Minutes of a meeting of St Martin Parish Council held in ...

Minutes of a meeting of Manaccan Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Monday 26th October 2015 at 7.30pm


Councillor Dan Flunder (Chairman)

“ Ray Knight (Vice-chairman)

“ Mrs Virginia Richardson

“ Peter Norton

“ Andrew Lyne

“ Andrew Briggs

“ Walter Sanger (Cornwall Council)

2 public

APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were received from Cllr James Dudley and the Police.

INTERESTS Cllr A Lyne – item 7a) – near neighbour

POLICE REPORT During September there were three crimes reported to the police. These include two thefts of plant machinery and a burglary. All crimes have been filed pending further information coming forward.

If you have any crimes you would like to report please telephone 101, or should you have any concerns which you would like to discuss please call me on 01326 555158, this is an answer machine service, please leave a message and I will get back to you. Alternatively email helston@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk

PUBLIC QUESTIONS A member of the public who had raised the matter of a rubbish collection problem at Helford car park in July stated that he had spoken to the appropriate person at Cornwall Council who had dealt with the situation very well. It was noted.

Orchard Lane had a traffic counter installed and no-one knew why or who had put it there. Cllr Walter Sanger would ask Cormac.

The new ‘not-spot’ mobile phone mast at Manaccan Cross appeared to be working intermittently. It was noted.

MINUTES Minutes of the last meeting, having previously been circulated, were confirmed and signed.

MATTERS ARISING To receive update on situation with regard to Manaccan & St Anthony Institute & war memorial

A letter from the trustees had been circulated around the village to explain the current situation, which was that the snooker club had practically folded and the trustees could no longer keep the place running as it was not financially viable. The trustees were looking into ways of disposing of it but whatever happened it would have to be for the benefit of the communities of Manaccan and St Anthony. It was noted and further advice/information from the trustees would be awaited.

To receive update on possible provision of plastics recycling bank at Helford car park

The Cornwall Council re-cycling Manager had agreed to change one of the three existing bottle banks to plastic bottles by changing the label on it the next time the banks were emptied. It was noted.

PLANNING PA15/08789 & PA15/08790 Listed Building Consent: Biomass boiler, Kestle Cottage, Kestle, Manaccan, Mrs K Townshend

Cllr A Lyne declared an interest and did not speak or vote thereon. It was agreed to support the application.

PA15/08828 Convert existing garage into self contained cottage annex, Crowns Farm, Manaccan, Miss Katrushka Zulawski

This was actually a self-contained cottage, not an annex and constituted a new build in the countryside. The garage was single block; there was no design & access statement with the application to see what it was required for. It was agreed to refuse the application on the basis that it did not fall within the guidelines of NPPF para 55 together with lack of information and justification.


09.10.2015 PA15/09325 Decided not to make a TPO (TCA apps)

Applicant: Mrs Alison McGregor

Location: Christmas Cottage Helford Helston Cornwall TR12 6JU

Proposal: T1 - Ash Raise crown to bring more light into garden. Crown height before works 2m; Crown height after works 5m.

FINANCE Account for cutting playing field - £110 x 2 (September) = £264.00 it was RESOLVED that the account of £264.00 be paid.

Cormac cleaning Helford toilets August £337.46 it was RESOLVED that the account of £337.46 be paid.

Account for pavilion key case £26.40 it was RESOLVED that the account of £26.40 be paid.

Data protection registration renewal £35.00 it was RESOLVED that the account of £35.00 be paid.

Account for internal audit 2014/15 £120.00 it was RESOLVED that the account of £120.00 be paid.

To adopt 2nd quarter accounts it was RESOLVED that the 2nd quarter accounts be adopted. Cllr Mrs Virginia Richardson would internally audit the accounts.

Toilets grant for 2015/16 now received from Cornwall Council this was noted.

SWW account for pavilion £95.33 it was RESOLVED that the account of £95.33 be paid but SWW would be asked if it could look to reducing the bill due to a faulty tap.

CORRESPONDENCE Fire, Rescue & Community Safety Plan 2016-19 – consultation this was noted.

To receive update on situation with regard to Post Office services for Helford St Keverne sub-postmaster was not interested in providing an outreach service for Helford. However, if something became available again at Manaccan then he might be interested in combining the two. The Chairman gave an update on the situation with the Shop. An offer was supposed to have been agreed on wed 21st October, so people would have to wait and see what happened. It was noted.

C’WLL COUNCIL An open meeting with Cornwall Council leaders was being held in Helston School shortly. 150 Syrian refugees would be accepted into Devon & Cornwall over the next 5 years. No-one knew how many were coming into the country altogether. Cornwall Council was now considering its budget for the next financial year. There was a problem with footpaths and roads; parish councils were complaining that the amount per km for the LMP had not been increased for 8 years, yet trimmers prices had risen due to high fuel costs. With the roads; they were not being trimmed high enough. Cornwall Council hoped to get government permission to change its standing orders in future so that things such as paperless planning did not slip through under the radar and there would be some comeback against cabinet leader decisions.

OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business.

ACCOUNTS The following were passed for payment and cheques prepared:

R Sanders 264.00

Cormac 337.46

Fire Protection 26.40

Information Commissioner 35.00

Macleod & Tonkin 120.00

SWW 95.33

RECEIPTS The following were paid into the bank:

Cornwall Council 700.00

Cornwall Council 3121.00

NEXT MEETING The next meeting would be held on 30th November at 7.30pm.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.13pm.



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