Year 6 Dance Unit 2017 Traditions & Customs

[Pages:10]Year 6 Dance Unit 2017

Traditions & Customs





4 Weeks: 1












Dance Elements


DAS3.1? Performs and interprets dances from particular contexts, using a wide range



of movement skills and appropriate expressive qualities.


DAS3.2? Explores, selects, organises and refines movement, using the elements of



dance to communicate intent.


DAS3.3? Discusses and interprets the relationship between content, meaning and



context of their own and others' dances.

Unit Aims:

Students make and respond to dance by exploring dances from Asian countries (characters, stories and production elements) as stimulus. Students will:

explore movement and choreographic devices, using the elements of dance and production elements (props, costumes, space) to choreograph dances to represent characters,

stories or ideas about an Australian tradition or custom

develop technical and expressive skills in fundamental movements including body control, accuracy, alignment, strength, balance and coordination

perform dance using expressive skills to communicate a choreographer's ideas about characters and stories

explain how the elements of dance and production elements communicate meaning by comparing dances from different social, cultural and historical contexts.

Learning Experience Overview:

Unit Resources:

1. Exploring cultural dances ? Australia & the Asian region Using thinking routines to gauge what students know about dance Examine a range of cultural dances ? Australia & the Asian region Explore similarities & differences

2. Experimenting with Elements of Dance Examine the different elements of art Experiment with using elements of art to represent the movement of an object

3. Choreographing, Performing & Explaining Dance Small groups choose a country within the Asia Pacific region and examine how they could portray an important celebration through dance Explain how their chosen movements communicate meaning of the chosen celebration

Paper Pens Variety of cultural dance samples Drum Variety of musical instruments Elements of dance poster Celebrations sheet Music from different countries (linked to


Etiquette guidelines

Self-assessment sheet

Peer assessment sheet

Created by Alice Vigors - 2017



Exploring cultural dances ? Australia & the Asian Region

Year 6 Dance Unit 2017

Traditions & Customs


Learning Intention: We are learning to explore a range of cultural dances Use the thinking routine Chalk Talk to examine what students know about dance. ( )

What are some different types/ forms of dance? Why might people dance? How do people use dance to express themselves? Why is dance important to so many cultures around the world Combine with the thinking routine Give One Get One to help students discuss and build an explanation for why dance is important. Examine a range of cultural dances ? Australia and the Asian region Bangara Indigenous storytelling through dance:

outreach/education/resources/moth The Kangaroo & Emu dance: Asian Folk Dance: Examine similarities and differences between the cultural dances Reflection on Learning:


Paper Pens Variety of cultural dance


DAS3.1 DAS3.2 DAS3.3

KLA Links: Geography


Created by Alice Vigors - 2017



Experimenting with Elements

of Dance

DAS3.1 DAS3.2 DAS3.3

KLA Links: Geography

PDHPE English (extension)

Year 6 Dance Unit 2017

Traditions & Customs


Learning Intention: We are learning to experiment with the elements of dance to express ourselves

Display the elements of dance poster

Pose the question: How can we use the elements of dance to express feelings and ideas?

Experiment with the elements of dance through a series of movement experiences (NB: use a drum to help signal student





Glue your feet to the floor & move only the Take a big giant stretch

Create a movement & hold that shape

top ? of your body

o Now hold that shape

o Move about the space in a clockwise/

Balance on 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 parts of the body

o Take a quick shape change (axial: on

anticlockwise direction

Isolate different body parts, trying to only move that part without involving any other

the spot) o Hold that shape

o Move about the space exploring the 3 different levels ? low, middle, high

body part

o Take a quick shape change (axial: on

o Move about the space creating small

Create shapes with different body parts

the spot)

movements/ large movements

Sculptor & clay- based on a shaping theme

o Now this time when you shape

(curved, angular etc.), sculptor dances

change can you travel (locomote)

around the clay lump, stopping to mould

them into shapes that follows the same





Create a movement & hold that shape

Energy = FORCE

Create movements and experiment with

o Move about the space slowly/ quickly Experiment with contrasting movements:

Move to different beats (NB: use different

o Heavy vs. light

different relationships: o Solo

instruments to create different beats)

o Sharp vs. smooth

o With a partner

Create a repeating pattern of movements Experiment with the length of time a

o Tense vs. relaxed

o Small group o Mirroring

particular movement lasts ? short/ long

o Unison

o Face to face

o Canon

o Distant

o Call & response

Small groups (3-4 students) are given a colour. Groups need to use the elements of art to create a short sequence of movements

to depict an emotion associated with that colour. Groups present sequence to peers.

As a class, discuss how each groups movement sequence helped to portray a particular emotion. What elements of art were

employed to help portray this emotion?


Write a cinquain poem that describes the qualities and movements of a particular body part or emotion. For example:


Long, flexible

Bending, leaping, stretching

We jump with them

Strong supporters

Reflection on Learning:


Elements of dance poster (see appendix)

Drum Assorted musical


Created by Alice Vigors - 2017



Choreographing, Performing & Explaining Dance

Year 6 Dance Unit 2017

Traditions & Customs


Learning Intention: We are learning to create, perform and explain dance Ask: What are customs and traditions? (NB: Though both are not same. The explanation of the meaning of Custom and Tradition looks similar. A custom can be a practice or belief that has been practiced by an individual or a group for a long time. When a custom is transferred from generations to generation, it takes the form of tradition.) Ask: How might different countries in the Asia Pacific region celebrate differently? Divide students into small groups (3-4 students). Groups choose one celebration from a country. Groups use the elements of art to portray this celebration through dance.

Read celebrations sheet to find out a little bit about this celebration and conduct any necessary further research Identify the key message of this celebration Brainstorm movements and ways the elements of dance will help to convey the message and feelings/emotions of the

groups celebration Choreograph a short 2-3-minute dance routine that conveys the message of the chosen celebration Perform the dance routine to an audience Students examine and explain how the elements of dance and production elements communicate meaning by comparing dances from different social, cultural and historical contexts. Reflection on Learning:


Celebrations sheet (see appendix)

Music for each country's celebration (instrumental)

DAS3.1 DAS3.2 DAS3.3

KLA Links: Geography


Created by Alice Vigors - 2017


? shapes ? parts

Relationships ? solo

? partner ? groups


? travelling ? axial (in


Elements of



? weight ? flow

? quality ? tension

Created by Alice Vigors - 2017


? levels ? direction

? size ? pathways


? beat ? tempo ? rhymic patterns ? duration

THAILAND Loi Krathong (pronounced loy krah-tohng) is an ancient festival to honour and thank the water spirits for all the water provided during the growing season. It is celebrated (usually in November) on the first full moon after the rice harvest.

At night, the people float colourful, candlelit banana-leaf bowls, baskets and lanterns on the rivers. The act of floating away a raft is symbolic of letting go of one's grudges, anger and defilements of the past year and ushering good luck in the coming year.

CHINA Chinese New Year Chinese New Year is a time for families to be together. Wherever they are, people come home to celebrate the festival with their families.

The New Year's Eve dinner is called "reunion dinner", and is believed to be the most important meal of the year. Big families of several generations sit around round tables and enjoy the food and time together.

INDONESIA Kesodo Ceremony In August, hundreds of thousands Tenggerese gather at the active crater of Mount Bromo in East Java to present offerings of rice, fruit, vegetables, flowers, livestock and other local produce to the God of the Mountain in a ceremony called the Kesodo Ceremony. They ask for blessings and a year free of eruptions.

JAPAN Hanami Festival Hanami is a long-standing Japanese tradition of welcoming spring. Also known as the "cherry blossom festival," this annual celebration is about appreciating the temporal beauty of nature. People gather under blooming cherry blossoms for food, drink, songs, companionship and the beauty of sakura (cherry blossoms).

Created by Alice Vigors - 2017

AUSTRALIA Remembrance Day Originally called Armistice Day, this day commemorated the end of the hostilities for the Great War (World War I), the signing of the armistice, which occurred on 11 November 1918--the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. Armistice Day was observed by the Allies as a way of remembering those who died, especially soldiers with 'no known grave'.

INDIA Diwali Diwali is a five-day festival that honors the victory of good over evil and brightness over darkness. It celebrates Lord Ram and his wife Sita returning to their kingdom of Ayodhya, following Ram and monkey god Hanuman's defeat the demon King Ravana and rescue of Sita from his evil clutches. It's known as the "Festival of Lights" for all the fireworks, small clay lamps, and candles that are lit. The candlelight makes Diwali a very warm and atmospheric festival, and it's observed with much joy and happiness.

Created by Alice Vigors - 2017

Created by Alice Vigors - 2017


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