Johnstown High School

Triangle figures are not necessarily proportionally correct.Round all answers to one decimal place.1. a) Categorize the triangle: ASA SAS SSS AAS SSA (circle one)b) Use the Law of Sines to solve the triangle.40195561595CabABc=10082°31°CabABc=10082°31°∠A=a=b=2. a) Categorize the triangle: ASA SAS SSS AAS SSA (circle one)b) Use the Law of Sines to solve the triangle.133540560960CC668655365760∠A=1906905189230a=550a=55811530236855bb12782559398067°67°b=185928030861049°49°c=1392555217805c0c401955103505AA2487930103505BB3. The following triangles are SSA types. How many solutions does each have?51454052597157070515493014541560407552216151919259270597790347853017399030301733551168405567°12 0 1 2 (circle one)5567°12 0 1 2 (circle one)587883019748515°015°274510513081040°40°30499059715531312564130326390 0 1 2 (circle one) 0 1 2 (circle one)512635550800 0 1 2 (circle one) 0 1 2 (circle one)4. The following triangle has 2 solutions. Solve each triangle.40195559690Ca=80bAB35°c=50Ca=80bAB35°c=50327850588265 Solution 10 Solution 13249930178435∠A=∠B=b=00∠A=∠B=b=3223260163195 Solution 20 Solution 234480565405Ca=80bAB35°c=50Ca=80bAB35°c=503326130304800∠A=∠B=b=00∠A=∠B=b=5. & 6. We will skip these.1449705157480CC7. a) Categorize the triangle: ASA SAS SSS AAS SSA (circle one)b) Solve the triangle.2021204329565a=1000a=100782955139065∠A=92583010795bb∠C=516255243840AA2602230243840BB19735808191531°31°b=127825548895c=120c=120c) Find the area of the triangle.1449705157480CC8. a) Categorize the triangle: ASA SAS SSS AAS SSA (circle one)b) Solve the triangle.2021204329565a=740a=74782955139065∠A=5067306985b=1700b=170∠B=516255243840AA2602230243840BB∠C=127825548895c=110c=110 46691551136015Area of TriangleArea=12absinC Area=12acsinB Area=12bcsinA Area of TriangleArea=12absinC Area=12acsinB Area=12bcsinA 22688551536065 c2=a2+b2-2abcosC b2=a2+c2-2accosB a2=b2+c2-2bccosA Law of Cosines c2=a2+b2-2abcosC b2=a2+c2-2accosB a2=b2+c2-2bccosA Law of Cosines1543051745615sinAa=sinBb=sinCcLaw of SinessinAa=sinBb=sinCcLaw of Sines ................

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