are being brought to in these times. Look for rollercoaster emotions vs. stubborn resistance to seeing things differently. The old order may seem more firmly entrenched in "how it was" than ever, as Uranus attempts to show us new horizons. Uranus so close to the Full Moon creates a download effect that will bring in a whole new flood of information on the intuitive, spiritual levels.

Some essences that will assist with overwhelm are Rabbit Brush and Indian Pink. You may find that both are very helpful in these chaotic energies.

Uranus squares Jupiter in Sagittarius. Upward mobility is a term can be applied to our insights and ascension process. Jupiter is the eternal optimist that can really be


aggravating if you want to have a pity party. Pisces on its down side can really get into self-pity, so Jupiter is saying "Look up, look out, see the beauty and vast possibilities available".

Mars, Neptune and Mercury are all moving through Aquarius at the Full Moon putting focus on forward vision. Neptune rules Pisces (beliefs) and Uranus rules Aquarius (future vision and new technology). This mutual reception is asking and, sometimes even demanding, that we release our old belief systems to make room for new concepts of where we are going. The technology is as much within us as without.

Saturn in Leo continues to oppose Neptune in Aquarius holding us in a "feet on the ground, head in the stars" point that continues to call us to function in our center.

Mars in Aquarius can bring out new, hightech weapons to make Mr. Bush's war even more expensive. In fact, the push-pull between the Democrats and the Republicans is one expression of what this Full Moon is showing us. Mercury in Aquarius is attempting to move our thinking into a higher perspective.

This Full Moon can put our focus on the consideration of what heroism is after all? If there are heroes, there must be victims. Since there are not and never really have been victims, except in the illusion then, perhaps everyone is truly a hero.

We have looked to others to be more powerful than we are, to lead us when we didn't know the way and to instruct us because we don't have a clear picture of what we are seeing. The aspects are moving us into position so that we cannot possibly say that we cannot see or don't understand. We must now face the fact that it has

seemed easier for someone else to do the thinking for us and we could react if we didn't like their ideas. We are truly free thinkers and the planets are encouraging us to exercise the freedom, not in battle, but in fairness (Aquarius) and compassion (Pisces)

NEW MOON the New Moon occurs in the 28th degree of Pisces, which is considered to be a karmic degree. The last two degrees of a sign (finishing) and the first two degrees of a sign (beginning) are felt to be karmic in nature. This New Moon takes place the day before the Spring Equinox

The New Moon is in a square to Pluto in Sagittarius. The deep levels of compassion of Pisces are being drawn to follow the Archer's arrow into the unknown. The dictionary defines compassion as: Pity or sympathy for those who suffer. Perhaps it could be redefined as: A deeper love that comes from forgiving all that we have held against ourselves and others, in order to see the trials of life as gifts of strength and overcoming--a true gratitude. Pluto transforms and the old ways simply cannot keep going. There is a difference between tradition and stagnation. We must now examine what we are holding on to, to see if it is advancing us spiritually or just being ballast that keeps us for soaring.

The Sabian symbol for the 29th degree of Pisces is "Light breaking through a prism." This is a time of illumination that is calling us to recognize that even though we are many cultures, beliefs and colors, we all are pieces of light that come from one prism.



The CD's are now available from January-- "Tools of Expansion" and February-- "Expanding Your Heart's Compassion" with the Goddesses-- Isis, Artemes and Kwan Yin. To order go to 2007group s.html . On this page you can listen to a clip of the Tools for Expansion message and order the CD's. Other clips of messages will be coming

Our next channeling will be March 11th, at the Rainbow Center, 177 N. 4th, Lander, Wyoming. The title is: "Increasing the Realm of Your Personal Influence."

Jill Koehn and I will be starting our women's empowerment group, "Meet Yourself" on Wednesday evening March 14 at the Rainbow Center. All women are invited. We desire to assist women to rewrite their life script. The intension is to give support that will help lighten the perspective that we all have carried of ourselves in relationship to others--both those we love and those we cannot yet appreciate.

Jill Koehn is a licensed professional counselor who received her education at The Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado. Naropa is a private non-traditional educational setting based in Buddhist philosophy. The emphasis is placed on developing compassion for others by beginning with oneself. In addition to academic studies each student must deepen their relationship to themselves and their patterns through meditation, body awareness and psychotherapy. Jill is excited to introduce this type of work to the Lander area, and especially this women's group.

Jill is currently seeking to create a private counseling practice. You can reach her for appointments at 332-3326.

Molly Rowland has over forty years of counseling background focused on spiritual development and self esteem.. Molly is a channel for St. Germain and the Counsel of Light. She is a medical intuitive, professional astrologer and tarot reader. Molly has worked with doctors, chiropractors and counselors all over the United States. She has worked with Annalaiya at the Wellness Connection for almost sixteen years, as a medical intuitive advisor. Molly has a global clientele and you can see her ad in The Sedona Journal. You can reach Molly at 335-8113, for appointments.

April 8th, is our Easter event with Jesus and St. Germain at the Rainbow Center.

Remember our next two day intensive: "Everything is Divine Order, Now!", May 19-20 at the Rainbow Center. Both days begin at ten a.m. The cost is $250 until May 5th and $300 thereafter. These intensives are uplifting, enlightening and fun. You may enjoy several local restaurants for lunch. Come and join us.

I have invited Linda Thomas, Woman of Crystals to present information about her wonderful crystals, each month. Here is her offering for March.


Addictions?! Compulsions?! Moi??? Most of us at some time in our life will find that we are focused on some one or some thing that prevents us from moving forward easily in our lives. Sometimes these emotions are very strong. We can be compulsive about


anything. I read once that addictions are our way of remaining grounded when we are unable to deal with the energies that are surrounding us. We focus on things outside of ourselves so we don't have to look within.

In the crystal world, there are a number of stones that can help us to break addictions and compulsions and to understand what is behind them, in the first place. Some of these stones you would carry with you at all times and others could be used in drinking water or the bath.

The first two stones I will talk about are to be used as a pair. Rhodochrosite is an exquisite pink and white stone that will break up blocks in the entire body. This one helps to heal the addictions and compulsions. Variscite, its companion stone, helps those who simply will not accept their own truth. They will swallow most anything, food, drugs or ideas compulsively and destructively. This chalky green stone goes beyond the alcohol or drugs and gets to the issue that caused the alcohol, drugs or situations of the life to be there. It goes to the root cause of the compulsive behavior. For, if you would heal one of alcoholism, you would still not have necessarily touched why the addiction existed. Therefore the person would seek other addictions to take the place of the alcohol. This stone deals with any emotional determination to escape self, or the inability to face what one has created in the life. Variscite makes it easier to deal with ones self and provides a pathway into self for those who would run away from who they are. Placed on the bar at home or in public, this stone will broadcast an energy that will encourage overcoming for those with addictions to alcohol or drugs. This pair of stones would be most useful carried with you in a pocket or pouch/medicine bag.

Another stone that will assist in the healing of addictions and compulsions is Apatite. Isn't that a wonderful name? It comes in several colors and all work to assist people in the overcoming of addiction. It will ease the stress of the addictions and causes a sense of being full so there is no hunger of lack.

If anyone has questions or suggestions for the Crystal Corner, please feel free to contact me at eternalice@. I would love to hear from you. Check out Linda's website: eternal- for some of her great inventory

AUDIO CLIPS Here are brief clips from our New Year's Eve session newyear.h tml and from the January group "Tools for Expansion" 2007group s.html


I want to give credit to our wonderful web tech Delores DeVore from Atlanta, Georgia. Delores is constantly working on the website to upgrade and make it the wonderful site that you see. She is meeting the challenges of our new technology and is much appreciated for all of her knowledge and support.

If you are looking for a professional webdesigner for your site, Delores is knowledgeable, very easy to work with (a good teacher if you want to learn how to work with you own site) and affordable. She


can work with you no matter where you are located. Check out her websites: . .

Delores is a teacher of sacred geometry and sound technology. She does sound healing with both her voice and with tuning forks.

Delores will be presenting a class in the use of tuning forks here in Lander, April 28-29. The workshop is from 10 a.m.-6p.m. each day and the cost is $195 until April 15 and $225 there after. Delores will also be available for sound treatments April 24-27 and May 1-2. The treatments are $60 and a dollar per minute after the first hour.

I can attest from personal experience that Delores is truly a master at her healing craft.

You may call Annalaiya 307 332-6262 to sign up for the workshop or for appointments or click on the link to signup online.

ADS The Wellness Connection, Main & S. 2nd, Lander offers massage, colonics, iridology, flower essences, music table, color box, V.I.B.E. machine, ear coning and others wholistic services. Call 307 332-6262 for Annalaiya or Delphenia

Visit The Open Door Caf?! It is a wonderful place for breakfast and lunch. The food is fresh and healthy. There are many tasty items on the menu and lots of wonderful baked goods every day. Erin and Andie Burns will serve you well. Erin is an excellent chef. 307 332-2488

Molly Rowland is a channel for St. Germain and the Counsel of Light. She is a medical intuitive, professional astrologer and tarot reader with over forty years of experience in metaphysics and spiritual development. Molly is available for readings and counseling. 307 335-8113 vog@

Massage Plus-Delphenia Bey is a massage therapist with over fifteen years of experience. She offers deep tissue, hot rock and many other types of massage. She is a Reiki Master and uses sound and color in her healing. 307 332-6262

I personally want to thank everyone who has signed up for the newsletter, for your support and for many of you, your patience. We are still attempting to get the newsletter into a format that everyone can open. For many the issue was that they did not have Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you go to there is a free download that will enable you to open the newsletter. The website has links to both versions of the newsletter (PDF and web page formats.}

The Pot of Gold is written and produced by Molly Rowland P. O. Box 1052, Lander, Wy. 82520 307 335-8113 vog@



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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