From Da’ Prez


From Da’ Prez


Where did the bands go?

This past month has been a real challenge from the standpoint of chasing DX. For the daytime DX’ers on the higher bands it was probably pretty good at times, but for the rest of us, the evenings seemed to be constant QRN with not much in the way of propagation. Must be spring or something.

One way to get past the DX chasing doldrums is to mark your calendar for the HamCom get-together in Arlington, Texas June 8 – 10th. The LONE STAR DX ASSOCIATION is putting on what will prove to be one of the finest DX get-togethers in our part of the country. Marti Lane, OH2BH will be the featured speaker at the Saturday, June 9th DX Luncheon from 11:30AM – 1:30PM. Marti is probably the world’s best-known DX’er and has enabled many of us to pick up a number of new ones thanks of his dedication and perseverance. In addition to Marti, John Devoldere, ON4UN of “TOP BAND” fame will be presenting a special program at 3:00PM on Saturday.

Wayne Mills, N7NG (ARRL HQ Staff Membership Services Manager) will be on hand to bring the latest news on DX’ing at 10:00AM Saturday. LSDXA will have a booth in the exhibit area and will be checking QSL cards as well as having OH2BH, ON4UN, N7NG, W5JBP, and N5OK available from time to time during the HamFest. It’s too often that we hear the complaint “there isn’t much for DX’ers at HamFests” – Well, this one will change that viewpoint! LSDXA has gone out on a financial limb to put on this outstanding “DX Oriented” Saturday that deserves your attendance. The OKDXA contributed $200 to LSDXA to assist in paying the expenses of getting OH2BH and ON4UN to the HamFest. Their commitment to helping the DX community have a great time at a major HamFest is a benchmark for our organization as we face the future of DX chasing in Oklahoma!

Our erstwhile Editor, AC5UP is starting a new column this month dealing with HF ELMERING. He is looking for volunteers to share their expertise in every aspect of getting into the thick of DX chasing and Contesting from antennas, techniques, propagation, card checking, QSL’ing, etc. This project was the idea of our Vice President of Activities, Clif Sikes, N5UW. None of us are experts in every area of the hobby, but you’ve learned things worth sharing and that’s what The Elmer Project is all about. We encourage volunteers like YOU to get the project rolling with your tips. Nelson will edit the article and fix it up for publication in the C&E – so get out the keyboard and see what you can do. Nelson’s e-mail address is at the end of the OKDXA Newsletter. ( ac5up@ )

Clif Sikes, N5UW is chairman of the Nominating Committee for Officers to be elected at the next OKDXA meeting in OKC at Ham Holiday in July. We will be electing a new President ( I am not eligible for re-election ), a Vice President of Administration (to fill the balance of Dick Stricker’s NJ5S/SK term), and a Vice President of Activities (currently held by Clif Sikes, N5UW). It is important that we get motivated volunteers to fill these positions. Contact Clif Sikes, N5UW, Ross Hunt, K5RH, or Coy Day, N5OK if you are willing to help OKDXA grow in the future through your participation as an Officer of the Association.

That’s the latest from the shores of Lake Hefner and the golf course at Surrey Hills.

‘73 and have a great summer!


Secretary / Treasurer Report


If you haven't visited the OKDXA website lately, stroll by okdxa and see the work Bob, K5SIT is doing. In addition to some reorganization, his responsiveness has insured the roster is staying up to date. You will see a few e-mail changes along with our two newest members whom we welcome this month:

W5ATV - David Ratliff, Tulsa, OK

KE5WY - John Marshall, Tulsa, OK

Let’s all welcome David and John. Stop by for a visit on our Monday night Net on 3860 kHz at 6:30pm if you get a chance.

Editors Note: Both are regulars on a semi-infamous Six Meter FM Net in the Tulsa area. W5ATV is well known as ‘General Dave’ ever since his license upgrade, is an ATV’er of high repute, and operates from a new shack that’s picture perfect. He’s also a former president of the Tulsa ARC and has done some fine work in promoting the hobby. KE5WY is one of a kind, and that’s probably a good thing. He’s an active builder, tinkerer, and former radio store sales guy. It’s people like John who’ve caused plenty of rigs to be sold, and whenever I chat with him on the air (wait for it, you know what’s coming), I think about selling mine… His soldering iron rarely gets cold and he’s definitely a Real Ham. Just ask him, he’ll tell you! They’re both an asset to the Association and I’m glad to see them in the roster. ( AC5UP

The OKDXA's contribution to HamCom in June has been recognized by the Lone Star DX Association. It sounds like the OKDXA will be represented in person by several OK DX’ers. Hope to see you there!


From Da’Editor


For those of you who enjoy a little bench time for repair or home-brew, you’ve lost another excuse for a dusty soldering iron. eBay now has a section devoted to small electronic parts and assemblies. A bag of 100 2N2222A’s and other common TO-92 plastic transistors typically go for $13.00 delivered to your mailbox. That’s 13 cents each. New, name brand goodies, and the date codes tend to be recent. Small diodes run a penny or two each while 2N3055 power transistors go for 50 cents each in quantities of 25. 1/4 Watt metal-film 5% resistors are incredibly cheap, but the quantities tend to run ‘large’. (as I type this, an auction is offering 60,000 8.2k 5% resistors starting at $49.99. That’s almost a lifetime supply for KE5WY) If you tinker, there’s no reason not to build a well-stocked junk box on the cheap. If you’re a masochist, you can find plenty of SMT parts, too. My favorite is still the Big Box of small parts on tape for $10.00, but that’s just me. Give it the hairy eyeball and you’ll be amazed at what comes through. Heck, buy some white LED’s so the next time you replace a meter lamp is the last time you replace that meter lamp…

On the RF side, I really love the mega solar flares we’ve seen recently. 10 Meters hasn’t been this dead since 1998, and I take it as a reminder I shouldn’t get too DX complacent. Even 20 Meters has been shutting down at night. The all-too-easy DX of January and February had me spoiled, and when (if) the DX Drought ends I will have a newfound appreciation for the F Layer. Let’s hope we both live to see it. Even the AM broadcast band has been stinko for the past month and that’s a shame as Art Bell, W6OBB has been better than ever since he came back. If anything, this will likely be the most-studied solar cycle in history. My sense of irony tells me the propagation will return just in time for thunder-boomer season.

In other news, it should be noted that Marvin Rice of Hopkins, MN has NØSEX and Sally Leach of Cassville, MO says NØWAY. John Kriegshauser of Kansas City, MO has NØGO, but Timothy Mc Carty of Jamestown, ND has NØHOW. Stephen Schendel (who once ran a computer BBS in Tulsa) of Glendale, AZ is NØLID while Lois Prall of Hot Springs, SD is NØSWL. Randy Bennett of Oceanside, CA is NØPIG, Eldred Tomlinson of Smith Center, KS is NØHOG, and Bert Kleingartner of Mc Clusky, ND is NØSOW. Robert Roth of Stillwell, KS is NØDOG, Milfred Bakke of Fargo, ND is NØCAT, Sean Fuller of Friendswood, TX is NØRAT, and the FCC knows that no Radio Amateur is NØCOW or NØCBR. Daniel Dalton Sr. of Crossville, TN has NØLOG and, in case you haven’t heard, the Eastern Iowa DX Association of Marion, IA has NØDX.

Danny Green of Jefferson City, MO has NØHAT, Erlene Kerley of Murray, UT has NØFAT, and Terry Chown of Colorado Springs, CO is NØKID. Robert Graham of Tucson, AZ is NØBUM and Douglas Berg of Longmont, CO has NØJOB, Bruce Prince of Sierra Vista, AZ has NØCAR and Warner Ellinwood of Athol, MA has a W1MPY signal.

We regret to report that Marc Phelps of South Amana, IA is NØMAN. John Radloff of Grand Junction, CO isn’t an SK, but he is NØMOR. Robert Haney of Cedar Rapids, IA is NØGUD. Kevin Uhlir of Apple Valley, MN always makes a NØBEL effort. Ronald Weston of Des Moines, IA could be memory-challenged as NØNOT, Stephen Boller of Tonka Bay, MN sends a mixed message when he calls CQ as NØNO, while Frederick Gerson of Springfield, MO works the pileups as NØMO. Clarence Veith of Saint Peter, MN is (allegedly) a NØTTY boy, but, on the other hand, Michael Ripperger of Indianola, IA is NØRML and the Michael Deignan Repeater Assoc. in Providence, RI is WE1RD. We’ve heard that Dennis Waldron of Douglasville, GA is so smooth on the air that everyone calls him WD4O, and whenever Sarah Dalton of Crossville, TN hears an XE pileup, she says NØMAS. As Stephen Earley of Rio Hondo, TX might say after reading this…… NØSHT !

As for me, I’m just glad to be known as

( KBLC-0492


OPDX Bulletin - Internet Edition

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster

Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW

Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, OH



Fabrizio, IK5GQK; Giuseppe, IK5YOJ; Stefano, IW5BZQ and Virginio, IW5EDQ will be active for 3 days from 3A-land (JN33RR) between June 1-3rd. They will concentrate on 6 Meters, but will also be active on 2 Meters and HF. Their call signs will be 3A/IK5GQK, 3A/IK5YOJ, 3A/IW5BZQ and 3A/IW5EDQ. Activity is planned as follows:

6 Meters - (50.210 SSB, 50.600 RTTY, 50.620 PSK31) using an Icom IC-706MKIIG with 6 element yagi and HQ50 Halo Loop.

2 Meters - (144.290 SSB) Icom IC-706 with 9 element yagi.

HF Bands - (SSB, RTTY, PSK31, SSTV) two Yaesu FT-100 and vertical antennas.

You can make skeds before and during the operation by E-mail to: 3a@

They will check e-mail at the top of every hour during the operation. For the latest news and logs, please visit their web page at: . QSL all VHF QSO’s (6/2 meters) direct to: Stefano Mannelli, P.O.BOX 569, 50123, Firenze Centro, ITALY. QSL the HF QSO’s direct to: Fabrizio Vannini, via Forlanini 68, 50127 Firenze, ITALY.

3B6, AGALEGA (Update)

Steve, N3SL reports there will probably be one last press release from the "official sources" before the team hits the air. The team flies on April 28th from Zurich to Mauritius and it is NOT absolutely certain, but they may fly to and from 3B6 (instead of by sea) and this would give them an extra 3 days on the air. Steve, N3SL states that his daughter Kim is going to handle the QSL’s for North America (not just the USA). QSL via Kim Larson, 22 N. Hidden Acres Dr., Sioux City, IA 51108 (N3SL's CBA). Reportedly, Kim is handicapped and is getting a real thrill in doing this job. She did probably 75% of the AH1A QSL cards, so she is not a novice. The 3B6RF team is planning a photo card and this will take a bit of time after the DX’pedition for printing. Steve states that he will see to it that all the U.S. DX newsletters are kept informed on their status. Steve will be doing mostly CW, but he has been asked to do RTTY (or possibly SSB) whenever they're trying to work the U.S. Riki, 4X4NJ reports he will be joining the 3B6RF team as part of the 21 amateur group. He states, "We'll have 8 stations on the air during the first 3 weeks of May. All of the equipment and antennas are "World Class" - examples: 4 square arrays on 80m & 40m, Titanex vertical and Beverages for 160m, beams for HF, Yaesu FT1000MP transceivers with 1 kilowatt amps, etc. Naturally, I will devote myself to 160m as much as possible!" For more details, visit:


Martin, 3C5J was heard on 20, 17, and 10 Meters. The sad part is that his operation will not count for DXCC because he is operating from an oil platform, but he is expected to be there for 6 months. The good news is that "The Daily DX" reports that Martin may have a chance to go to Malabo to operate, and that location will count toward DXCC.


A couple of new stations have been on the air signing the prefix 3XY. Station 3XY6A was heard on 12 Meters (24955 kHz between 1730-1930z) with a little activity on 20 Meters (14203 kHz after 2230z). QSL via VE2XO. Station 3XY2S showed up on 10 Meters (28447 kHz around 0915z). QSL via P.O. Box 1484, Konakry.


This is one of the more interesting reports we’ve seen recently. The Cluster Network indicates that 4U1UN was active on PSK31 on 20 Meters and SSTV on 15 Meters. It pays to work the ‘other’ modes!


Sigi, 5R8GT was heard on 12 Meters and other WARC bands. Check around 24942 kHz between 1630 and 1730z. Also, check 10104 kHz after 0300z, 18142 kHz around 1630z and 21242 kHz after 1730z. QSL via DK8ZD.


Graham, 5X1GS was heard on 10 Meters. Listen for him on SSB around 28460 or 28475 kHz after 1030z and again after 2000z. QSL via WB2YQH.


Phil, G3SWH and his XYL Jan, will be in the Maldives from June 4-11th. Phil has been allocated the call sign 8Q7WH and this will be a holiday style operation. He will have his IC-706 and R-7000 with him and plans to be active on all bands 40-10 Meters, CW only, as time allows. QSL to his CBA with SAE and return postage or via the RSGB bureau.


Charles, A25/KY4P was heard on 10 Meters CW & SSB. Check around 28002 kHz or 28452 kHz between 1200 and 1500z. QSL via SVØLM.


Joe, G3MRC was heard as G3MRC/C9 on 28029 kHz between 1330 and 1600z. QSL via his home call.

D70, SOUTH KOREA (Special Prefix)

A group of HL operators will be active through May 25th with the special call D7ØIAF (Delta Seven Zero India Alfa Foxtrot) to celebrate the opening of the "Incheon International Airport". They will operate CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31. Check the following frequencies: 7006, 7070, 14014, 14070, 14086, 21070 and 21290 kHz. The QSL manager is Lee, HL1IWD (who prefers bureau QSL’s).


The "425 DX News" reports that Gunter, OE1GZA will be active from Ramallah until the end of next year as E4/OE1GZA. Activity will be only on 30-10 Meters at this time. Direct QSL’s are recommended, as bureau cards will not be answered for a long time, to: Gunter Zwicki, c/o SICT, P.O. Box 91196, Ramallah, Palestine.


Ron, ZL1AMO continues to be active as H4ØRW and was heard on 7007, 14025, 14226.5, 14236, 21028 and 28024 kHz. QSL via his home call.


Pedro, HK3JJH is now active as HK3JJH/HKØM. Reports claim he has been on 40, 20, 15 and 10 Meters, SSB.


Jairo, HK5MQZ and Hiro, HK5QGX have announced their DX’pedition originally planned between April 8-21st was cancelled. The second voyage of the only ship that sails to Malpelo was cancelled after the scuba group that originally contracted the ship cancelled their trip. They cordially present their apologies to all colleagues who were interested in this operation.


Laurent, F8BBL will be on the Island of Crete (EU-015) near Heraklion as SV9/F8BBL, from June 25th through July 2nd. Activity will be on 160-6 Meters CW & SSB using an IC-706MKII and a long wire into an ICOM AH4. QSL via home call sign (CBA 2001).


Patrick, F6OIE will call as TMØA from May 13-25th. He will be active on all bands SSB/CW and is expected to participate in the CQ WPX CW Contest.

UZ5, UKRAINE (6 Meters)

The profoundly optimistic will be listening for grid squares LNØ8 and LNØ9 to be active from June 2-11th, by UX2MM, UX2MF, UX5MZ, UR5LCV, UX7MX, UX7MA, UR3MP, UR5MID and UR5EAW. This Ukrainian group will be active as UZ5M in the IARU1 50 MHz June Contest and the UKSMC. QSL via UX2MM (Box 59, Lisichansk, 93100).


Larry, KJ4UY will be operating as V47UY, May 10th through the 16th from Karl's shack (V44NK) on Nevis. Larry is sending a KT34A and 2 element Hy-Gain 40m beam as soon as he can find out how to do it. QSL to home call, KJ4UY.


Victor, ZK1CG has been active on 20 Meters SSB. Check above 14200 kHz after 0630z and again around 1500z. Also active is Jim, ZK1JD on 20 & 10 Meters SSB. Check 20 Meters after 0400z and 10 Meters (above 28470 kHz) after 2330z. Victor mentions that Jim, ZK1JD would like QSL’s sent direct to: Jim Ditchburn, PO Box 491, Rarotonga Cook Islands, via New Zealand. The Cook Islands do not have a QSL bureau so all cards for ZK1 must go direct or to the manager(s) indicated by the operator. Any cards sent via the QSL bureau are dumped in the trashcan. Victor states, "If you are QSL’ing direct, please include a self addressed envelope and 2 IRC’s or a green stamps to help cover the cost of the postage and QSL cards." Jim, ZK1JD; Victor, ZK1CG; and Tuatai, ZK1CY (also ZK1MA when he is in North Cook) are the only local Hams on Rarotonga, South Cook Island that are operating. QSL ZK1CG to: Victor Rivera, P.O. Box 618, Rarotonga Cook Islands, via New Zealand.


EU-174 Listen for operators Eddy, ON6HE; Dirk, ON5CT and Frank, ON4AAC to be active from Thasos Island between May 27th and June 3rd.

OC-154 Dan, VK8AN will take his equipment back to Troughton Island for his next few tours. Activity is planned for April 10-24th, May 8-22nd and June 5-19th. If there are any changes in those dates we will be advised. QSL to VK4AAR DIRECT ONLY to: POB 421, Gatton 4343, Australia. A Reminder: Do NOT send an SASE with Aussie stamps unless you have access to the right series (this is IMPORTANT). It is better to send USD (or IRC’s if you must).

Miscellaneous News

ARRL DXCC Manager Bill Moore, NC1L reports that documentation has been received for ET3VSC (Ethiopia), 3XY2D (Guinea) and 3W2LWS (Vietnam). These cards will now be accepted for DXCC.


Claude, F5PBL returned to France on April 2nd and says: "TNX to everybody for the calls. Despite high QRN levels on my side, I hope I answered most of your calls (except USA ... sorry guys, the QRN was S9 towards the States! I did my best, but...). This was my very first DX trip, so sorry for my lack of experience in pileup management! QSL’ing is OK via the Bureau or direct to Claude Terrier, 18 allee du Mail, F-92360 Meudon-la-Foret, France. The address in Villeparisis (Zip 77270) is also OK but not the quickest, and please avoid Aulnay (Zip 93600) because the Postal services will soon stop the forwarding to me. QSL cards should be printed and delivered within 6 weeks. I will then start the answering process, starting with direct requests, of course. I will NOT answer to eQSL’s, sorry." For more updated information and the log (which will be available soon), check out his Web site at:


The Magnolia DX Association has sent an appreciation plaque to Chuck Brady, N4BQW for his one-man operation as 3YØC. They wanted Chuck to know how much the DX Community appreciated his one-man operation from Bouvet Island. Chuck endured many hardships (and much improvising) to allow many thousands of DX’ers worldwide to contact this VERY rare DXCC entity.


Listen for the special event station 8J3EAG to be active on 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 Meters from April 28th through May 27th during the East Asian Games from Osaka City. (the East Asian Games web site is: ) This station will promote Osaka as a candidate for the Olympic Games in 2008. Information about this station with an online log search can be found at: cgi-bin/ QSL via JARL Bureau or direct to JA3DBD: Souichi Miyamoto, 6-9-2 Habikigaoka, Habikino Osaka, 583-0864 Japan.


The special call sign TM6JUN will be on the air from "Utah Beach" June 1-10th. Suggested frequencies are:

CW - 3526, 7026, 14026, 21026, 28026

and 50206

SSB - 3644, 7074, 14174, 21174, 28574

and 50200 kHz.

QSL’s to F8LDX (preferably via bureau).


There has been a very high level of interest in the IOTA 2000 Programme with a large number of applications received and being processed by the CDXC Committee. We plan to issue the first batch of certificates in May. The closing date for applications is 31 December 2001. Would those applying please remember to complete the application form. This can be found on the CDXC web site: .uk The calls of the two amateurs checking the log should be shown on the form. Both e-mail and postal applications are welcome. Applications by post should be sent to: CDXC C/O Neville Cheadle, Further Felden, Longcroft Lane, Felden, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP3 0BN England. In the case of e-mail applications, the SM6DEC system is being used by about 70% of the applicants. It is highly recommended and can be downloaded from the CDXC web site.

Neville Cheadle G3NUG

Chairman - CDXC (Chiltern DX Club)


The Low Land DX’pedition Team (LLDXT) is pleased to announce their 6th Caribbean Tour. This year's tour will bring them to the "Island of Carriacou" (Grenada - IOTA NA-147) from August 2-15th and the Island of Bequia (St. Vincent - IOTA NA-025) from August 16-27th. The team members will be Bouke, PAØZH; Ronald, PA3EWP; Rob, PA5ET and Dennis, PA7FM. The call signs used will be J3/homecall and J8/homecall. They will use two FT1000MP’s with amplifiers and be active around the clock on 160-10 Meters, CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31. Titanex has sponsored a V160E vertical to give them a good low-band signal. As in past years, they will have a Tour Web site which will be updated daily with the latest information, on-line logs, tour diary, digital photos and digital pile-up recordings. The Guest book can already be found at: All QSL’s will be managed by PA5ET, Rob Snieder, Van Leeuwenstraat 137, 2273 VS Voorburg, The Netherlands.


The Ukrainian QRP Club will hold its first (of what they call a) "QRP’pedition" to the Ai-Petri Mountain in Crimea, from May 4-11th. The goals of this event are to publicize low power activity on the air, attract the attention of Hams to the QRP movement, and show the boundless possibilities for low power operation. Participants are also encouraged to test their homemade QRP transceivers as well as meeting and making friends on the air. The special call sign EM5QRP will be used during this QRP’pedition:. The members of the QRP’pedition are: RK3ZK, UR6IRL, UR7IRL, US1RCH, US1REO, UU4JCQ, UY1AW and UZ8RR. The QRP’peditioners output power will be: 5 watts (CW) and 10 watts (SSB). Listen for them to be active on the international QRP frequencies. Operations on RTTY and SSTV are being planned, too. Prizes (A book, published by Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK) will be won by the three stations with the largest number of QSO’s with QRP’pedition members on various bands. All other contacts will get a special QSL card confirming their QSO’s. Those who wish to get the QRP’pedition pennant must send their QSL and 4 IRC’s to the expedition QSL Manager UR7IRL: Vladimir Tretyakov, Post Box 41, Konstantinovka-10, Donetsk Region, 85110, Ukraine.


Never before have we seen as much SSTV activity from different countries as now. The release of the free soundcard software "MMSSTV" is a big help in the popularity of SSTV. And it's fine to see that major DX’peditions add SSTV to their mode list. In the past we had SSTV from 3D2CI, BQ9P, XZØA, ZK1AXU, ZD7K, ZD8K, A35SC etc. If you are going on a trip to an exotic spot, we (a bunch of SSTV DX'ers) would like to help you with SSTV... It's different to run a SSTV pile up... we can advise you and bring you in contact with previous "SSTV DX’peditioners". There is a lot of info for starters on my website: on4vt. There you will also find recent DX pictures (4U1UN, ZC4BS, ZD7K, ZD8K, 3D2CI, etc).

73, Danny ON4VT

Join the PDXB-SSTV reflector at on4vt !!!

Danny Van Tricht

Hulshoutveld 2

B-2235 Hulshout


Email ON4VT@




Reprinted with permission from

QST Contest Calendar ( K5TR, Editor



CQ-M International DX Contest

Sponsored by Krenkel Central RC of Russia, 2100Z May 12 to 2100Z May 13. CW, Phone, SSTV, 160 80 40 20 15 10 Meters plus satellites. Categories: Single op-single band CW, SSB, mixed mode or satellites; single op, multiband CW, SSB, mixed mode or QRP (mixed mode, ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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