4 Square Breathing

Coping Skills For A Chaotic World, Let's Practice!

Presented by: Chelsea Brown & Sahgahsega Atkinson Coping Skills have been collected from various sources. See below techniques for the websites

to retrieve them from.

4 Square Breathing

(Retrieved 02/13/2020)

umash.umn.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/4-7-8-Breathing.pdf (Retrieved 02/13/2020)

(Retrieved 02/13/2020)

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

1. Sit comfortably and remember to breathe throughout the exercise

2. Focus on your toes 3. Curl your toes and focus on the feeling of tension,

hold for 5-10 seconds 4. Release your toes and focus on the feeling of the

tension leaving 5. Repeat steps 2-4 on other parts of your body such as

your calves, thighs, stomach, back, shoulders, arms, hands, neck, and face.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation Video from Therapist Aid:


Carol Vivyan-Getselfhelp.co.uk


Just pause for a moment


Notice your breathing as you breathe in and out. In through the nose, out through the mouth.


What thoughts are going through your mind right now? Where is your focus of attention? What are you reacting to? What sensations do you notice in your body?


DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU THINK! What's the bigger picture? Take the helicopter view. What is another way of looking at this situation? What advice would I give a friend? What would a trusted friend say to me right now? Is this thought a fact or opinion? What is a more reasonable explanation? How important is this? How important will it be in 6 months time? It will pass.


What is the best thing to do right now? What is the most helpful thing for me, for others, for the situation? What can I do that fits with my values? Where can I focus my attention right now? Do what will be effective and appropriate.

(Retrieved 02/13/2020)

(Retrieved 02/13/2020)

Mindful Grounding

5 Senses

Advanced questions:

Name 5 colors you see.

Name 4 bodily sensations/feelings.

1. What am I worried about?

2. What is in my control?

What are 3 things you hear? What are 2 things you smell?

3. What is one step I can do about it now?

What is 1 thing you taste?

(Retrieved 02/13/2020)

(Retrieved 02/13/2020)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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