Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

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In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit One God Amen

Please hand over no later than October 29th, 2017

The Gospel According to St. John

( Part 1 )

Name:--------------------------- Phone:-----------------

Chapter 1

Please answer the following:

1. In this chapter, there are several titles of Jesus Christ, provide them.


2. Why did St. John the Evangelist focus on the testimony of St. John the Baptist about Jesus Christ?


3. Who are those whom Jesus Christ meant by “his own”?


4. Why did John the Baptist baptize in Bethabara? And why was it called by that name?


5. Mention some of the titles of St. John, the author of this Gospel.


6. “Jesus Christ attracted his disciples by different ways” provide some of these.



7. In this chapter, people have testified about Christ in different ways, list 4 of these, with reference


Provide the reference:

1. The Jews knew that Elijah would come before Christ -----------------------------

2. God gave us sonship to him---------------------------

3. The Baptist was the voice of warning for the people to accept Christ-----------

4. The Baptist declares that he is not the Messiah---------------------------------

5. Jesus Christ introduced the Father to us-------------------

6. John’s humility ----------------------------------------------

7. The Baptist summarizes the theme of redemption ------------------

8. The first acquaintance of the disciples to Jesus Christ-----------------------


Chapter 2

Mention the reference:

1. The Disciples knowledge of books----------

2. The role of intercessor of St. Mary --------

3. Obedience the servants to Christ-----------

Answer the following:

1. How many times did Christ cleanse the temple? And when?


Match column (A) to column(B):

(A) (B)

1. Reading the miracle of the in the presence of the wedding of

Wedding of Canna of Galilee Canna Galilee ( )

2. The wedding of Canna of Galilee as for Christians, by Jesus blood

3. Christ made the marriage holy on the 3rd day of the Epiphany ( )

4. Whatever he says to you, do it In St. John gospel only ( )

5. The Jews were cleansed with water minor feast of the Lord ( )

6. The first miracle of water turns to wine this is always the commandment

of St. Mary to us ( )

7. The miracle of Cana of Galilee and the last miracle of turning wine

was mentioned Into blood ( )


Chapter 3

Provide the reference:

1. The reproach of Christ to the Jewish’s Teachers in the person of Nicodemus---------------------------------------------

2. Baptism is a written sacrament ------------------------------------------

3. Nicodemus’ passion for knowledge-----------------------------

4. The Son incarnated for our salvation ---------------------------------------

5. Nicodemus was unable to understand the idea of the second birth----

6. Nicodemus was cautious lest someone would see him--------------------

Match column (A) to column (B):

(A) (B)

1. The gospel of Nicodemus is read preparing the people as a

bride to Christ the groom ( )

2. Circumcision is a requirement this is what the Baptist heard ( )

For being a Jewish

3. People love the darkness on the 6th Friday of the lent ( )

4. The work of the Baptist was Baptism is a requirement for

entering the Kingdom of heaven ( )

5. The Father loves the Son they hold in sin ( )

Answer the following:

1. How did Jesus explain to Nicodemus the secret of baptism?

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. What was Nicodemus’ view of Christ?


3. Man has the freedom of choice and is responsible for it, explain that from this chapter with reference


4. John the Baptist called himself witness, mention what he testified of the life of Christ in this chapter





Chapter 4

Provide the reference:

1. The sense of the Samaritan woman as being in front of an extraordinary person--------------

2. The Jews hatred to the Samaritans----------------------------------------------

3. The urgency of the King’s servant-------------------------

4. Jewish contempt for the woman-------------------------------------------------

5. Jesus Christ is not revealing but only helps and encourages--------------

6. The Samaritan woman’s feeling of need-----------------------------------

7. The gifts of God are beyond our comprehension--------------------------

8. The summit of the revelation of Christ to the Samaritan-----------------

Match column(A) to column(B):

(A) (B)

1. A prophet has no honor in do you ask that our fellowship

His own country with Christ be extended ( )

2. They asked Him to stay for Christ is the one who is

with them labored ( )

3. Others have labored A saying only God says ( )

4. You have not labored for a well-known Jewish proverb ( )

5. Go your way, your son is alive they are the prophets ( )

Answer the following :

1. Why did Jesus have to pass through the Samaria?


2. What did Christ mean by saying to the Samaritan “the hour is


3. How many times does the Gospel of the Samaritan is read in the

Year? When? What is the reason to read it on these occasions?


Who am I or we?

1. I left the Judea and went to Galilee ---------------------------------------

2. The first preacher before the disciples------------

3. Jesus stayed in me ------------------------------------

4. We went to the town to get some food--------------------------------

5. A virtue, Jesus Christ praised the Samaritan with-------------------------

6. Jesus healed me from the disease of death -----------------------------


Chapter 5

Answer the following:

1. What is the reason for which the Jews wanted to kill Jesus?


2. Jesus mentioned that Moses wrote about Him in Verse “46” provide

The reference------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. Why did the Father give the judgement to the Son? Provide reference


4. In verse “28” what is meant by “the Hour is coming”?

5. “Jesus gave the Jews several witnesses who supported Him”

Mention them?



Provide the reference:

1. Life is from the nature of the living God ---------------------------------------

2. The Obedience of the Son to the Father ---------------------------------------

3. God respects the will of man ----------------------------------------------

4. Equality and unity of the Father and the Son ---------------------------------

5. The humility of the Son before the Father ------------------------------------

6. The Word of Christ is strong and effective ------------------------------------

Match column (A) to column (B):

(A) (B)

1. The moving water means the house of mercy ( )

2. A patient of Bethesda pool as a shining lamp ( )

3. Bethesda a symbol for the Baptism ( )

4. Christ described the Baptist the condition of all humans before

Christ ( )


Chapter 6

Answer the following:

1. What is the purpose that Jesus Christ gave the disciples to give the food to the people?


2. In verse “34” there is a similar verse that the Samaritan woman said,

What is it?


3. What did Jesus say to the disgruntled people? Mention the reference


4. In the verses “31-33” Jesus announced three facts, so what are they?


5. What is the will of God as understood by the verse “40”?


6. What is the condition that make us abides in God and He in us?

With reference -----------------------------------------------------------------


7. How many times the word “I Am” was mentioned, with reference


Mention the reference:

1. The disciples grumbled about the words of Jesus Christ-------------------

2. God’s knowledge in advance----------------------------------

3. Peter’s confession of his faith ------------------------------------------

4. The betrayal is a character of Satan ------------------------------------------

5. Jesus Christ’s test for Philip -------------------------------------------------

6. Thanksgiving is a written commandment---------------------------------

7. People’s recognition of the truth of Jesus Christ -------------------------

8. Christ has cleared His will ---------------------------------------------------

9. Christ’s proclamation of His Ascension --------------------------------------

Who am I?

1. One of the largest feasts among Jews------------------------------------------

2. Simon Peter’s brother -----------------------------------------------------

3. Tradition says that I am the owner of 5 breads and 2 fish ----------------

4. Another name for the miracle of feeding the multitude ------------------

5. A miracle that attracted people to follow Jesus -----------------------------

6. The Son thanked me in the miracle of feeding the multitude-------------

Answer by numbers

1. The cost of feeding the multitude at Philip’s estimate -------------denarii

2. Number of remaining baskets ----------------------basket

3. The number of miles that the disciples sailed -------or----------

4. The number of men in the miracle of feeding the multitude



Chapter 7

Answer the following:

1. “Jesus could not walk in Judea” why? And where did he go?


2. What is the reason for the world’s aversion for Jesus as you understand from the chapter?



3. Christ has made three conversations in this chapter with different categories of people, who are they? With reference for each category


4. What was Jesus’s reaction to his brothers regarding the ascension of the feast? What is meant by “My time has not yet come”?


5. What is the reason for Nicodemus intervened in the conversation?

What was the reaction of the Pharisees to his intervention?



Complete with one word or two:

1. A feast of the Jews mentioned in this chapter---------------------

2. Jesus testified about the world that----------------------------------------

3. No one spoke of Jesus because of ----------------------------------

4. What is meant by “He who sent Me”-----------------------------

5. He who speaks about himself, seeks ----------------------------------------

6. The Jews accused Jesus and said-----------------------------------

7. The Jews used to--------------even though it was a -----------------day-----

8. Jesus asked the Jews to judge with ---------------------------------------

Provide the reference:

1. The chief priest’s servants were influenced by the words of Jesus-----

2. Christ’s confrontation with the Jews that they have broken the law---

3. Priests and Pharisees cursed the people --------------------------------------

4. Conflicting views of the Jews towards Jesus----------------------------

5. The Jews were aware of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem------------

6. People’s fear of the Jews ------------------------------------------


Chapter 8

Answer the following:

1. What was the intention of Christ in the verse “28” “When you lift up the Son of Man”?


2. What was the purpose of the Scribers and the Pharisees when they brought the woman held in the same act to Jesus?


3. God hates sin but he is sorry for the sinner, clarify the situation indicating that, through your reading of this chapter?


4- What is meant by “he shall never see death” in verse “51”?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. Jesus explained to the Pharisees some of the characteristics of Devil

To clarify the vision to them, provide these with reference.


6. “Jesus taught us not respond to abuse with similar” indicate that from this chapter? With reference


Provide the reference:

1. Jesus spoke of his eternity to the Jews -----------------------------

2. Jesus Christ is without sin ----------------------------

3. The Jews did not understand the words of Jesus because they rejected the truth ------------------------------------------------------

4. The mockery of the Pharisees of Christ --------------------------------

5. Jesus’ declaration of destruction for those who insist on rejecting faith-------------------------------------------------------

6. The denial of the Pharisees to Jesus ----------------------------

7. Christ’s explanation for the Jews that bondage is to sin and not to the Romans ---------------------------------

8. The Jews boasted of their ancestors ---------------------------------------

9. The problem is not in seeing the light, but in spiritual blindness --------

10. The Son performs the will of the Father -------------------------------------


Chapter 9

Match column (A) to column (B) :

(A) (B)

1. Ablution or wash are the Gentiles who believed in

Christ ( )

2. Christ Heals questioning of the blind in

Jesus Christ ( )

3. The pride Are the Jews who rejected Christ ( )

4. The Pharisees wanted does his will ( )

5. Whoever fears God is a symbol of Baptism ( )

6. Those who do not see prevents man from learning ( )

may see

7. Those who see may be by several ways ( )

made blind

Provide the reference:

1. The Pharisees insulted the blind man because of their inability to resist his argument-----------------------------------------------------------

2. Christ’s test of the blind man -------------------------------------------

3. The blind scolding the Pharisees for mocking Jesus Christ-----------------

4. Christ declares himself to the blind -----------------------------------------

5. The wisdom of the blind in answering the question of the Pharisees


6. The blind’s preaching to the Pharisees -----------------------------------------

7. The Jews’ wrong belief that the disease is a result of sin--------------

8. The courage of the blind before the Pharisees------------------------------

9. The Pharisees pressed on the parents of the blind to deny the miracle


10. Pharisees’ intimidation of the blind-------------------------------

Who am I or We?

1. We doubted whether he was the blind or not -------------------------------

2. I was sitting and asking ----------------------------------

3. We objected the healing of the blind because it happened on a Saturday ------------------------------------------

4. The meaning of my name is sent ------------------------------------------

5. We have vowed if any one confessed that He was Christ will be expelled out of the synagogue ------------------------------------------------

6. The Jews claimed they were my children -------------------------------------

Answer the following:

1. Why did Jesus use the ground dust and spitted on it, in the miracle of the blind man? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. What are the errors, from the point of view of the Pharisees, which Christ and the blind did?


3. The blind parent’s response to the Pharisees has a real part and a false part, explain that? And what was their motive for their lying?


Chapter 10

Mention the reference:

1. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to redeem us ---------------------------------------------------------------------

2. The trained senses to hear the voice of God ------------------------------

3. The Jews’ belief that Jesus is insulting God by making Himself equal to Him------------------------------

4. The humility of the Son of God--------------------------------

5. The Father hypostasis wants and the Son hypostasis acts --------------

6. Christ the Good Shepherd came to the whole world-------------------

7. The Christian person has the freedom against Satan and sin --------

8. Death/destruction is the goal of Satan ----------------------------------

Answer the following :

1. Recall some of the titles that Jesus described himself with, in this chapter? With reference for each.


2. What is the feast that was mentioned in this chapter? And what is the occasion? With reference


3. What are the occasions when the Gospel of the Good Shepherd is read in the liturgy?


4. What are the characteristics of the good shepherd as you understand from the chapter? Provide the reference for each character



5. What is the result of subordination to Christ? With reference


6. Who is meant by “whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world?” In verse “36”?


7. Recall the miracles that are unique to the Gospel of St. John only?


8. What is the resemblance between the believer and the lamb as understood by this chapter?


9. How many times was the word “I Am” mentioned in this chapter with reference


Match column (A) to column (B) :

(A) (B)

1. The wolf are the false prophets ( )

2. The thieves is Israel in the past and the

Church now ( )

3. The barn who are the Gentiles ( )

4. I have another sheep is the devil ( )


Chapter 11

Answer the following:

1. Explain when did Mary anointe the Lord with perfume: before or after the resurrection of Lazarus? And why?


2. How many times was the word “I Am” mentioned, in this chapter with reference


3. What did Jesus mean by saying “Our friend Lazarus is sleeping”?


4. What did Thomas mean in verse “16”?


5. In verse “ 26”, Martha presented the law of her faith , what is it?


6. What was Christ’s purpose of saying “Take away the stone”?


7. How many times did Jesus cry? Mention when?


Provide the reference:

1. Martha’s faith and trust that Christ is capable of doing miracles --------

2. Jesus Christ humanity ----------------------------------------

3. A short and purposeful prayers, Mary and Martha prayed-------------

4. The shortest verse in the Holy Bible------------------------------

5. Christ confirmed to Martha the resurrection of her brother from death ------------------------------------------------

6. Martha’s reproach to Jesus Christ -------------------------


See you next time in the second part of

The Gospel According to St. John

Remember us in your prayers

The working Team


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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