Volume 6, Number 10

Volume 12, Number 4 April 2007

The Nugget

The Newsletter of the Mother Lode DX/Contest Club


None this Month, CU All at Visalia!

Next General Meeting-- May 19th- venue TBD

2007 VISALIA INTERNATIONAL DX CONVENTION. The 2007 International DX Convention will take place April 27th, 28th and 29th, 2007, at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Conference Center in Visalia, California. This is an ARRL sanctioned convention that is sponsored this year by the Northern California DX Club. It is expected to draw visitors from around the World and will feature programs from recent DXpeditions and contest operations. The Convention theme this year is, "Elmering New DXers is Job Number One!" Accordingly, a portion of the programming will be devoted to helping new DXers learn how to be noticed in a pile-up, snag a "new one" and get that elusive QSL card. Other Convention offerings will include: DX, Top Band and Contest Forums, technical talks, many door prizes, both Friday and Saturday evening "attitude adjustments", Saturday Barbecue Lunch, Saturday night banquet, Sunday morning "power" breakfast, Vendors Exhibits and QSL card checking. Current information and registration forms are available on the Convention web page which can be found at: Additional registration information can be obtained by contacting Convention Registration Chairman, Dick Letrich, W6KM via Email at: dlw6km@ If you're interested in DXing, the Visalia DX Convention is the place to be. We hope to see you there.

2007 Dues are due now!

So far this year we have NOT received dues from the following folks:

AD6E- Al Maenchen

AA6EG- Pat Barthelow

WK6I-Jeff Stai

W6RKC-Rick Casey

N6XI- Rick Tavan

AE6Y-Andy Faber

Basic dues are $15. It is $10 more, if you want a paper copy of the ‘Nugget’. Donations gladly accepted. Please, pay at meeting…next best, mail to Treasurer, Carolyn Wilson, K6TKD at Box 273, Somerset, CA., 95684-0273.


Message from temporary chairperson...

If you are entertaining thoughts of operating Field Day, contact Jim, WX6V ASAP. So far it appears six or seven people are doing just that. It looks like we will be back at Peddler Hill. I don't think snow will be an issue this year.

Hope everyone that wanted to work N8S got it. They certainly were loud on the 8 bands I worked them...many times on the first or second call. They are reported to have made well over 100 K QSOs. QSL via YT1AD.

Stand by for the BS7 operation. Not too much info coming out. All that's really been announced is that they will be QRV in the latter part of April. BS7H is Scarborough Reef and is one of 'the most wanted'. See Rick's bulletins for more DX info.

We're still waiting word on our meeting place for May. Watch the web site and the reflector for updates.

After waiting 4-1/2 months, we finally have our satellite internet service. We had to wait until another satellite went up and get configured. Now the challenge is getting WildBlue's spam' filter adjusted. In the past few months, requests for NCDXF videos would get caught without any rhyme or reason. This was happening on SaberNet, DirectCon and now WildBlue. The service is available in three speeds...we opted for the cheapest. Download was about 472 kbps and upload was 98 kbps. Dialup was around 24 kbps, sometimes slower.

I see rain in the forecast a couple of times in the next week or so. May be a good time to catch up on QSLing before the rates go up. You'll probably want to include the new 41 cent stamp on your reply, but use up all those 39 centers on the outgoing.

The NCDXF Library has just received two new videos...5A7A-Libya & J20MM-Moucha Island/Djibouti. Each is about a half hour long. Which one for May meeting?? I expect to get videos from WRTC-2006 and 3Y0X-Peter I soon.

Plans for the annual joint meeting of the Northern California Contest Club and the MLDX/CC are lurching along. The date this year is July 7. It was chosen in an attempt to miss the IARU, the rtty contest and the IOTA contest at the end of July. It seems to me that the weather was not as blazing hot as it was closer to the middle/end of the month. We'll see.

We still need a Vice President/Contest Chairperson. VP acts in absence of president. C/C gathers contest scores and notifies sponsors of club participation.

There are still a few who have not paid dues. Bring to meeting or mail to Treas. at Bx 273, Somerset, CA 95694-0273. Our insurance is coming due soon. That may deplete the treasury. Good luck to all on BS7 hunt!! 73, Dick Wilson K6LRN

(bad) acting chairman.

Simplified Logbook of The World (LOTW) instructions. By Rick Karlquist N6RK

First 12 steps you only do once.

Steps 1-6, ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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