Test case ID:

|Test case ID: |Correct Login |

|Functionality: |Baseline |

|Use case reference: |Authenticate User |

|Distribution: |JBoss 3.2.3 |

|Test Sequence: |Execute Stitch Application |

| |Enter user name = “neel” |

| |Enter password = “passwd” |

| |Click on Login button |

| |Search auction page is displayed |

|Configuration / Deployment Issues: |Currently the system is only working in our development environment and has not been |

| |packaged for deployment. |

|Known Problems: |- |

|Test case ID: |Incorrect Login (for incorrect user name & password) |

|Functionality: |Baseline |

|Use case reference: |Authenticate User |

|Distribution: |JBoss 3.2.3 |

|Test Sequence: |Execute Stitch Application |

| |Enter user name = “” |

| |Enter password = “” |

| |Click on Login button |

| |Invalid login message is displayed |

|Configuration / Deployment Issues: |Currently the system is only working in our development environment and has not been |

| |packaged for deployment. |

|Known Problems: |- |

|Test case ID: |SQL Crash (mentioned only f this use case to avoid redundancy) |

|Functionality: |Baseline |

|Use case reference: |Authenticate User |

|Distribution: |JBoss 3.2.3 |

|Test Sequence: |Execute Stitch Application |

| |Stop SQL Server |

| |Enter user name = “neel” |

| |Enter password = “passwd” |

| |Click on Login button |

| |Database Error message is displayed |

|Configuration / Deployment Issues: |Currently the system is only working in our development environment and has not been |

| |packaged for deployment. |

|Known Problems: |- |

|Test case ID: |Application Server Crash (mentioned only f this use case to avoid redundancy) |

|Functionality: |Baseline |

|Use case reference: |Authenticate User |

|Distribution: |JBoss 3.2.3 |

|Test Sequence: |Execute Stitch Application |

| |Stop Application Server |

| |Enter user name = “neel” |

| |Enter password = “passwd” |

| |Click on Login button |

| |Application Error message is displayed |

|Configuration / Deployment Issues: |Currently the system is only working in our development environment and has not been |

| |packaged for deployment. |

|Known Problems: |- |

|Test case ID: |Naming Service Crash (mentioned only f this use case to avoid redundancy) |

|Functionality: |Baseline |

|Use case reference: |Authenticate User |

|Distribution: |JBoss 3.2.3 |

|Test Sequence: |Execute Stitch Application |

| |Stop Server with Naming Service |

| |Enter user name = “neel” |

| |Enter password = “passwd” |

| |Click on Login button |

| |Naming Service Error message is displayed |

|Configuration / Deployment Issues: |Currently the system is only working in our development environment and has not been |

| |packaged for deployment. |

|Known Problems: |- |

|Test case ID: |Auctions Found |

|Functionality: |Baseline |

|Use case reference: |Search for Auction |

|Distribution: |JBoss 3.2.3 |

|Test Sequence: |Execute Stitch Application |

| |Enter user name = “neel” |

| |Enter password = “passwd” |

| |Click on Login button |

| |Search auction page is displayed |

| |Enter “a” in the Auction Name text box |

| |Click on the Search Button |

| |A list of Auctions with ‘a’ in their name is displayed. |

|Configuration / Deployment Issues: |Currently the system is only working in our development environment and has not been |

| |packaged for deployment. |

|Known Problems: |- |

|Test case ID: |No Auctions |

|Functionality: |Baseline |

|Use case reference: |Search for Auction |

|Distribution: |JBoss 3.2.3 |

|Test Sequence: |Execute Stitch Application |

| |Enter user name = “neel” |

| |Enter password = “passwd” |

| |Click on Login button |

| |Search auction page is displayed |

| |Enter “zzz” in the Auction Name text box |

| |Click on the Search Button |

| |No Auctions found error message should be displayed. |

|Configuration / Deployment Issues: |Currently the system is only working in our development environment and has not been |

| |packaged for deployment. |

|Known Problems: |- |

|Test case ID: |Bids Found |

|Functionality: |Baseline |

|Use case reference: |View Bid History |

|Distribution: |JBoss 3.2.3 |

|Test Sequence: |Execute Stitch Application |

| |Enter user name = “neel” |

| |Enter password = “passwd” |

| |Click on Login button |

| |Search auction page is displayed |

| |Enter “a” in the Auction Name text box |

| |Ensure that the AuctionEndTime for Auction named “a” in the SQL server is > getdate() |

| |Click on the Search Button |

| |A list of Auctions with ‘a’ in their name is displayed. |

| |click on the auction named “a” |

| |Click on the Place Bid button |

| |The bid page should open up with the bids made for auction “a” |

|Configuration / Deployment Issues: |Currently the system is only working in our development environment and has not been |

| |packaged for deployment. |

|Known Problems: |- |

|Test case ID: |Bids Found |

|Functionality: |Baseline |

|Use case reference: |View Bid History |

|Distribution: |JBoss 3.2.3 |

|Test Sequence: |Execute Stitch Application |

| |Enter user name = “neel” |

| |Enter password = “passwd” |

| |Click on Login button |

| |Search auction page is displayed |

| |Enter “c” in the Auction Name text box |

| |Ensure that the AuctionEndTime for Auction named “c” in the SQL server is > getdate() |

| |Click on the Search Button |

| |A list of Auctions with ‘c’ in their name is displayed. |

| |click on the auction named “c” |

| |Click on the Place Bid button |

| |The bid page should open up with the no bids being displayed in the UI |

|Configuration / Deployment Issues: |Currently the system is only working in our development environment and has not been |

| |packaged for deployment. |

|Known Problems: |- |

|Test case ID: |Auction Over for ViewBid |

|Functionality: |Baseline |

|Use case reference: |View Bid History |

|Distribution: |JBoss 3.2.3 |

|Test Sequence: |Execute Stitch Application |

| |Enter user name = “neel” |

| |Enter password = “passwd” |

| |Click on Login button |

| |Search auction page is displayed |

| |Enter “d” in the Auction Name text box |

| |Click on the Search Button |

| |A list of Auctions with ‘d’ in their name is displayed. |

| |Ensure that the AuctionEndTime for Auction named “d” in the SQL server is < getdate() |

| |Select the auction named “d” |

| |Click on the Place Bid button |

| |The message Auction over should be displayed on the UI |

|Configuration / Deployment Issues: |Currently the system is only working in our development environment and has not been |

| |packaged for deployment. |

|Known Problems: |- |

|Test case ID: |Bid Placed |

|Functionality: |Baseline |

|Use case reference: |Bid for Auction |

|Distribution: |JBoss 3.2.3 |

|Test Sequence: |Execute Stitch Application |

| |Enter user name = “neel” |

| |Enter password = “passwd” |

| |Click on Login button |

| |Search auction page is displayed |

| |Enter “a” in the Auction Name text box |

| |Click on the Search Button |

| |A list of Auctions with ‘a’ in their name is displayed. |

| |Ensure that the Maximum BidAmount for auction with AuctionID in the Table is 11. |

| |Select the auction named “a” |

| |Click on the Place Bid button |

| |Put 12 in the text box called Bid Amount on the Bid page |

| |Click on Bid |

| |The message Bid placed should be visible on the UI |

|Configuration / Deployment Issues: |Currently the system is only working in our development environment and has not been |

| |packaged for deployment. |

|Known Problems: |- |

|Test case ID: |Bid Too Low |

|Functionality: |Baseline |

|Use case reference: |Bid for Auction |

|Distribution: |JBoss 3.2.3 |

|Test Sequence: |Execute Stitch Application |

| |Enter user name = “neel” |

| |Enter password = “passwd” |

| |Click on Login button |

| |Search auction page is displayed |

| |Enter “a” in the Auction Name text box |

| |Click on the Search Button |

| |A list of Auctions with ‘a’ in their name is displayed. |

| |Ensure that the Maximum BidAmount for auction with AuctionID in the Table is 11. |

| |Select the auction named “a” |

| |Click on the Place Bid button |

| |Put 10 in the text box called Bid Amount |

| |Click on Bid |

| |The message Bid too low should be displayed on the UI |

|Configuration / Deployment Issues: |Currently the system is only working in our development environment and has not been |

| |packaged for deployment. |

|Known Problems: |- |

|Test case ID: |Auction Over for Place Bid |

|Functionality: |Baseline |

|Use case reference: |Bid for Auction |

|Distribution: |JBoss 3.2.3 |

|Test Sequence: |Execute Stitch Application |

| |Enter user name = “neel” |

| |Enter password = “passwd” |

| |Click on Login button |

| |Search auction page is displayed |

| |Enter “d” in the Auction Name text box |

| |Click on the Search Button |

| |A list of Auctions with ‘d’ in their name is displayed. |

| |Select the auction named “d” |

| |Click on the Place Bid button |

| |You should now be on the bid page |

| |Put 10 in the Bid Amount text box |

| |Ensure that the AuctionEndTime for Auction named “d” in the SQL server is < getdate() |

| |Click on Bid |

| |The message Auction over should be displayed on the UI |

|Configuration / Deployment Issues: |Currently the system is only working in our development environment and has not been |

| |packaged for deployment. |

|Known Problems: |- |

|Test case ID: |Auction Closed and Email Notification to Winner Sent |

|Functionality: |Baseline |

|Use case reference: |Bid for Auction |

|Distribution: |JBoss 3.2.3 |

|Test Sequence: |Insert an auction record to the database where the end time is before current time |

| |Run the Stitch Notifier |

| |The Notifier log shows that the auction is closed and the winner is notified |

| |The winner receives email notification |

|Configuration / Deployment Issues: |Currently the system is only working in our development environment and has not been |

| |packaged for deployment. |

|Known Problems: |- |


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