Daily Writing Prompts- February - Birmingham City Schools

Daily Writing Prompts- February

February 1

February 1st is “National Freedom Day.” In your own words, what does it mean to be free?

On February 1, 1790, the first meeting of the U.S. Supreme Court was held. What type of person do you think it takes to be a member of the Supreme Court? What type of qualities must they have? Be sure to explain your thinking.

Today, Super Bowl XLIII will take place. As you probably noticed, Roman Numerals are used to name each Super Bowl. Using resources in your classroom, learn more about Roman Numerals and practice using them by writing different dates…try your birthday.

February 2

Today is “Ground Hog Day.” If Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, that means we are in for six more weeks of winter. If Phil does not see his shadow, we will have an early spring. Make your own prediction about what Phil, will, or won’t, see. Be sure to explain you r prediction.

February 3

Author J.R.R. Tolkien was born on this day in 1892. Tolkien is best known as the author of “The Lord of the Rings.” This book recently became a movie. Many people, possibly even you, enjoy comparing the original book to the movie. Which do you think people should do first? Read the book or see the movie? Explain your thinking.

February 4

On this day in 1913, Rosa Parks was born. In 1955, Rosa Parks was arrested and fined for not giving up her seat on the bus to a white passenger. Many people admired her for her confidence and bravery. If you had been Rosa Parks in this situation, would you have done the same thing? Why or why not?

On February 4, 1902, Charles Lindbergh was born. In 1927, Lindbergh became the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. He made this trip in his plane which was called “The Spirit of St. Louis.” What do you think this great voyage must have been like?

February 5

February 5th is “Disaster Day.” Over the past several years, think about the natural disasters that have take place in your area, in your state in your country, and around the world. What do you think has been the greatest natural disaster and why?

Today is National Birth Day. Keep track of all the birds you see today. Use the Internet or a bird identification book to identify them.

February 6

On February 6, 1859, Babe Ruth was born. Many people consider Babe Ruth to be the “Best Baseball Player Ever.” What is something that you hope people would someday remember you by as the “Best Ever?”

On this day in 1935, the Monopoly board game went on sale in stores. Use a current topic you are studying and design your own game, similar to the format of Monopoly.(If time permits, you can also build the game.)

February 7

On February 7, 1812, author Charles Dickens was born. During interviews later in his life, Dickens mentioned that memories from his childhood helped him create his fictional stories. What are some memories of your childhood that could someday be turned into great works of fiction?

February 8

On February 8, 1910, the Boy Scouts organization was founded. Clubs and organizations are a great way to learn important skills. What type of clubs and/or organizations do you belong to? What are some of the skills you have learned? If you don’t belong to one, which club would you want to join?

February 9

On this day in 1894, Hershey’s Chocolate was founded. If the President of Hershey’s asked you to create a new Hershey candy product, what would that product be? Don’t forget to include the ingredients, the candy’s name, and the type of packaging for your new product.

February 10

February 10th is “Umbrella Day.” You have been asked by the governor to design an umbrella that will represent your state. What type of a design would you create and why? Be sure to include a sketch.

February 11

Today is “National Inventors’ Day” in honor of Thomas Edison who was born on this day in 1847. What do you believe to have been the best invention ever created and why?

Today is “White T- Shirt Day.” If you were given a plain, white shirt to decorate, how would you decorate it and why? Be sure to include a sketch of your design.

February 12

On February 12, 1809, Abraham Lincoln was born. Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States. Lincoln was against slavery and believed that all people should be free. Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about slavery and summarize them in your own words.

February 13

Today is “Get a Different Name Day.” Some of you may know why you have the name you do, or what your name means. If you could give yourself a different name just for today, what would it be and why would you select that name?

February 14

February 14th is “Ferris Wheel Day” in honor of George Washington Gale Ferris’ birthday. Today you can find a Ferris wheel at most any amusement park or carnival. When you visit an amusement park or carnival, what is your favorite ride and why?

Today is Valentine’s Day. The history behind this day isn’t known for sure, but some people believe it’s based on a love letter that was written by Saint Valentine. Write a love letter to someone in your family letting them know how much they mean to you.


On this day in 1820, Susan B. Anthony was born, Anthony was known for her work with women’s civil rights movement in the mid-1800’s. Why do you think it was so important for the women of that time to have the same rights as men?

February 16

Today is President Day. This day honors two legendary American Presidents: George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Sing resources in the classroom, learn five (5) new facts about either President and summarize them in your own words.

On this day in 1923, King Tut’s Burial Chamber was opened. Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about the King Tut and summarize them in your own words

February 17

February 17th is “Random Acts of Kindness Day.” Make a list of 5-10acts of kindness that you can perform over the next week or month. You may also want to keep track of acts that you do, but were not on your list. Remember, you can help anyone… young, old, family, friend, stranger. Your random act can be as simple as picking up and returning an item someone dropped.

February 18

On this day in 1930, Pluto, a former planet, was discovered. What is your personal opinion about scientist no longer considering Pluto to be the ninth planet? Do you think they were correct? Or do you think Pluto should have remained a planet.

February 19

On this day in 1968, “Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood” debuted. This popular children’s television show shared many lessons with its viewers. If you could create your own television

show for kids, what type of show would you have and what would the show be called?

February 20

On February 20, 1962, John Glenn orbited the Earth in the Friendship 7 space capsule. He was the first person to orbit the Earth. What do you think it must have been like for John Glenn during this orbit? What did he see? How or what was he feeling?

February 21

Today is “Love Your Pet Day.” If you could have any type of pet what would you want and why?

February 22

On this day in 1732, George Washington, our first President, was born. What do you think were the advantages and/or disadvantages to being our country’s first president?

Today is “Be Humble Day.” Use the dictionary to look up the definition of humble and write it in your own words. Next, list 5-10 ways that you can personally be humble.

February 23

February is “American Heart Month.” Using resources in the classroom, learn (5) facts about your heart and summarize them in your own words.

February 24

February is “National Dental Health Month.” Create a list of ten (10) things that you can do to help keep your teeth and mouth healthy.

Today is the beginning of Mardi Gras. Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about Mardi Gras and summarize them in your own words.

February 25

February 25th is “Quiet Day.” Create a list of at least ten (10) activities that you could do being completely Quiet!

February 26

On this day in1864, Pony Express Rider Williams F. Cody was born. What do you think someone during that time period would think about today’s popular method of communication-email?

February 27

Today is “Polar Bear Day.” Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about the polar bear. Next, create a story web that has a polar bear as the main character and incorporates your newly learned facts.

February 28

On this day in 1849, gold seekers arrived in San Francisco, California. Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about one the following:

- Early gold miners

- Early uses for gold

Don’t forget to summarize them in your own words.



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