Islamic University of TechnologyPostgraduate Thesis (up to 2015) Last Update: 03/03/2016Please contact Library Circulation Desk for your desired one of the followings:SLAcc.TitleStudent NameSt. NoDept.Year001T-0065Effect of boosters on the performance of a built in storage type solar water heaterM.H. Salamah Al Nahhal011602MCE2003002T-0140Competencies needed by technicians in Bangladesh and the extent of competencies developed in the HDME graduates of ICTVTRS. M. Nazrul Islam883605TVE1990003T-0142Complain of the principles of Polytechnic Institutes of BangladeshMohammad Nuruzzaman883607TVE1991004T-0147A Study of the relationship between the teachers qualification and students achievement in the Diploma in Engineering final result Md. Mozahar Hossain953601TVE1996005T-0148A Study of the relationship between the SSC result and diploma in Engineering result of the polytechnic student in BangladeshAKM Zainal Abedin953602TVE1996006T-0149A Study of the relationship between Admission test result and diploma in Engineering final result of student of polytechnic institutes of BangladeshMd. Abdur Razzaque953604TVE1996007T-0150 A Study of impact of small and college industries training institute and BSc IC on employment generation in BangladeshMd. Shafiqul Alam953605TVE1996008T-0151A Study of the relationship between the diploma in Engineering result and the BSc Engineering result of the BIT DhakaMd. Moklesur Rahman953603TVE1996009T-0152A Study of classroom instruction performed by trained teachers and untrained teachers of Polytechnic institute of BangladeshAGM Shahabuddin953607TVE1996010T-0153A Study of the scope of skill development centre organized by Bangladesh small and cottage industries corporation in employment generationMd. Mostafa Mazumder953608TVE1996011T-0154A Study of utilization of equipment and machinery in implementation of the course content electrical technology of polytechnic institute in BangladeshMd. Haronur Rashid953609TVE1996012T-0155A Study on the role of Bangladesh small and cottage industries corporation in the development of small and cottage industries sector in BangladeshMd. Abdul KhairTVE1996013T-0156A Study of the problems faced by the administration principles in Technical institute of BangladeshMd. Muzahed Ali953612TVE1996014T-0157 A Study of relevance of mechanical technology curriculum of polytechnic institute of the requirements of the industries in BangladeshMd. Mahbubul Islam953613TVE199615T-0158A Study of the history of development of the Diploma in Engineering curriculum in BangladeshIsmail Jongo Atcooki953614TVE199616T-0159A Study of determine the effectiveness of the industrial attachment program of the polytechnic institute in BangladeshTauhidul Anwar953615TVE199617T-0160A Study of relevance of technical technology curriculum of polytechnic of the requirements of service sector in BangladeshMd. Abdur Razzaque963607TVE199718T-0161A Study of the causes of lack of interest of student in admission to polytechnics after being selectedMd. Moshiur Rahman963601TVE199719T-0162A Study of the relationship between the final result of diploma engineering students of polytechnic institute of Bangladesh and the admission test result of DhakaMd. Abul Kalam Azad963602TVE199720T-0163A Study of identify the causes of lack of interest of the female students of study in the polytechnic institute in Bangladesh Md. Enamul Haque963603TVE199721T-0164A Study of the role of private institution the producing skilled manpower and their employability in BangladeshMd. Fazlur Rahman963610TVE199722T-0165A Study of employability of underprivileged children’s education program UCEP trainees in BangladeshMd. Tahazzat Hossain963604TVE199723T-0166Effect of students politics on their academic achievement in polytechnic institutes in BangladeshKazi Mazbahul Islam963606TVE199724T-0167The problem faced by principles administrations of Government secondary technical schools in CameroonChe Kum Clement963611TVE199725T-0168A Study of the utilization of the existing facilities of polytechnic institute of BangladeshMd. Belal Hossain963608TVE199726T-0169A comparative study of the result of the final year student of polytechnic institute who are taught by non-local teachersMd. Abul Kalam Azad963609TVE199727T-0170A Study of relationship between continuous assessment marks and final examination of theoretical subject of final year diploma of Bangladesh technical education boardMd. Shahidul Alam Chowdhury963605TVE199728T-0175A Study of the proposition of the urban and rural student in polytechnic institutes and comparison of their diploma in engineering resultsSyed Siddique Hussain973601TVE199829T-0176A Study of the volome of the curriculum of power technology offered by the polytechnic institutes of the needs of the job market in BangladeshMd. Ibrahim973602TVE199830T-0177A Study of the final results of diploma in engineering studies in polytechnic institute of Bangladesh having SSC and HSC as their entry qualificationAbdul Maleque963603TVE199831T-0178A Study of the results of the final year student of polytechnic institute of Bangladesh having different entry qualificationMd. Abdus Salam Chawdhury973604TVE199832T-0179A Study of the relationship between the results of the students of higher diploma in Engineering and the subsequent results in the BSc in Engineering of the Islamic University of Technology of BangladeshIbrahium Keuda Souare973605TVE199833T-0180A Study of the historical development of the vocational education in BangladeshSamer Zayed Jaradat973606TVE199834T-0181A comparison between diploma in engineering results of residential and non-residential student of the polytechnic institute of BangladeshMd. Afzal HossainTVE199835T-0182A Study of the performance of polytechnic graduates in the private telecommunication organizations in BangladeshIqbal Hossain Khan973608TVE199836T-0183A Study of the performance of in service in technical education programme TTTC Dhaka, BangladeshMohd. Khairul Bashar973609TVE199837T-0184A Study of the results of the students of the department of electronics and architecture of Dhaka polytechnic and Mohila polytechnic institute of BangladeshMd. Abdur Rob Khan953601TVE199838T-0185A Study of the utilization of the computer facilities for the computer subjects in polytechnic institute of BangladeshMd. Abdul Matin973610TVE199839T-0186A Study of identity the reasons of lack of interest of students and their guardians for admission in the polytechnic institute of BangladeshMosharraf Hossain Chowdhury973611TVE199840T-0187A survey of existing facilities in various polytechnic institute of Bangladesh as viewed by their teacherMd. Farid Uddin973612TVE199841T-0188Role of construction machinery training institute in the human resource development in PakistanMuhammad Ejar973614TVE199842T-0189A Study of identify the causes of lack of admission of female student in technical education in the Hashimite, Kingdom of JordanFakir FA AL-Mouani973615TVE199843T-0193A study of availability and utilization of equipment and machinery for power technology course in polytechnic institute in BangladeshMd. Abdul Gofur973613TVE199944T-0194A Study of the relevance of the automobile technology curriculum in Polytechnic institute need of service sector in BangladeshMollah Md. Kolimullah983601TVE199945T-0195A Study of the performance of polytechnic graduates in the Bangladesh garments manufacturingAltaf Uddin Ahmed983602TVE199946T-0196A Study of causes of students unrest in polytechnicMd. Abdul Baten983609TVE199947T-0197A Study to compare the performance of male and female student of polytechnic institutes in BangladeshMd. Moniruzzaman983605TVE199948T-0198A Study of self-employment by Diploma engineers of Polytechnic institutes in BangladeshMd. Lutfar Rahman983605TVE199949T-0199A Study of the effectiveness of SSC (Voc), course offered in technical training centre and vocational training institute in BangladeshMd. Abdul Haque983608TVE199950T-0200A Comparative study of the performance of student in first shift and second shift program of polytechnic institute in BangladeshMd. Anisur Rahman Sarkar983609TVE199951T-0201A Study of the causes of dissatisfaction among polytechnic teachers in BangladeshMd. Najib Uddin983610TVE199952T-0202A comparison between academic performance of BSC TE and BSC Engineering graduates in PGDTE programme of IUTMd. Modasser Ali993601TVE200053T-0203A Study of the relationship between the result of the graduates of higher diploma in engineering and subsequent result in BSc TE of IIT, Dhaka, BangladeshMohammad Jawdat Toani993602TVE200054T-0204A comparison between the results of Dakhil and SSC student in Diploma engineering examination in polytechnic institute of BangladeshMd. Shahdat Hossain993603TVE200055T-0205A Study to compare the results of Diploma holders from private Polytechnic institute of BangladeshAKM Amir Hossain Sarkar993604TVE200056T-0206A Study to identify the causes of lack of interest of female student in SSC vocational Programme in BangladeshAHM Azharul Haque 993605TVE200057T-0207A comparison between the results of diploma holders in agriculture from and distance education in BangladeshSyed Abdullah Al Hasan993609TVE200058T-0208A Study of the relationship between result of graduate in BSc engineering of IUT with their result in HSCNgapout Ibrahim Job003604TVE200159T-0209A Study of the relevance of textile technology to their requirements of the textile industries in BangladeshMd. Abdul Jabbar003601TVE200160T-0210A comparison between the results of SSC (voc) students in Diploma in engineering in polytechnic institute of BangladeshMd. Mowazzem Hossain003602TVE200161T-0211A Study of Correlation between result of the board based examination of the student of the Polytechnic institute in BangladeshMd. Saiduzzaman003603TVE200162T-0212A Study of the relevance and utilization of the Physical facilities billability for the power technology curriculum of Polytechnic institute of BangladeshMd. Solaiman003605TVE200163T-0213A Study of relationship between result of HSC and their subsequent result in BSc Engineering of the IUT Dhaka BangladeshNsangou Issah003606TVE200164T-0215A Study of dual system of management of technical and vocational training in BangladeshSaleh Ahmed013601TVE200165T-0216A Study of the problems faced by the directorate of Technical Education of Bangladesh in running of the polytechnic instituteMd. Hazrat Ali013602TVE200166T-0217A Study of correlation between the result of polytechnic graduates with their performance in the world of work Syed Faruque Ahmed013603TVE200167T-0218A Study of the needs of introducing medical technology in Polytechnic institute in BangladeshKazi Zakiuddin Ahmed013604TVE200168T-0219A comparative study of academic performance of the student of the IUT of Technology participating and not participating in extra curriculum activitiesDidh Muhammad Sudi013608TVE200169T-0220A Study of relationship between the result in Mathematics entry level qualification and that in the final diploma Engineering the polytechnic institute of Bangladesh Md. Anwar Hossain013605TVE200270T-0221A Study of the availability of teaching learning resource and this utilization in Polytechnic institute in Bangladesh Md. Nurul Islam013607TVE200271T-0222A Study of the performance of the polytechnic graduates in different production based industries as viewed by their supervisorsMd. Abdul Halim953603TVE199672T-0223A Study of the factors affecting the management of teaching and vocational education in BangladeshKazi Md. Sawkatul Islam983607TVE199973T-0224A Study of the industrial attachment programme for DTE course offered by the TTTC. Dhaka BangladeshSalauddin Ahmed983606TVE199974T-0225A Comparisons between the result of Diploma engineers graduates of polytechnic institute located in industrial and non-industrial area in BangladeshMd. Mahbubur Rahman993606TVE200075T-0226A Study of the problems of the urban and rural female student in Polytechnic institute of Bangladesh and comparison their diploma resultA.B.S. Jahangir Alam993607TVE200076T-0229A report on educational systems(with emphasis on technical and vocational education ) of three OIC countries (Pakistan, Malaysia and Turkey)Rafique Md. Yasir033601TVE200477T-0230Effects of bosters on the performance of a built in storage type solar water heater MSH Al Nahal011602TVE200378T-0240Aerodynamic forces around a tapered square cylinderMd. Faisal Kader011601MCE200379T-0246A comparative study of the academic performance of DTE graduates form TTTC and that of IUT Dhaka in BSc TE programmeMd Yakub Ali (et al)023603TVE200380T-0247A comparison between the result of SSC (Dakhil) student and SSC (vocational) student in diploma in EngineeringMd. Abdul Hye(et al)023604TVE200381T-0248A critical investigation into the service structure of technical education system in BangladeshMd. Nurul Islam(et al)023605TVE200382T-0286An assessment of needs of introducing telecommunication technology in Polytechnic institute in BangladeshMd. Abdul Hashem(et al)023602TVE200383T-0287A critical analysis and evaluation of the curriculum of instructor training and general studies progress of IUTAhmadou Bemanuga (et al)023606TVE200384T-0288A comprehensive performance of HD graduates of IUT from English system background and French system background Baba Hamadou (et al)023607TVE200385T-0307A Study of the availability of teaching learning resources and their utilization in the polytechnic institutes of Bangladesh Md. Nurul Islam(et al)013607TVE200286T-0375Effect of coloured absorbers on the performance of Built in Storage type solar water heaterKhaled Mohammed AY Naoka 031601MCE200687T-0474A follow up study of female diploma holders of polytechnic institutes of BangladeshMd. Abdus Salam Sarker993608TVE200088T-0478Effect of evaporator surface roughness’s on the performance of a two phase closed loop thermo syphon at atmospheric and sub atmospheric system pressureYasser MF Shehada051605MCE200789T-0479Effect of evaporator surface roughness of the performance of a two phase closed loop thermo syphonAbdul Baset Mohamed Bagha031602MCE200690T-0535An energy aware key management scheme for wireless mesh networks in distributed environmentGolam Moktader Nayeem054601CSE200891T-0593A new energy efficient hierarchical routing protocol for homogeneous wireless sensor networkMuhammad Sajjad Hussain064601CSE200992T-0594LoopNet: A new sentry based energy efficient surveillance system for wireless sensor networksSekalema Hamza074602CSE200993T-0597An improved 1-NN time series classification algorithm with dynamic time warpingMusa Chemisto074603CSE200994T-0599Analysis of human sleep EEG signal using the DSP processor DS-1104 (Part I & II)Md. Shahedul Amin082601EEE201095T-0609Feature extraction of Bangla printed texts for OCR applicationsMohammad Abu Naser072601EEE200996T-0626Vibration analysis of cutting tool during turning operation under efficient cutting conditionsShame Farabi Barna071601MCE200997T-0627Numerical analysis of heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics in three dimensional plain wavy fin and tube heat exchangersArafat Ahmed Bhuiyan071602MCE200998T-0630Identification of representative protein sequence and secondary structure classification using SVMMd. Rahat Hossain054602CSE200999T-0632An approach to electrical system design of a modern hospital complexMd. Foysal Khan, Md. Abdul Halim Sarker083605083608EEE2009100T-0698Performance study of hybrid photovoltaic thermal solar systems using different ribbed surfaces opposite to absorber plateMd. Rezaul Karim081601MCE2010101T-0727Analysis of Front End Current of Rectifier convertor for low THD with PFC wave shapingMuhammad072602EEE2011102T-0728Design and simulation of a mini grid photovoltaic systemAhmed Al Mansur092603EEE2011103T-0729Development of an algorithm for estimating the band with and traffic congestion in a mobile environment for non-prioritized reserved channel schemeShah Ahsanul Haque092602EEE2011104T- 0730Radio network planning guidelines for Long Term Evolution (LTE)Nafiz Imtiaz Bin Hamid082602EEE2011105T- 0731Design and performance analysis of a model predictive controller for STATCOM to improve the stability of a single machine infinite- bus.Abdelrahman M.H. Al-najjar 092605EEE2011106T- 0732Development of an omnidirectional image acquisition system for fault detection inside the wall of a tube.Md. Rokibul Islam 092608EEE2011107T- 0733An investigation into the effect for various processing methods on ultrasound elastographyMuhammad Abduhu Ruhul Hasin092612EEE2011108T- 0734Development of a non- binary decoding algorithm for low- density parity- check code over gallois fieldsMd. Murad Hossain092609EEE2011109 T- 0769Prediction an optimization of cutting parameters for obtaining required surface roughness in electric discharge machining Muammer Din Arif091601MCE2011110T- 770Investigation of physical and thermo- chemical characteristics of biomass fuels from local agricultural residues.Mohammad Kamurzzaman091602MCE2011111T- 0798An encoding scheme to support efficient searching and lexicographic sorting for Indic scriptsTareque Mohmud Choudhury054604CSE2011112T- 0799Supporting multiple users in smart emergency departments using proximity based access control systemS.M. Didar- al- alam094602CSE2011113T- 0800Turbulance- free congestion control and fairness in wireless mesh networksChongomweru Halimu094603CSE2011114T- 852Performance improvement of traction motors using a novel switching techniqueS.M. Ferdous092606EEE2012115T- 853Design and analysis of therapeutic ultrasound systems to develop a diathermy device Maruf Ahmed Dhali102605EEE2012116 T- 0854Design and analysis of a wideband micro strip antenna for high speed WLAN.S.M. Masudur Rahaman Al- Arif102604EEE2012117T- 0855Improvement in secrecy capacity for wireless communication using artificial noise.Kum Lenin Wung102602EEE2012118T- 0856A novel approach for diagnosis of breast cancer using ultrasound imaging Niamul Quader102606EEE2012119T- 0857Analysis of electrical and optical properties of quantum dot Nano crystalsKM Mohibul Kabir102607EEE2012120T- 0858Improvement of input side current of a single phase rectifier using emi filter and investigation on harmonic minimization Zubaeer bin Shams092604EEE2012121T- 0859Development of an adaptive neuro- fuzzy controller for speed control of induction motor drivesMd. Riyasat Azim092610EEE2012122T- 860Development of a smart controller for a switched reluctance motor drivesMd. Rezaul Hasan092613EEE23012123T- 861Performance analysis of model predictive controller in nonlinear applicationsAbdur Raquib Ridwan092614EEE2012124T- 862Design and analysis of model predictive unified power flow controller (MPUPFC) for improving power system stabilityMd. Shoaib Shahriar092615EEE2012125 T- 863Numerical and experimental investigation of shock wave propagation in the open atmosphere Mohammad Monzurul Ehsan101602MCE 2012126T- 0864Improvement of machinability of steel during turning operation by magnetic cutting Mohammad Nauzef Mahmood101603MCE2012127T- 0865Study of rubbing phenomenon due to contact between rotor and guide in rotating machinery and its minimizationEnaiyat Ghani Ovi091603MCE2012128T- 0866Investigation of comparative performance of high solid and low solid anaerobic co digestion of kitchen waste and food wasteTabassum Aziz Hossainy091604MCE2012129 T-0893A study of identify the barriers of implementing the proposed competency based training programme in TVET institutions in Bangladesh Mohammad Mahmudur Rahman103601TVE2012130T- 0894A study of difficulties face by teachers in using ICT in class room teaching learning in technical and higher educational institutions in UgandaTaban Habibu103602TVE 2012131T- 0895Assessment of competence of TVET trainee teacher in the field of ICTKasagga Usama103603TVE 2012132T- 0896A study of identify the effects of social networking sites to the lifestyles of teachers and students in the higher educational institutions Seguya Asad103604TVE 2012133 T- 0897A study of technical aechnology education in the Gambia upper basic schoolsBai Ndure103609TVE2012134T- 0925Development of an efficient grid based partitioning- around- medoids clusteringFaisal bin Al abid074601CSE2012135T- 0926Designing spam mail filtering using data mining by analyzing user an email behaviorAbdullah ibne Nurul Islam064605CSE2012136T- 0927An enhanced filtering approach for high density salt and peeper noise to restore imageGolam Moktader Dayian084601CSE2012137T- 0928Development of an improved cancer classification method by integrating metadata in microarray data analysis Md. Ahsan Habib084602CSE2012138T- 0929A scenario based API recommendation system using syntax and semantic of client source code.S.M. Shahnewaz094609CSE2012139T- 930Liner regression based feature selection for microarray data classificationMd. Abid Hasan104603CSE2012140T- 0931Effective facial feature representation based on directional micro- patternsFaisal Ahmed104604CSE2012141T- 0959Study of procedure for achieving higher level of CMMI by an organization- some case studies Md. Forkan Alam Khan074604CSE2013142T- 0960Wind energy: energy sustainability perspective Mubarak Seif; Mohamed Abdullah Warsame and Walid Kasima123604123608123613TVE2013143T- 1050Modeling and simulation of permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) by feedback linearization method for variable wind speed applicationIshtiza Ibne Azad112608EEE2013144T- 1051Design and analysis of micro strip patch antenna loaded with innovative metamaterial strictlireRazin Ahmed112601EEE2013145T- 1052An optimum automated segmentation method for breast ultra sound imagesHasib Md. Abid bin Farid112609EEE2013146T- 1053Optimization of elastography implementation Md. Moshiur Rahman Farazi112611EEE2013147T- 1054Design of feedback linearization based speed controller for permanent magnet synchronous motorIftekhar Hasan112606EEE2013148T- 1084Performance analysis of built in storage type solar water heatersHassan Rasheed121601MCE2014149T- 1085Investigation and optimization of the effects of application of ultrasonic sound frequencies during turning operation of steel on machinability responsesMohammad Shariful Islam chowdhury111601MCE2014150T- 1086Study of hybrid photovoltaic solar thermal systems during summer months in BangladeshShoel Miah101601MCE2014151T- 1087Study of product design perspectives for manufacturing refrigerators in Bangladesh using analytic hierarchy process (AHP)Fahad Ahmed101604MCE2014152T- 1181Study of electric power safety: Bangladesh woven garments industries perspectivesK.M. Md. Golam Rabbani and Audu Ibrahim Baba133601;133608TVE2014153T- 1182A study on relevance of B. Sc. T. E. curriculum with the occupational tasks of TVET teachersDavut cicioglu123603TVE2014154T- 1183A study on ICT Skills of TVET trainee teachers of Bangladesh and Saudi ArabiaMubarak Abdulrahman Saif123604TVE2014155T- 1184A study to identify the problems face by information and communication technology (ICT) teachers of universities in SomaliaAbdurrahman Yusuf Hayder123612TVE2014156T- 1185A study on entrepreneurship education in TVE system in UgandaWalidi Kasima123613TVE2014157T- 1186A study to suggest a strategy for retaining teachers of technical and vocational education in Katsina state, Nigeria.Saifullahi Kasim Tafida123615TVE2014158T- 1187A study to identify the problems faced by serving electrical and electronic engineers in SomaliaMohamed Abdullahi Warsame123608TVE2014159T- 1195Improved cancer classification approach for microarray gene expression data.Md. Moshiur Rahman114601CSE2015160T- 1196Optical flow based facial expression recognition from video sequence. Md Sirajus Salekin134602CSE2015161T- 1197Energy- adaptive data delivery in energy- harvesting wireless sensor networks.Ashraful Alam Khan114603CSE2015162 T-1198Receiver assisted rate adaption in wireless networks.Nafiul Rashid134604CSE2015163 T-1199Enhancing software development process (ESDP) using data mining integrated environment.Ziaur Rahman124606CSE2015164 T-1200An enhanced local texture pattern for effective face feature description.Md. Moniruzzaman094607CSE2015165T- 1228Stress and vibration analysis of a MDOF excavator bucket.Md. Shahriar Islam131601MCE2015166T- 1229Prediction and optimization of quality and drilled holes during magnetic drilling operation of glass fiber reinforced polymer composite.Suleiman Mohammed Yusuf131602MCE2015167T- 12303D CFD based optimized muffler design, construction and prototype validation of motorcycle.Ahmad Syed Anwar121602MCE2015168T- 1231Numerical study of turbulent nano fluid flow and heat transfer in a plane and corrugated channel.Shafi Noor121610MCE2015169T- 1260Basic knowledge and skill gap between graduates from electronic discipline of polytechnique institutes and industrial requirements in Bangladesh.Mohammad Kamruzzaman143602TVE2015170T- 1261Study on the use of internet interacting and learning process of government and private polytechnique institutes in Bangladesh. K.M. Md. Golam Rabbani133601TVE2015171T- 1262Environmental aspect in technical and vocational education and training: current practices in automotive service sector in BangladeshMd. Sajid133602TVE2015172T- 1263A comparative study on the academic performance of students in Bachelors degree of information technology having arts and science background in Uganda.Walusimbi Hakim133603TVE2015173T- 1264Compare the effectiveness of digital content teaching and traditional teaching to academic achievement: reference to the selected technical school and college in Bangladesh.M. Aminul Haque133604TVE2015174T- 1265Constraints of implementing web based learning in Uganda.Baguma Asuman133605TVE2015175T- 1266Student’s conceptions of mobile learning (M- Learning) in university education of Bangladesh.Benadjih Oiriddine Abdou133606TVE2015176T- 1267Role of ICT in higher educational administration in Uganda.Kayiwa Shafik Juma133607TVE2015177T- 1268A study of factors affecting students learning in technical drawing subject in Nigeria.Andu Ibrahim Baba133608TVE2015178T- 1279Effects of neighborhood characteristics on sustainable transportation modes.Md. Mosabbir Pasha125607CEE2015179T- 1301Temporal growth rate of x- band backward wave oscillator with arbitrary rippled slow wave structures.Md. Ghulam Saber132601EEE2015180T- 1302Modeling and numerical analysis of ultra-thin high efficiency cd1-xZnxS/Cd1-xZnxTe solar cell.Mohammad Tanvirul Ferdous132604EEE2015181T- 1303Application of prediction algorithms on bio-physical signals for predicting epileptic seizures.Minhaj NurAlam132605EEE2015182T- 1304An energy efficient match-line sensing circuit for ternary content addressable memory.Safayat bin Hkim132606EEE2015183T- 1305Experimental characterization of electrical magnetic properties of ferrite nanoparticles.Md. Thesun Al- Amin132613EEE2015184T- 1306Automatic generation control of multi- area hydro thermal power system using differential evolution algorithm.Muhammad Ahsan Zamee122601EEE2015185T- 1307Weighted proportional fair resource scheduling for Long Term Evolution.Khondoker Ziaul Islam122602EEE2015186T- 1308An energy efficient cross- byer approaches for wireless sensor networks.Md. Imran Hossain Jony122604EEE2015187T- 1309A modified approach for reducing risk to average power ratio in OFDM systems.Md. Moshiur Rahman122609EEE2015188T- 1310Analysis of data transfer mechanism among wireless devices in ferry assisted multi cluster DTNs.Ahmed Jaudat Nahian122613EEE2015189T- 1311Control and stability study of grid-connected doubly- fed induction generatorMuhammad Waleed122614EEE2015190T- 1312Analysis of subsynchronous resonance (SSR) in single machine infinite bus (SMIB) with pulse width modulated series compensator (PWMSC)B.M. Ruhul Amin102603EEE2015191T- 1313Self- Organized data aggregation techniques in ferry assisted multi cluster DTNs using a novel strategy of evolutionary game theory.Md. Salehin Ferdous Kader102610EEE2015The following thesis awarded for Ph. D. progamme01T- 0768Studies and investigation on extraction of energy and value- added product from rice husk.Md. Ahiduzzama071701MCE201102T- 1049Development and analysis of energy efficient match line sensing circuits for high- speed ternary content addressable memory.Syed Iftekhar AliP 10070604 P(IUT student awarded by BUET)EEE201303T- 1083Thermal performances of two- metal micro heat pipes (TMMHP)KMN Sarwar Iqbal101701MCE2014 ................

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