COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions

COVID-19 Frequently Asked QuestionsEconomic Impact Payment Q&AWho is eligible for economic impact payment and how do they get the payment?The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has created an online Economic Impact Payment Information Center (). On that page, you will find detailed information about who is eligible and the steps, if any, people need to take to get the payment. We encourage you to review this information so that you are able to provide general information to beneficiaries about the payment. We also encourage you to share this website with beneficiaries so that they can use it to stay informed.Social Security created a document to help beneficiaries quickly and easily determine whether they need to take any action to receive the economic impact payment, or a payment for their qualifying child. The document also explains when the IRS, not the Social Security Administration, will issue the payment. Read and share the Economic Impact Payments for Social Security and SSI Recipients – Steps to Take and Schedule of Payments.Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Economic Impact Payment Information Center () IRS Economic Impact Payments() Economic Impact Payments for Social Security and SSI Recipients – Steps to Take and Schedule of Payments() Response Updated 4/29/20How does the economic stimulus payment effect Supplemental Security Income (SSI)?Social Security addressed this question on their COVID-19 website. The guidance states, “Social Security will not consider economic impact payments as income for SSI recipients, and the payments are excluded from resources for 12 months.”Social Security COVID-19 website () Response Posted 4/24/20How does the economic stimulus payment effect Title II disability benefits?Title II disability benefits are not financial need-based and this program has no resource limit. As a result, the economic impact payment has no effect on this cash benefit.Response Posted 4/24/20How does the economic stimulus payment effect subsidized housing funded by Housing and Urban Development (HUD)?In a HUD Q&A the following guidance has been provided, “The pending stimulus payments directly to individuals and families would be excluded from income, as they are temporary, non-recurring payments (per 24 CFR 5.609).”HUD COVID-19 FAQ () Response Posted 4/24/20 How does the economic stimulus payment effect Medicaid?The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) addressed this question in a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document that they posted by the on April 13, 2020. The guidance states, “Section 2201 of the CARES Act allows a refundable tax credit for 2020 to eligible individuals. It also directs the Internal Revenue Service to provide payments in 2020 as an advance refund of the credit to eligible individuals, called ‘Recovery Rebates.’ The payments are not taxable income, and are therefore not countable in MAGI-based eligibility determinations. Separately, 26 U.S.C. § 6409 prohibits the counting of federal tax rebates or advance payments with respect to refundable tax credits as income, and, for 12 months following receipt, resources, in the eligibility determination of any federal needs-based program (such as Medicaid). Thus, the Recovery Rebates may not be counted as income, and, for 12 months, as resources, in non-MAGI financial eligibility determinations.”CMS Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), Public Law No. 116-127 and Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, Public Law No. 116-136 Frequently Asked Questions()American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, SEC. 6409 () Response Posted 4/24/20How does the economic stimulus payment effect the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)?The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) addressed this question in a letter dated April 11, 2020. The guidance states, “Pursuant to 26 U.S.C. § 6409, these rebates are excluded from consideration as income in the month of receipt and as an asset for 12 months following receipt for SNAP purposes. A household would not be considered to have exceeded the income limit due to these payments because they are excluded, but receipt of these payments could affect a household’s eligibility after 12 months if the payments cause the household to exceed the resource limit.”United States Department of Agriculture, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – Questions and Answers, COVID-19, Set #1()American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, SEC. 6409 () Response Posted 4/24/20Unemployment Insurance Q&AHow does unemployment insurance (UI) effect SSI?POMS SI 00830.230 states UI benefits are unearned income. Additional unemployment authorized by the CARES Act will?not?be treated differently than regular unemployment benefits as described at POMS?SI 00830.230.?POMS SI 00830.230 Unemployment Insurance Benefits() Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) () Response Posted 4/24/20How does unemployment insurance (UI) effect Title II disability benefits?Title II disability beneficiaries will experience no effect on their cash benefit eligibility or payment amount because of receiving regular UI or the additional unemployment authorized under the CARES Act since Title II disability benefits are not means-tested.POMS DI 10501.001 Meaning of SGA and Scope of Chapter()Response Posted 4/24/20How does unemployment insurance (UI) affect Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) subsidized housing?Regular unemployment benefits are considered income. The temporary $600 per week federal enhancement to unemployment insurance provided by the CARES Act are not included in calculations of income. Since there are numerous subsidized housing programs, you should refer the beneficiary to their Public Housing Agency or property owner to confirm if this HUD guidance applies. COVID-19 FAQs for Public Housing Agencies ()Questions and Answers for Office of Multifamily Housing Stakeholders ()Response Posted 4/29/20How does unemployment insurance (UI) affect the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefit?Pandemic unemployment assistance payments, pandemic unemployment compensation, and pandemic emergency unemployment compensation authorized under CARES Act are considered unearned income for the purposes of determining a household’s SNAP eligibility and benefit amount. These payments are treated consistently with non-pandemic unemployment benefits and not excluded from income for SNAP purposes. The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) has received questions regarding if these payments may be treated the same as disaster unemployment assistance payments, which are available to individuals who are unemployed as a result of a major disaster and not receiving any other unemployment compensation. Disaster unemployment assistance is considered Federal major disaster and emergency assistance under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief Act, which is excluded from income and not counted as a resource for SNAP purposes. The pandemic unemployment payments authorized under the CARES Act do not meet the same criteria and are not excluded from income by law, and therefore must be counted as income for SNAP.SNAP COVID-19 Questions and Answers, Set #1 ()Response Posted 6/3/20Special Pay during the PandemicIf a beneficiary receives extra wages during the pandemic, how is that treated for SSI?In the context of SSI earned income policy and SSI wage reporting, COVID-related increases in wages are earned income. Social Security will evaluate the wages following normal policy. POMS SI 00820.100 provides examples of pay that Social Security would consider wages, including special payments received because of employment. POMS SI 00820.100 Wages – General()Response Posted 4/24/20If a beneficiary receives extra wages during the pandemic, how is that treated for Title II disability benefits?When evaluating earnings and work activity for Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) decisions Social Security determines whether the income represents the individual’s own productivity. For example, if an individual is not working but his or her salary continues, Social Security does not consider that income when determining countable earnings for SGA determinations.When a beneficiary is working and is receiving bonuses, hazard pay, temporary raises, incentive payments, etc., to work during the COVID-19 pandemic, Social Security will consider this income directly related to the individual’s own productivity unless the individual presents evidence to the contrary. Social Security will evaluate any such evidence according to existing policy.?See, POMS DI 10505.010.POMS DI 10505.010 Determining Countable Earnings()Response 4/24/20Other Benefit and Work Incentive Related COVID-19 InformationIs there a temporary rule that requires state Medicaid agencies to continue a beneficiary’s Medicaid eligibility during the pandemic?As with all things Medicaid, it depends on the state. Section 6008 of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) provides a temporary 6.2 percentage point increase to each qualifying state and territory’s Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) under section 1905(b) of the Social Security Act (the Act) effective beginning January 1, 2020 and extending through the last day of the calendar quarter in which the public health emergency declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services for COVID-19, including any extensions, terminates.To qualify for the temporary FMAP increase, states must, through the end of the month when the public health emergency ends:Maintain eligibility standards, methodologies, or procedures that are no more restrictive than what the state had in place as of January 1, 2020 (maintenance of effort requirement). Not charge premiums that exceed those that were in place as of January 1, 2020Cover, without impositions of any cost sharing, testing, services and treatments—including vaccines, specialized equipment, and therapies—related to COVID-19.Not terminate individuals from Medicaid if such individuals were enrolled in the program as of the date of the beginning of the emergency period, or becomes enrolled during the emergency period, unless the individual voluntarily terminates eligibility or is no longer a resident of the state (continuous coverage requirement).If a state opted for the increased FMAP, as noted above, they could not terminate individuals from Medicaid. You will need to conduct research in your state to determine if this rule applies. Families First Coronavirus Response Act() Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services – Families First Coronavirus Response Act – Increased FMAP FAQs()Response Posted 4/24/20 For states seeking to claim temporary increased FMAP, can states bill for premiums during the emergency period?Yes. States may still charge premiums during the emergency period without violating section 6008(b)(2) of the FFCRA. However, a state may not terminate beneficiaries’ eligibility or coverage due to unpaid premiums during the emergency period or terminate individuals’ eligibility or coverage due to non-payment of premiums incurred during the PHE after the expiration of the emergency period. As discussed in Question F.22 of the FFCRA-CARES Act FAQs, available at , states seeking to claim temporary increased FMAP may not terminate individuals’ eligibility or coverage for failure to pay those premiums. Effective the month in which the emergency ends, a state may resume implementation of its premium policy under 42 C.F .R . § 447.55(b)(2), which allows for termination after 60 days of non-payment. While states cannot terminate beneficiaries’ eligibility or coverage following the end of the PHE for unpaid premiums accumulated during the PHE, states can terminate beneficiaries for unpaid premiums incurred prior to the PHE. To implement this termination, states would not be able to count the PHE time period as part of the 60 days of non-payment and states would have to provide beneficiaries with advance written notice of the termination (see 42 C.F.R. §§ 435.917 and 431.206–.214) and provide fair hearing rights (see 42 CFR § 431.220(a)).Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services – COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for State Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Agencies()Response Posted 7/31/20Do beneficiaries with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) subsidized housing have to pay rent during the COVID-19 crisis?Yes, the HUD publication?Addressing Tenant Concerns During the COVID-19 National Emergency?() explains that rent payments are still due on the usual date. If a beneficiary had a decrease in income or change in circumstances that will make it difficult for him or her to pay rent on time, he or she should contact their landlord right away.? This HUD publication and the HUD website link below contain helpful information that you can share with beneficiaries if they are having trouble paying rent.Addressing Tenant Concerns during the COVID-19 National Emergency?()HUD Resources for Renters()Response Posted 4/29/20 and updated on 9/4/20 Is there any protection from eviction for people who have lost their jobs as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic? Yes, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1746, certain individuals may be protected from eviction if they submit the required declaration from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to their landlord. This protection only applies to people who either expect to earn no more than $99,000 in annual income for Calendar Year 2020 (or no more than $198,000 if filing a joint tax return), were not required to report any income in 2019 to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, or received an Economic Impact Payment (stimulus check) pursuant to Section 2201 of the CARES Act. To receive eviction protection, an individual must sign a declaration () form and submit it to their landlord. This declaration is for tenants, lessees, or residents of residential properties who are covered by the CDC’s order temporarily halting residential evictions (not including foreclosures on home mortgages) to prevent the further spread of COVID-19. Under the CDC’s order, individuals must provide a copy of this declaration to the landlord, owner of the residential property where they live. Each adult listed on the lease, rental agreement, or housing contract should complete this declaration. Unless the CDC order is extended, changed, or ended, the order prevents people from being evicted or removed from where they are living through December 31, 2020. It’s important to note that individuals are still required to pay rent and follow all the other terms of the lease and rules of the place where they live. Individuals may also still be evicted for reasons other than not paying rent or making a housing payment. This declaration is sworn testimony, meaning that individuals can be prosecuted, go to jail, or pay a fine if they lie, mislead, or omit important informationDeclaration Under Penalty of Perjury for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Temporary Halt in Evictions to Prevent Further Spread of COVID-19 ()Response posted 9-18-20Are there any special rules that apply to beneficiaries who incur overpayments during the pandemic period when Social Security was not processing information that would have caused a reduction, suspension or termination of cash benefits?At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Social Security took unprecedented measures to protect both the public and its employees. These measures included closing more than 1,200 field offices to in-person service, allowing Social Security employees to work remotely, and pausing certain actions that could have resulted in a reduction, suspension, or termination of benefits or payments under titles II, VIII, or XVI of the Social Security Act (Act). The decision to defer certain workloads and resulting overpayment debt collections protected benefits during a critical time in the COVID-19 pandemic. Examples of deferred workloads include Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Redeterminations; Limited Issues involving SSI entitlement; SSI and Title II Post-eligibility changes; Medical CDR Decisions (Cessations); Work CDR Decisions (Cessations); Age 18 Redeterminations; Disability Hearing Unit Determinations; certain Insufficient Evidence Determinations; Expedited Reinstatement; Non-disability hearings; and late filing and failure to appear dismissals.Beginning on August 31, 2020, Social Security resumed these workloads, including certain overpayment debt collections that were not manually processed since mid-March. As Social Security resumes these workloads, the agency anticipates identifying a number of overpayments that they would have stopped earlier had they not deferred certain workloads due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Social Security issued a new rule to streamline the overpayment waiver process for qualifying overpayments. Under this rule, the agency may waive recovery of certain overpayment debts accrued between March 1 and September 30, 2020, using a more efficient waiver process for qualifying debts identified by December 31, 2020. Social Security will not apply the streamlined waiver process to overpayment debts resulting from fraud or similar fault, or involving misuse of benefits by a representative payee, nor will the process apply to debts that were processed timely.It is important to note that under our rules individuals still need to request a waiver.? Individuals may make a verbal request over the phone, and local field offices will assist them. ?If the qualifying overpayment accrued between March 1 and September 30, 2020, Social Security will presume the individual was without fault in causing the overpayment and will determine recovery would be against equity and good conscience, without requiring the individual to provide additional information. ?Overpayment notices we mail beginning August 31, 2020, will include language advising recipients they may call their local Social Security office () to request a waiver.? The telephone number for the local office also will be in the overpayment notice and is available at the Social Security office locator () on Social Security’s website.Individuals may also request a waiver for overpayment debts that do not qualify under our new rule, although the normal waiver process would apply.Response posted 9-18-20 ................

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