Day 10(2/5) - Go Over 1988 AB Multiple Choice Test

2nd Semester Calculus AB Homework Assignments

Day 1(1/9)-Collect vacation problems

Questions? Jeff: What's the integral of cotangent? Kiel: Max/min Problem "Where do we land if we can row at 5km/h and walk at 8km/h and we're on an island 4km from the shore...

Review Final Exam multiple choice goofs (p.1)

Integrals of all 6 trig functions

Integrals of 1/u functions - See ex 4 p.453 (divide!) - Tricks! ex/ integrate:

(x+2)/(x-1) and (2x+5)/(x+1)

Volumes with Similar Cross-sections (See Worksheet (G1) #12/2x+3y+4z=12 in the 1st octant? V=abc/6 (Bh/3) vs slices in the

z-direction #17/Volume of a solid with a circular base and square cross-sections!

1W p.457 #17,23,27,31,33,37,41,43,47,51,53

1Th p.408 #41,49,51,53 /p.414 #23

Day 2(1/11)-Warm-up with homework problems!

Review Final Exam multiple choice goofs (p.2)

F=ma and Hooke's Law for springs, F=-kx

(differential equations y'=y and y''=-y,SHM)

W=Fd (Work done against a spring force(vs by a spring force)Integrate! W=(kA^2)/2,Merton Rule to find the average force,...

Derivatives of Inverse Functions

Thm (p.435) ex/y=x^.5 and y=x^2 for x nonnegative

1F p.457 #15,19,21,25,29,35,39,48,50,52

1Sat p.408 #43,45,52,54 /p.414 #24

2M pp.437-8 #25-37(6n-1)

Day 3(1/14)-Inverse Functions and their derivatives. Using g'(d)=1/f'(c)

p.435 illustrations 11,12 /ex 6,7

Principal Trig Functions (restricted domains)

Inverse Trig Functions and their graphs.

Derivative of Inverse Sine and Inverse Cosine

2Tu p.408 #55,56 /p.414 #36

2W p.438 #25-37(6n-3)

Day 4(1/17)-review page 4 on MC final

Derivative of Inverse Tangent & Inverse Cotangent. What about Sec and Csc and their inverses? and their derivatives?

Thm about Inverse Secant, Inverse Cosecant

(Inverse Cotangent isn't so nice, so we learn it's graph from Principal Cotangent.)

Trig Review* (see pp.492-504,especially example 8)

2Th p.408 #57,58 /p.414 #37 /p.438 #25-37(6n-5)

2F p.505 #1-41(4n-3)

2Sat p.506 #43,45,49,51

Day 5(1/22)-Inverse Trig Functions and Integration (notice we will only worry about recognizing the derivatives of Inverse Sine and Inverse Tangent)

Practice Test on Integration 2.1

3Tu p.505 #1-41(4n-1) /p.506 #44,46,50,52

3W p.511 #1-31(4n-1) 

Day 6(1/24)-Integration Test(Quiz? takes only about 10-15 minutes!)

Multiple Choice Classwork for points!

#1-19(omit #17)with partial deduction for incorrect answers (approx. 45 minutes)

3Th p.511 #1-31(4n-3)

3F p.642 #1-25(4n-3) L'Hospital's Rule

3Sat p.506 #47,53,55

Day 7(1/28)- Return Integration Tests and Multiple Choice classwork

More on L'Hopital's Rule

(works if the limit of the ratio of the derivatives goes to infinity? then the limit of the functions also goes to infinity)

Other indeterminate forms (infinity + negatvie infinity) and (infinity to the zero power!) and (1 to the infinity power?!) and (zero to the zero power!)

p.647 ex 5,6

Volume of a rt triangular prism is abc/6. So?

See Notes

Approximations (forget Newton's Method)

Differentials dy & dx (linear approximations)

p.299 ex 4,5,6

4M p.642 #1-25(4n-1)/p.303 #43,45,47

4Tu p.649 #1-35(4n-1)/p.292 #31

Day 8(1/30) - Improper Integrals

4W p.649 #1-35(4n-3)/p.303 #44,46,48

4Th p.657 #1-21(4n-3)

Day 9(2/1) -

Review of Conic Sections (parabolas)see the discussion at the back of the book

4F p.657 #1-21(4n-1)

4Sat p.664 #1-27(4n-1)

5M p.A-36(Appendix A.4 Parabolas) #1-40(4n-1)

Day 10(2/5) - Go Over 1988 AB Multiple Choice Test

The Definite Integral (Riemann Sums) p.356

n subintervals with a set of partition points:

Xo < X1 < X2 < X3 < ... < Xn (n+1 points, n intervals)

where a=Xo and b=Xn for the interval [a,b] often with equal subintervals (delta-x).

Upper Sums, Lower Sums, Left Sums, Right Sums, Left-Right Average Sums, Trapezoidal Rule(linear approximations), Simpson's Rule(quadratic approximations)

Ellipse Review


5Tu pp.367-8 #1-41(6n-5) calculator practice

5W p.632 #1-23(6n-5) /p.664 #1-27(6n-5)

p.A-56(Appendix A.7 Ellipses) #1-31(4n-3)

Day 11(2/7)-Matrix Work (matrix multiplication,vector functions or transformations,magnifications, reflections, projections, right-hand rule,magnetic fields,aurora borealis and aurora australis, 3rd order determinants)

y=-f(x),f(-x),absolute value of f(x),etc


5Th pp.367-8 #1-41(6n-3) calculator practice

5F p.632 #1-23(6n-3) /p.664 #1-27(6n-3)

5Sat Take-home AP Free Response Test(s) 1970-1979 (Ryan 1972, Hannah 1977)

#1-6 (Theo gets 1976)

Day 12(2/11)- Go Over Take Home Problems

6M pp.367-8 #1-41(6n-1) calculator practice

6Tu p.632 #1-23(6n-1) /p.664 #1-27(6n-1)

p.A-66(Appendix A.8 Hyperbolas) #1-13(4n-3)

Day 13(2/13)-1st Derivative Test(Number Line)

for Trig Functions...

ex/ y'=3tsin(2t) ex/ y'=2sin(x)-1

6W Calculus Contest Problems - show work and turn in on Thursday for extra credit!

(Jeff, I hope you checked this site for tonight's homework! Jason's got a copy of the 8 problems.)

6Th p.203 #15,17,19,23,27

6F p.205 #55,67,71 /p.206 #83,87,89,91

6Sat 1980 AB Exam #1-7(not a take-home test)

Day 14(2/19)-Review XC Contest Problems

1980 AB homework

Arclength (review parametric equations)

ex 1,2/p.537 ex 4/p.538(calculator)

7Tu p.540 #1-29(6n-5)

7W pp.306-312(10n-9)

Day 15(2/21)-Surprise Quiz - Contest Problems

7Th p.540 #1-29(6n-3)

7F pp.306-312(10n-7)

7Sat 1981 AB Exam #1-7

Day 16(2/25)-Go Over Ladder Problem

Go over 1981 AB Exam

8M p.540 #1-29(6n-1)

8Tu pp.306-312(10n-5)

Day 17(2/27)-Classwork AP problems for points

8W pp.306-312(10n-3)

8Th pp.418-419(6n-3)

Day 18(3/1)-Go over Calculus Contest Problems and 1970's Take Home Exams

Hyperbolic Functions sinh(x) & cosh(x)

tanh, coth, sech, csch

Free Response Format - Part A + calculator

3 problems 45 minutes - Part B no calculator

3 problems 45 minutes (students are allowed to go back to Part A but without a calculator

Multiple Choice Format - Part A no calculator

28 questions in 55 minutes - Part B + calculator 17 questions in 50 minutes

Summary - Free Response 6 problems in 90 min.

Multiple Choice 45 questions in 105 minutes.

8F pp.306-312(10n-1)

8Sat pp.418-419(6n-1)

9M 1986 AB Free Response #1-6

Day 19(3/5) - Finish 1985 AB #4,5,6

review emailed solutions to 1986 AB #1-6

9Tu pp.418-419(6n-5) /p.529 #73,74

9W Calculus Contest (Meet 2, 1986) #1-8

Calculus Contest Quiz next class

Day 20(3/7) -

Calculus Contest Quiz (Meet 2)

9Th Take-Home Test 1987 AB #1-6

(Mr R lifeline - email by midnight Sat)

9F pp.417-422(8n-7)

9Sat pp.528-530(8n-7)

Day 21(3/11) - Collect Take-Home Tests

Return and go over Contest Problems

10M pp.417-422(8n-5)

10Tu pp.528-530(8n-5)

Day 22(3/13) - Return and go over Take-Home Tests

10W pp.417-422(8n-3)

10Th pp.528-530(8n-3)

Calculus Contest Quiz next class

Day 23(3/15) - Calculus Contest Quiz

10F Take-Home Test 1988 AB #1-6

Saturday midnight deadline to email for exam help (You can email anytime for homework help!)

10Sat pp.417-422(8n-1)

11M pp.528-530(8n-1)

Day 24(3/19)- New textbook for our last 18 homework assignments. Get a copy of all the homework!

From now on we're using our website:

'jryono' or


(We won't really need them for homework since you'll get the homework sheet, right?



Just in case you're absent, here's the 1st Hwk set (worth 20 pts from now on and to be collected at the beginning of each period/ seniors, you keep doing what you've been doing!) Let's see 18 x 20 = 360 pts possible! That should bring up the grades of our juniors! In grading the homework... effort and attempts to get some help from Mr R will be factored in.

Hwk p.28 #3,59 /p.63 #3 /p.64 #61 /p.76 #9 /p.89 #25 /p.146 #1 /p.160 #7 /p.203 #29 /p.338 #1 /p.318 #3 /p.354 #29 /p.345 #29 / p.413 #1 /p.432 #1

(whew! Now you know why I won't keep writing these all down! Check your 'master homework sheet'!!!

Day 25(3/21) - Collect Assignment #1 (20pts)

Multiple Choice classwork

Vacation Hwk - Assignments #2,3,4

email help - deadlines sat midnight, wed midnight, and sat midnight

Day 26(4/1) - Go over vacation homework

Collect Assignments #2,3,4

Pass out complete 1985 AB multiple choice exams

and review some of the problems

Hwk - Assignment #5

Day 27(4/3) - Return 60pts of homework

Go over assignment #5 and collect

Practice Multiple Choice Problems with/without a calculator

Pass out weekend take-home test 1998 AB Free Response

Hwk - Assignment #6

Day 28(4/5) - Logarithms and Exponential Growth

S.D. Film - Precalculus 7

Hwk - Assignment #7 (20pts)

and Take-Home Test 1998 AB (120pts)

(1 problem life-line if used, needs to be used before sat midnite)

Day 29(4/9) - Riemann Sums L(left sums),R(right),Upper sums, Lower sums, midpoint(of the subinterval) sums, average(y-value/Merton Rule/Trapezoid Rule) sums

Go over 1998 AB

Multiple Choice Practice

Hwk - Assignment #8 (20pts)

Day 30(4/11) - Classwork Test

Hwk - Assignment #9 (20pts)

1999 AB #1-6 Take Home Test (120pts) + 1 lifeline email by Saturday midnight

Day 31(4/15) - Collect 1999 AB Test

Homework questions and collect

Collate NEW AP Notebooks (1998-2001 Exams with scoring quidelines)

Hwk - Assignment #9 (as in 9 assignments left until the AP Exam, May 7th!)

Day 32(4/17) - Homework Questions

AP Multiple Choice Classwork

Hwk - #8 'assignments left until...'

Note: Take-Home Test will be AB-2000, but will only count 60pts as the answers are in your notebook, silly!


Day 33(4/19) - Finish and handout solutions to 1998 non-calculator Multiple Choice Questions

Hwk - #7 'left...' + Take-Home 60pts AB-2000

Day 35(4/23) - Collect AB 2000 take-home test and hwk

calculator Multiple Choice Questions

Hwk - #6 'left'

Day 36(4/25) - 1993 Multiple Choice Practice

Hwk - #5 'left'(20pts) and

AB 2001 take-home test (60pts)

Day 37(4/29) - Go over 2001 AB

Complete 1993 Multiple Choice

Hwk - #4 'left' and #3 'left' (40pts)

Day 38(5/1) - 1988 MC practice

Review Questions?

Hwk - #2 'left' and #1 'left' (40pts)

Day 39(5/3) - 1988 MC practice

Hwk - Practice for AP Exam! Makeup a 'cram sheet for the AP Exam' and/or find review questions for Monday.

email Mr R with questions if you'll be absent Monday.

Day 40(5/6) - Review Questions

Hwk - Study but get some rest too!

AP Exam May 7th

Good luck, all!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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