DUE DATE-Dec. 19, 2013

You are to choose one meeting from the following list, attend it, obtain a meeting agenda, and write a two-page to five page typed paper based on the information you accrue from the questions provided:

POINT TOTAL-200 pts.

A. 2013-2014 Meeting Schedule

• August 13, 2013

• September 10, 2013

• October 8, 2013

• November 12, 2013

• December 10, 2013

• January 14, 2014

• February 11, 2014

• March 4, 2014

• April 8, 2014

• May 13, 2014

• June 10, 2014

Board meetings will begin at 4:00 p.m. and will be held at the Washington

County School District Office at 121 West Tabernacle Street in St. George,

Utah. Those desiring to address the Board may do so in writing or during open

agenda time (limited to three minutes). The Board may deem it necessary to

schedule special meetings; if so, public notice will be given.

B. City Council Meetings:

Meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of every month.

Meetings begin at 4:00 pm and are held in the City Council Chambers of the City offices located at:

175 East 200 North

St. George, UT 84770

Assignment Directions: READ CAREFULLY!

A. Make sure you proofread and spell-check your assignment before handing it in.

B. In basic essay format-author a two-paged(minimum) report on your meeting and observation experience. You must staple the meeting agenda to your paper and include the following information for full credit.

C. Papers must be double spaced, with a title page, 12 point font and 1” margins.

1. Choose three (3) main voting issues that were discussed at the meeting-summarize the issues.

2. State your opinions about the issues discussed (3).

3. How were the individual issues handled by the Board/Council? (How did they vote?) How would you have handled each individual issue? Explain your answers with an example for each issue.

4. Did you find the issues confusing? Explain. Could the Board/Council present it differently so John Q. Public could better understand it? If so, how? Explain using specific examples.

5. How many people attend these meetings? (Guesstimate)

6. What types of people attend these meetings? Be descriptive in clothes, age, etc…

7. While attending did you feel welcomed, unwelcome, or out-of-place? Why or why not? Tell me what you felt and why you felt that way.

8. Did you ever have the overwhelming urge to stand up and speak? Did you stand for patron input/why not?

9. If you did or could have participated in patron input, what issue would you have spoken on? Discuss what you would have said.

10. Would you ever attend another meeting? State 3 reasons why or why not.

11. What is your opinion of this whole governmental experience? Was it worthwhile? State 3 reasons for your opinion.

Police Ride-A-Long

**You must be 18 yrs. old and interested in a law enforcement career for them to let you ride along**

Visit the St. George Police Station at:

[pic]200 East 265 North

[pic]St. George, UT 84770

[pic](435) 634-5001

[pic]Fax:(435) 634-5840

1. Fill out a permission slip to ride with a peace officer.

2. Keep an entry log of things that happened while you were with the policeman.

Ex. We pulled over a white van for speeding, and the officer gave him a ticket. The person

got the ticket said he was late for work, etc.

3. With your notes write at least a two page informational report on your questions, as well as

think of at least 10 questions for the police officer to ask him as an interview.

4. Your report must be typed, double spaced, 12 font.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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