40th Anniversary Edition




David M. Kroenke

David J. Auer

Western Washington University

Scott L. Vandenberg

Siena College

Robert C. Yoder

Siena College

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Kroenke, David M., 1948- author. | Auer, David J., author. |

Vandenberg, Scott L., author. | Yoder, Robert C., author.

Title: Database processing : fundamentals, design, and implementation /David

M. Kroenke, David J. Auer, Western Washington University, Scott L.

Vandenberg, Siena College, Robert C. Yoder, Siena College.

Description: 15th edition, 40th anniversary edition. | Boston : Pearson,

[2018] | Includes bibliographical references and index.

Identifiers: LCCN 2017041164| ISBN 9780134802749 | ISBN 0134802748

Subjects: LCSH: Database management.

Classification: LCC QA76.9.D3 K7365 2018 | DDC 005.74¡ªdc23 LC record available


ISBN 10:?? 0-13-480274-8

ISBN 13: 978-0-13-480274-9

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Brief Contents



Getting Started

Chapter 1

Chapter 2






The Relational Model and Normalization 146

Database Design Using Normalization 191

Data Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model 212

Transforming Data Models into Database Designs 267

Database Implementation

Chapter 7

Chapter 8


Introduction 2

Introduction to Structured Query Language 38

Database Design

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6




SQL for Database Construction and Application Processing 324

Database Redesign 424

Multiuser Database Processing

Chapter 9

Chapter 10


Managing Multiuser Databases 454

Managing Databases with Microsoft SQL Server 2017, Oracle Database,

and MySQL 5.7 490

Online Chapter: See page 495 for Instructions

Chapter 10A

Managing Databases with Microsoft SQL Server 2017

Online Chapter: See page 495 for Instructions

Chapter 10B

Managing Databases with Oracle Database

Online Chapter: See page 495 for Instructions

Chapter 10C



Managing Databases with MySQL 5.7

Database Access Standards

Chapter 11

Chapter 12


The Web Server Environment 498

Data Warehouses, Business Intelligence Systems, and Big Data 569

Online Appendices: See page 620 for Instructions

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D

Appendix E

Appendix F

Appendix G

Appendix H

Appendix I

Appendix J

Appendix K

Appendix L

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Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2016

Getting Started with Systems Analysis and Design

E-R Diagrams and the IDEF1X and UML Standards

Getting Started with Microsoft Visio 2016

Getting Started with the MySQL Workbench Data Modeling Tools

The Semantic Object Model

Physical Database Design and Data Structures for Database Processing

Getting Started with Web Servers, PHP, and the NetBeans IDE


Business Intelligence Systems

Big Data

JSON and Document Databases


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Foreword to the 40th Anniversary Edition

Preface xxv




Getting Started

Chapter 1: Introduction



Chapter Objectives 2

The Importance of Databases in the Internet and Smartphone World 3

The Characteristics of Databases 5

A Note on Naming Conventions 7 ? A Database Has Data and Relationships 7

? Databases Create Information 9

Database Examples 10

Single-User Database Applications 10 ? Multiuser Database Applications 10 ? E-Commerce

Database Applications 11 ? Reporting and Data Mining Database Applications 11

The Components of a Database System 11

Database Applications and SQL 12 ? The DBMS 15 ? The Database 16

Personal Versus Enterprise-Class Database Systems 18

What Is Microsoft Access? 18 ? What Is an Enterprise-Class Database System? 19

Database Design 21

Database Design from Existing Data 21 ? Database Design for New Systems Development 23

? Database Redesign 23

What You Need to Learn 24

A Brief History of Database Processing 25

The Early Years 25 ? The Emergence and Dominance of the Relational Model 27

? Postrelational Developments 28

Summary 30 ? Key Terms 31 ? Review Questions 32 ? Exercises 34

Chapter 2: Introduction to Structured Query Language


Chapter Objectives 38

Cape Codd Outdoor Sports 39

Business Intelligence Systems and Data Warehouses 40

The Cape Codd Outdoor Sports Extracted Retail Sales Data Database 41 ? The RETAIL_

ORDER Table 44 ? The ORDER_ITEM Table 44 ? The SKU_DATA Table 45

? The BUYER Table 45 ? The CATALOG_SKU_20## Tables 46 ? The Complete Cape

Codd Data Extract Schema 46 ? Data Extracts Are Common 47

SQL Background 47


Reading Specified Columns from a Single Table 49 ? Specifying Column Order in SQL Queries

from a Single Table 51

Submitting SQL Statements to the DBMS 52

Using SQL in Microsoft Access 2016 52 ? Using SQL in Microsoft SQL Server 2017 58

? Using SQL in Oracle Database 61 ? Using SQL in Oracle MySQL 5.7 63


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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