Child Study-Reeval-Evaluation-Eligibility--IEP Plus - v ...

[Pages:19]Child Study/Eligibility/Reevaluation/ DRAFT (v. 20090919)

Logging in to IEP Plus 1. Access the Suffolk Public Schools intranet portal and select the IEP Plus Link 2. Select "Click here to Launch" ? If there is a dialog box that asks you to close the window, click behind the window, and place the cursor in the field labeled "User Name."

3. Enter your SPS username and password. ? If you are unable to access the system using your SPS log-in please send an e-mail message to: suspyne@.

If you wish to access IEP Plus from home, use the following link:

Child Study

Child Study Referral/Meeting Before the CST Meeting After a request for a child study meeting or a referral is received, the student's status must be changed in eSP so a meeting invitation can be created in IEP Plus.

1. Open the student's file in eSP. 2. Change the student's status to "NSE" (new to special ed)

? The student's information should be available in IEP Plus approximately 30 minutes after the student's file is "flagged" in eSP.

3. Send the referral to the Compliance Specialist the same day it is received so a meeting invitation can be created and mailed. ** The referral needs to be sent via fax or scanned/attached to an e-mail so the compliance specialist has the information required to contact the parent/complete the invitation.


Building Administrator

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Child Study

Documenting Receipt of CST Referral/10 day timeline Log-in to IEP Plus Select the student's record Select "Important Dates" from the summary screen Enter two important dates:

1. Select "New" Type: "Child Study Referral Received" Date: The date the referral was received by the building administrator Select: "SAVE"

2. Select "New" Type: CST ? 10 day Expiration Date ? Date: The 10 business days from the day the referral was received. Select: "SAVE"

Personnel Compliance specialist

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Meeting Invitation ? Child Study ? Reevaluation and Eligibility

Meeting Invitation 1) Select the invitation link from the navigation bar on the left side of the screen. *If you cannot see the Invitation link, click on "Forms" to expand the forms menu. 2) Select "new" to create a new invitation 3) Enter the date of the meeting 4) Select the meeting type. 5) Select the letterhead for the meeting location 6) Select "create form" 9 Confirm the first date field (the date the form was created in the previous steps) 9 Confirm the date entered for the meeting (again, this was set up in the previous steps when the invitation form was created) 9 Enter the meeting time (format: hh:mm AM ? caps, no dots) 9 Select the meeting location. 9 Add meeting attendees 9 If the name of the person does not appear when using the command "Link to an existing person", select the next option "Enter a name" and enter the staff member's name/title and select OK. 9 General education teachers will have to be typed into meeting attendees (Enter a name). 9 Include the name of the "referring source" and select "referring source as the "position type" 9 After meeting attendees are entered, select SAVE at the top of the page. If you don't select save after step six, you will lose the information entered into the meeting attendees field. 9 If an outside agency representative will be invited to discuss preschool transition (part C to Part B services), select" Add agency statement"

Personnel Compliance Specialist

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Meeting Invitation (Con't) 9 Select "Return" to exit out of the invitation form. 9 Add the agency name from the goalbook or, type the agency name into the

narrative fields. 9 Select the computer disk icon in the lower left corner to save the agency

information 9 Confirm the contact information is correct at the bottom of the page (the LEA

representative information). 9 Return to meeting attendees and check the fields "invite, include and attended"

next to the parent's name, and if applicable, the student's name. 9 Select "SAVE" at the top of the page 9 To preview the invitation in the published form, select Print Preview" 9 After you review the invitation, select "Close Window" 9 After the necessary changes are made on the webform, select "Save" 9 Select "Finalize" to lock the invitation and create an archived copy.

Personnel Compliance Specialist

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Notify Meeting Participants: 9 Print the number of invitations required for the meeting. Please note, two invitations are published when you finalize the document ? one for the parent, and one for the guardian.

Personnel: Compliance Specialist

9 Do not send invitations to meeting participants' via e-mail, they must be mailed to parents/agency representatives. SPS special education personnel can check the meeting scheduling utility in IEP Plus. General education teachers (and others without access to IEP Plus) must be provided with an invitation to the meeting in a sealed envelope.

Personnel responsible for monitoring the meeting scheduling utility:

9 Student Support Team Members

9 Related Service Providers

9 Building Administrators

9 Special Education Personnel

Documenting Parent/Team contact 9 Select "Summary" from the navigation bar on the left side of the screen to

teturn to the student's summary screen 9 Select "Meetings" 9 Open the meeting record for the invitation just created 9 Select the link "Click here to add a new date" 9 Select the type of parent/team contact form the drop down menu 9 Enter the date the contact was made 9 Select "update" 9 If you need to enter another contact, select "add" 9 When you have entered all of the contact dates, select "SAVE" at the top of the


Personnel Compliance Specialist

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CST/Reevaluation ? Referral for Testing

At the CST Meeting ? If the child is referred for an evaluation/testing Complete the Child Study forms (these are handwritten) If the child is referred for an evaluation/testing (during CS or reevaluation):

1. Complete the referral in IEP Plus 9 Select "Referrals" from the student summary screen in IEP Plus 9 Enter the date the child was referred to the evaluation team 9 Enter the 65 day timeline 9 Select "Referral Type" 9 Select "Referral Source" 9 Enter the date the parent gave consent for the evaluation. If the parent is

Personnel Compliance Specialist

not present at the meeting, enter "Pending" in the consent field. 9 Select the tab labeled "Referral Reasons" 9 Select the link "Click here to enter a new reason" 9 Enter the reason(s) the child was referred for an evaluation into the grid. 9 If there is more than one reason, select "update" and "add" 9 If applicable, order the reasons (1, 2, 3, etc).

Permission to Evaluate Form (if an evaluation is requested)

2. Complete the "Permission to Evaluate" form in IEP Plus (this is only

accessed if testing is requested) 9 If the child is referred, return to the forms menu (navigation bar on the

left side of the screen) 9 Select the "Permission to Evaluate" form 9 Select "New" 9 Select the second option - "Select an existing referral" 9 Select the referral that was just created. 9 Select the school letterhead - SST 9 Select "Create Form" 9 Review the dates/information on the form for accuracy and edit if


Personnel Compliance Specialist

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Permission to Evaluate Form (con't) 9 If parent consent has not been received, you can still complete the form, and

leave the consent field populated with the word "pending." That

information/date does not print on the published report sent to the parent. 9 Select "SAVE" at the top of the page 9 To preview the invitation in the published form, select "Print Preview" 9 After you review the form, select the "print" icon and then, "Close Window" 9 After the necessary changes are made on the webform, select "Save" 9 Select "Finalize" to lock the form and create an archived copy. 9 Select "Return" at the top of the page to exit out of the form.

Personnel Compliance Specialist

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Written Notice ? Child Study/Reevaluation and Eligibility Meetings

Complete the Written Notice of Proposed and Refused Action 9 Return to the forms menu (navigation bar on the left side of the screen) 9 Select the "Written Notice of Proposed/Refused Action" form 9 Select "New" 9 Leave the first field empty (there is no IEP to attach). 9 Select the meeting location from the drop down menu 9 Select "Create form" 9 Review the information on the webform for accuracy and edit as needed 9 Select "Add a Description of Action Statement"

You have the option to enter information from the goalbook or enter a narrative

statement. 9 Select the computer disk icon to save the information. 9 Edit the written notice statements as needed (there should never be blanks in a

child's IEP) 9 Complete the remaining fields on the form. 9 Enter the date the parent was provided with a copy of the notice 9 Select "Save" at the top of the form 9 Select "print preview" to review the form 9 Print the form 9 Select "close window" 9 Select "Finalize" from the navigation bar on the left side of the screen 9 Print a copy 9 Ask the LEA to review and initial/sign

Personnel Compliance Specialist

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