12 Value Added Services - Sprint

18 Managed Hosting Service

18.1 Introduction

Sprint Managed Hosting enables the Government to outsource their IT infrastructure to a fully managed service that is owned, operated, and managed by Sprint. Sprint’s service eliminates the need for the Government to purchase server hardware and software, to manage machines and operations, and to stay abreast of the latest application server technology. Additionally, the Government will no longer need to purchase costly, high-bandwidth, diverse Internet connectivity to its business location in order to ensure Web site accessibility. Sprint Managed Hosting ensures the highest availability of its servers as well as traffic and data storage efficiency.

Sprint is responsible for full service management of the network, servers, and applications environment for providing the service. The Government is responsible for providing and managing its own content.

18.2 Service Offerings

Sprint offers four turnkey Managed Hosting solutions. These prepackaged solutions offer shared and dedicated Managed Hosting on the Unix platform, and dedicated hosting on the Microsoft Windows platform. The Managed Hosting packages are detailed below. Custom solutions are available through MPNS for Agencies whose requirements differ from the prepackaged solution.

18.2.1 Shared Hosting

The Shared Hosting prepackaged solution is the basic hosting package. This offering is targeted for an Agency that currently has no online presence. Available applications are Sprint-provided. The following components are included in this offering:

• Shared managed server platform

• Single site hosting

• San Jose, CA, Data Center location

• Unix operating system

• 100 Mb/s switched shared Ethernet Internet connection (10 GB/month data transfer limit, bursting up to 100 Mb/s, no minimum bandwidth guarantee)

• Control Center access

• Basic Statistics.

18.2.2 Basic Commerce

The Basic Commerce prepackaged solution is designed to provide the small to mid-sized Agency commerce capabilities. This solution will fulfill an Agency’s basic e-gov needs in collecting sensitive data such as credit card and social security numbers. The following components are included in this offering:

• Dedicated small managed server platform

• Single site hosting

• Windows operating system

• 10 Mb/s switched shared Ethernet Internet connection (no monthly transfer limit, bursting up to 10 Mb/s, 3 Mb/s minimum bandwidth guarantee)

• Commerce capabilities

• Standard reporting – Seven reports are available. The reports include information such as general statistics, page views over time, top pages by visits, visitors over time, and top referring sites by visits. The Reporting Tiers summary is provided in Table 1.B.18-2.

18.2.3 Enterprise Hosting

The Enterprise Hosting prepackaged solution is designed for an Agency with security as one of their main concerns to conduct Government to Business (G2B) transactions. The following components are included in this offering:

• Dedicated small managed server platform

• Single site hosting

• Unix or Windows operating system

• 10 Mb/s switched shared Ethernet Internet connection (no monthly data transfer limit, bursting up to 10 Mb/s, 3 Mb/s minimum bandwidth guarantee)

• Medium database server

• Server side caching

• Advanced reporting – 54 reports are available. The reports include information such as top visitors, top pages by visit, top pages by view, top entry pages by visits, top exit pages by visits, dynamic pages and forms by visits over time, and top paths through site by visit. The Reporting Tiers summary is provided in Table 1.B.18-2.

A dedicated firewall is recommended for use with this offering and may be purchased via MSS.

18.2.4 Enterprise Commerce

The Enterprise Commerce prepackaged solution is designed as a complete e-gov solution for Agencies who use the Internet as a distribution channel. This solution is designed for reliability and uptime with dual site redundancy. The following components are included in this offering:

• Dedicated small managed server platform

• Dual site hosting

• Kansas City, MO and Boston, MA Data Center locations

• Windows operating system

• 100 Mb/s switched shared Ethernet Internet connection (10 GB/month data transfer limit, bursting up to 100 Mb/s, no minimum bandwidth guarantee)

• Medium database server

• Commerce capabilities

• Server side caching

• Control Center access

• Basic Statistics

• Advanced reporting – 54 reports are available. The reports include information such as top visitors, top pages by visit, top pages by view, top entry pages by visits, top exit pages by visits, dynamic pages and forms by visits over time, and top paths through site by visit. The Reporting Tiers summary is provided in Table 1.B.18-2.

A dedicated firewall is recommended for use with this offering and may be purchased via MSS.

Table 1.B.18-1 shows how the four service types align with portions of the Managed Hosting infrastructure.

Table 1.B.18-1 Sprint Managed Hosting Prepackaged Solutions Comparison

| |Shared Hosting |Basic Commerce |Enterprise |Enterprise |

| | | |Hosting |Commerce |

|Shared managed server |X | | | |

|Dedicated Small managed server | |X |X |X |

|Unix platform |X | |X | |

|Windows platform | |X |X |X |

|Single Site |X |X |X | |

|Dual Site | | | |X |

|10 Mb/s switched shared Ethernet Internet connection| |X |X | |

|(no monthly restriction) | | | | |

|100 Mb/s switched shared Ethernet Internet |X | | |X |

|connection (10 GB/month data transfer limit) | | | | |

|Medium Database Server | | |X |X |

|Commerce capabilities | |X | |X |

|Server Side Caching | | |X |X |

|Control Center access |X | | |X |

|Basic Statistics |X | | |X |

|Reporting Functions | |X |X |X |

|Table 1.B.18-2 Reporting Tiers Summary |

| |Report Data |Report Data |Report Data |Report Data |Report Data |Max Reports |Max # of |

| |Retention |Retention |Retention |Retention |Retention |per Profile |Profiles per |

| |Daily |Weekly |Monthly |Quarterly |Annual | |Customer |

| Standard |4Wk. |8Wk. |13Wk. |26Wk. |52Wk. |7 |1 |

|Reporting | | | | | | | |

|Advanced |13Wk. |26Wk. |36Wk. |78Wk. |130Wk. |54 |2 |

|Reporting | | | | | | | |

18.3 Standard Service Components

The following service components are included in all Sprint Managed Hosting prepackaged solutions.

18.3.1 Site Security

Sprint’s Managed Hosting Service is highly secured from multiple points of access, both physically and electronically. All Sprint Managed Hosting servers are located in locked cages. Further, Sprint manages servers from a dedicated Enterprise Management Network separated from the Internet. Filters and restrictive access lists for the routers and servers protect the data itself, including strict internal access controls. Access lists for routers keep unwanted protocols from entering the data centers. Servers within the data centers are protected by address translation, thereby preventing security violations against the server interface address. Shared Hosting customers operate in a partitioned environment and are not allowed to communicate with other customers partitioned on the same server.

Production servers with private addresses are protected from the Internet by limiting access traffic type. Shared servers allow only HTTP traffic for Internet users. Dedicated servers allow both HTTP and FTP “gets” traffic for Internet users, however, FTP service is not included in the prepackaged solutions.

Customer Administration Network

A secure administrative network is provided for server administration and authoring with the Shared Hosting and Enterprise Commerce packages. The Government is responsible for procuring and configuring out-of-band management of their content in the Basic Commerce and Enterprise Hosting packages.

Sprint operates a separate staging area for the Shared Hosting and Enterprise Commerce customers for content management. The Shared production server’s secure environment is controlled by allowing access to these servers only from local back-end operational accounts. Customer administrators can test and verify content on a staging server prior to placing it on the production server. Staging access is provided via the Sprint IP Dial private network or via Government-provided access (the public Internet) – in both cases, client VPN encryption software packages are provided to ensure a VPN tunnel is established. These VPN tunnels must be established prior to the customer performing any administrative tasks. Traffic is secured over the Sprint IP Dial network using the existing access-list control to separate Intranet traffic from Internet traffic. The Government is responsible for providing, operating and maintaining the computer and communications equipment (i.e., a modem) to gain access to the service.

18.3.2 Backup Procedures

Full backups of the customer’s content will be performed once a week, incremental backups will occur nightly. For Shared Hosting customers, backups include customer content only. For Dedicated Hosting customers, Sprint backs up the contents of Sprint-specified directories. It is the customers’ responsibility to ensure all their important files are in these directories. Sprint will store the tape backup on-site for one week then transfer the tapes to a secure remote tape vault for storage on a rolling one-year basis.

Backup restores caused by hardware failures are included in the packages. System Administrator Function charges will apply for all customer-requested backup restores where Sprint is not at fault.

For sixty days after the effective date of termination of service, Sprint will maintain tape backup of the customer’s content that will be stored at a secure remote Sprint facility. Customer requests for a copy of this backup are considered customer requested backup restores and System Administrator Function charges will apply.

18.3.3 Sprint Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Sprint will monitor the Operating System and managed server 24 hours per day, seven days a week, to include the proactive detection, isolation, diagnosis, and correction of server troubles. Sprint will perform the troubleshooting and diagnostics on all hardware and Sprint-supported applications. Sprint will also ensure that the LAN and WAN inside the Data Centers, associated with the customer, are available and operating.

18.3.4 Software Support

Sprint will install Sprint-tested and approved software on Sprint servers and provide software corrections or new releases, as they become commercially available and viable. Email notifications for such changes will be sent to the Customer Administrator. Shared server customers will be upgraded up to the most recent Sprint-approved software release.

Dedicated managed server customers may choose to remain on a previous release of a software package. Under the base offering, Sprint will support software packages up to one revision back from the current level, provided the software vendor still supports that revision of software. The customer is responsible for supporting software not supported under the base offering. If the customer requests that Sprint support software not supported under the base offering, System Administrator Function charges will apply.

Third Party Software

Prior to the installation of any third-party software by either Sprint or the Government, the customer will be required to review and accept the terms of an End-User software license agreement. Support for third party software not provided by Sprint will be as set forth below:

• Only with Sprint’s prior written approval, customers will be allowed to install on their servers, software that is not provided by Sprint. The Government will obtain a software license in its own name, and will provide its own support for the third party software.

• The Government will be permitted to edit and add CGI scripts to its server environment. Sprint will not support any enhancements, improvements, revisions or adaptations of such software.

• Any publicly available software or “freeware” modules integrated in the software and itemized in the Engineering Design Document (EDD) will be provided by the customer and Sprint claims no rights to this software. The customer will retain all original licenses and will comply with all restrictions stated in such licenses.

18.3.5 DNS

The Government may choose 1) to select Sprint as their primary and secondary DNS provider, or 2) to select a non-Sprint ISP to provide DNS service. Sprint does not provide secondary DNS only. Therefore, if a non-Sprint ISP is selected by the Government to provide primary DNS service, that ISP must point their DNS servers to the Sprint Data Center DNS servers for the Agency’s Web site. It is recommended that Managed Hosting customers utilize the Sprint Web Hosting DNS name rather than SprintIP. SprintIP DNS is available but not guaranteed. Service parameters of SprintIP DNS do not apply to Managed Hosting customers.

18.3.6 Transferring Content from a Different Internet Service Provider (ISP)

Sprint offers various media devices to support an Agency’s transfer of its content from a non-Sprint ISP or for an Agency with an initial bulk upload need. In addition, a server workstation with high-speed access to the staging environment is provided in the Shared Hosting and Enterprise Commerce packages to upload Government content. The Government is ultimately responsible for transferring all content from a different ISP, DNS registration, domain name registration, e-commerce registration, etc.

18.4 System Administrator Functions

The Government is responsible for System Administrator functions in conjunction with Sprint’s Managed Hosting services. These include tasks such as:

• Support of non-Sprint-supported software or third party software

• Writing scripts

• Transferring content from a different ISP

• Support of Sprint-supported applications when the customer has root access

• Customer requested backup restores and all backup restores when the customer has root access.

When requested by the Customer Administrator, Sprint will perform the above functions. System Administrator Function charges will apply.”

18.5 Root Access

Those customers with dedicated servers may request root access to their servers. Root access can be utilized for installing new software, implementing scripts and cron jobs, or other administrative functions on the servers.

If the Government has root access to their servers, the operating system is exempt from the Managed Hosting guarantee. Sprint will guarantee only hardware and connectivity to the Internet.

If the Government is provided root access to their dedicated servers, the following rules apply:

• Once Sprint has turned over Root/Administrative access to a system for a specific customer, Sprint will no longer have logon access. To ensure security, the customer must disable the Sprint administrative accounts. If Sprint needs access to the servers to perform System Administrative functions, the customer will be notified and access will be granted by the Government. After Sprint has completed the System Administration tasks, the customer will be provided with a synopsis of the actions that were taken by Sprint and will then be contacted to disable the Sprint admin account.

• If the Government locks themselves out of their servers, Sprint's only recourse will be to restore the server from the backup. This is considered a customer requested backup restore.

• Sprint will work with the Government on Sprint-supported applications at the request of the customer. System Administrator Function charges will apply.

• Sprint will backup the machine with a full backup once a week and incremental backups on a daily basis. If the customer changes the backup client installed on the machine, this will impact the backup schedule. Sprint will not be responsible for any loss of backup schedules impacted by a change on the backup client made by the customer.

• System security is the responsibility of the customer. Sprint has the authority to control network security. Sprint will assist the customer in coordinating with Corporate Security to prevent unauthorized network access.

• Sprint will provide basic SNMP monitoring to ensure that hardware is available. Changes made to the SNMP client installed on the machine will impact monitoring. Sprint will not be responsible for loss of monitoring capabilities due to Government initiated changes on the SNMP client or other changes on the system resulting in a loss of monitoring.

• For the Enterprise Commerce package, Sprint will notify the customer of outages detected by managed server director load balancing.

• The Government will notify Sprint for any maintenance performed (by the customer) which could potentially result in monitoring alerts (server reconfigurations, system reboots, etc.).

18.6 Prepackaged Solutions Service Components

In addition to the Standard Service Components included in all solutions, the following service components are included in selected Managed Hosting Prepackaged Solutions. Table 1.B.18-1 details the actual prepackaged solution configurations.

|Table 1.B.18-3 Prepackaged Solutions Service Components |

|Service Component |Description |

|Shared Managed |The San Jose Data Center houses a set of shared servers to host content for shared customers on the |

|Server Platform |Unix platform. Since shared production servers house content of multiple customers simultaneously, |

| |shared production servers are not accessible by customers. |

| | |

| |Customers will administer their content via the Control Center. This includes the ability to create|

| |content on a staging server before “pushing” it to the production servers and the ability to |

| |rollback content to the latest content version. |

|Dedicated Managed |With Sprint Dedicated Managed Hosting, Sprint owns and manages the Internet connectivity, servers, |

|Server Platform |operating system, and Sprint standard applications; and the Government owns and manages its own |

| |non-Sprint-standard applications. |

| |Dedicated Managed Hosting offers a dedicated VLAN segment for each customer. This allows the |

| |Government to install and maintain non-Sprint-supported applications at no risk to or by other |

| |customers’ applications. The extra security and privacy offered by this configuration creates |

| |additional protection to the Government’s servers. The Government can run custom applications and |

| |retain control of the services running on the designated servers. |

|Control Center |The Managed Hosting Control Center, in a secured Web area, houses information and data to assist |

| |customer administrators in establishing and maintaining their Web site. Timely and relevant topics |

| |include: access, site administration, content creation, system configuration, news, customer service|

| |information, FAQ’s, contact information, and descriptions of Managed Hosting products and services. |

|Basic Statistics |The customer administrator has secure access to view management and tracking reports, log files and |

| |site performance statistics via encrypted access to the Control Center. These statistics include |

| |information such as the number of successful requests, average successful requests, number of |

| |successful requests for pages, average successful requests for pages, number of failed requests, |

| |number of distinct files requested, number of distinct hosts served, number of new hosts in the last|

| |7 days, total data transferred, average data transferred, current data storage, and average data |

| |storage and percent service availability. Raw Web logs are stored for a maximum of 60 days. |

|Reporting |Two tiers of reporting are available based on the Government’s detail and storage duration needs. |

|Functions |Each customer is able to choose from multiple types of reports and create a custom profile for |

| |running the selected reports. These reports are available via a secure Web site. |

|Dual site hosting |With dual site hosting, customer’s content is replicated both locally within the Data Center and |

| |geographically across the Data Centers. |

| |This provides the Government the ability to replicate content on geographically dispersed servers. |

| |End-user requests are served from the most available server, thereby enhancing the end user |

| |performance experience. |

| |The second site adds dual site mirroring, load balancing, content management, and content |

| |replication. Dual site hosting offers the highest level of content redundancy, serviceability, |

| |recovery, and security in the event of a server outage. |

|Commerce |E-commerce “toolkit.” A compilation of software objects that work together to enable Agencies to |

|Capabilities |engage customers and partners online via Government to Consumer Storefronts and enable Government to|

| |Business interaction with trading partners. |

| |Available only on dedicated Windows platform. |

|Database Server |Dedicated database hosting allows Web sites to interact with relational databases for dynamic Web |

|Applications |environments. Databases are increasingly utilized in Web environments to provide searchable and |

| |dynamic product catalogs and to enhance transactional capabilities. For both Oracle and Microsoft, |

| |the software license includes unlimited Internet access and five administrator accounts. |

| |Oracle is available in the Unix environment only. |

| |Microsoft SQL server is available in the Microsoft environment only. |

| |Sprint will provide management and 24x7 monitoring on the database hardware and applications. Note:|

| |Sprint does not provide Database Administration (DBA) services for customers; the Government is |

| |responsible for managing the tables, schema, data, etc., contained within the tables. |

|Server Side |Allows the Government to scale their Web sites by using caching appliances versus adding additional |

|Caching |costly managed servers |

| |Improves capacity, throughput, and response time, while cutting costs in comparison to additional |

| |managed servers. |

18.7 Performance Guarantee

18.7.1 Committed Site Availability

Table 1.B.18-4 depicts Sprint’s monthly Committed Site Availability:

|Table 1.B.18-4 Committed Site Availability |

|Service |Description |

|Sprint Shared Hosting |Sprint will maintain 99.5% availability of production managed servers. |

|Sprint Basic Commerce and Enterprise Hosting |Sprint will maintain 99.5% availability of production managed servers, |

| |for which the Government contracts for unmodified, fully Sprint-managed |

| |applications in one geographic data center location. For Dedicated |

| |Managed Hosting Agencies that manage their own applications in their |

| |VLAN, the guarantee applies only to the Sprint-managed hardware and |

| |operating system. The guarantee does not apply in the event of failure |

| |caused by the Government’s applications. If the Government has root |

| |access to the servers located in their VLAN, the operating system is |

| |exempt from the guarantee. Sprint will guarantee only hardware and |

| |connectivity to the Internet. |

|Sprint Enterprise Commerce |Sprint will maintain 100% availability of production managed servers, |

| |for which the Government contracts for unmodified, fully Sprint-managed |

| |applications on redundant systems in two geographically dispersed Data |

| |Centers. For Dedicated Managed Hosting Agencies that manage their own |

| |applications in their VLAN, the guarantee applies only to the |

| |Sprint-managed hardware and operating system. The guarantee does not |

| |apply in the event of failure caused by the Government’s applications. |

| |If the Government has root access to the servers located in their VLAN, |

| |the operating system is exempt from the guarantee. Sprint will |

| |guarantee only hardware and connectivity to the Internet. |

18.7.2 Site Availability Calculation Site Availability Statistics

Sprint will monitor site availability by performing an “HTTP head request” in 10 minute intervals from just within the outermost edge of the Data Center network to the customer’s server(s). Site availability does not validate customer’s content, but is based on whether the customer’s server is functioning properly. If the Government suspects an outage condition does exist, the Government must report such outage to the Sprint Service Management Center (SMC). An outage condition exists when Sprint verifies no response to an HTTP head request, subject to the excluded outages set forth in section Outages Excluded from Site Availability Statistics

Outages excluded from Site Availability calculations are:

• Outages on the network outside the Sprint Data Center(s)

• Outages caused by Government-provided application software or Government modifications to the software installed on Sprint's servers

• Outages caused by the use of Government-customized or Government-developed CGI scripts and/or executables

• Outages caused by third-party-provided primary DNS or SprintIP DNS

• Outages to a staging server or Customer Administration site.

• Outages to production managed servers for sites without dual site hosting caused by scheduled maintenance during the designated maintenance window (Mondays between the hours of 12:00 am and 6:00 am local time of the Data Center)

• Outages caused by the Government, or others authorized by the Government to use Sprint services.

Table of Contents

18 Managed Hosting Service 1

18.1 Introduction 1

18.2 Service Offerings 1

18.2.1 Shared Hosting 1

18.2.2 Basic Commerce 2

18.2.3 Enterprise Hosting 3

18.2.4 Enterprise Commerce 4

18.3 Standard Service Components 5

18.3.1 Site Security 6

Customer Administration Network 6

18.3.2 Backup Procedures 7

18.3.3 Sprint Monitoring and Troubleshooting 8

18.3.4 Software Support 8

18.3.5 DNS 9

18.3.6 Transferring Content from a Different Internet Service Provider (ISP) 10

18.4 System Administrator Functions 10

18.5 Root Access 11

18.6 Prepackaged Solutions Service Components 12

18.7 Performance Guarantee 14

18.7.1 Committed Site Availability 14

18.7.2 Site Availability Calculation 15 Site Availability Statistics 15 Outages Excluded from Site Availability Statistics 15

List of Tables

Table 1.B.18-1 Sprint Managed Hosting Prepackaged Solutions Comparison 5

Table 1.B.18-2 Reporting Tiers Summary 5

Table 1.B.18-3 Prepackaged Solutions Service Components 13

Table 1.B.18-4 Committed Site Availability 14


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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