Zimmer Web Pages


APRIL 2013

• News Flash

• Chinese-target for robbers in Paris, France; Hong Kong tourist problem

• West Australia Police & Graffiti Problem

• Panmunjom JSA in Korean DMZ

• Criminology Department News

• Summer Criminology Courses

• Plagiarism tricks and detection

• Police Photos: Vietnam and Hanoi

Persons named in newsletter: Bob McDonald, David Quezada

MARCH 2013

• News Flash

• Papua New Guinea Cannibalism

• Gang Recruitment in El Salvador

• Radical Islamic Groups in South America

• The Book Worm: Death to the Dictator

• Tech Bits-Universal Translator App

• Korean Cyber Crime drama in streaming video on line.

• Off-campus degree completion program

• Hanford Police Officers Association Annual Golf tournament 4 May 2013


• FBI Internship programs

• Park Rangers and poaching-South Africa

• Park Rangers-Tanzania Serengeti Park

• Park Rangers-Uganda Wildlife Authority

• Fast & Furious-a never ending saga

• Massacre of Mexican teens with weapons from Fast & Furious-no condolences from US Justice Dept.

• Criminology Dept News: Presentation by Fresno County Sheriff Mims;

• Las Vegas Presentation by Dr. Schweizer;

• Shooting on the Las Vegas Strip and Casino Security.


• Toronto, Canada: Police Officers Lack English Language Skills

• Papua New Guinea: Police serve population with 800 native languages

• Sierra Leone: Disabled hired as police officers

• US: Vehicle check points by police not legal everywhere

• CRIM108 Directed Policing Module II graduation; night shooting practice

• Off campus B.S. program classes start in February-registration now open

• Off campus M.S. program course registration for spring now open

• 6 Book Worm: No easy day

• 7 Tech Bits:

a. What kind of info is your computer giving away on line

b. How to check if a website is safe?



• Peru: MS-13 activity

• Tattoos & Criminality and Employment of persons with tattoos: Japan; London

(Metropolitan Police); Mexico; Colombia; Chile

• Tech-Bits (Using your smart phone as a hot spot with paying any fees.

• Criminology Department News:

o Talk by Chief Jerry Dyer on 6 Nov 12

o Off campus criminology programs

Off campus B.S. degree program: upcoming classes for Spring 2013.

• The Sherman Report on police education:

Giving academic credit for police training-what is the verdict? Good or bad?

Book Worm-good and cheap non-fiction

• Sayaret Duvdevan and a visit to Israel

• Employment: CHP & City of Coalinga

• Humor for the holidays

Persons named in newsletter: Dr. Bernadette Muscat; Cesare Lombroso; Toru Hashimoto; Luz María Ramírez Villalpando ((Instituto de la Mujer Guanajuatense); Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer; Alan Dershowitz, Aaron Cohen; CHP SGT Michael Donnelly; VA DDS Jonathan Shadi.


• Peru: Imprisoned Former president Alberto Fujimori has applied for a pardon.

• Japan: Elected officials with an extraordinary public approval rating.

• The city of OBAMA, Japan

• Prisons in the Americas-cost per inmate-USA

• Latin American Prisons

• Foreign prisoner exchange program

• Countries with highest number of foreign inmates

• Latin American prisons: Cost per inmate per year; number of foreign inmates

• Prison news from Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico D.F., Uruguay and Venezuela.

• Crim. Dept. News; Off campus program.

• Photos of Paraguay prison

Persons named in newsletter: President Obama, Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer, Criminology Professors Dr. E. Hughes, Dr. T. Dupont-Morales, Dr. K. Clemejnt, Dr. H.O. Schweizer, POA students Carlos Vasquez, Ean Montoya and Samuel Blair, Sendero Luminoso Leader Manuel Rubén Abimael Guzmán Reynoso, Former Miyazaki (Japan) Governor Higashi Kokubaru.


• Illegal Immigration and border fences/walls: India, Bangladesh, Saudi-Arabia, Israel.

• Arson Jihad-Europe, Spain, USA

• INSPIRE Jihadi magazine publication

• Germany, Egypt, Tunisia: Salafists on the March

• USA: The Deferred Action Application

• Dr. E. Hughes Book Publication/cover

• Dr. K. Clement-Publication

• Criminology Advisory Board Meeting

• Upcoming talk by Fresno Police Chief Jerry DYER

Persons named in newsletter: President Obama, Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov, Shaykh Usama bin Laden, extremist group leader Mohammed Mahmoud, Tunisian president Rachid al-Ghannouchi, Criminology Professors Dr. E. Hughes, Dr. K. Clement, Dr. H.O. Schweizer, book editor Dr. Murray Jennex, Ret. Fresno County Sheriff Steve Magarian.


• EU: Legally mandated women quotas for Boards of Directors

• France: Graffiti problems in Paris

• Japan: Election posters in Japan vs. the US

• Turkey: Honor killing in revers; Turkish Gendarmerie

• Indiana:New law allows citizens to shoot at police in some circumstances

• Oklahoma: Oklahoma valedictorian denied diploma after using the word HELL in speech- The rest of the story: High School website

• Tech Bits- Electronic Transaction Number generator for more secure on line banking


• Off Campus M.S. & B.S. degree programs

• CSU Fresno Criminology position openings (3) for assistant professor.

Persons named in newsletter: EU Justice Minister, Viviane Reding, Criminology Professor J.M. Kissner; GE instructor Armando Gomez


• Germany-Airport Security (new Berlin airport-BER)

o Email monitoring my police

o Automated Tire Tread Measuring System for moving vehicles

• India- Mumbay massacre suspects & scopolamine use during interrogation

• Japan-Nagasaki and Tokyo Prefectural mascots

• USA: Homeland Security and SNMC

• CRIM108 Directed Policing-County Sheriff; CPT Neil DADIAN

• High Profile mountain rescue by Sheriff’s Deputy David RIPPE, CSU Fresno Criminology

graduate, CRIM 108 graduate, and member of Criminology Honors Program.

• Publication of text on Education in Prison by Dr. Emma Hughes of the Criminology Dept.

• Off Campus M.S. & B.S. degree programs

• CSU Fresno Criminology position openings (3) for assistant professor.


Persons named in newsletter: Dr. Emma Hughes; Deputy David Rippe, CPT Neil

Dadian; Azam Amir Kasab; Abu Jundal

JULY 2012

• German tax authority investigating Swiss bank accounts

• Germany: Secret documents shredded; Government selling personal data

• Reflective safety vest requirements: France

Spain: Prostitutes (street walkers) using safety vests to avoid fine.

• Criminology Dept. News: Presentation & Publication by Dr. George Kikuchi

• Off campus degree program -new classes begin August 2012

• Techbits: High tech traffic law enforcement

• Police Photos-Germany, France, Switzerland

• Part time position opening: Human Trafficking Outreach Advocate

In Memoriam: John Rivington Quinn “Jack” February 8, 1927- June 21, 2012

(retired criminology professor)

Persons named in newsletter: Dr. George Kikuchi; John R. Quinn; D. Heredia; B. Muscat; J. Kissner; John Rivington Quinn.

JUNE 2012

• Germany-DNA spray against Metal theft; Sharia Law Courts in Bavaria

• Paris-security, pick pockets/crooks, police,

• HIV/AIDS and police in the U.S.

• Off campus criminology program

Tech bits-automated tire wear detection


Person named in newsletter: Dr. Jason Kissner

MAY 2012

• Germany: Privacy Rights trump public safety; Odd law-fines for bicycle violations

o Mass DNA testing in robbery/murder

• HIV/AIDS among police in Africa

• HIV/AIDS among police in Spain, UK, Brazil, Argentina

• Collector’s corner: KGB ID card

• Off campus criminology graduate program at Clovis PD

Persons named in newsletter:

Miguel dos Santos- Mozambique Police Commander; Bruno Meini -South African Journalist; Journalists Mark Bowden and Katie Pavlich; Fresno State University Professors Dr. Bill Bommer and Dr. Jim Schmidtke; President Ronald Reagan, City of Clovis Chief of Police Janet Davis.

APRIL 2012

• Germany-Racial Profiling OK in some Instances

• Latin America-National ID cards

• ID photo with Hijab

• New Electronic ID card-Venezuela produced in Cuba

• Voter ID requirements in the Americas south of the USA.

• New downtown program faculty (Dr. C. SHEKAR, Dr. J. SCHMIDTKE)

• Downtown program reception and OPEN LECTURE 5 May 2012

• Open lecture on “Civil Rights and Liberties in the Homeland Security era and future developments,” by Dr. K. Clement in the Science II Bldg.

• Police collection: Former East German Police ID card.

Persons named in newsletter:

Tareck El Aissami Venezuelan Minister for Internal Affairs; Fresno State University professors Dr. Chandra Shekar; Dr. Jim Schmidtke, and Dr. Keith Clement

MARCH 2012

• Off campus degree program and program reception on 5 May 2012(Saturday)

• France: Law requires one time use alcohol tests to be kept in all vehicles

• Germany: First no Fly List and now private sector “No Room” List?

• KONY 2012

• The International Criminal Court (ICC) and Thomas Lubanga

• Free open source encryption software (Truecrypt); Interesting photos

Persons named in newsletter: Joseph Kony; President Obama; UN official John Holmes; Thomas Lubanga (DRC militia commander).


• Off campus degree program

• Red light & Speed cameras in the USA

• Red light cameras in India

• Red light cameras-South America

• Caracas, Venezuela- Policía Metropolitana disbanded

Persons named in newsletter:

Venezuelan President Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías -; Dr. George Kikuchi


• Off campus degree program

• Violence in the Courts (US)

• Problem with court violence statistics/types of courts

• Types of Court security officers/bailiffs

• Security responses to court violence in general

• Security in the federal courts

• Court Security in Latin America

• Tech bits-does the video from your cellphone or digital camera show up sideways on your computer or TV? Free software to fix the problem.

• Dr. Ruth Masters (Criminology Dept Chair) announces retirement

• Interesting Photos:

o Taxi Police in Las Vegas

o A creative beggar on the strip

Persons named in newsletter:

Former Orange County Sheriff Michael CORONA; Dr. Ruth MASTERS



• Off Campus (downtown Fresno) Criminology B.S. degree program-reduced class time

• Lis of new downtown program classes starting in February 2011

• Prison wineries:

o Estabelicimento Prisional de Alcoentre (Portugal)

o Velletri Prison (Italy)

• Un-Comfortable Readings-free on line historical books on Jihad in past centuries.

• Japan-police office (Chuzaisho) for sale in Nagasaki

• Employment:

SDSU Police, LA P.D., Santa Barbara P.D., Palo Alto P.D.; Victim Advocate position with Center for Community Solutions (CCS)

Persons named in newsletter:

Dr. Kikuchi, Prof. Stevens,Dr. Schweizer, Dr. Chandra SHEKAR. Joseph Ohrwalder, Mohamed Ahmed (the Mahdi), Sir Francis Reginald Wingate, Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener.


• Spain: Most punitive penal code in Europe

• Scopolamine: Used by criminals in Argentina

• Turkey: blocking some internet material and keywords in searches

• Germany: Police alarmed at iPhone/Android app for secretly recording and uploading video/audio of conversations with police and public officials

• Cop Recorder 2; OpenWatch project: Information on downloading the apps

• Denmark: Muslims demanding “Sharia Zones” in Muslim areas.

• Police Photos: Retired German police officer with Czech police

• New Japanese language CSU Fresno criminology newsletter

• Internships, Employment opportunities and DHS Essay competition

• Student ID cards for persons enrolled in “for credit” classes through Continuing and Global Education (CGE).

• Classes in spring 2012 off campus B.S. criminology program

• AK-47: The gun that made history

Persons named in newsletter:

Dr. Kikuchi, Prof. Stevens, Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov, Mr. A. Forestiere, LT. David Newton (Fresno P.D.) Mrs. Miho Schweizer, Karl Heinz Mayer (German police), Comisario (ra) Ernesto Emiliano Santamaría (Argentine Federal Police)


• Incidence of auto theft and car jackings in South America.

• Responses to auto theft in Brazil

• Auto thefts world wide

• Scopolamine used in auto theft in Colombia

• Government Computer Trojan

• KROK: New Russian drug

• Tech Bits: New Robot can learn on its own

• Downtown criminology degree program: Shift to multi-mode-more instruction on line

• Criminology Faculty Promotions (Drs Kissner, Clement, Schweizer, Skrapec)

• Employment News


• The Boryokudan-Combatting Organized Crime (Japan)

• The Bush Family: A Continuing Criminal Enterprise?

• Is the Ph.D. valid forever? (Can you lose it?)

• Bonn-Germany: Charging “street walkers” a fee through an automated payment machine.

• Turkey: Don’t mess with prayers: Cartoonist arrested for making fun of prayers

• Job opening: Fresno County District Attorney: Chief of Investigations

• Auto Theft Prevention: The H.E.A.T. programs in Texas and Arizona. C.A.T. decals in NYC

• Ten cities with highest rate of auto theft

• Warning sign in Stockton parking garages

Persons named in newsletter:

Pres. George Bush Sr.; Anthony Forestiere (CSU Fresno Controller)

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan; Bahadir Baruter-cartoonist (Turkish “Penguen” magazine; Atty. General Thornburgh (under Pres. Bush Sr.); President Obama.


• Off campus criminology B .S. degree program changed to half time on line

• Off Campus criminology M.S. program second cohort with students from 11 agencies

• Student ID cards for students in extension degree programs? A summary of CSU policies and the problem at CSU Fresno.

• Brazil: HIV infected syringes-needles on wall to fend off burglars

• Germany: Hunger strike by prison inmates

o Dumb Cow vs. Fat Pig-which personal insult results in a higher fine?

• Criminology Faculty Retirements

• CSU Fresno Criminology Newsletter in Japanese-first issue in November 11

• Video surveillance and face recognition technology

• Super High Definition TVs

• Google Street View-controversial in Europe, German government use of S.V.

• Accessing TV programs on

• Police Photos-Japanese Koban officers

• Badge Collection from Germany

• Belt buckle of the Peruvian Guardia Civil

Persons named in AUGUST 2011 newsletter:

Criminology Dept. Faculty: Drs. J. DUSSICH, Eric HICKEY, Arthur WINT, Tom DULL, Barbara

OWEN, Steve WALKER, George KIKUCHI, and H. Otto Schweizer.

Other persons: Anthony FORESTIERE, CSU Fresno controller, Mrs. Miho Schweizer, Felix


JULY 2011

• Off Campus degree programs

• Problems in German Spy Agency (BND)

• E.U. Rule Making out of Touch

• European Court of Human Rights Ruling-inmates stripped naked

• New Criminology Faculty: Dr. George KIKUCHI

• Project Management: New Criminology Graduate Course in downtown Program taught by Dr. T. WIELICKI of the CSUF Craig School of Business

• EMPLOYMENT: Faculty position with Drexel University’s Homeland Security Program

• Humor and Police Photos from Tunisia and the Azores

JUNE 2011

• Pink Panther Gang member in court in Japan

• Strip Tease show for inmates in Spanish prison

• Change in Pot Law in Netherlands

• Downtown Graduate program-new cohort 12 Aug 2011

• Linen Tracking in hotels

• Police Elimination DNA Database

• New technique for examining falsified documents

• Recording Audio from the Internet

MAY 2011

• Denmark-EU immigration problems & border controls

• German-penalty for killing police officer

• Downtown Program Reception

• Crim. Dept. Retirements (Dr. Dussich, Dr. Owen, Dr. Walker, Dr. Hickey, Dr. Wint)

• Crim. Dept. Promotions (Dr. Clement, Dr. Kissner, Dr. Schweizer, Dr. Skrapec)

• Downtown Program News-new Fall 11 graduate cohort

• Retirement of Dr. Berta Gonzales (DCGE)

• Funny sign in Fresno

• Employment News- Postal Inspectors, TSA security officers

APRIL 2011

• Sikh as police officers. Turbans and beards.

• Punjab (India) Police

• Criminology Dept News: Advisory Board meeting

• B.S. and M.S., criminology degree programs off campus

• Employment News: SIU G4s investigations; Port of Angeles Police, BART Police, etc.

• Islam in prison; halal meals and prison inmate demographics, illegal immigrants

• Photos of bail bonding firms’ vehicles

MARCH 2011

• Off Campus B.S. and M.S. criminology degree programs

• Earth quake, tsunami and nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan

• Remedy for Type II diabetes-Japanese prisons

• California earthquake map and locations of state correctional facilities

and nuclear power plants

• Book piracy

• Employment News: Merced college, professor of criminal justice

• Global Photos-UK, South Africa, Germany, Malaysia, South Korea


• Entering Police Service as a Lieutenant in Latin America

• Advanced Police Academies in Latin American countries

Criminology Dept. News: New faculty hire-Dr. George KIKUCHI

Off campus (downtown Fresno) B.S. & M.S. criminology degree programs

Employment News: Professor of Crimin Justice-Merced College

• Police Photos-Ecuador


• Iran weapons and drug smuggling

• Iran assisting Al Qaida

• Mass DNA testing in German town

• Burkhas and Civil Servants

• ATF I-phone app

• Skype Group Video calls now possible

• Internet Banking and Cyber Crime

• Downtown B.S. and M.S. degree programs

• Photos of Egyptian Police



• Proposed fusion of German Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) similar to the US FBI, and the Bundespolizei. The Bundespolizei was formed out of the former BGS (Border Patrol), and Federal Bahnpolizei (Railroad Police)

• Capitaine R. Elisée of the Burkina Faso Gendarmerie has been temporarily assigned to peace keeping duties in Sudan. CPT Elisée was featured in two prior newsletters.

• New start up date for second downtown graduate degree program cohort: 18 Aug 11

• Description of new classroom at FC Sheriff’s Office for downtown program classes.

• Sony Playstation 3 hacked.

• Police photos from Singapore and Germany


• Scam phone call by “phony” Microsoft employee to computer users to obtain their password/s

• Spanish language website Yo Soy Madre Soltera (Victimization of single mothers)

• Criminology Off Campus M.S. degree program start up date changed to August 2011

• Criminology Off Campus B.S. degree program continually accepting students

• Change in program location from Fresno Police Dept. to Fresno County Sheriff’s Office at 2200 Fresno Street.

Employment News:

o Calopps ( )

o San Diego County Sheriff ( )

o C.I.A. continuously hiring: ( )

o CSU Fresno Criminology Faculty Positions (2) ( )

Criminology Department News:

• Poster presentation on the Behavioral Health Court research by Dr. P. English, graduate students P. Krueger, J. Tangye and Crim Honor student Alexandra Karas, at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology.

• Free Crime Scene Investigation seminar by renowed forensic anthropoligist Dr. R. LeJeuness, sponsored by the CSU Fresno Anthropology Club.

• Remote Cloning of Electronic Car Keys

• The Firefox web browser by Mozilla: Free and fewer glitches than with Microsoft Internet Explorer.


• Knock-Out Perfume and Scopolamine used in street robberies in Latin America

• Employment News:

CSU Fresno hiring two Criminology Professors

• CIA Continuous Hiring

• Germany: Smart National ID Card-can work as debit card and has 20 different functions

• Criminology honor student Lyndsie N. Russell’s paper abstract on student group functions in honors class accepted for presentation at National Conference in Las Vegas In February 2011.

• Off Campus Criminology Degree Programs: Class location changed to Fresno County Sheriff’s Department.

• Off Campus B.S. Degree Program: Spring 2011 Schedule

• Free Software:

• Downloading and saving YouTube videos

• Converting various types of video files

• Software (demo free) for retrieving lost Outlook Express emails

• California’s most wanted fugitives website

• HumanMetrics: Personality assessment software-free use on line


• Off Campus Criminology B.S. and M.S. Programs

• The 2010 Criminology Honors Class (CRIM 102H)

o Honors Program Rules

o CRIM 102H student projects with area CJ agencies

• Airport Security Checks-Japan

o Scanner for bottled liquids

• The Emergency Bra-converts to respiratory face masks (2)

• CSU Fresno Employment –Hiring 2 criminology professors

• Criminology Graduate Program-Off Campus

• Criminology Honors Program student photo and class info

• CIA-Always hiring

• Police Memorabilia

o Tlalnepantla Municipal Police Badge

o Philippine National Police Badge

• Fresno Police Dept. Regional Training Center Grand Opening


• Pink panther gang member extradicted to Japan

• Some countries attempting to block Blackberry use

• Announcing new off campus criminology program M.S. degree cohort

• Hacking cell phones using low cost hardware and free software

• Photos of Police vehicles in Japan

JULY 2010

• In Memoriam: Fresno County Sheriff (retired) Sheriff Hal McKinney

• Italy: Arrest of International Pink Panther Gang member

• Russia: Sumo wrestler picks up ATM and walks out of store

• Mexico: State and Municipal Police arrested for working with drug cartels

• Visit of Operation TridenT-multi agency drug task force; Photos of marijuana fields

• Off Campus Criminology Degree Program

• Japan: Back up sonar in passenger vehicles;

o DVD player & TV in dashboard

o Automated paid parking system

o Police Memorabilia: Saint Louis, France Urban Police Shirt Badge

JUNE 2010

• Global Tech News:

• Vascular/Biometric Recognition Systems (Access control and ATMs)

• Biometric Smart Card

• Off Campus degree programs

• Japan: Innovations in combating gang crimes

o Public Service Seat Belt Announcements by Police

MAY 2010

• Debit Card Fraud-Germany; CPK+ anti skimming module

• Japanese Jury/Lay Judge System evaluated

• World Cell phones

• SKYPE: hack and surveillance proof

• Off Campus Criminolog Program Reception

• Downtown graduate program new cohort announcement

• Law Enforcement Employment:

o BART Police

o Porterville Development District

o Tulare County Sheriffs Office

• Top Fresno PD employee axed by budget, seeking employment

• Police Memorabilia: Harris County Precinct 5 Constable Badge

APRIL 2010

• In Memoriam: Chief Daryl F. Gates, LAPD

• Also: personal letter sent to Dr. Schweizer by Daryl F. Gates

• International Policing in Afghanistan

• Victimology and Police in India

• Dr. Toni Dupont-Morales: New criminology graduate program coordinator

• Retirement of Dr. R. Thomas Dull

• Using SKYPE to make free phone calls on new smart phones

• Off Campus Criminology Degree Program Reception Announcement

MARCH 2010

In Memoriam:

o Deputy IV (Detective ) Wahlenmaier Fresno County Sheriff

o Officer Javier Bejar Reedley Police Dept.

• Officer Down Memorial pages


• Somalia in Perspective Part V: Mohammed bin Abdulla Hassan (The Mad Mullah of Somalia)

• Employment:

Reedley College Criminology Instructor

Vera Institute Director of Research

• Fraud Alert: False DYNCORP recruitment for security positions in Afghanistan


• Thai Government, Mexico, Iraq and Afghanistan scammed with phony bomb detection kits

• Announcment of Public Presentation on the AFGHAN NATIONAL POLICE By Fin JOHNSON

• DUI Mock Trial Education Program: Prof. Mark STEVENS

• Is the degree legitimate or recognized? Diploma Mill?

• GOOG411-Free business phone directory information-no cost from cell phones

• Employment:

o AMTRACK Police

o Surveillance Investigator-Photofax Inc.


• Cell Phone able to defeat monitoring and tracking attempts by government agencies and cell phone provider

• Hybrid Law Enforcement:

• The San Francisco Patrol Special Police

• The Nevada Taxicab Authority-Police

• Gambling Casino Security

• Las Vegas Metropolitan Police

• VINE: database system (Victim Information and Notification Everyday)

• Police Memorabilia: Spanish Sahara Territorial Police

• Somalia in Perspective Part IV:Mohammed bin Abdulla Hassan (The Mad Mullah of Somalia)



• Nigerian 419 Fraud and Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC)

• Project Eagle Claw to combat financial crimes

• Announcement: Dr. T. Wielicki to teach MIS in downtown criminology graduate program.

• Gendarmerie and other police in Burkina Faso

• Employment-Security at Chuckchansi Gold Casino and Resort


• Four Police Officers killed in ambush : Pierce County, WA

• Minarets banned in Switzerland

• Conflict between Swiss and Lybia

• Carbon Motors update-Today’s Police car of the future

• Somalia in Perspective Part III: Mohammed bin Abdulla Hassan (The Mad Mullah of Somalia)

• Employment-TSA Transportation Security Officer


• Yves Palingwinde Oadrougou-CSU Fresno Graduate International Relations Student from Burkina Faso

• Off campus degree programs US wide and in CSU

• Pearson Peacekeeping Centre?

• The Dervishes of Somaliland Part II (Jihad against the Infidels)Mohammed bin Abdulla Hassan (The Mad Mullah of Somalia)


• Commonwealth police watch

• Global Integrity

• Open



• Dervishes of Somaliland part I


• Faculty furloughs

• Terror Attack in Mumbai

• Pakistan court denied DNA request in paternity case. Not needed

• Lashkar-e-Taiba

• Attorney Search-California, and California Bar information

• Skywatch of Fresno PD

• Police Memorabilia: Slovenia police hat and photos

July 2009

• UK: Police Hijab-Iraqi policewomen ordered to turn in their guns

• Faculty furloughs

• Agreement betw Germany and US on sharing terrorism info

• Crim Prevention B.C. Auto theft (Integrated Municipal Provincial Auto Crime Team

• Nationwide IACP and DOJ Law Enforcement Recruitment Initiative

• Police Memorabilia: Mexico City Police Badge and Photos

JUNE 2009


• Terrorism: Piecing together the Intelligence Puzzle-Osama bin Laden

• DynCorp contract employment for former or retired law enforcement

• Federal law enforcement agencies without H.S. or GED requirement

MAY 2009

• The demise of the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam) terrorist organization

• Terrorism in Germany

• Live from Afghanistan-SKYPE interview with Fin JOHNSON, aide to Afghan National Police General in charge of Criminal Investigations

• Live from Iraq-SKYPE interview with Chris Abshire, US Army, who inspects Iraqi Police Stations.

• Fire Marshal safety notice to CSU Fresno: Coffee makers in faculty offices are hazardous, Hot Plates are not.

• Crim honors program

• NY state databases

APRIL 2009

• In Memoriam: Pittsburgh Police Officers Eric Kelly, Officer Paul Sciullo, III Stephen Mayhle

• Zombie KSA-hackers from Pakistan against Andra Pradesh state

• North Korea intelligence training and internet use, compueter hacking, and kidnapings

• DNA Spray-A new way to mark suspects and objects from the UK

• Salty Sweat and Fingerprint lifting off metal

• Police Memorabilia: Burkina Faso Badge

MARCH 2009

• Police mascots –Japan,Germany

• Tech news: carbon motors police vehicle

• Valentines day massacre anniversary

• Police Memorabilia: Kiribati police badge with photos


• Mock Trial Team-Prof. Mark Stevens

• Germany Internet and Computer data legislation-surreptitious searches of computers and data retention

• Terror in Mumbai

• SIM card law in Mexico

• Police Memorabilia: Montevideo badge and some info on Uruguay

• Obama inauguration


• Nephew fraud(japan)

• Indonesia (PNG law on penis sheaths and cultural conflict)

• Jihad prevention act

• Administration of justice trip to Thailand

• Police Memorabilia: Macau Badge and photos



• Assisting German police/IPA

• Mumbai attacks and involvment of LeT

• Fresno SO Air unit

• Terrorism up close part X


• Ore ore, its me its me-Nephew fraud in Japan

• Criminology honors induction ceremony with photos

• Crim newsletter in German unveiled

• CRIM 108 internship

• Hackproof LAN


• Bomb making instructions on the internet

• Portable DNA detector

• Terrorism up close part IX

• Definitional quagmire (continuation of what does Islam forbid/permit)


• Guyana criminal gangs

• Google street view

• Spam or Virus? Check origin of email without opening it

• Japanese Brain Teaser

• Terrorism up close Part VIII

Islamic Terrorism, Islamist Terrorism, Islamic totalitarian terrorism. What should

we call it without offending anyone?



• People searches over the internet

• International driving permits (what you likely did not know)

• Terrorism up close Part VII- Madrassas

JULY 2008

• Global Graffiti gang MOC

• Internet-cyber SLANG-dictionaries and translators

• SIM cards and phone hacks

• DVD region code hacks and approaches

• Terrorism up close Part VI-intelligence and security agencies

JUNE 2008

• Algeria: Attack by terrorists group GSPC (Groupe salafiste pour la prédication et le combat-Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat) on Gendarmerie

• Dr. Schweizer’s presentation to German police in Karlsruhe

• Techbits: Free antivirus program

• Terrorism up close Part V-components of the Jihad

MAY 2008

• EU Drug report

• New faculty for fall: Yoshiko, Toni, Mark

• CRIM 108 PD SO

• Harvey one year anniversary of death

• Terrorism up close Part IV

APRIL 2008

• Counterfeiting Italian style: phony Ferraris etc

• CRIMINOLOGY honors program

• SKYPE how to…

• DVD Region codes

• Terrorism up close Part III

MARCH 2008

• Transition of Policing in Berlin after the re-unification of Germany

• Global Minute: Kazuyoshi Miura, a Japanese businessman, was arrested in Saipan, on a1988 L.A. murder warrant

• German police KOK Boehl’s presentation at Fresno PD and flight with Air Unit

• Public Announcement of on-site assessment of FPD for CALEA certification

• Terrorism Up Close Part II


• Crime Problem in Guyana

• Criminology Honors Students partication at AABSS conference in Las Vegas

• Announcement: A special presentation on“The Transition of the Berlin, Germany: Police after German reunification

• Employment for Conviction Felons: US Army

• Useful information sources: FBOP inmate search

• Social Security Death Index

• Las Vegas Marriage Database

• Screenhunter software

• Terrorism Up Close Part I


• Criminology Administration of Justice Study Tour to Argentina

• Internet speed test

• Recording Internet video

• Converting and saving web pages as pdf documents

• Spotlight on Japan Part VII: Beer vending machines and payment with cell phone



• DNA database started by the British MI5 Domestic Intelligence Service

• New joint criminology/chemistry faculty announcement: Dr. Kevin MILLER

In Memoriam:

Tulare County Sheriff’s Detective Kent Haws

Sacramento County Sheriff’s Detective Vu Nguyen

• Spotlight Japan Part VI: Introduction of Lay Judges; Police Suicides


• Doctorate in Forensic and Behavioral Science at CSU Fresno

• Rising European Methamphetamine Problem

• Criminology Honors Program Induction ceremony

• Spotlight Japan Part V: Special cell phones for children’s safety;

o Japanese House address system;

o Japanese election poster rules


• Activities of Criminology Honors program students

• The Pink Panther gang

• Computer advice for faculty (saving roll sheets on computer)

• Speeding up computer by Deleting temporary files

• Spotlight Japan Part IV: Circumventing Japanese Gambling Laws; Pachinko Parlors


• Swedish Mohammed cartoonist threatened with death

• German police fraud expert coming to Fresno

• Spotlight Japan Part III Kobans and Chuzaishos; Pachinko Parlors


• Canada’s own no fly list

• ‘Welcoming new faculty member: Ms. Emma Hughes

• Honors student accomplishment: Timothy KOTMAN, intern with FBIs Field Intelligence Group

• Spotlight Japan Part II Kobans; Vehicle decals for young and decals for senior drivers

JULY 2007

• Terror School in Mosque: Perugia, Italy

• In Memoriam: Passing away of Prof. Harvey Wallace

• Spotlight Japan Part I: Boryokudan organized Crime

• Japanese Police and community responses

JUNE 2007

• Organized Crime in Tri-border region of Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil

• Seventh Asian Post Graduate Course on Victimology and Victim Assistance in Mito, Japan

• Survey of student career interests

MAY 2007

• Private Prisons in Japan

• Raids against Hikari no Wa (Ring of Lights), an off-shoot of the Aum Doomsday cult

• Criminology Honors Program

• New downtown Fresno criminology graduate program

APRIL 2007

• Turkish Military Warns Political Parties

• German Intelligence agency accessed personal computers through internet

• Tryouts for Mock Trial Team

• Sheriff and Police Dept. CRIM 108 Internships

• The International Police Association (IPA)

MARCH 2007


Legislation to keep criminals from political posts

Naxalite terrorists in India kill 50 policemen

• Fundraiser for the Women of Juarez, Mexico a Success!


• Panel on Terrorism, War and Security

• Internet TV

• Retirement of part time instructor Marty West from Fresno PD


• The off campus criminology degree program

• Employment standards for police applicants with the Abu Dhabi Police of the UAE


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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