Soderville Athletic Association

Soderville Athletic Association

Board Meeting Minutes

Date: April 17, 2011

Board Members in Attendance

Greg Zimmer President

Brian Braden Vice President

Mike Laciskey Treasurer

Derrell Singh Secretary

Tom Dreshar

Steve Rajtar

Maria Cochran

Mike Stone

Chris Vogel

Don Bross

Not in Attendance

Nick Braden

Dale Blonigen

Jim Doyle

Others in Attendance

Nancy Nelson

Terry Olson

Gail Hensler

Randy McArthur

Rick Fanning

Corinne Olson

Meeting called to order by Greg Zimmer at 7pm.

Mike L. made a motion to approve the March 20, 2011 meeting minutes, Greg Z. seconded, motion approved.

Public forum – none

Rick Fanning – Rick brought the DVD set that he purchased on pitching, fielding and how to run practices, it only came in one case so if we want to check them out with coaches Nancy will take care of that. Rick also brought a set of cards called “Coaches Deck” that give information on drills that would be good for the younger level coaches and they sell for $15 a set, he thinks it would be good to have some for sale; Mike L. said that he used them from 6U until 12U to give him ideas for drills so he thought they were very useful and the kids liked the drills and games that they gave for ideas; Rick then talked about the DayCamp that is coming up – he has about 5 coaches volunteering that day and Trent Hensler and his buddies will be helping out. Rick has $300 in donations for that and we may be able to use some of that for renting Northdale school in case of bad weather, right now we have about 10 kids signed up; Nancy will send an email to coaches to encourage their players to sign up.

New Business

Fields – Nancy asked Tom D. if Tony Lewis is hired for doing fields again this year and if he will have the fields ready for 6U games and Tom said yes.

Committee Reports:

Concessions – Nelson – Greg said we have new coolers for the concession stands coming and Nancy will have the old Coke coolers out of there hopefully this week. The new ones are going to cost about $3,000. Then when that is all done they will go buy all the pop, water and Powerade. Greg asked Chris if fastpitch is interested in helping in the purchase of those coolers since this was an unplanned purchase. Greg said that we need to set a date to make the purchases but we have to have the Coke coolers out first. They are planning to buy the product on Wednesday night. Mike Stone did a lot of looking around and said for sure Sam’s Club is the lowest around so they will be buying from there.


Umpires – Hensler – Gail said that she is down in numbers for umpires this year and she is not sure if it is because the age was raised from 13 to 14 or if it is because they have to buy their own equipment this year. SAA is not giving refunds this year as Gail does not want to be in charge of that because it added to many complications. She is going to check at the concession stands to see what is equipment is there as she would like to have 4 or 5 sets of equipment that SAA owns that she will mark with something as she knows that things happen and umpires forget their equipment or have to go last minute so there will be something there and we will have a set at the SAA building too so we can leave it out if needed. For 13U, since it is MYAS, she would like to raise the fee from $35 to about $48 (she will double check this figure) and 15U and up already make $48. Gail said the big clinic for umpiring is at BHS this coming weekend and she would like to put out some sort of flyer for that so people can get our name to try to get more umpires. She will also try to get SAA’s name on the MYAS website. The umpires from last year said that for 16U and up there should be 2 umpires for those games instead of 1 because they feel like they missed a lot of calls. We figure this could be like about 25 games so it won’t be a huge increase for that. A motion was made to raise the pay for 13U and up to be whatever MYAS pays ($42 or $48) but first their was discussion as to if then the ones making that higher pay for those will not want to umpire the 10U and 12U; but Gail thinks that will not be a problem because the first year umpires only do 10U and 12U; Mike made a motion to have 2 umpires at 16U and older and to raise the pay to $48 or $42 for 13U umpires and to buy enough sets of equipment for umpires to have a set at each field and some at the building, Greg Z. seconded the motion, motion approved.

In-house fast pitch – Cochran and Blonigen– Maria said that we have the 10’s and 12’s scheduled with Suburban league, the 10’s have 9 teams and the 12’s have 7 teams to play against so that is a good variety, there is a tentative schedule out so we are still waiting for the final one to come out, we had coaches meetings and they went well. Maria will be ordering 2 more dozen softballs and Chris was already ordering more so they are covered.

In-house baseball (Junior) – Zimmer and Bross – Greg said they are set and we have all the coaches now; thanks to Mike and Nancy for forming those teams and it was tough with St. Francis traveling tryouts being so late and we did not turn any kids away; Greg did coach meetings and clinics and all that went well.

In-house baseball (Senior) – Rajtar – Steve said that it was tough finding coaches for 15U but it is finally done and the rosters are out and they have their scheduling and coach meetings coming up; the 16’s are not done yet because there are too many kids signed up so that has to be discussed. Greg said that we are now hosting the 13-19 level rec. state tournament this year since Steve has been doing such a good job with that age group so that will be a busy weekend around here. For the Classic tournament he has 8 teams at 13 and 14’s.

Traveling fast pitch – Vogel – Chris said they are sitting on that tentative traveling game schedule so it should be close to being final, Chris said he would guess a day or so until it is final, everything else is going fine.

Traveling baseball – Zimmer – Greg said that BATBA holds the May Classic coming up here; traveling asked if we would run the concessions for some of the other tournaments they have too; we will be running those concessions and getting the volunteers for that.

Field/Game Scheduling – McArthur – Randy was here with copies of the field matrix; he has the 6U complete since that is just Friday’s and the rest have their practice schedule for the next 2 weeks; games will be starting on May 2nd except 6U games are April 29th. If we use the Nowthen field we have to pay a $100 deposit and then pay $30 per game so Randy gave a copy of that paperwork to Nancy to pay; Ernie took 6-8 dates for City park, and we discussed having the 14U and older girls play T/Th next year to ease the congestion on M/W at the fields.

Equipment – Braden N. – Brian said it is all done and it went well; Maria and Chris came in and did all the fastpitch bags, he spent around $10,000 on equipment. Greg said there is somewhere they can donate old equipment so he will get that information to Brian.

Treasurer – Laciskey – Mike has nothing to report.

Fundraising – Braden – Nancy said the fundraiser is going well and the cards are out and kids are selling them.

Tournament Ball – Braden – the Soderville Classic is a go and the Zimmerman tournament is for the tournament teams, there will be a tryout for the 10’s and 12’s if needed, Nancy is keeping track of how many are coming

Town Ball – Braden – Terry said there are 13 guys showing interest and 6 of them are at school so they will not be in there until the end of May, he has the contract so they are signing that and the uniforms are ordered, he can have 20 on the team so he will take that many if he can, all the games are on the weekend so there are guys on vacation all the time and some will have weekend jobs; Terry has already asked Brian about using some of the 19 year olds for their team if needed.

Uniforms – Singh – Derrell said they are all out and it went well switching to Taho.

Photos – Nelson – photo packets went out to all coaches Saturday and traveling photos are on Tuesday with Sports Star.

Operations Manager Report – N. Nelson

St. Francis Tryouts – Nancy said that she wants us to tell St. Francis that they will have to have their tryouts earlier next year in order for us to accommodate all the players they cut. It was just way too much last minute work on our part with the late tryout date they have set up. If we tell them now they will have time to make necessary changes and have a tryout in the fall or earlier in the spring. We are saying we have to know by March 15 who their cuts are in order to take them all. Otherwise we will just take the players we need to fill out teams. Mike L. offered to get in touch with Luke Scardigli and possibly attend their next board meeting to discuss this further.

Signs – Nancy would like to get a volunteer to hang the signs on the outfield fences. If she can’t find a volunteer then she is hoping a board member would be able to do it.

Old Business –

Greg said they met with the owner of this building to talk about purchasing this and Jim D. is sending in a form to get us exempt from paying property taxes; Tim Sukalski is saying we do stuff for Blaine High School to help with that process, we have to know we would not have to pay property taxes in order to afford buying a building of any sort.

Derrell said he was fortunate enough to be on our fundraiser card and because of that he has sold 35 cards so far; he has not totaled up the 2% of what he is sending back to Soderville for that but he will give us a figure on that soon.


The next meeting is set for May 22, 2011 at 7:00pm.

Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Derrell S., Steve R. seconded the motion, motion approved and meeting adjourned at 8:40pm.


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