Garden Quarterly Spring Solstice Edition 2017

Garden Quarterly Spring Solstice Edition 2017




President: Bernhard Rasch Vice President: Joy Taylor Treasurer: Secretary: Audrey Thompson DIRECTORS: Carole DeHart Susie Reutling Pat Cummings Harry Crissy Bill Irwin Jennifer Lloyd Ed Cunningham Betty Desbiens, Emeritus


Executive Director: Misha D. McRAE Office Administrator: Newsletter Editor: Pat Ayers Facility Maintenance: Rick LeGeyt

CONTACT Key West Botanical Garden Society 5210 College Rd. Key West, FL 33040 305-296-1504 kwbgs@

Misha McRAE--mmcrae@

In This Issue

Message from the Executive Director pg. 1

Upcoming Events

pg. 2

About the Board

pg. 4

Rare Spring Visitor

pg. 7

The Garden Gift Shop

pg. 8

Garden Guardians Activities

pg. 9

Springtime heralds many new and exciting events at the Key West Tropical Forest & Botanical Garden, some Garden related and others via Mother Nature. Add to the flowering plants, annual spring migration, and butterflies that use this Garden as their stopping place, the Botanical Garden offers the community our version of Migration Mania on April 8th and the 7th Annual Key West Art (in the) Garden.

Started in the spring of 2011, the Key West Art (in the) Garden was to compliment the then `Sculpture Key West', the international artist show during the winter months but structured for the local art community in the spring. The concept was to give back to the community by partnering and bringing local keys artists to the Garden whose mediums were: larger than a studio showroom, made from recycled or natural materials, designed for being outdoors and that used nature as the backdrop and inspiration. With only sculptures at the time, it was the start of something big.

Now in its 7th season, the art exhibit draws a large crowd from all over the world. Media coverage includes not just local sources, but Telemundo in Miami, Fox, and PBS' Art Loft. The show brings to this Garden a different clientele that wouldn't necessarily come to see the flora and fauna we protect. But most importantly, 15 artists offer different visions exhibiting their talents by taking items deemed "used" and turning them into truly exceptional art from `Transformer'- esk trees to fish made from palm fronds. Truly a wonder to experience! The format shows potential to be built on by adding music, art workshops and involvement from young to mature.

This year the exhibit opens Wednesday, April 26th with a reception to meet the artists from 4 ? 6 PM and extends through July 31, 2017. Please join us to meet these talented folks and get a first look at their works; the reception is open to the public. And if you see a piece you just fall in love with, many of the exhibit items are available for purchase.

I invite you to be involved. Send me your input and availability if interested in helping with this endeavor. This event, like the Botanical Garden, grows with your support.

Remember to `keep it green' and that every day is a great day to be at the


Misha D. McRAE

Key West Botanical Garden Society

Spring Solstice Edition 2017

Page 1

From theEExxeceucutitviveeDDiriercetcotorr ccoonntt..

Key West ART in the GARDEN 2017


Key West Tropical Forest & Botanical Garden is looking for sculptors for the 2017 ART in the GARDEN featuring work by local Florida Keys artists. The work must be able to be placed outside and withstand the wind and weather. There is an emphasis placed on pieces made from recycled or natural materials. This annual exhibit will run from April 27th through July 31st. Opening Reception April 26, 2017. Please contact Misha at (305) 294-1504, Sue at (305) 304-6005 or Jackie at (305) 393-3430 with questions and to register. Exhibit application is available by contacting the office at (305) 296-1504. Application for participation is due by Monday, April 3rd and Installation begins April 15, 2017.

Upcoming Events


Speaker Series 2017

Sat. April 15th at 1:30pm, "GMOs, Neonics, and Pollinators: Separating Fact from Fiction" -- Professor Bill Irwin, Natural Sciences, FKCC

Sat. May 13 at 1:30pm, "Protecting Plants and Wildlife at Boca Chica Naval Base" -- Edward M. Barham, Environmental Director, Naval Air Station, Key West

Community Events

Migration Mania

April 8, 2017

For children of all ages who like birds and butterflies. The Garden, with its green canopy and fresh water ponds, provides a welcome rest and refueling stop for migrating birds. Birders have long flocked to the Garden, but this light-hearted event imparts valuable knowledge to the uninitiated about natural phenomena while entertaining with arts, crafts, and games.

Key West Botanical Garden Society

Spring Solstice Edition 2017

Page 2

Upcoming Events cont.

Key West Art Garden Cultural Art Show

April - July 2017 Explore a unique blend of sculptured art with Mother Nature that enhances both. The Key West Art Garden showcases local artist's art work made mostly out of recycled materials displayed as part of nature within the beautiful grounds of the Key West Tropical Forest & Botanical Garden. Art displayed throughout the garden allows visitors to reignite their sense of exploration finding each treasure and appreciating the workmanship in the nature and art.

And Don't Forget ....

1st Sunday of each month: Locals Day - free admission for Key West locals and students

3rd Saturday of each month: Native Plant Sale at our nursery

Check our Website Calendar for more details and events.


Mission--to foster learning--and that, according to Board member and Chair of the Garden's Publications Committee Carole DeHart, is exactly the goal of the various print items produced under her experienced publisher's eyes. The 2016 edition of the Garden Guide is replete with Garden history, trail maps, photographs, and of course botanical in-

formation on the many native species of the Garden. In response to many questions from visitors concerning the potential medicinal properties of our native plants, Docent and retired herbalist Constance Miller has compiled a concise booklet on common medicinal plants of the Garden. This recent publication provides both information and accompanying photographs, again with the aim of highlighting the Garden's collections and sharing knowledge. This booklet is the first in a series about the flora and fauna of the Garden and the Keys. We hope you will find these useful when you head out in search of native plants for your own garden. Watch for the next booklet ?Butterflies of the Garden and the Plants They Love--for sale soon in the KWBGS Gift Shop.

Key West Botanical Garden Society

Spring Solstice Edition 2017

Page 3

Featured Articles

About the Board

By Pat Cummings

"Director" is a title that seems to carry some level of importance. And our Board of Directors do shoulder the important burden of making major policy decisions that can affect this historic nature conservation site now and for the future. But, more importantly, this is a "working" board where all the members participate as volunteers not only in making those decisions, but also in acting upon those decisions and performing basic tasks that keep the organization going. The BOD is not so much analogous to the "brains" of a higher-order animal. Rather, it functions more like a botanical life form where specialized structures each contribute to the overall life of the plant; each director performing tasks that suits them best. To dissect the Board, I asked each member: What do you see as your contribution toward serving our Mission Statement?

(For reference, here is the Mission Statement ? our reason to exist:

"The Purpose of this organization is to preserve, develop, expand and maintain the historic Key West Botanical Garden as an arboretum, botanical garden, wildlife refuge and education center. The garden will showcase flora that are native to The Florida Keys, Cuba, and the Caribbean and shall emphasize cultivation of threatened and endangered species of the Florida Keys. This organization will encourage study of this collection and promote the benefits of native vegetation worldwide. The society will also provide educational programs for all age groups and various levels of interest geared to Keys residents, tourists, plant experts, and others.")

In no particular order, here are some answers:

Audrey Thompson:

"As a Docent, to help educate visitors on the Garden's endangered ecosystem; as a horticulturist and arborist to use my skills to preserve and expand our existing collection."

Joy Taylor:

"To serve in a continuing role to honor our expansive Mission Statement of green space; and to encourage our community to celebrate and appreciate KWBG."

Key West Botanical Garden Society

Spring Solstice Edition 2017

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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