Spring Lake Park Youth Hockey


Spring Lake Park Youth Hockey

Board Meeting

Date: May 21, 2013


|Paul Beseman |Brian Gordon |Melanie Triplett | |

|Scott Oberg |Wendy Nelson |Ted Harlan | |

|Greg Wacek |Kary McMahon |Brian Fritz | |

| | | | |

|Absent: | | | |

|Paul Cruys | | | |


The regular meeting of the SLPYHA Board was called to order at 8:04pm by Paul Beseman.

Approval of Minutes:

Approval of minutes from the May 8, 2013 meeting.

Motion to approve: Kary McMahon Seconded by: Greg Wacek

President’s Report – Brian Fritz and Ted Harlan

• Signed waiver form for Mite player who will be attending school out of district.

Vice President’s Report – Paul Beseman

• Motion by Paul Beseman to elect Brian Fritz as President. Seconded by Kary McMahon. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

• Motion by Paul Beseman to elect Ted Harlan as Assistant President. Seconded by Scott Oberg. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

• Discussed responsibilities of Executive Committee.

Gambling Report – Wendy Nelson.

• Reported that we will be starting electronic pulltabs at Gabe’s.

• Sites Report and Taxes Report for April were shared.

Motion to approve by: Kary McMahon Seconded by: Melanie Triplett

• Shared June Allowable Expenses and Lawful Purpose

Motion to approve by: Melanie Triplett Seconded by: Brian Fritz

o June Lawful Purpose

City of SLP - 3% - Not to exceed $800

City of Fridley - 3% - Not to exceed $800

City of Blaine - 10% - Not to exceed $600

MN Revenue – $20,000

Fogerty Bond - $5,000

Fogerty Arena Ice Bill - $495

Treasurer’s Report – Paul Cruys

• N/A

Traveling Director’s Report –Kary McMahon and Brian Gordon

• Presented calendar of events for October 2013 and discussed timelines.

• Discussed non-parent coach recruitment and the try-out process.

Mite Director’s Report - Scott Oberg

• Discussed timelines for meetings, mite evaluation dates and schedule and mite recruitment.

Equipment Manager – Greg Wacek

• Discussed expiring equipment and plans to inventory and look at replacement options.

Motioned to dismiss @10:22pm by Brian Fritz. Seconded by Ted Harlan.


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