Roger H. Peters, Ph.D. Department of Mental Health Law and ...

Roger H. Peters, Ph.D. - Vita - Page 1

Roger H. Peters, Ph.D. Department of Mental Health Law and Policy Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute College of Behavioral and Community Sciences

University of South Florida



Phone: (813) 974-9299 Fax: (813) 974-9327 Email:

University of South Florida Dept. of Mental Health Law and Policy MHC 2733 11301 N. Bruce B. Downs Blvd Tampa, Fla. 33612-380

FLORIDA LICENSE: #PY 0004092 (Psychologist)



Florida State University

Ph.D., Clinical Psychology (APA Approved); concentration in Behavioral Medicine

and Community and Forensic Psychology


University of North Carolina School of Medicine (Chapel Hill), Department of

Psychiatry; Clinical Psychology Internship (APA approved)


Florida State University

M.S., Clinical Psychology


Haverford College (Haverford, Pa.)

B.A. Psychology



Professor (tenured in 1994, promoted to Professor in 2000, served as Associate Department Chair from 2002-2004, served as Department Chair from 2004-2011) at the University of South Florida (USF), Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute (FMHI), Department of Mental Health Law and Policy, within the College of Behavioral and Community Sciences at the University of South Florida (USF) in Tampa, Florida, USA. Dr. Peters holds a joint appointment in USF's College of Public Health, Department of Community and Family Health. He has been a licensed Psychologist in Florida since 1988. Dr. Peters was appointed to the Fulbright Specialist Program in 2012, and was awarded a Fulbright Specialist grant in 2015 for a collaborative project in Ghana, West Africa. He received a second Fulbright Specialist grant in 2017 for a project implemented with colleagues from the Universidad Catolica in Asuncion, Paraguay. In 2017 he was appointed Vice

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President of the International Consortium of Universities for Drug Demand Reduction (ICUDDR). In 2016 he was appointed to the ICCE Commission (International Centre for Certification and Education of Addiction Professionals) to represent U.S. Universities.

Dr. Peters currently serves as Principal Investigator on a five-year NIDA R25 Summer Research Institute (SRI) grant, and also serves as Principal Investigator and Director of the Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) Coordinating Center for North American Universities, funded by the Colombo Plan-DAP and the U.S. Department of State/IN. He served for five years as Principal Investigator and Project Director for the NIDA P30 Research Core Center - USF's Center on CoOccurring Disorders, Justice, and Multidisciplinary Research. He served as Principal Investigator and Project Director for development of Phase I and II of the Tampa Practice Improvement Collaborative (PIC)/Suncoast Practice and Research Collaborative (SPARC) in the Tampa Bay area, funded by SAMHSA to bridge the gap between research and practice communities in work with substance-involved offenders. From 1995-2004 he served as Lead Consultant to the National GAINS Center, a collaborative federal partnership to improve services for individuals with co-occurring disorders in the justice system.

Dr. Peters served as Coordinator of NIDA-funded Public-Academic Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program in Substance Abuse Services Research. He was also Project Director for development of co-occurring disorders treatment services within the Florida Department of Corrections, and Project Director for evaluation of drug courts, development of a drug court guidelines manual, and design of drug court programs and a DUI project evaluation through grants from the Florida Office of the State Courts Administrator. He has provided evaluation of substance abuse screening, assessment, and referral procedures for the Florida Department of Corrections.

Dr. Peters also served as Director for evaluation of Bureau of Justice Assistance national model demonstration in-jail drug treatment programs through a grant from the American Jail Association. Other appointments include Project Director for development of the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office Substance Abuse Treatment Program through a grant provided by the Bureau of Justice Assistance. He also served as Project Director for design of the Serious Targeted Offender Program for the Florida Legislature, a program of community-based drug treatment services for probationers, and as Project Director for design of assessment strategies for drug abusing adolescents through a grant from the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitation Services. Dr. Peters has provided technical assistance and training provided to a range of federal, state, and local agencies in developing substance abuse treatment programs and evaluation approaches within the criminal justice system. His clinical activities have included forensic assessment, sex offender treatment, dual diagnosis treatment, and supervision of postdoctoral fellows, FMHI predoctoral interns and graduate students.

Visiting Assistant Professor, University of South Florida, Florida Mental Health Institute, Department of Crime and Delinquency, Tampa, Florida. Authored

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19841985 19831984


1982 19801981 19791980

curriculum and presented training in stress management and interviewing skills for the Florida Juvenile Justice Training Academy/Children, Youth and Families Professional Development Center. Supervised evaluation of Juvenile Justice Academy/Children, Youth and Families Professional Development Center training. Consultant to the Pinellas County Jail in evaluating diversion of mentally ill misdemeanants to community-based programs. Assisted in the design and implementation of statewide mental health needs assessment survey. Joint appointment to Department of Community Mental Health to design training curriculum for staff providing services to the chronically mentally ill homeless.

Psychology Intern, University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Supervised rotations at the University of North Carolina Medical Center included year-long work at the Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic, and at the MedWell Health and Stress Management Clinic. Trained halftime at the Mental Health Division of the Federal Correctional Institution in Butner, North Carolina. Conducted forensic evaluations and provided individual and group psychotherapy, crisis intervention services and staffing of weekly behavior medicine clinic.

Psychological Technician, Apalachee Community Mental Health Services, Tallahassee, FL. (20 hours/week).

Psychological Consultant, Easter Seal Rehabilitation Center, Tallahassee, FL. (20 hours/week).

Program Analyst, Office of the State Court's Administrator, Tallahassee, FL. (10 hours/week).

Behavior Specialist, Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, District II-B Developmental Services, Tallahassee, FL. (20 hours/week).

Program Analyst, Office of the State Court's Administrator, Tallahassee, FL. (20 hours/week).

Therapist, Florida State University Psychology Clinic. (15 hours/week).

Psychological Consultant, Florida State Hospital, Chattahoochee, FL. (20 hours/week).

Resident Advisor/Counselor, Devereux Career House Treatment Center, Devon, Pennsylvania. (40 hrs/week)

Therapeutic Recreation Counselor, Devereux Hall Treatment Center, Berwyn, Pennsylvania. (40 hrs/week)

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R25 Summer Research Institute (SRI) grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to provide intensive research mentoring for 12 undergraduate students (rising seniors) per year in the area of substance abuse prevention and treatment, and treatment of co-occurring disorders ($525,000 total award). Principal Investigator (Dr. Kathy Moore also serves as PI on project).


Awarded consecutive annual contracts from the Colombo Plan, Drug Advisory Program to implement the Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) Coordinating Center for North American Universities. The UTC Coordinating Center, located at the University of South Florida has a mission of disseminating the UTC curriculum to universities in the U.S. and Canada for use in developing undergraduate and graduate programs in addiction studies, to create a network of universities interested in addiction studies programs, and to support the International Consortium of Universities for Drug Demand Reduction ($510,430 total award). Principal Investigator.


Awarded consecutive annual contracts from the Agency for Community Treatment Services, Inc. (ACTS) and the 13th Circuit Mental Health Court to conduct an evaluation of the Mental Health Court and Enhanced Offender Diversion Initiative, and to provide technical assistance in implementation of a criminal risk assessment instrument. ($75,000 total award). Principal Investigator.


Intimate Partner Violence entitled IPV and Fatherhood Intervention for Residential Substance Abuse Treatment. This NIDA R34 grant is designed as a developmental and Stage 1 study of a novel fatherhood focused intervention in residential substance abuse treatment to reduce IPV and child maltreatment ($672,750 total award). Role: Co-Investigator; Carla Stover, Principal Investigator.

2017 Awarded a Fulbright Specialist grant in collaboration with colleagues at Universidad Catolica in Asuncion, Paraguay, competed in August 2017. The Fulbright Specialist grant involved academic and research training, workshop and conference presentations, and consulting activities with addiction treatment and criminal justice programs. Other activities included mentoring of undergraduate and graduate students, and work with university faculty, the national coordinating center for addictions, staff from addiction treatment centers, and criminal justice administrators and professionals. The project included collaboration with faculty form the Department of Psychology at Universidad Catolica and with World Learning, Inc. to coordinate and implement the Fulbright project.

2015 Awarded a Fulbright Specialist grant to provide consultation and research, in collaboration with colleagues from the University of Cape Coast in Ghana. The grant supports a month of on-site work in Ghana during May-June, 2015, and several follow-up activities. Major activities include conducting a needs assessment survey within the three psychiatric hospitals, developing mental health and substance abuse screening processes within the high security prison, and design of academic curricula related to behavioral health issues.

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2009- Criminal Justice and Drug Abuse Treatment Studies - 2 (CJDATS-2): Pennsylvania 2014 Research Center. This grant is funded by NIDA to provide multi-site studies of

substance abuse treatment interventions in the criminal justice system, with a particular focus on implementation processes and strategies ($251,899 subcontract, of $2.5 million total award). Role: Co-Investigator, Principal Investigator ? subcontract; Steve

Belenko, Principal Investigator - overall project.


USF Center on Co-occurring Disorders, Justice, and Multidisciplinary Research (CJM Center). This grant is funded by NIDA to expand an existing center of excellence through

recruitment, mentoring, and development of new faculty investigators. The CJM Center will support research in the area of co-occurring disorders in the justice system, with a particular focus on implementation science, trauma, and veterans issues ($1.46 million - total award). Principal Investigator.


Hillsborough Targeted Capacity Expansion (TCE) Jail Diversion Program. This grant is funded by SAMHSA's Center for Mental Health Services to provide forensic intensive case management (FICM) services for arrestees in jail who have co-occurring disorders. The grant provides both a process and outcome evaluation ($150,806 subcontract, of $1.2 million total award). Principal Investigator.


Awarded a contract from the Florida Department of Children and Families develop curricula and to provide statewide training on civil commitment procedures for health care practitioners in Florida ($1,125,781 total award). Principal Investigator.


Hillsborough County Jail Discharge Planning Project. This Bureau of Justice Assistance grant provides for coordinated discharge planning in the jail and during community reentry for offenders with co-occurring mental and substance use disorders. The grant provides an outcome evaluation of the project ($31,500 subcontract, of $240,000 total award). Principal Investigator.


Awarded a contract from Pinellas County to evaluate the Pinellas County Adult Drug

Court program ($30,000). Principal Investigator.


Awarded a contract from Sarasota County to evaluate the VIP jail diversion program in Sarasota County, Florida ($99,064). Principal Investigator.


Awarded a grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment to develop Phase II of the Suncoast Practice and Research Collaborative, supporting implementation of knowledge application studies, technology transfer, and network development ($1,171,065 total award). Principal Investigator.


Awarded a Conference Grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment to provide a two-day regional conference on "Bridging the Gap: Practice, Research, and Policy Collaboratives for Knowledge Adoption". ($50,000). Principal Investigator.

2001- Awarded a grant from the Administrative Office of the Courts, Florida Thirteenth


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