Are You suprised


Middle School


Student Handbook


This handbook is a source of important information about your school. It should make you aware of the basic routines and requirements as well as the opportunities available to everyone at Eisenhower. We urge you to make good use of it. Best wishes for many enjoyable and productive learning experiences

during your middle school years.

A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence

Visit us at:

Mr. Chris Iasiello


To be Announced

Assistant Principal

Mr. Rob Shean

Supervisor of Special Projects

Telephone: 201-848-5750



For the safety of your child the school district’s policy requires the parent to contact the Attendance Office by telephone when a child is absent or late. For your convenience, please leave a message on the Attendance Line as soon as possible with your child’s name, grade and reason for being absent/late. If you know in advance the student will be absent more than one day please indicate that on the message. Absences reported to the nurse’s office do NOT need to be followed by a note upon return to school.

However, when a pupil returns from an absence from school of more than 4 consecutive days for medical reasons, a doctor’s note is required indicating the reason for the absence and providing clearance to return to school.

According to state law and regulations, a student must be in school for more than four hours of instructional time to be considered present for a full day. In addition, one hour must be in the morning session and one hour in the afternoon session.


Upon reaching the 15th cumulative absence from school, the school will send a letter home to the parent apprising them of excused and unexcused absences and the dates of absences.

Upon reaching the 30th absence the school will send a letter to the parent informing them that the student’s absence record will be turned over to the district’s attendance officer for further review. From this point the attendance officer in charge will manage all communication between the school and the home.

Every effort should be made to schedule family vacations to coincide with school vacations.  It places an enormous burden both on the student and the school when a student misses school for an extended vacation.  Class work, tests, quizzes, reports and homework must all be made up.  Cooperative learning, group projects and class discussions cannot be duplicated and place a gap in the educational progress of your child. Parents who must take youngsters on vacation are asked to notify the nurse and homeroom teacher in advance. Although a parent may request work in these situations, it is often impossible to give students work to do in advance of their absence. Teachers will provide a reasonable amount of time upon the student’s return to complete work missed due to absences.

Excused/unexcused Absences

According to N.J.S.A. 18A:36-15, all school districts are required to record daily student absences in one of the following three areas:


1. Absences because of religious holidays

2. Absences approved by the Department of Education (e.g., Take Your Child to Work Day)

unexcused Absences NOT Toward truancy

1. Absences due to illness accompanied by appropriate notification

2. Absences due to bereavement, family emergency, doctor’s appointment etc. that cannot be scheduled outside of the regular school day hours, accompanied by appropriate notification

unexcused Absences Toward truancy

1. Student vacations/travel

2. Any undocumented illness/absence (Attendance Office must be notified of all absences)

At the time that a student reaches five (5) unexcused absences towards truancy, a letter will be sent to the parent informing them and documenting the total amount of absences and the dates of those absences. This letter will be copied to the attendance officer of the district.

At the time that a student reaches ten (10) unexcused absences toward truancy a letter will be sent to the parent informing them and documenting the total amount of absences and the dates of those absences. In addition, in accordance with Board policy, the pupil will be considered truant and a mandatory referral will be made to the court program required by the New Jersey Administrative Office of the Courts.


Homework assignments can be accessed on the Eisenhower Web Site at . When a student’s absence from school reaches three days a parent may call the guidance office at 201-848-5750 Ext. 5219 for homework assignments. In order to allow sufficient time for teachers to gather work, all requests must be made prior to 10 am. Students who are absent fewer than three days should attempt to contact fellow classmates or access homework on the Eisenhower Web Page.


It is our intent that each student performs the research and presentation of material as part of the learning process. Any student who copies another’s work or does not acknowledge the source is committing plagiarism. The penalty will be a failing grade in that assignment.


Any student who sustains an injury, no matter how minor it may seem, is required to report to the school nurse.


The Advisory program is an integral part of life at Eisenhower Middle School and serves to address the social and emotional development of our students. All students are placed into an advisory of approximately 12-14 students from all three grade levels. They will stay in their advisory for all three years at Eisenhower, where advisors will work with students on activities surrounding three core principles: advocacy, community-building, and skill-building. Students meet every other week during TIEE time with their advisory.


It is the policy of the Wyckoff District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, ancestry, national origin, or social or economic status in its educational programs or activities and employment policies as required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and NJAC 6:4-1 et seq.


Admittance to after school events will generally begin 15 minutes prior to the event unless otherwise announced.


All announcements will be broadcast over the student-produced news broadcast ETV during the homeroom period.  Copies of the announcements will also be posted on the Eisenhower Website under the announcement section.  In the event that a broadcast is not possible, announcements will be made over the P.A. system.


Assembly programs are scheduled for all students throughout the school year. Generally each class is directed to an assigned area of the cafetorium or the multi-purpose room when such an activity is to occur. Everyone is expected to act appropriately, respecting the rights of fellow students, faculty members and performers.     



Awards are annually presented to students for special achievements.  These awards are given for academic accomplishments, outstanding citizenship and excellence in sports. The school awards assemblies are generally held in June.  


The Eisenhower Staff desires to have the school function with as few formal rules and regulations as possible. However, in the interest of maintaining a positive and productive climate for learning, we believe some common understandings are necessary.   



Riding the school bus is a privilege. Misconduct can result in offenders being removed from the bus for a specified number of days or permanently.

Students are expected to:

•  produce their authorized bus pass on request from a driver.

•  ride only on their assigned school bus.

•  remain seated when the bus is in motion.

•  use the emergency door only in the event of an actual emergency or authorized


•  remain on the bus until a replacement bus arrives in the event of a breakdown.


Students are not to:

• abuse or distract the driver in the performance of his/her job.

• project their heads, arms or legs from bus windows under any circumstances.

• ride on the bus if they are not a bus rider.

• ride on a bus to which they are not assigned.

• damage, deface or remove any part of a school bus.

• use tobacco, drugs or alcoholic beverages on a school bus.

• exit the bus during a breakdown.

• bully or harass classmates.

• throw snowballs while waiting at bus stops.

• throw anything out of the bus.

NOTE: Bus routes may be videotaped and the videotapes may be used to enforce appropriate behavior.


Students are expected to:

( enter the building through the door designated for their homeroom with the opening bell, go to their lockers and report to their homerooms immediately.

•  arrive on time for each class period during the school day.

• keep to the right at all times when moving in the hallways or stairways.

( refrain from congregating, running, pushing, body slamming, yelling or

screaming in the hallways.

•   have a visible hall pass at all times when walking in hallways during class.

• use only combination locks provided by the school on assigned lockers.

• use good judgment when choosing words and expressions.

• leave the building immediately after the last period of the school day upon

dismissal, unless they are participating in an extracurricular activity or staying for

a teacher.

• wear clothing to school which is generally considered to be in good taste,

consistent with the Wyckoff Board of Education dress policy, and not in any way 

disruptive to the normal conduct of classes.

• leave the building quickly and without talking during a fire drill.

Students are not to:

• bring any tobacco, drugs, alcoholic beverages, sharp objects, weapons of any

kind, laser pointers, lighters, matches or fireworks to school.

• damage, deface, or remove school property or personal property on the school premises.

•  bring any pets, games, sporting goods, or electronic equipment to school unless

authorized by a teacher.

• make inappropriate sounds during an assembly, program or athletic event.

•  wear hats in school.

•   chew gum in school (includes lunch and recess).



Students are expected to:

• cooperate with the playground supervisors in the performance of their duties.

• immediately report anyone who is injured to a  supervisor.

•  use only playground equipment and supplies provided by the school. 

• remain clear of the bicycle racks and staff parking area.

Students are not to:

• leave the play area without permission from a supervisor.

• bring food, candy, gum and drinks on the playground.

( engage in any bullying or exclusionary behaviors.

• damage, deface or remove any school or personal property on the playground.

• engage in any contact sports.

( bring hard balls, bats, lacrosse sticks, hockey sticks, etc. to school.


Students are expected to observe all bicycle safety laws. Bikes should be locked in the racks provided on the playground. The school is not responsible for the damage or theft of bikes brought to school.  Students who ride their bicycles to school must follow the following guidelines:

• A helmet must be worn

• Riders must follow traffic flow

• Students should dismount their bicycles on sidewalks


If a student brings a cell phone to school, it must be off and in his or her locker.  Exceptions to this may be made only by direction of a teacher for academic use of devices in the classroom. Students may use their cell phones outside of the school building or inside the building vestibule “safe zones” before or after school.  In the case of an emergency, parents should contact the main office if they need to leave a message for or speak with their child. Cell phones will be confiscated from those students who do not comply with the cell phone policy.

• First occurrence: Cell phone confiscated and returned to student at end of the day

• Second occurrence: Cell phone confiscated and returned to student at end of the day. Student must either leave phone home for one week, or drop-off their phone in the front office each morning for the period of one week.

• Third occurrence: Cell phone confiscated and returned to student at end of the day. Student must not have phone at school for the remainder of the year. If necessary, a parent can write a letter requesting that phone be held in the front office each school day.


A wide variety of clubs are offered throughout the year to meet the diverse interests of the student body. Clubs generally meet once a week during designated times of the year. Students are provided with detailed information about each available club in the fall and again in the spring.


(Including 1:1 Devices)

Student Responsibilities

Students are responsible for appropriate behavior when using the school's computer network just as they are in a classroom or on a school playground. General school rules for behavior and communications apply. It is expected that students will comply with the specific rules set forth below. The use of the network is a privilege, not a right, and may be revoked if abused. The student is personally responsible for his/her actions in accessing and utilizing the school's computer resources.

Students who do not follow the guidelines for appropriate use will be subject to any or all of the following disciplinary actions:

( Payment of damages

( Loss of computer/internet privileges

( Detention

( Warning/parent notifications

( Suspension

Network Rules

Privacy - Network storage areas should be treated like school lockers. Network or school administrators and teachers reserve the right to examine files, programs, passwords, printouts, or other computing material.

Illegal copying - Students should never download or install any commercial software, shareware, or freeware onto network drives or disks, unless they have permission from their teacher. Students should not copy other people's work or intrude into their files.

Inappropriate materials or language - No profane, hurtful, abusive or impolite language should be used neither when communicating nor should pornographic or otherwise inappropriate materials be accessed. Should a student encounter such material by accident, he/she should report it to his/her teacher immediately.

1:1 Device Management Agreement 2015-2016

The rules and regulations are provided here so that students and parents/guardians are aware of the responsibilities students accept when they use a district-owned device. In general, this requires efficient, ethical and legal utilization of all technology resources. Violations of these rules and guidelines will result in disciplinary action.

• All use of technology must:

o Support learning

o Follow local, state, and federal laws

o Be school appropriate

• Security Reminders

o Do not share logins or passwords

o Exception: students should share passwords with parents or guardians

o Follow Internet safety guidelines

• Students are prohibited from:

o Defacing EMS-issued equipment in any way. This includes but is not limited to marking, painting, drawing or marring any surface of the devices.

o If such action occurs it will be viewed as intentional damage and therefore not covered by the Device Protection Plan. The student will be billed the cost of repair or replacement.

Caring For the Device

• The device is district property and all users must follow all district and school policies and procedures.

• Students should use the device assigned to them and not lend their device to others.

• Students are responsible for the general care of the device issued by the school.

• Students are responsible for arriving at school with a fully charged device.

• Damaged devices or devices failing to operate properly must be given to a Computer Support Teacher for evaluation and/or repair.

• Cords and cables must be inserted carefully into the device to prevent damage.

• Devices must never be left unattended, in an unlocked locker, unsupervised area or in extreme temperatures.

• Only labels, decals, stickers approved by EMS may be applied to the device.

• Devices should be carried with two hands

Carrying Device

• Bags or sleeves will not be provided by the district, but students will be asked to furnish a bag, sleeve or backpack with laptop compartment for their device.

Care of Device at Home

• The power cord/charger should remain at home.

• Charge the device fully each night.

• Use the device in a common room of the home.

• Store the device on a desk or table - never on the floor!

• Protect the device from:

o Extreme heat or cold.

o Food and drinks.

o Small children.

o Pets.

• Do not leave the device in a vehicle.

• In case of theft, an official police report will be required.

Email for Students

All EMS students in Grades 6-8 are issued an email account (username@). EMS email allows students to safely and effectively communicate and collaborate with teachers and classmates, giving them an authentic purpose for writing. For students in Grades 6-8, email can only be sent and received within the EMS domain. The primary purpose of the student electronic mail system is for students to communicate with school staff and fellow students to collaborate on school activities.

• Students are responsible for good behavior while using school e-mail (at school and at home), just as they are in a classroom or a school hallway.

• Students are responsible for messages sent from their accounts.

• Students should not share their passwords.

• Students should not give out personal information over email, including telephone numbers, home addresses or passwords.

• Students will not use email to bully, harass, or threaten other students or individuals.

• Students will report any unusual activities such as "spam" communications, obscene email, attempts by adults to lure them into dangerous behaviors to a teacher or guidance counselor.

• Students will not use email to send chain letters, viruses, hoaxes or forward social or non-school related email to other students or staff.

• School email should only be used to sign up for school related accounts and other collaborative Internet tools.

• Student email is provided by the district and is district property.  EMS reserves the right to archive, monitor and/or review all use of its email system, and users should not have any expectation of privacy in any electronic message created, sent or received on the District’s email system.


• Chatting should be used for educational purposes to collaborate with teachers and fellow students on a school based project.

• Similar to supervision at school, we recommend parent/guardian supervision of device use at home.

Web Cams

Devices are equipped with a webcam, which offers students an extraordinary opportunity to develop 21st Century communication skills.

• Web cams are to be used for educational purposes only, under the direction of a teacher or parent/guardian.

• Examples include:

o Recording videos or taking pictures to include in a school project.

o Recording a student giving a speech and playing it back for rehearsal and improvement.

Listening to Music

• Listening to music on your device is only allowed with permission from a teacher or parent/guardian.

Watching Movies/YouTube

• Watching movies/YouTube videos on the device is only allowed with permission from a teacher or parent/guardian for educational purposes only.


• Online gaming is not allowed on the device unless you have been given permission by a teacher or parent/guardian. Any games must be in support of the district's educational program.


Any images set as a device or browser background must be school appropriate. Inappropriate media may not be used as a device background; presence of guns, weapons, pornographic materials, inappropriate language, alcohol, drugs, or gang-related symbols will result in disciplinary action and/or loss of device privileges.

Copyright and Plagiarism

Students are expected to follow all copyright laws. The distinction between what is fair use and what is infringement in a particular case will not always be clear or easily defined. There is no specific number of words, lines, or notes that may safely be taken without permission.

Acknowledging the source of the copyrighted material does not substitute for obtaining permission. Copyright protects the particular way authors have expressed themselves. The safest course is to get permission from the copyright owner before using copyrighted material.

Many people think of plagiarism as copying another's work or borrowing someone else's original ideas. To "Plagiarize" means that you are stealing and passing off the ideas or words of another as one's own. You should never use another person's’ work without crediting the source. In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward.

Technology Discipline

Most tech-related behavior violations are equivalent to “traditional” classroom violations.

• Leaving your device at home is equivalent to leaving your textbook or school supplies at home.

• Cutting and pasting without citing sources or putting it into your own words is equivalent to plagiarism.

• Cyber-bullying is equivalent to bullying or harassment.

• Damaging or defacing the device or accessories is equivalent to vandalism or property damage.

The discipline policies at each school encompass the 1:1 environment. Please reference the materials specific to our school or contact the school directly for details.


The student will adhere to an established set of consequences if the need arises.  The sequence below will generally be followed in the event of a disciplinary infraction displayed by a student. However, certain infractions could result in automatic detention or suspension.                        

1.  Warning

                        2.  Teacher Detention

                        3.  Office Referral

                        4.  Administrative Detention

                        5.  Suspension


Students may be detained for disciplinary or subject related reasons after school. Students may be detained on any day of the week. Students are normally given a warning before such action is taken.  A team teacher or specialist provides the time and place of the detention. A parent or guardian will be contacted prior to a student serving a detention.


The Board of Education recognizes that each pupil’s mode of dress and grooming is a manifestation of the pupil’s personal judgment on pupil’s personal style and individual preferences. The Board will impose its judgment on pupils and parents or legal guardians only when a pupil’s dress and grooming affect the educational program of the school.

The Board authorizes the Superintendent to enforce school policy prohibiting pupil dress of grooming practices that may:

A. Present a hazard to the health or safety of the pupil himself/herself or to others in the school.

B. Materially interfere with schoolwork, create disorder, distract or disrupt the educational program;

C. Cause excessive wear or damage to school property;

D. Prevent the pupil from achieving his/her own educational objectives because of blocked vision or restricted movement;

E. Include obscenities, substance-related logos, alcohol, tobacco, and/or other offensive slogans.

The Superintendent of Schools shall develop procedures to implement this policy that designates the Building Principal as the arbiter of student dress and grooming in his/her own building.


E-mail is a useful tool that could facilitate pertinent dialogue among teachers, parents and students. The teaching staff can be expected to retrieve E-mail communication daily.

Given the nature of the E-mail communication, the staff member can be expected to respond in approximately a 24-hour period. In the event that the E-mail communication should be received immediately before school hiatus, the response can be expected upon the first day the teaching staff returns to school.


When a student is to be excused from school before the regular dismissal time, the following procedure must be followed:

• A note from home must be presented to the school office during the morning homeroom period stating the time he or she is to be released and the name of the authorized person picking up the youngster. 

• Before leaving the building, the student must return to the office for official permission, and be signed out. 

• If /when the youngster returns he/she should report to the main office.



Notification of emergency closings are signaled by the fire sirens, radio announcements, cable television public access channel, and the Honeywell Instant Alert system, as determined by the Board of Education. Specific procedures appear in the Wyckoff parent handbook and calendar of activities.  In the event of an emergency closing during the school day, the P.T.O. homeroom chairpersons are requested to inform parents of the situation. School closing information can also generally be found at .              


Emergency drills, which include fire drills, lock-down drills and relocation drills, occur at least twice a month. Students are expected to move quickly, and without talking, to their assigned exit or designated safe location. All drills should be taken seriously. Any student who is not in a class when this occurs should immediately join the line of the nearest class for the duration of the drill. All students must stay with their teacher and continue to remain silent.


Every team is given the opportunity to take at least one field trip during the school year, usually representing an extension of a classroom learning experience. Maximum cooperation with the chaperones is expected from all students on these trips.  A field trip is an earned privilege. No one is permitted to participate without first submitting a properly signed permission slip from home for each trip.


In place of Friday Folders, we will send out email eBlast notices each Friday containing important announcements and flyers. To subscribe to our Friday eBlast check the Eisenhower website.


Any form of gambling or betting on school grounds or on buses is prohibited. Students engaging in gambling activity or possessing gambling paraphernalia on school property are subject to disciplinary measures possibly resulting in suspension.


A guidance counselor is assigned to each student.  Students having questions or concerns about their school programs or personal matters should feel free to request the assistance of a counselor. The guidance secretary is readily available for making appointments. Students wishing to meet with a guidance counselor must obtain a pass from the classroom teacher.


“Harassment, intimidation, or bullying” means any gesture, any written, verbal or physical act, or any electronic communication, as defined in N.J.S.A. 18A:37-14, whether it be a single incident or a series of incidents, motivated by either an actual or perceived characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or a mental, physical or sensory disability, that takes place on school property, at any school-sponsored function, on a school bus, or off school grounds and substantially disrupts or interferes with the orderly operation of the school or the rights of other pupils.

Wyckoff Board of Education Policy #5512 prohibits acts of harassment, intimidation, or bullying of a pupil. A safe and civil environment in school is necessary for pupils to learn and achieve high academic standards. Harassment, intimidation, or bullying, like other disruptive or violent behaviors, is conduct that disrupts both a pupil’s ability to learn and a school’s ability to educate its pupils in a safe and disciplined environment. Since pupils learn by example, school administrators, faculty, staff and volunteers should be commended for demonstrating appropriate behavior, treating others with civility and respect, and refusing to tolerate harassment, intimidation, or bullying.

The Board requires a thorough and complete investigation to be conducted for each report of any alleged incident of harassment, intimidation, or bullying. The Principal or the Principal’s designee shall initiate the investigation within one school day of the verbal report of the incident. The school Anti-Bullying Specialist shall conduct the investigation. The Principal may appoint additional personnel who are not school Anti-Bullying Specialists to assist the school Anti-Bullying Specialist in the investigation.

The investigation shall be completed and the written findings submitted to the Principal as soon as possible, but not later than ten school days from the date of the written report of the alleged incident of harassment, intimidation, or bullying. Should information regarding the reported incident and the investigation be received after the end of the ten-day period, the school Anti-Bullying Specialist or the Principal shall amend the original report of the results of the investigation to ensure there is an accurate and current record of the facts and activities concerning the reported incident. The Principal shall proceed in accordance with the Code of Pupil Conduct, as appropriate, based on the investigation findings. The Principal shall submit the report to the Superintendent within two school days of the completion of the investigation and in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act (N.JH.S.A. 52:14B-1 et seq.). As appropriate to the findings from the investigation, the Superintendent shall ensure the Code of Pupil Conduct has been implemented and provide intervention services, order counseling, establish training programs to reduce harassment, intimidation, or bullying and enhance school climate, or take or recommend other appropriate action, as necessary.


All students are assigned to a homeroom where they are to report upon the opening bell. It is at this time that attendance is taken, announcements are broadcast and any other routine business is completed.


As per Board policy, time spent on homework should roughly equal ten minutes per grade level, not to exceed 90 minutes. Students are expected to turn in all assignments on time and to make up assignments given during absences.  Everyone is required to have an assignment pad or a special section in a notebook for recording assignments. This information should be available for inspection by a teacher or parent upon request.  Homework may be accessed on the Eisenhower Web Site. In addition, parents may call before 10 a.m. on the third day of an absence for homework assignments. It is the responsibility of the student to make up any missed homework or tests. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule with the teacher a time during which the test can be made up. Being absent is not an assumed excuse for not doing homework or not being prepared for tests or quizzes.


Students achieving a grade point average of 3.7 or higher will be on the Honor Roll. Students achieving a grade point average of 4.0 or higher will be on the High Honor Roll.

Every-other day classes are weighted as 0.5 of a class; trimester classes are weighted as 0.333 of a class; cycle classes are weighted as 0.2 of a class. Grade Points for classes at Eisenhower are as follows:

| |Standard |Honors |High Honors |

| |(Note: Algebra CPE – |(Advanced LAL) |(Geometry – Gr. 8) |

| |Gr. 8 is a Standard Class) |(Algebra H – Gr. 8 |(Algebra – Gr. 7) |

| | |(Pre-Algebra – Gr. 7) | |

|A |4.0 |4.5 |5.0 |

|A- |3.67 |4.17 |4.67 |

|B+ |3.34 |3.84 |4.34 |

|B |3.0 |3.5 |4.0 |

|B- |2.67 |3.17 |3.67 |

|C+ |2.34 |2.84 |3.34 |

|C |2.0 |2.5 |3.0 |

|C- |1.67 |2.17 |2.67 |

|D+ |1.34 |1.84 |2.34 |

|D |1.0 |1.5 |2.0 |

|D- |.67 |1.17 |1.67 |

|F |0 |0 |0 |

In order to be on the Honor Roll or High Honor Roll, students may not have any “C’s” on their report card. The use of GPA’s is for Honor Roll determination only; students are not issued GPA’s on report cards or transcripts.


If a student brings an iPod or any other electronic device to school, it must remain turned off and in his or her locker except with teacher permission. These items will be confiscated from those students who do not comply with this rule. In these situations, parents will be notified before the item is returned. Disciplinary measures will be enforced for repeated non-compliance.

Students may use e-Readers, iPads, and other personal technology with a teacher’s permission if it is part of the educational process. Students assume all responsibility for appropriate use of privately-owned technology in these situations. In accordance with Board policy, the school district shall assume no responsibility for the security of or damage to any privately-owned technology brought to school by a pupil.



Students are assigned a hall locker and given a lock. Students are required to use a school issued lock or the lock built in to some of the lockers. If the lock is lost or damaged, students will be required to pay a replacement fee. Teams will establish specific procedures for when students may visit lockers during the school day. Students are encouraged to plan for the day by deciding which materials are needed for morning classes prior to homeroom. Materials required for the afternoon classes should be planned after their lunch period.

For security reasons, students are advised to keep their combinations confidential.  Any problems with locks should be reported promptly to their teacher or team leader.  Lockers must be kept clean. Writing, hanging balloons, or placing stickers on or above the locker is not permitted. Locker inspections occur periodically.  The principal or other official designated by the Board of Education may inspect lockers or other storage facilities provided for use by students.  The physical education department assigns special gym lockers.



Students who find lost articles are asked to bring them to the school office. The article will then be placed in a barrel in the cafetorium where lost and found items can be claimed.  At various times during the school year unclaimed articles are displayed in the school cafeteria. Items still unclaimed are donated to a local charity. Items left in the gym/locker rooms are kept in the lost and found within each locker room.


Each grade has an assigned lunch period and all students are required to eat lunch in the cafetorium. Hot and cold lunches are available. Those who prefer to bring lunch from home may purchase other items. No food or drink is to be consumed outside the cafeteria. Students are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior. There is to be no pushing or cutting ahead in the line. Tables and floor areas must be left clean, showing consideration for the next group. Quiet indoor voice levels should be used. Excessive walking around is prohibited.  Bullying or exclusionary behaviors are not acceptable. Special requirements are reviewed by the staff on duty at the beginning of the school year.



A media center pass is required whenever a student desires to use the facility, unless accompanied by a teacher or a teacher aide. Students may use the facility only if a staff member is present and must sign in when entering.   All students are encouraged to take

full advantage of the readily available resources for school assignments and leisure reading.


All medications are to be brought to the school nurse.  Students are not permitted to self-administer medication except for medications for a potentially life-threatening condition. Please see the school nurse should your child need to carry a medication for such a

condition. Nasal sprays, throat lozenges, pills, poison ivy lotions, and all other medications must not be brought to school. Improper use of medicine or drugs can cause considerable harm.

It is against the State medical laws for nurses to prescribe treatment or medications. However, the Wyckoff Board of Education will permit school nurses to administer prescription drugs certified by a physician along with written parental permission.

Over-the-counter medication, too, requires a note from the physician if administering is to be considered during school hours. Each statement should include the signature of the prescribing physician or advanced practice nurse, parent signature, name of the medication to be dispensed, its strength, the amount, and the time it is to be administered. The medication should be presented in a clearly marked prescription bottle with name, dose, and time medication is to be given.

The school physician and school nurses will only administer first aid in the school or during a school activity. At no time will a student be treated for any injury that did not occur on the school grounds, or during a school related activity. After first aid treatment has been administered, any further care or treatment must be given by the family physician.




Eisenhower School features three major instrumental groups: the band, the orchestra and the stage band. There are also ensemble groups, such as woodwind, brass and strings. These groups often perform at various school and community functions.


The vocal music program at Eisenhower consists of 6th, 7th and 8th grade choral groups and special ensembles. On occasion student soloists are selected for special parts. These groups also perform at various school and community functions.



Students should request to see the school nurse whenever their physical health is impeding their participation in class. If the nurse is not available, the student should then seek assistance from the school office.


A Parent Access Module is provided through Genesis, the district’s student data management system. This parent portal is a safe, secure way of enabling parents to access their own students’ records using the internet. Parents/guardians have the ability to view both attendance and grade information through the system. At the beginning of the year a welcome letter will be sent to your e-mail address on file. New users will be instructed on how to register for the first time. For returning users, you will be required to initialize your account for the current school year. Further information can be obtained through the Eisenhower Parent Portal Help Desk at genesis@.


Students have only limited time to get from class to class. Therefore, there is no time to wait for or meet friends in the hall. It also results in congestion. All students are expected to move quickly, speak quietly and keep to the right at all times without stopping and congregating in the halls. Walking more than three across is not feasible or considerate of those coming from the other direction. The keeping to the right rule applies to doorways and stairways as well.



Students are required to wear shorts, shirts and sneakers when they participate in physical education classes.  Eisenhower shirts and shorts are available through the school PTO.


Students are not permitted to use the office phone during the school day unless they have received a pass from a teacher. In an effort to foster responsibility, students are generally only granted a pass for medical reasons. Students may use the office phone to make phone calls after dismissal.



Mid-trimester progress reports are issued via the Genesis parent portal to students who are making less than satisfactory progress. Commendations can be sent home at any time for students who are performing exceedingly well. Parents will be notified by eBlast when progress reports are available on Genesis.  Progress reports of students that are in danger of failing a course for the trimester will be mailed home in addition to being accessible on Genesis. A parent conference may follow.


Report cards are issued within two weeks after the end of each trimester. The purpose of the grading system is to inform parents of student progress and achievement. Report cards may be accessed via the Genesis parent portal.  Parents will be notified by eBlast when report cards are available on Genesis.  Report cards of students that have failed a course for the trimester will be mailed home in addition to being accessible on Genesis.



Schedule changes of an educationally sound nature will be considered with the approval of the parent and Team Leader, and after consultation with the guidance counselor and principal. No schedule changes will be made after October 15.

Scoliosis Screening

In March of every year the 7th graders will be screened for scoliosis by the nurse or physical education teachers, as per N. J. S. A. 18A: 40-4.3. Scoliosis is a condition where the spine may curve to the left or right. It is most commonly found during the period of rapid growth. The purpose of the screening is to recognize scoliosis in its earliest stages. Girls may wear a bathing suit top, camisole or bra. Please be sure your daughter is prepared. Boys will be required to remove their shirts. All 7th grade students will be screened. If you do not want your child screened by the school faculty, please alert the school nurse in writing.



The Athletics Department will make every reasonable effort to offer a broad range of Pay-to-Participate athletic opportunities that are responsive to the interests, needs, and skills of male and female students. It will recognize the uniqueness of each student and strive to provide individual attention. The department will also recognize and appreciate the diversity of its students, and create sports programs through which they can grow physically, socially, emotionally, and intellectually. The program will provide students with constructive learning experiences that foster personal growth and the development of values that will be critical for success later in life.

Student-athletes who try-out for and make any of the interscholastic sport teams shall pay a one-time per school year sports fee.


The physical education department provides an intramural sports program several afternoons each week at various times throughout the school year. The sports are usually related to the seasons of the year including basketball, football, floor hockey, etc. Anyone may participate by signing up when the opportunity occurs.


Parents may drop-off items for their children on the table provided at the front office.  Students are expected to check the table if they have forgotten items.  Students are not called out of their classroom for forgotten items or for any non-emergency reasons.


The primary purpose of the Student Council is to provide a medium through which the student body may formulate and express its opinions on school matters. Although the Council does not make rules for the school, it often influences the development of school policies. The Student Council is composed of two elected representatives from each homeroom, in addition to Members-at-Large, who are chosen from an application process, and an Executive Board. The Executive Board is comprised of eight elected officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and four additional Executive Members.



The Eisenhower School does not provide accident insurance for students beyond the liability insurance carried by the Board of Education.



Students are not permitted to enter the building prior to 7:55 a.m. unless an appointment has been made with a teacher, counselor, or nurse, or if they need to go to the front office.


It is expected that when classes are covered by substitutes, students shall adhere to all school rules and show the same respect they would show to their regular teachers. Failure to do so will result in consequences to be determined by the returning teacher. A substitute's report of inappropriate behavior may result in a detention or referral to an administrator.


The Board of Education approves the building principal’s or designee’s right to suspend a pupil from school in accordance with current statutes and codes. The principal reserves the right to administer a more serious consequence if the situation warrants this action. According to Wyckoff Board of Education Policy, the causes of suspension include the following:

( Continued and willful disobedience.

( Openly defying of the authority of any teacher or person having authority over a pupil.

( Actions that constitute a continuing danger to the physical well being of self or other pupils.

( Physically assaulting another pupil, a teacher, or any school employee.

( Taking, or attempting to take, personal property or money from another pupil whether by force or fear.

( Willfully causing, or attempting to cause, substantial damage to school property.

( Taking part in any unauthorized occupancy of a district facility and refusing to leave promptly when directed to do so by a person in authority.

( Inciting others to take part in an unauthorized occupancy.

( Inciting other pupils to truancy.

( Truancy and class cutting; leaving school property without permission.

( Poor attendance and lateness.

( Use or possession of unsafe or illegal articles.

( Use of any tobacco product on school property.

( Use, possession or sale of a controlled dangerous substance, anabolic steroids or alcohol.

( Use of profanity or abusive language.

( Turning in a false alarm.

( Tampering with or damaging property of other pupils or staff members.

( Selling or buying lottery tickets or any other gambling paraphernalia on school property.

( Being convicted or adjudicated delinquent for possession of a firearm or crime while armed with a firearm or found knowingly in possession of a firearm on any school property, on a school bus or at a school-sponsored function.


Students who arrive at their homerooms after 8:00 a.m. are regarded as late to school and must report to the main office for an admission slip. The student must also go to the health office to verify their arrival to school. Repeated tardiness to school negatively impacts student learning. Students who regularly arrive late to school also miss important announcements during homeroom and lose the valuable time necessary to organize

themselves for the day ahead. Students who then arrive late to class can also disrupt the educational process by causing a temporary distraction to classroom learning. Students who are consistently late for school will be subject to disciplinary measures including administrative detention and suspension.

All tardies will be considered unexcused unless they are for medical reasons. If a medically excused tardy is requested a physician’s note must be brought to school the day of the lateness. If a note is not received then the tardy will be considered unexcused and will not be changed. A medically excused tardy will not be counted towards the student’s record as an unexcused late.

A student who is unexcused late to school more than 6 times per trimester will be assigned a lunch detention held on Monday. The detention should be timely and if possible take place during the week following the most recent tardy. A letter will go home informing the parent that the child had been late 6 times and document the dates of tardies and informing them of the proposed detention. Failure to attend the detention when it is held will result in a Friday detention during the week that the original detention was assigned. When a tardy detention is held by the grade level, the main office and administration will be informed by the teacher that a detention for tardies was held and the students in attendance will be listed.

In our efforts to promote promptness, homeroom teachers at all grade levels will follow the procedures noted below, with each student’s tally of tardies reset to zero at the start of each trimester.

|Number of Tardies |Consequence |When |Assigned by |

|6 |Lunch detention |20 minute lunch detention |Homeroom teacher |

| | |(Monday) | |

|7 |Lunch detention |20 minute lunch detention |Homeroom teacher |

| | |(Monday) | |

|8+ |Friday after school detention |30 minute after school detention on Friday |Administration |


Students will not be admitted to class late without a pass from a teacher. If the student fails to obtain a pass, a warning may be issued. Repeated tardiness to class will result in teacher detention, parent notification, and possible referral to an administrator.


Students are responsible for providing covers on all textbooks issued during the year. When books are collected, fines are levied if there is evidence of unreasonable damage or abuse of these materials. Replacement fees will be levied for lost/damaged books.


Each day from 10:36 to 11:11 am, the entire building stops for a daily remediation and enrichment period known as TIEE (Team Intervention, Extension, and Enrichment). Students are assigned to a “home base” by their core team of teachers, who manage the procedures for TIEE. Students are encouraged to seek extra help, make up assignments and assessments, begin or continue work on projects or other long-term assignments, collaborate with peers in study groups, or receive enrichment in an academic area of focus that interests them. Students must receive passes from teachers to move during TIEE, and are responsible for always receiving teacher permission and signing out from their home base. TIEE is a terrific opportunity for students to take advantage of a pause in their day to receive necessary remediation or explore their own learning in new ways.


The use or possession of tobacco products, alcohol, drugs, or other dangerous substances in school buildings, on school buses, or during school-sponsored events is prohibited.

Use or possession of such products will result in suspension and possible notification to the Wyckoff Police Department.


Any student who shall cut, deface, or otherwise injure any school furniture, computer equipment, or other property of the school shall face disciplinary consequences possibly resulting in suspension and notification to the Wyckoff Police Department. His/her parents or guardian shall be liable for damages.


All visitors must enter the building through the front office, sign-in, and wear a visitor’s pass. 


Students are prohibited by state law and the Wyckoff School Policy from bringing weapons into Dwight D. Eisenhower School.  Guns, knives, or any object used to inflict bodily harm to any person are considered weapons.  Suspension will be a direct result of any student carrying or using a weapon.  Appropriate procedures involving the Wyckoff Police Department will follow.


The Eisenhower yearbook is the major school publication annually developed by a student committee under the direction of a faculty advisor. It contains individual pictures of all the students and the staff. It also highlights the important activities that occurred during the school year. All yearbook messages must be in good taste. Students who damage or write inappropriate messages in another student’s yearbook may be required to pay for a replacement yearbook for that student.


|  |Grade 6 |Grade 7 | Grade 8 |  |

|HR |8:00 - 8:08 |8:00 - 8:08 |8:00 - 8:08 |  |

|Per 1 |8:10 - 9:00 |8:10 - 9:00 |8:10 - 8:50 | |

|Per 2 |9:02 - 9:52 |9:02 - 9:42 |8:52 - 9:42 | |

|Per 3 |9:54 - 10:34 |9:44 - 10:34 |9:44 - 10:34 |  |

|Per 4 |10:36 - 11:11 |10:36 - 11:11 |10:36 - 11:11 |  |


|Per 5 |11:13 - 11:43 |11:13 - 12:03 |11:13 - 11:53 |  |

| |LUNCH | | | |

|Per 6 |11:45 - 12:35 |12:05- 12:45 |11:55 - 12:25 |  |

| | | |LUNCH | |

|Per 7 |12:37 - 1:17 |12:47 - 1:17 |12:27 - 1:17 |  |

| | |LUNCH | | |

|Per 8 |1:19 - 1:59 |1:19 - 1:59 |1:19 - 2:09 |  |

|Per 9 |2:01 - 2:51 |2:01 - 2:51 |2:11 - 2:51 |  |

Eisenhower Middle School



Lost and Found........………………….


Media Center.......…………………….




Parent Portal – Genesis……………..…

Passing in the Hall…………………….

Physical Education........……………..

Phone Use….……………...…………

Progress Reports...........………………

Report Cards...............……………….

Schedule Changes…………….………

Scoliosis Screening………..………….


Student Call-downs…………..……….

Student Council..……………………..

Student Insurance........………………..

Student Arrival…...…………………..



Tardiness to School…….…………….

Tardiness to Class…..…..…..………..



Tobacco, Drugs and Alcohol…………





Staff Listing………………….………..


































Academic Integrity……..…….…



Affirmative Action................…..

After School Events…….……...


Assembly Programs.................…


Behavior of Students.............……


Cell Phones……………...………


Computers and the Internet…...…

Consequences .………….………


Dress Code………………….……

E-Mail Communication…….……

Early Dismissals........................…

Emergency Closing.................…..

Emergency Drills......................….

Field Trips.............................…….

Friday eBlast.............................….






Honor Roll……………………….

iPods, iPads, etc.……………..…..


































Table of Contents

Team 1

6A: Ms. McCann – Language Arts

6B: Mr. Hunt – Math*

6C: Ms. Croissant - Science

6D: Mr. Skea – Social Studies

Team 2

6E: Ms. Alperstein – Language Arts

6F: Ms. Piazza - Math

6G: Mrs. Gioia – Science*

6H: Mrs. Moojli – Social Studies

Team 3

6J: Mrs. Calendrillo - Language Arts*

6K: Mr. LaMorte - Math

6L: Mr. Finale - Science

6M: TBD - Social Studies

Team 4

7A: Dr. Pepe - Language Arts*

7B: Ms. Perrotta - Math

7C: Mrs. Phillpott - Science

7D: Mr. Holzapfel – Social Studies

Team 5

7E: Ms. Langenfeld – Language Arts

7F: Ms. Wiley – Math

7G: Ms. Szabo – Science*

7H: Mr. Wirjosemito – Social Studies

Team 6

7J: Mrs. Fuller – Language Arts

7K: Ms. Mozer - Math

7L: Mrs. Simon - Science

7M: Mr. DeLoughry – Social Studies*

Team 7

8A: Mrs. Ebanietti - Language Arts*

8B: Ms. Vernieri - Math

8C: Ms. Salmon - Science

8D: Ms. Traficante – Social Studies

Team 8

8E: Mr. Levy – Language Arts

8F: Mrs. Turrone - Math

8G: Ms. Burns - Science

8H: Ms. Getrajdman – Social Studies*

Team 9

8J: Ms. Priestner – Language Arts

8K: Mrs. Jankuloski - Math

8L: Mrs. Chen – Science*

8M: Mr. Donnell – Social Studies

*Bold indicates Team Leader


Mr. Silva, Supervisor

Resource Teachers

Mrs. Bittman

Mr. Connelly

Mr. Deegan

Mrs. DeMarco

Ms. DiFiore

Mrs. Esak

Ms. Feery

Mrs. Frabizzio

Mrs. Holzapfel

Mr. Jernee

Mrs. McKenna

Mrs. Russo*

Mrs. Sheehan

Ms. Vogt

Team 10

Mr. Bonavitacola – Technology

Ms. Caputo - Media Center

Mr. Cascio - Spanish

Mr. Ciarlo - Physical Education

Ms. Corral – Spanish

Mr. DeBlock - Technology

Mrs. Dobson - Guidance Counselor

Mr. Donough - Music

Mrs. Dugan - Physical Education

Mrs. Federici - Physical Education

Ms. Komsa - Guidance Counselor

Mr. Maxwell - Vocal Music

Mrs. McCurry - Physical Education

Ms. McLean - Guidance Counselor

Mrs. Murati – French

Mrs. McNamara - Home Economics

Mrs. Newman - Reading

Mr. Olejarz - Visual Arts*

Ms. Sarfity - Art

Ms. Strippoli - Italian

Mr. Urban - Music

Mrs. Yadoff – Nurse


Mrs. Drehwing

Mrs. Stanley-Brown

Mrs. Van Dyk

Mrs. Williams

2015-2016 STAFF

Dwight D. Eisenhower Middle School

344 Calvin Court

Wyckoff, New Jersey 07481




Mr. Richard Kuder - Superintendent of Schools

Mr. Alan Reiffe - School Business Administrator/Board Secretary

Mrs. Diane Schulthes - Director of Curriculum & Instruction

Mrs. Debra Herold - Director of Special Services

Board of Education

Mr. Rob Francin - President

Mrs. Lisa Martone - Vice President

Mrs. Kathy Bowers

Mr. Christopher Della Pietra

Mr. Fred Farcy

Mr. Nick Mamola

Dr. Samir Taneja


Dwight D. Eisenhower School

Student – Parent/Guardian Acknowledgment for the 2015/2016 Handbook

Student Name_____________________________ Homeroom Teacher___________________________

Together we have read and understand the contents of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Student Handbook.

We are prepared to support Eisenhower School in its procedures and regulations. Policies contained in this

handbook reflect Board policy at the time of printing. Parents may expect notification of any future policy

changes or revisions.

Parent/Guardian’s Signature:____________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian’s Signature:____________________________________________________________

Student’s Signature:______________________________ Date:__________________________



Mrs. Drehwing

Mrs. Lembo

Mrs. Van Dyk

Mrs. Williams


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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