SQL Workshop - Washington University in St. Louis

SQL Workshop

Data Types

Doug Shook

Data Types

Four categories ? String ? Numeric ? Temporal ? Other

26 types total


Numeric Types

The integer data types

Type bigint int smallint tinyint bit

Bytes 8 4 2 1 1

The decimal data types

Type decimal[(p[,s])] numeric[(p[,s])] money 8 smallmoney

Bytes 5-17 5-17


The real data types

Type float[(n)] real

Bytes 4 or 8 4


Numeric Types

Decimal data types include precision and scale ? Precision: total number of digits ? Scale: number of digits to the right of decimal

Integer and decimal types are exact ? Real data types include a small amount of error


String Types

String data types for storing standard characters

Type char[(n)] varchar[(n)]

Bytes n

String data types for storing Unicode characters

Type nchar(n) nvarchar(n)

Bytes 2?n



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