OVR TASK GUIDELINESDisclaimer: This document provides general information and instructions for using the Override (OVR) Task on the Identity Management Toolkit and does not address every possible scenario. Use of the OVR Task will be in accordance with VHA Directive 1906 Data Quality Requirements for Healthcare Identity Management and Master Veteran Index Functions, which provides specific guidelines for data entry. VHA Directive 1906, Privacy Fact Sheet from November 2012 Use of Full Legal Name and Requests for Name Changes and Privacy Fact Sheet October 2012 Transgender Identity Changes will always be used in conjunction with the OVR Task. A senior member of the Healthcare Identity Management (HC IdM) Team should be consulted if additional assistance or guidance is needed.General Information:A.The OVR Task can be used by the HC IdM Team to edit and/or lock down the identity trait data fields. For new staff, you will create an OVR Task and provide your suggested Authority Scores (AS) to your trainer or mentor for review; upon approval they will complete the OVR Task for you. Note: If there is only one VAMC correlation for an ICN the site can make edits that will update the ID traits on the MPI unless the AS is 1000. Identity traits are assigned an Authority Score (AS) based on verification methods as follows:1000SSA with full screen display (also applies if the SSN/Verified fields are blank or the SSN belongs to a deceased spouse or parent).900SSA w/o full screen display (SSA SSN verified – No Title II or Title XVI data found). This applies to the SSN field only as it is not verifying other data. Also use this score for the DOB on those records where you see the full SSA screen but the DOB verification is alleged, formerly established, convincing evidence or blank – the other ID traits (name, gender, & SSN) can be set to 1000.800All VBA sources.775Via site per patient documentation or legal documentation received via fax or e-mail (birth certificate, copy of social security card, court order, DEERS database, etc.) – OR – Verified test record, so ZZ last name and preface SSN with 5 leading 0’s – OR – If site has a full middle name beginning with the verified initial. Do NOT use 775 unless documentation has been received from site. This does not apply to employee records where we receive verbal confirmation from the site (does not apply to SSN). 775 can also be used if the Driver’s License is viewable in Accurint.Identity traits that cannot be verified should retain the original authority score.DATA FIELDS AVAILABLE FOR OVR EDIT/LOCK DOWN1.Surname8.SSN Verification Status 2.First Name9.Pseudo SSN Reason (No AS)3.Middle Name10.Mother's Maiden Name4.Name Suffix11.Multiple Birth Indicator5.Date of Birth12.Place of Birth City (not sync’d at this time)6.Gender13.Place of Birth State (not sync’d at this time)7.Social Security Number14.ID State (No AS) 3/14/13: Direction provided to staff - All OVR Tasks should have some kind of documentation included in them that shows the reason the OVR was processed.This includes OVRs that we do for ID trait corrections.At least one of the following should be showing: copy/paste of e-mail into the notes, the OVR should be associated to a Toolkit Task or Request or reference the MPI RJC associated with the OVR task.The OVR should include the verification information that is appropriate for that case if it isn’t already included in the associated RJC or Task.—SSA, BIRLS, etc.Steps for using OVR from the Identity Management Toolkit OVR Task:Select Manage Persons > Search. Enter valid search criteria, and then click Search. From the Person Search Results, click the appropriate record. The Primary View is displayed. Determine which traits you want to override.Click Create OVR Task. The Task Details page is displayed. Notice the Override tab.This option allows the current Primary View values to be changed/overridden by HC IdM for selected identity fields in the MPI VETERAN/CLIENT (#985) file and the Identity Management Toolkit.Click the Override tab. The Primary View data page is displayed. In the Edit Value and Edit AuthorityScore columns, you can enter an updated trait, such as First Name, and an updated Authority Score. (Current alias information is also displayed.)Use EXTREME caution when editing these fields!Enter an updated trait and/or an updated Authority Score (AS) for all necessary fields. If the SSN verification status is not assigned to the record and the PC option is being used to lock down the data while working a Potential ID exception, you will need to CREATE the OVR task to assign the verification status to the record.Click Submit OVR. The Override Success message is displayed. If there is a change to any name field, gender, DOB or SSN and there was not an explicit change to ID State, then the ID state business rules will be applied, and the ID State will be updated if necessary.Click OK. The message moves to the top of the screen.Note: An OVR Task can be created by selecting the Create OVR Task hyperlink at the top of the Primary View Page. Update the Aliases:The current alias information is displayed at the bottom of the screen. You can use the Insert, Edit, and Delete buttons to insert a new alias, and to edit or delete an existing alias.For example, if you want to add another alias, click Insert. A new line is available for you to add the alias. Enter the new name, click Save, and then click Submit Alias Updates. The Override Success message is displayed. Please be sure all updates and messaging have cleared at the site by checking the EDAT, RDAT and the CHK option prior to updating the Alias field. If messaging has not cleared, any updates to the Alias field will repopulate.Verification Process:A thorough investigation using the following identified HC IdM sources must be completed prior to using the OVR Task to lock down data fields. Findings/justifications are to be documented in a Resolution Journal Case (RJC) and/or Exception notes. Social Security Administration (SSA) – SSA is the highest authoritative source and takes precedence over other verification sources. However, recent information indicates SSA has not always required the use of legal names and our SSA display does not contain a full middle name field therefore we are to retain what appears to be the most correct full name whenever possible.VIS/BIRLS (VBA) - VIS should be used in conjunction with other verification sources. If a full middle name is available it can be entered using the OVR Task provided there are no significant differences.Site POC or Human Resources (if patient is an employee) – These resources can be used in conjunction with other verification sources. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s):Q:What format is used when locking down hyphenated or foreign names? A:The most accurate way to enter Spanish last names is Father’s Last Name-Mother’s Maiden Name. For more information on other foreign names and countries, please see related documentation on the HC IdM Share Drive under Informational Mail Messages or Appendix A of VHA Directive 1906.Q:Should I lock down the middle initial if I cannot locate a full middle name?A:No, middle initials should not be locked down unless you have verified that the patient’s legal name includes only a middle initial rather than a full middle name. This is because MPI Business Rules only allow a full middle name to overwrite a middle initial when it has not already been locked down by HC IdM. In an effort to obtain as much complete information as possible we do not want to prevent sites from being able to update a middle initial with a full middle name. Note: It is appropriate to lock down a full middle name if you can obtain it from the site or your verification sources and there are no significant differences.Q: How do I lock down the SSN field for a patient that has no SSN or is an illegal alien or prisoner?A:??Leave the SSN field blank and pseudo SSN reason “No SSN Assigned” with no Authority Score if the patient was never issued a SSN.? If the patient is a prisoner or is under a sharing agreement, the valid SSN should be verified and locked down, if available.? Q: Should I lock down the SSN field for a patient for whom I am unable to verify the SSN?A:??If you are not able to verify a valid SSN the SSN field should not be locked down. If the patient is not deceased, assign a Pseudo SSN and select “SSN Unknown/Follow-up Required” as the pseudo SSN reason with no Authority Score. If the patient is deceased, select “No SSN Assigned” with no Authority Score to prevent an automatic notification letter being sent to the family. Q:??How do I lock down the SSN field for a patient that has local duplicate records at the site?A:??Lock down the merging “TO” record with the verified SSN. Leave the SSN field blank to assign a Pseudo SSN to the merging “FROM” record with an Authority Score of 1000 to prevent it from being overwritten prior to the merge. Always select “No SSN Assigned” as the pseudo SSN reason for the duplicate record to prevent an automatic notification letter being sent to the veteran. Note: To lock down the “From” record that is already in a Deactivated state, go to Create Task, enter 17 digit Deactivated ICN, Create Task, and then select Primary View Override to create the OVR Task. Q:When can I edit the gender field for a transgender/transsexual patient?A:Only edit the gender field when there is legal documentation (i.e., amended birth certificate or court order), passport, or a signed original statement on office letterhead from a licensed physician. Note: Sexual reassignment surgery is not a prerequisite for amendment of gender. Refer to Privacy Fact Sheet October 2012 Transgender Identity Changes for requirements which must be met in order to change the gender on an electronic health recordQ:When can I lock down the Mother’s Maiden Name (MMN)? A:Per Jackie Houston (8/27/09), the MMN may be locked down with 775 if there is no discrepancy identified. If there is a discrepancy between two MMNs, do not edit/lock down the MMN unless verified by the site.Q:When can I lock down the POB City/State?A:Lock down these fields only if verified by the site. Note: Many edits for the POB City/State are just spelling errors; however, if the data provided is extremely different, ask the site for verification. The POB State field is not currently synchronized from the MPI’s PV to treating facilities/correlations at this time.Q:Should I document in my RJC which senior team member locked down data per my request and also when I use the OVR Task? A:Yes, always document which team member was consulted and when you use the OVR Task. With the use of the OVR task function in TK, an auto-note is inserted in the OVR task including the name of the person performing the OVR regardless of who created the task. Note: This information is no longer available in the IAUD on the MVI since the OVR moved to the TK. The user is generically identified in the IAUD as PSUSER,APPLICATION PROXY. Q: Can I lock down a field based on information I find in Accurint?A: Accurint should not be used as a verification source, only as a research tool and therefore does not have an individual authority score designated. It is to be used only to support verifications or provide additional research information. The patient’s Driver’s license may be viewable in Accurint, which will allow the use of an AS of 775 (see Team minutes 1-6-11). If you are able to find the full middle name in Accurint you should lock it down with AS 775 (see Team minutes 1-13-11).Q: Should I lock down a null/blank field?A: No, not unless there are extenuating circumstances such as data keeps reverting back to past entries or the field originally had an AS assigned (see Team minutes 9-1-11). OVR Data Entry Quick Reference GuideNOTE: This is a “quick reference” tool only. For more in depth information, explanation of the OVR Task, Authority Score guidelines and data entry, the complete OVR TASK GUIDELINES document should be consulted.First nameVerified by SSA or VBA if unable to verify through SSA. Otherwise, documentation that site has obtained from patient. Note: If patient has used other names, use the Alias option within the OVR task to add, edit or delete the other name(s) in the Alias field.Last nameVerified by SSA or VBA if unable to verify through SSA. Otherwise, documentation that site has obtained from patient. Note: If patient has used other names, use the Alias option within the OVR task to add, edit or delete the other name(s) in the Alias field.Middle nameVerified by VBA or if middle initial matches the name provided by site. For example, “E” can be edited to “Edward.” However, do not change “Edward” to “E” unless “Edward” has been verified as incorrect. Do not lock down a middle initial unless the patient’s legal name does not include a full middle name. Middle names are not to be removed unless legally changed via a court document. However, in cases where the patient claims to never have had a middle name, a Birth Certificate is required for removal.?Retain previous names in the Alias field using the Alias option within the OVR task to add, edit or delete the other name(s).SuffixNormally SSA will not show a suffix, so this will be verified by VBA. Otherwise, documentation that site has obtained from patient. The removal of suffix will be processed the same as removal of middle name/initial. An official name change court order is required for removal of a middle name.? However, in cases where the patient claims to never have had a suffix, a Birth Certificate is required for removal.? Note: If patient has used other names, use the Alias option within the OVR task to add, edit or delete the other name(s) in the Alias field.SSNVerified by SSA or VBA if unable to verify through SSA. Otherwise, documentation site has obtained from patient. Note: If patient has used other SSNs, use the Alias option within the OVR task to add the other SSN(s) to the Alias field.SSN Verification StatusVerified by SSA or VBA if unable to verify through SSA. Enter same authority score as the SSN field.DOBVerified by SSA or VBA if unable to verify through SSA. SSA allows variances on the DOB so unless the full screen is viewable via SSA do not lock down the DOB. Otherwise, documentation site has obtained from patient. Multiple BirthProvided by site.MMNProvided by site. Per Jackie Houston (8/27/09), the MMN may be locked down with 775 if there is no discrepancy identified. If there is a discrepancy between two MMNs, do not edit/lock down the MMN unless verified by the site. Note: Many edits are just spelling issues. If the data provided is extremely different from existing data, ask site for verification. If a site sends a request to have name/gender changed and a birth certificate or marriage certificate is provided which clearly lists a MMN, add it to the record with an AS of 775.GenderVerified by SSA or VBA if unable to verify through SSA. Otherwise, documentation site has obtained from patient. Note: Only edit the gender field when there is legal documentation (i.e., amended birth certificate or court order), passport, or a signed original statement on office letterhead from a licensed physician. Sexual reassignment surgery is not a prerequisite for amendment of gender. Refer to Privacy Fact Sheet October 2012 Transgender Identity Changes for additional information regarding transgender change requirements.The licensed physician’s statement must include all of the following information: a. Physician’s full name;b. Medical license or certificate number;c. Issuing state of medical license/certificate;d. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) registration number assigned to the physician or comparable foreign designation, if applicable;e. Address and telephone number of the physician;f. Language stating that he/she has treated the patient or reviewed and evaluated the medical history of the applicant. He/she also has a doctor/patient relationship with the applicant which is evident in having one or more clinical encounters between doctor and patient; g. Language stating that the patient has had appropriate clinical treatment for gender transition to the new gender (specifying male or female); andh. Language stating “I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and correct.”POB CityProvided by site. Per Jackie Houston (10/28/09) Lock down this field only if verified by the site. Note: Many edits for the POB City/State are just spelling errors; however, if the data provided is extremely different, ask the site for verification. The POB City field is not currently synchronized from the MPI’s PV to treating facilities/correlations at this time.POB StateProvided by site/patient. Per Jackie Houston (10/28/09) Lock down these fields only if verified by the site. Note: Many edits for the POB City/State are just spelling errors; however, if the data provided is extremely different, ask the site for verification. The POB State field is not currently synchronized from the MPI’s PV to treating facilities/correlations at this time.Multiple BirthProvided by site.ID StateValid patient records should have a Permanent ID State, except for records undergoing ID Theft investigation. See Identity Theft Guidelines (\\Vhaistfpc4\hc idm team\Instructions, Guidelines, and Tips\Identity Theft) for further details. Test patient records should have a Temporary ID State unless the HC IdM Team is preparing to link them to another record for testing purposes. In this case the record will be assigned a Permanent ID State only for the length of time it takes to link the records and then it will be reassigned a Temporary ID State.Identity traits will be assigned an authority score (AS) based upon verification methods as follows:1000SSA with full screen display (also applies if the SSN/Verified fields are blank or the SSN belongs to a deceased spouse or parent).900SSA w/o full screen display (SSA SSN verified – No Title II or Title XVI data found). This applies to the SSN field only as it is not verifying other data. Also use this score for the DOB on those records where you see the full SSA screen but the DOB verification is alleged, formerly established, convincing evidence or blank – the other ID traits (name, gender, & SSN) can be set to 1000.800All VBA sources.775Via site per patient documentation or legal documentation received via fax or e-mail (birth certificate, copy of social security card, court order, DEERS database, etc.) – OR – Verified test record, so ZZ last name and preface SSN with 5 leading 0’s – OR – If site has a full middle name beginning with the verified initial. Accurint (if Driver’s License is viewable) also if able to find full middle name.Note: Identity traits that cannot be verified should retain the original authority score. ................

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