Nitrogen Use Efficiency, Nitrogen Fertilizers, Wheat ...

Sherri,We are responding within the email you sent, and will be able to cover everything.Bill Raun, Jagmandeep DhillonCover PhotoNo cover photoNotice of PublicationTo be notified as soon as your article is available online, sign up for the eTOCs (electronic table of contents). This service is free to anyone.The page to sign up can be easily accessed at: ARE COLLECTING NEW DATA...PLEASE TAKE A Participate in Our SurveyAs part of our ongoing efforts to improve the review process, we are surveying all corresponding authors of submissions to Agronomy Journal.If you have not done so already, please complete the brief survey, which is available at would appreciate your participation.Edited ManuscriptAttached please find a copy of the edited manuscript. Please review the manuscript to check that my editorial changes have not altered the manuscript content incorrectly, and to make a final check for mistakes that you may have made.If you should discover any errors, please provide a list of corrections.DO NOT SEND A REVISED MANUSCRIPT.Please note that extensive revision of manuscript content is not acceptable at this point.********************Is the corresponding author email address listed in the edited manuscript correct?Yes2. Please notify me if your paper is intended to be published as a Note, Forum, Review, Letter, or part of a Symposium (instead of a regular manuscript paper).Regular manuscriptWould you like your paper to be Open Access? The charge for Open Access is an additional $800 above and beyond any publication charges.Yes, charge me the $8004. We are summarizing abbreviations in a footnote. This footnote includes only those abbreviations that appear repeatedly throughout the manuscript.Is the abbreviations list in the edited manuscript acceptable?yes5. Core Ideas: Is the last Core Idea complete? Is there one missing?Second core idea was changed somewhat (tense to is)This study shows that world P use efficiency for cereal crops is low.6. p 1, Introduction, first paragraph: Should Kauwenbergh be changed to Van Kauwenbergh et al., 2013?Yes7. p 2, first full paragraph: Should Marschner, 1995 be changed to 1986?Yes8. p 2, last paragraph; p 3, second paragraph: Should Syers, 2008 be changed to Syers et al., 2008?Yes9. p 3, fourth paragraph; p 4, R&D: Should FAOSTAT, 2016 be changed to Food and Agriculture Organization, 2016?Yes10. p 5, second paragraph: Should Mattingly and Widdowson, 1959 be changed to 1958?Yes11. p 6, second paragraph: Kirkby and Johnston, 2008 is not in the references.Please add this reference. Sorry for the mistake.Kirkby, E.A. and A.E.J Johnston. 2008. Soil and fertilizer phosphorus in relation to crop nutrition. In?The ecophysiology of plant-phosphorus interactions?(pp. 177-223). Springer Netherlands.12. The following references are not cited in text:Via the extensive review, many citations were deleted. Please delete these from the references. Thank you for catching this.Baligar and Bennett, 1986, deleteHemwall, 1957, deleteMarschner, 1986, keep via correction noted aboveSadler and Stewart, 1974, deleteSAS Institute, 2011, deleteThorne et al., 2003, delete,USDA, 2016, deleteVan Kauwenbergh et al., 2013, keep via correction included (use of Van)13. Eddy, 1999: Provide an editor.The Eddy, 1999 reference needs to be deleted, as does the associated text on page 6. Sorry for this error.Eddy, D. 1999. Application and micronutrients In: American fruit grower. Meister Publishing Co., Willoughby, OH. p. 30–35.Page 6, sentence (please deleate)Eddy (1999) indicated that foliar fertilization is an economical and efficient method to deliver nutrients to crops.14. Check the abbreviation of the title of the journal for accuracy:Edixhoven et al., 2014, okHussein, 2009, okLindsay et al., 1989 (please use Minerals in Soil Environments, and do not use our abbreviation)Maleki et al., 2008, okScholz and Wellmer, 2016 okSteen, 1998, ok15. Clarkson and Grignon, 1991: Provide an editor.The first editor was listed (Johansen), but there were several thus the reason for the et al.16. Faulkner, 1999: Provide an editor.No editor listed17. Heffer et al., 2006: Provide an editor, dates and location of the proceedings. Provide publisher and publisher location.No editor listed, that we could find. Also do not know the location of the proceedings18. Kamprath, 1972: Provide an editor.We looked at this document again, and no editor is listed.. Pimentel et al., 1995: Provide the first six authors before using et al.Pimentel, D., Harvey, C., Resosudarmo, P. and Sinclair, K., 1995. Environmental and economic costs of soil erosion and conservation benefits. Science, 267(5201), p.1117.Please use this as the reference20. Shabnam and Iqbal, 2016: Are the page numbers correct? No… see corrected reference belowShabnam, R. and Iqbal, M.T., 2016. Phosphorus use efficiency by wheat plants that grown in an acidic soil. Brazilian Journal of Science and Technology, 3(1), p.18.21. Tiessen et al., 2011: Provide initials for Bunemann.EKNote: Please disregard any formatting issues in the tables; these are due to type size and page orientation. You may check the formatting of the tables in the galley proofs.Follow AJ on Twitter: @AgronomyJournalThank you.Thank you for finding all of these things. We do appreciate what you do as a copy editor. Again thanks.Sherri MickelsonFreelance EditorAgronomy Journal ................

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