Configuration Approach - Groups

Item Overview:

Everyone who uses PeopleSoft Time and Labor must belong to a group. Groups are comprised of employees who meet a set of selection criteria that are defined by the Central Time and Labor Specialist. When a process is run or a user accesses certain Time and Labor pages, the system determines the time reporters who will be processed or displayed, based on the group that is selected. For example, to access the Manage Exceptions by Group page, the group of time reporters to be reviewed must be selected. There are two types of groups: Static and Dynamic.

Membership in a Dynamic Group is updated automatically by running the Time Administration or Batch Approval processes. When either of the batch processes is initiated, all the time reporters who satisfy the Dynamic Group's attributes at the time of execution are assembled for processing. Dynamic Group membership can also be updated by using the refresh feature on the Current Group Members page. The online functions, Mass Time Reporting, Group Schedule Assignment, Approving Payable Time by Group and Manage Exceptions by Group access time reporters by group. In order to ensure that an up-to-date group member list is displayed when using these online functions the Refresh Dynamic Group feature should be used before the pages associated with the online functions are accessed.

A Static Group is comprised of users who meet the selection criteria defined on the Selection Criteria page. Group membership remains static unless members are manually removed, or the selection criterion is changed.

Groups can only be created using fields on JOB, EMPLOYMENT, PERSONAL_DATA, SCH_ASSIGN, TL_EMPL_DATA, and GP_PYGRP. When Payroll for North America is selected on the Installation page the fields on the last record, GP_PYGRP, are not an option when creating groups.

Menu Path:

Define Business Rules, Define Time and Labor, Enroll, Dynamic Group

Define Business Rules, Define Time and Labor, Enroll, Static Group










Record Information:


|TL_GROUP_TBL |T&L Group Table |This record defines the criteria used to define a group, whether it|

| | |is a Static group (a fixed set of employees) or a Dynamic group (a |

| | |selection of employees based on criteria at the time of use). |

|TL_GRP_PARM_TBL |T&L Group Parameter Table |TL Group Parameters Table. This is used for group creation. |

|TL_GROUP_DTL |T&L Group Detail |This record contains information about specific employees assigned |

| | |to a group within Time & Labor. Static group members will be in |

| | |this record automatically. Dynamic group members will only reside |

| | |in this record once the group is refreshed. |


Input into the group selection criteria will be gathered from each agency using Time and Labor but the groups will be established by Central Time and Labor specialists in order to control the number of groups defined and establish a consistent naming method for the groups. Given that static groups are difficult to maintain, only dynamic groups will be configured. The TL_GROUP_DTL table will not be populated by the configuration team since static groups are not being utilized and the Refresh Dynamic Group process will be executed prior to the start of the production database. The Refresh Dynamic Group process will populate the table with the employees who fit the selection criteria for each group.

Dynamic groups can be defined using any of the fields on the JOB, EMPLOYMENT, PERSONAL_DATA, SCH_ASSIGN, and TL_EMPL_DATA tables. The fields from one table can be used in conjunction with the fields from all of the other tables to create a dynamic group. For example a group can be created by selecting all employees that have the SEX = ‘F’ on PERSONAL_DATA and REG_TEMP = ‘R’ on JOB. This group would include all employees who are female and regular employees. The group needs to have at least one selection criterion. It can have multiple selection criteria that can be combined using AND or OR as the link between them. Using AND will only include people in the group that fit all of the selection criteria specified. Using OR will include all employees who fit any of the selection criteria specified. If OR was used in the example above the group would include all female employees and all regular employees.

Employees can be a part of many groups at the same time. Being a member of one dynamic group does not exclude the employees from being included in another dynamic group. Again, to use the example presented above, if an employees is a part of that group because she is a regular, female employee she can also be included in a group that was comprised of employees in a particular job code. If there was a group established that consisted of all employees in job code 123456 and she had job code = ‘123456’ on her JOB record she would be a part of that group as well as the group of female, regular employees and any other group where her employee information matched the selection criteria for the dynamic group. There is no limit to the number of groups an employee is a part of. The determinant for who is a member of the group is driven by the information contained in the JOB, EMPLOYMENT, PERSONAL_DATA, SCH_ASSIGN, and TL_EMPL_DATA records of each employee.

The Group Tables will be configured in a way as to allow for the following situations:

1) Allow the agencies to place employees who are in different departments but who report to the same manager into one group by using the Supervisor ID on the employee’s JOB record.

2) Create a group for all employees who have their time entered by a particular time keeper; a modification is being made to the Weekly Elapsed Time page to allow time reporters to enter time for groups of employees. This modification is DTL101.

3) Place employees who are in the same department but in different locations into their own groups based on location in order to produce pre-filled time sheets for each group to report their time on that can then be distributed by location.

Groups can not be defined until after the departments have been established. Upon completion of the configuration of departments groups will be designed to enable the processing of groups of employees where department is not the logical grouping. The abbreviation of the name of the agency the group belongs to will be included in the group name in order to create a useful naming convention. The Time and Labor Team estimates there will be several hundred to a thousand groups.

Information Source:

• The information for populating the group tables will need to be gathered from the individual agencies. The selection criteria for the groups will depend on the needs of the agencies.

Data Entry Method:

____On-Line Pages

__X___ Excel Spreadsheet

Fields on Record:




|GROUP_ID |Group ID |Unique 5 character alpha numeric field used to identify the group. |

| | |Required. This will be set to a value that is similar to the |

| | |department where appropriate. This field should be a meaningful |

| | |name use to easily identify the group. |

|GROUP_TYPE_IND |Group Type |XLAT value used to indicate the type of group. Translate Values: |

| | |D=Dynamic, S=Static. Static groups are groups whose membership |

| | |does not change after the initial creation unless members are |

| | |manually added or deleted or the selection criteria are changed. |

| | |Dynamic groups are groups whose membership is updated every time a |

| | |batch process is run or the system refresh feature is used. The |

| | |State of Connecticut will only use the value of ‘D’ for Dynamic |

| | |Groups. |

|DESCR |Description |A long, detailed description of the T&L group. 30 mixed characters |

|DESCRSHORT |Short Description |A short, meaningful description of the T&L group. Defaults to the |

| | |1st 10 characters of the description. |

|TASKGROUP |Task Group |The task group to apply when time is entered for members of the |

| | |group through the Mass Time Reporting Page. The group overrides |

| | |the task group assigned to the time reporter on the Maintain Time |

| | |Reporter page. Prompt Table TL_TASKGRP_TBL. This field can be |

| | |used when a group of time reporters is working on a temporary |

| | |project or assignment. |

|LAST_REFRESH_DTTM |Last Refresh Date |Date-Time Stamp. This field indicates the last time the membership|

| | |of a dynamic group was refreshed. This should be set to the go live|

| | |date in the form |

| | |‘YYYY-MM-DD-’ |

|ASOFDATE |As Of Date |PeopleSoft standard date format. This is the date that the members|

| | |of the dynamic group were last updated and validated. Should be |

| | |set to the go live date in the form ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ |

|GROUP_SEL_1 |Select Group 1 |5 character alpha numeric field to show a group ID. A new static |

| | |group can be started by combining 2 existing static groups, |

| | |subtracting members of one existing static group from another, or |

| | |simply listing a current static group. This field is where the |

| | |user could indicate an existing group to include in the membership |

| | |of the new group. If subtraction is being used this would be the |

| | |group the user wishes to remove members from. Prompt Table |

| | |TL_GROUP_S_VW (TL_GROUP_TBL). This field is only used with Static|

| | |Groups. Will not be configured because the State of Connecticut |

| | |will only be using Dynamic groups. |

|GROUP_SEL_2 |Select Group 2 |5 character alphanumeric field to specify a group ID. This is the |

| | |second static group if a new group is being formed from 2 existing |

| | |static groups. If the user wants to subtract members the members |

| | |of this group would be subtracted from the members of GROUP_SEL_1. |

| | |Prompt Table TL_GROUP_S_VW (TL_GROUP_TBL). This field is only used |

| | |with Static Groups. Will not be configured because the State of |

| | |Connecticut will only be using Dynamic groups. |

|GRP_CONCAT_1 |Group Concatenation Operator |XLAT value. This field is used to add or subtract two existing |

| | |static groups, GROUP_SEL_1, GROUP_SEL_2 to create a new static |

| | |group. This field indicates what action to use to relate the two |

| | |groups, add or subtract. Translate Values: M=Minus, P=Plus. This|

| | |field is only used with Static Groups. Will not be configured |

| | |because the State of Connecticut will only be using Dynamic groups.|

|TL_COMMENTS |Comments |Mixed case character filed of length 254 used to comment on the |

| | |group. Will be used only if the Description field is not long |

| | |enough for an adequate explanation of the group |

|GRP_WHERE_CLS |Where Clause |A long field of length 4096. A view of a SQL Statement created by |

| | |filling in dropdown boxes on the page. The user chooses this |

| | |clause using a list of possible records and field names and |

| | |indicating the appropriate operators and values. This field is |

| | |system generated when the Create SQL button is pressed. It |

| | |generates values such as |




| | |'K0%') It will need to be created using the online pages and then |

| | |placed in the spreadsheet. |


|GROUP_ID |Group ID |Unique 5 character alphanumeric field used to identify the group. |

| | |Required. This field should be set to the same value as the |

| | |GROUP_ID listed above. |

|SEQNUM |Sequence Number |3 digit numeric field. Within one group there may be many lines in|

| | |the selection criteria. This sequence number shows where in these |

| | |lines this particular line falls. The first line of the where |

| | |clause should have a sequence number of 0 and they will go up from |

| | |that as lines get added on-line. |

|GROUP_BOOLEAN |Group Boolean |XLAT value indicating the Boolean value driving the SQL action on |

| | |this line. Translate Values: AND=AND, OR=OR. Defaults to ‘AND’. |

| | |Required. This will be set appropriately based on the specific |

| | |clause being defined. |

|GROUP_LEFT_PAREN |Group Left Parenthesis |XLAT value indicating the number of left parentheses which will be |

| | |used for this line in order for the code to be properly executed. |

| | |The translate value is equal to the number of parentheses used [1=(|

| | |2=(( ]. The options start at 0 and end with a maximum of 5 left |

| | |parentheses. Defaults to ‘0’. Required. This will be set |

| | |appropriately based on the specific clause being defined. |

|RECNAME |Record Name |15 character alpha numeric field to indicate the table the SQL |

| | |statement is looking to for this line of the group selection |

| | |criteria. Prompt table TL_GRP_REC_VW (PS_TL_GRP_FLD_SEC). |

| | |Required. This will be set appropriately based on the specific |

| | |clause being defined. |

|FIELDNAME |Field Name |18 character alpha numeric field to indicate the fieldname, on the |

| | |record defined above, the SQL statement is looking to for this line|

| | |of the group selection criteria. Prompt table TL_GRP_FLD_EDIT. |

| | |Required. This will be set appropriately based on the specific |

| | |clause being defined. |

|SETID |Set ID |5 character field. If JOB is selected as the record and one of the|

| | |following fields is also selected it is necessary to indicate a |

| | |SETID with which the field is associated. Otherwise this field is |

| | |unavailable. Fields: SAL_ADMIN_PLAN, GRADE, STEP, |


| | |SETID_TBL. This will be set appropriately based on the specific |

| | |clause being defined. |

|GROUP_OPERATOR |Group Operator |XLAT value used to indicate the mathematical operation for this |

| | |line of the group selection criteria. Valid values are: =, LIKE. LIKE is used if only a partial value is put into |

| | |the value field. Defaults to ‘=’. Required. This will be set |

| | |appropriately based on the specific clause being defined. |

|GROUP_VALUE |Group Value |30 character alpha numeric field where the user enters the value |

| | |for the fieldname. The field IS case sensitive and the value must |

| | |be entered exactly as it is defined in the database. This will be |

| | |set appropriately based on the specific clause being defined. |

|GROUP_RIGHT_PAREN |Group Right Parenthesis |XLAT value indicating the number of right parentheses which will be|

| | |used for this line in order for the code to be properly executed. |

| | |The translate value is equal to the number of parentheses used [1=)|

| | |2=)) ]. The options start at 0 and end with a maximum of 5 right |

| | |parentheses. Defaults to ‘0’. Required. This will be set |

| | |appropriately based on the specific clause being defined. |


|GROUP_ID |Group ID |Unique 5 character alpha numeric field used to identify the group. |

| | |Required. This table will not be populated by the configuration |

| | |team since static groups are not being utilized and the Refresh |

| | |Dynamic Group process will be executed prior to the start of the |

| | |production database. |

|EMPLID |Employee ID |11 character alpha numeric field, showing the employee id of the |

| | |group member. Required. This table will not be populated by the |

| | |configuration team since static groups are not being utilized and |

| | |the Refresh Dynamic Group process will be executed prior to the |

| | |start of the production database. |

|EMPL_RCD |Employee Record |3 digit numeric field. The employee record number for the job of |

| | |the employee’s which met the selection criteria and is included in |

| | |the group. This table will not be populated by the configuration |

| | |team since static groups are not being utilized and the Refresh |

| | |Dynamic Group process will be executed prior to the start of the |

| | |production database. |

|GROUP_TYPE_IND |Group Type |XLAT value indicating whether the listed employee ID, employee |

| | |record combination is in a dynamic or static group. Translate |

| | |Values: D=Dynamic, S=Static. Defaults to ‘S’. Required. This |

| | |table will not be populated by the configuration team since static |

| | |groups are not being utilized and the Refresh Dynamic Group process|

| | |will be executed prior to the start of the production database. |

Dependencies and Timing:

• Prompt Tables used: TL_TASKGRP_TBL, SETID_TBL and TL_GRP_FLD_SEC

• The JOB, EMPLOYMENT, PERSONAL_DATA, SCH_ASSIGN, and TL_EMPL_DATA tables will need to be populated with usable data in order for the group selection criteria to function properly.

• The department table will need to be configured before the group table.

Testing Considerations:

• Verify that the selection criteria includes all desired employees.

• Verify processes are run for only the group specified when Group ID is an input parameter on the run control page.

• Verify search pages pull up all employees in a group when Group ID is used as a search field.

• Verify dynamic group membership is updated when processes that use Dynamic Groups are run.


• Where appropriate department and location will be used in conjunction to define dynamic groups.

• Dynamic groups will be defined to accommodate the situation where a timekeeper must enter time for employees who are not in the same department as the timekeeper.

• The State of Connecticut will be using Payroll for North America therefore the GP_PYGRP table will not be an option for creating groups.

• The State is only going to use dynamic groups for production. Static groups will only be used during the testing phase.

• Refresh dynamic groups will be run nightly.

|Revisions |

|Date: |

|Comments: |

| |

|Name: |

|Changes Needed: |

| |

|Reasons: |

Input Provided By:

|Name |Title, Department |

|Alicia Vogel |Accenture |

|Maureen Barrett |Accenture Configuration Team |

|Lee Stolzman |CORE-CT Time and Labor Team Lead |

|Judd Nielsen |Accenture Design Team Lead |


Configuration Team

_________________________ _________________________

_________________________ _________________________

Configuration Team Leads

_________________________ _________________________

Ryan Oakes Ron Kuehner

Module Team Leads

_________________________ _________________________

Team Leads

_________________________ _________________________

Rajeev Sharma Anne North


Sue Martin






In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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