ACCCA Mentorship Program Learning Contract

ASCCC Professional Development College Leadership Academy Contract

Please develop your own individual objectives and goals, based on your professional development and career aspirations. Set deadlines or tentative dates for each objective, including participation in required ASCCC institutes and events, other leadership opportunities, and areas of particular interest. You may note “on-going” for activities that will continue throughout the year.

Mentor: ________________________

Mentee: ________________________

Description: The Academic Senate for California Community College (ASCCC) Professional Development College Leadership Academy is intended for future California Community College faculty leaders. Participants in the Academy will explore various academic and professional leadership topics using cohort and mentoring models.

At the successful conclusion of the Academy, graduates will be able to:

1. explain the process of transitioning into the role of a faculty leader,

2. articulate the importance of and approaches to succession planning,

3. discuss the roles of laws and regulations in the governance of the colleges,

4. run effective meetings,

5. describe the ASCCC resolution processes and the process employed at his or her college,

6. explain his or her local procedure and policy development process,

7. demonstrate a familiarity with academic senate resources and positions, and

8. adapt to the many hats worn by the faculty leaders as they manage themselves and others in a changing organization.

Requirements/Assessments: In order to successfully graduate from the ASCCC Professional Development College Leadership Academy the following is required:

1. Attendance at:

a. The Faculty Leadership Institute (June)

b. Area Meetings (October/April)

c. Fall and Spring Plenary Sessions (all three days, including Saturday resolution voting)

d. One other ASCCC institute or similar event (Research and Planning Conference, League for Innovation in the Community College Conference, CCLC conference, etc. Note: costs for non-ASCCC events are not included in the $2,000 fee.)

e. Subsequent Faculty Leadership Institute (June)

f. Local board, Board of Governors, or Consultation Council meeting

g. One ASCCC Executive Committee meeting

2. Assessments of each of the above (minimum of 2 pages) reflecting on the events and specifics learned;

3. Participation in a discussion board with fellow cohort members as well as members of the Executive Committee and mentors;

4. Regular contact with the participant’s mentor;

5. Participation in four check-in webinars;

6. Composition of a Rostrum article regarding the participant’s experience in some aspect of the Academy;

7. Completion of survey at conclusion of Academy, as well as surveys after each ASCCC statewide event attended.

Objectives: Upon completion of the ASCCC Professional Development College Leadership Academy, graduates will be able to:

1: Identify challenges and techniques for making the transition to a faculty leader and plan for succession

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2: Define and emulate the roles of the successful senate leadership

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3: Identify legal implications of faculty leadership

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4: Identify effective meeting organization and resolution processes.

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5: Identify best practices in participatory governance including the revision or creation of procedures and policies.

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6: Explain the role of the local senate and the role Academic Senate for California Community Colleges

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Each of these goals statements should be completed by the participant with the assistance of his/her mentor as well as the Executive Director and the chair of the Professional Development College.

I understand the requirements and objectives as detailed above and agree to participate in the Professional Development College Leadership Academy.

I also understand that the costs of the Professional Develop College is $1,800, which is a $200 savings, does not include any CEUs, and includes the following events:


• Leadership Institute – (no room)

• Fall Plenary Session – (no room)

• Spring Plenary Session – (no room)

• Leadership Institute – (no room)

• And one other event


Since the Leadership Academy requires attendance at all events, if I am unable to attend any of the above events, my college or I will be responsible for the full registration costs of any of the events I have already participated in. 


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Mentor signature Mentee signature

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Date Date


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