Abraham L - About

Abraham L. Newman

Mortara Center 207

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Georgetown University

Washington DC 20007

Phone (202) 687-5632 Fax (202) 687- 8359



Professor, Edmund Walsh School of Foreign Service and Government Department, Georgetown University, Washington DC, August 2018 – present

Associate Professor, Edmund Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington DC, August 2011 – July 2018

Joint appointment with the Government Department, Georgetown University, Washington DC, January 2013 – July 2018

Assistant Professor, Edmund Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington DC, January 2006 – July 2011


Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, Political Science, December 2005

M.A. University of California, Berkeley, Political Science, May 2000

M.A. Stanford University, International Political Economy, June 1996

B.A. Stanford University, International Relations, conferred with distinction

June 1996


Georgetown University Provost’s Extraordinary Merit Award, 2020

Guido Goldman Fellowship, American Council on Germany, Summer 2005

Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society Dissertation Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley, 2002 – 2004

Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies Dissertation Fellowship, Cologne, Germany, 2002 – 2003

Fulbright Fellowship, University of Bonn, Germany, 1996 – 1997

Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society, Stanford University, 1996


Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2019. Of Privacy and Power: The Transatlantic Struggle over Freedom and Security, Princeton: Princeton University Press. (Winner, Roy C. Palmer Civil Liberties Prize; Winner, Best Book Award, the International Studies Association International Communication Section; Selected for Foreign Affairs Best Books of 2019; Translated into Hungarian)

Newman, Abraham and Elliot Posner. 2018. Voluntary Disruptions: International Soft Law, Finance, and Power, with Elliot Posner, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Winner Honorable Mention, APSA International Collaboration Section Best Book Award. Winner Honorable Mention, ISA International Law Section Best Book Award. Reviewed in Survival)

Newman, Abraham. 2008. Protectors of Privacy: Regulating Personal Data in the Global Economy, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, p. 221.

(Reviewed in International Organization, Perspectives on Politics, Journal of Common Market Studies, Foreign Affairs, Ethics and International Affairs, Review of Policy Research)

Zysman, John and Abraham Newman Eds. 2006. How Revolutionary was the Digital Revolution: National responses, market transitions, and global technology, Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, p. 475.

PUBLICATIONS – Academic Journals

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. Forthcoming. “The Janus Face of the Liberal

Information Order: When Global Institutions are Self-Undermining,”

International Organization.

Kalyanpur, Nikhil and Abraham Newman. Forthcoming. “The Financialization of

International Law,” Perspectives on Politics.

Kahraman, Filiz, Nikhil Kalyanpur, and Abraham Newman. Forthcoming.

“International Order, Domestic Courts, and Transnational Law,” European

Journal of International Relations.

McNamara, Kathleen and Abraham Newman. Forthcoming. “The Big Reveal:

COVID-19 and globalization’s great transformation.” International Organization.

Efrat, Asif and Abraham Newman. Forthcoming. “Defending Core Values: Human

Rights and the Extradition of Fugitives,” Journal of Peace Research.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2019. “Weaponized Interdependence,”

International Security. 44(1): 42-79

Efrat, Asif and Abraham Newman. 2019. “Intolerant Justice: Ethnocentrism and

Transnational-Litigation Frameworks,” Review of International Organizations.

Kalyanpur, Nikhil and Abraham Newman. 2019. “The MNC-Coalition Paradox: Issue

Salience, Foreign Firms, and the General Data Protection Regulation,” Journal of

Common Market Studies. 57(3): 448-67

Kalyanpur, Nikhil and Abraham Newman. 2019. “Mobilizing Market Power:

Jurisdictional Expansion and Stock Market Delisting,” International

Organization. 73(1): 1-34

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2018. “Linkage Politics and Complex

Governance in Transatlantic Surveillance,” World Politics. 70(4): 515-554.

Newman, Abraham. 2018. “Global European Union Studies: Sometimes Normal is a

Little Weird,” Journal of European Public Policy. 25(7): 959-68.

Efrat, Asif and Abraham Newman. 2018. “Divulging Data: Domestic Determinants of

International Information Sharing,” Review of International Organizations. 13(3):


Crasnic, Loriana, Nikhil Kalyanpur, and Abraham Newman. 2017. “Network

Liabilities: Transnational authority in a world of transnational business,”

European Journal of International Relations. 23(4): 906-29.

Kalyanpur, Nikhil and Abraham Newman. 2017. “Form over Function in Finance:

International Institutional Design by Bricolage,” Review of International Political

Economy. 24(3): 363-92.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2017. “BREXIT, Voice and Loyalty:

Rethinking electoral politics in an age of interdependence,” Review of

International Political Economy. 24(2): 232-47.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2016. “The New Interdependence Approach:

Theoretical Developments and Empirical Demonstrations,” Review of

International Political Economy. 23(5): 713-36.

Newman, Abraham and Elliot Posner. 2016. “Structuring Transnational Interests: The

second-order effects of soft law in the politics of global finance,” Review of

International Political Economy. 23(5): 768-98.

Efrat, Asif and Abraham Newman. 2016. “Deciding to Defer: The Importance of

Fairness in Resolving Transnational Jurisdictional Conflicts,” International

Organization. 70(2): 409-41.

Newman, Abraham and Elliot Posner. 2016. “Transnational Feedbacks, Soft Law,

and Preferences in Global Financial Regulation,” Review of International

Political Economy. 23(1): 123-52.

Newman, Abraham and Elliot Posner. 2015. “Putting the EU in Its Place: Policy

Strategies and the Global Regulatory Context,” Journal of European Public

Policy. 22(9): 1316-1335.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2015. “Structuring Power: Business and

Authority Beyond the Nation-State,” Business and Politics. 17(3): 527-52.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2015. “The New Politics of Interdependence:

Cross-National Layering in Transatlantic Regulatory Disputes,” Comparative

Political Studies. 48(4): 497-526.

Bach, David and Abraham Newman. 2014. “The Domestic Drivers of

Transgovernmental Regulatory Cooperation,” Regulation and Governance. 8(4):


Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2014. “Domestic Institutions Beyond the

Nation State: Charting the new interdependence approach,” World Politics. 66(2):


Newman, Abraham and David Bach. 2014. “The European Union as a Hardening

Agent: Soft law and the diffusion of financial regulation,” Journal of European

Public Policy, 21(3): 430-52.

Kaczmarek, Sarah and Abraham Newman. 2011. “The Long Arm of the Law:

Extraterritoriality and the National Implementation of Foreign Bribery

Legislation,” International Organization, 65(4): 745-70.

Newman, Abraham. 2011. “Transatlantic Flight Fights: Multi-level governance, actor

entrepreneurship and international anti-terrorism cooperation,” Review of

International Political Economy, 18(4): 481-505.

Newman, Abraham and Elliot Posner. 2011. “International Interdependence and

Regulatory Power: Authority, mobility and markets,” European Journal of

International Relations, 17(4): 589-610.

Newman, Abraham. 2011. “Watching the Watchers: Transgovernmental

Implementation of Data Privacy Policy in Europe,” Journal of Comparative

Policy Analysis, 13(2): 181-194.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2010. “Making Global Markets: Historical

institutionalism in international political economy,” Review of International

Political Economy, 17(4): 609-38.

Bach, David and Abraham Newman. 2010. “Governing Lipitor and Lipstick:

Capacity, sequencing, and power in international pharmaceutical and cosmetics

regulation,” with David Bach. Review of International Political Economy, 17(4):


Bach, David and Abraham Newman. 2010. “Transgovernmental Networks and

Domestic Policy Convergence: Evidence from insider trading regulation,”

International Organization, 64(3): 505-528.

Newman, Abraham. 2010. “What You Want Depends on What You Know: Firm

preferences in an information age,” Comparative Political Studies, 43(10): 1286-


Newman, Abraham. 2010. “Flight from Risk: Unified Germany and the role of beliefs

in the European response to the financial crisis,” German Politics and Society,

28(2): 151-164.

Newman, Abraham. 2008. “Building Transnational Civil Liberties:

Transgovernmental entrepreneurs and the European data privacy directive,”

International Organization, 62(1): 103-130.

Eberlein, Burkard and Abraham Newman. 2008. “Escaping the International

Governance Dilemma? Incorporated transgovernmental networks in the European

Union,” Governance, 21(1): 25-53.

Bach, David and Abraham Newman. 2007. “The European Regulatory State and

Global Public Policy: Micro-institutions, macro-influence,” Journal of European

Public Policy, 16(6): 827-846. 2007.

Bach, David, Abraham Newman, and Steve Weber. 2006. “The International

Implications of China’s Fledgling Regulatory State: From product maker to rule

maker,” New Political Economy, 11(4): 499-518.

Newman, Abraham and David Bach. 2004. “Self-Regulatory Trajectories in the Shadow of Public Power: Resolving digital dilemmas in Europe and the United States,” Governance, 17 (3): 387-413.

Newman, Abraham. 2003. “When Opportunity Knocks: Economic liberalization and stealth welfare in the United States,” Journal of Social Policy, 32 (2):179-197.

PUBLICATIONS – Book Chapters, Policy Papers, and Op-Eds

Newman, Abraham. 2020. “Digital Policy-Making in the European Union: Building

the new economy of an information society,” in Eds. Helen Wallace, Mark

Pollack, Christilla Roederer-Rynning, and Alasdair Young, Policy-Making in the

European Union. Oxford University Press.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2020. “Schrems II offers and Opportunity – If

they US wants to take it,” Lawfare. July 28.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2020. “This is What the Future of

Globalization will Look Like.” Foreign Policy. July 4.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2020. “The Folly of Decoupling from China,”

Foreign Affairs. June 3. 2020.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2020. “Will Governments Restrict Foreign

Access to Pandemic Supplies,” Harvard Business Review, March 23, 2020.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2020. “Will the Coronavirus End

Globalization as we know it?” Foreign Affairs. March 16, 2020.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2020. “The Twilight of America’s Financial

Empire,” Foreign Affairs. January 24.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2020. “Choke Points: Countries are turning

economic infrastructure into political weapons, and that poses a major risk to

business.” Harvard Business Review. January/February Print Issue.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2020. “Chained to Globalization: Why it’s too

late to decouple,” Foreign Affairs. January/February Print Issue.

Newman, Abraham and Daniel Nexon. 2019. “If the United States Doesn’t make the

Rules, China Will,” Foreign Policy, November 17.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2019. “Huawei and the Emerging Battle over

5G Networks,” Global Asia, September 26.

Newman, Abraham. 2019. “US and China are Weaponizing Global Trade Networks,”

Financial Times, September 1.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2019. “America’s Misuse of its Financial

Infrastructure,” The National Interest, May/June.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2019. “By Punishing Iran, Trump is

Weakening America.” ForeignPolicy, April 24.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2018. “The Huawei arrest made the stock

market tank. Trump may not even have known about it.” Washington Post,

Monkey Cage, December 7.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2018. “The Wrong Way to Punish Iran,” New

York Times, November 1.

Newman, Abraham. 2018. “Trump’s Feud with Europe is Worse than You Think,”

Politico, July 11.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2018. “Here’s how Europe’s data privacy law

could take down Facebook,” Washington Post, Monkey Cage, May 25.

Kalyanpur, Nikhil and Abraham Newman. 2018. “Today, a new EU law transforms

privacy rights for everyone. Without Edward Snowden, it might never have

happened,” Washington Post, Monkey Cage, May 25.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2018. “Trump’s U-turn on Chinese mega-firm

ZTE damages US power and credibility,” Washington Post, Monkey Cage, May


Farrell, Henry, Can Huang and Abraham Newman. 2018. “Trump doesn’t like

China’s economic nationalism. So why is his administration stirring it up?”

Washington Post, Monkey Cage, April 24.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2018. “Forget Congress: Facebook’s real

problem is in Europe.” Washington Post, Monkey Cage, April 12.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2017. “Trump won’t allow you to use iPads or

laptops on certain airlines. Here’s why,” Washington Post, Monkey Cage, March


Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2017. “France’s National Front Scandal has

Exposed the Dirty Little Secret of Europe’s Far Right,” Washington Post, Monkey

Cage, February 23.

Newman, Abraham and Daniel Nexon. 2017. “Trump says American Allies Should

Pay More on Defense. Here’s Why He’s Wrong,” Vox, February 16.

Crasnic, Loriana, Nikhil Kalyanpur, and Abraham Newman. 2016. “This is how

Trump Might Take on China – If he doesn’t shoot himself in the foot first,”

Washington Post, Monkey Cage, December 20.

Newman, Abraham. 2016. “Britain Wants a Sweetheart Deal After Brexit. Fat chance

Germany will give it one.” Washington Post, Monkey Cage, June 24.

Newman, Abraham. 2016. “After Safe Harbor: Bridging the EU-US Data-Privacy

Divide,” World Politics Review. February 9.

Newman, Abraham. 2016. “Transatlantic Privacy Shield Could Yet Be Pierced,”

Financial Times. February 2.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2016. “The Transatlantic Data War: Europe

Fights Back Against the NSA,” Foreign Affairs. January.

Newman, Abraham. 2016. “Sequencing, Layering, and Feedbacks in Global

Regulation,” in The Oxford Handbook of Historical Institutionalism, edited by

Orfeo Fioretos, Tulia G. Falleti, and Adam Sheingate, Oxford and New York:

Oxford University Press.

Newman, Abraham. 2015. “U.S. Law Plays Offense Overseas,” Washington Post,

Monkey Cage, May 31.

Newman, Abraham. 2015. “What the Right to Be Forgotten Means for Privacy in the

Digital Age,” Science. 347 (6221): 507-8.

Newman, Abraham. 2015. “European Data Privacy Regulation on a Global Stage:

Export or Experimentalism?” in Extending Experimentalist Governance? The

European Union and Transnational Regulation, edited by Jonathan Zeitlin,

Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 227-246.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2014. “Forget Me Not: What the EU’s New

Internet Privacy Ruling Means for the United States,” . May


Newman, Abraham. 2013. “Privacy Pretense: How Silicon Valley Helped the NSA,”

. November 6.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2013. “Senseless Spying: The NSA’s self-

defeating espionage against the EU,” . July 10.

Newman, Abraham and David Zaring. 2012. “Regulatory Networks: Power,

Legitimacy, and Compliance,” in Interdisciplinary Perspectives on International

Law and International Relations: The State of the Art, eds. Jeffery Dunoff and

Mark Pollack, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Newman, Abraham. 2012. “Austerity and the End of the European Model,”

. May 1.

Newman, Abraham. 2011. “The Greek Haircut and Europe’s Shared Responsibility,”

. November 15.

Newman, Abraham. 2011. “Time for a New European Politics of Solidarity,”

DeutscheWelle.de. August 25.

Newman, Abraham. 2011. “International Organization Control Under Conditions of

Dual Delegation: A transgovernmental politics approach,” in Who Governs the

Globe?, eds. Deborah Avant, Martha Finnemore, and Susan Sell, Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, p. 131-152.

Newman, Abraham. 2010. “The Global Governance of Data Privacy Regulation:

European Leadership and the Ratcheting Up of Canadian Rules,” in Mapping

Transatlantic Security Relations: The EU, Canada and the War on Terror, ed.

Mark Salter, Abington: Routledge, p. 98-109.

Farrell, Henry and Abraham Newman. 2010. “Europe’s Parliament Takes a Stand,”

Foreign . February 26.

Newman, Abraham. 2010. “Innovating European Data Privacy Regulation,” in

Experimentalist Governance, eds. Charles Sabel and Jonathan Zeitlin, Oxford:

Oxford University Press, p. 29-42.

Eberlein, Burkard and Abraham Newman. 2008. “Tackling the Regulatory Dilemma:

The rise of transgovernmental networks,” in Innovating Governance in the

European Union, eds. Ingeborg Toemmel and Amy Verdun, Boulder: Lynne

Rienner Press, p. 237-254.

Newman, Abraham. 2007. “Privacy Protection in Europe: administrative feedbacks

and regional politics,” in The State of the European Union, eds. Kathleen

McNamara and Sophie Meunier, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 123-


Newman, Abraham. 2007. “Transatlantic Cooperation and Conflict over Data Privacy

Rules: Lessons for international market regulation,” Report to the German

Marshall Fund. March.

Bach, David and Abraham Newman. 2007. “Local Power, Global Reach: The

domestic institutional roots of Internet governance,” St. Anthony’s International

Review, 3(1): 23-41.

Bach, David and Abraham Newman. 2006. “The Regulatory State,” In The

Encyclopedia of Governance, ed. Mark Bevir. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Newman, Abraham and John Zysman. 2006. “Frameworks for Understanding the Political Economy of the Digital Era,” In How Revolutionary was the Digital Revolution: National responses, market transitions, and global technology. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, p. 3-22.

Newman, Abraham and John Zysman. 2006. “Transforming Politics in a Digital Era,” in How Revolutionary was the Digital Revolution: National responses, market transitions, and global technology. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, p. 391-414. (Reprinted in The Political Economy Reader, eds. Naazneen Barma and Steven Vogel, Abington: Routledge, p. 505-524. 2007).

Zysman, John and Abraham Newman. 2006. “The State in the Digital Revolution,” in The State After Statism. ed. Jonah Levy, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, p. 271-300.

Newman, Abraham and David Bach. 2003. Privacy and Regulation in a Digital Age 3. “Privacy and Regulation in a Digital Age,” in E-commerce After the Bust, eds Harry Bouwman, Brigitte Preissl, and Charles Steinfield, Berlin: Springer, p. 249-270.


Newman, Abraham. 2009. Firm Interests: How Governments Shape Business Lobbying on Global Trade by Cornelia Woll (Cornell University Press: 2008), in Governance 22(4): 756-59.

Newman, Abraham. 2009. Transforming Global Information and Communication Markets by Peter Cowhey et. al. (MIT University Press: 2009), in Review of Policy Research 26(4): 490-92.

Newman, Abraham. 2009. Privacy Advocates: Resisting the Spread of Surveillance by Colin Bennett (MIT University Press: 2008), in Surveillance and Society 6(3): 343-4.


Principal Investigator, “Rebalancing Globalization,” with Kathleen McNamara. Open

Society Foundation, January 2020 ($300,000)

Principal Investigator, “Bridging the Gap,” with Barbara Bodine and Erik Voeten.

Carnegie Corporation, July 2018 ($760,000)

Principal Investigator, “Transnational Relations in the Transatlantic Relationship,”

with Henry Farrell. Stiftung Deutsch-Amerikanische Wissenschaftsbeziehungen,

February 2016 (€20,000)

Principal Investigator, “The Domestic Institutional Determinants of International

Economic Competitiveness,” with Henry Farrell. German Marshall Fund, May 2006 – May 2007 ($25,000)

Principal Investigator, “The Europeanization of Global Governance,” with

Elliot Posner. George Washington University Center for the Study of Globalization, March 2004 – December 2005 ($19,000)


Director of the Mortara Center for International Studies, Georgetown University, July 2016-

Director of the Masters in German and European Studies, Georgetown University, July 2012-June 2015


Courses, Georgetown University

Europe and International Relations (Graduate), International Organizations

(Graduate), International Politics of Regulation (Graduate), Masters Thesis Capstone

Course (Graduate), Transgovernmental Politics (Graduate), International Relations

and Information Technology (Undergraduate), International Economic

Competitiveness (Undergraduate)

PhD Students

Loriana Crasnic (University of Zurich)

Miles Evers (University of Connecticut)

Nikhil Kalyanpur (The London School of Economics)

Woojeong Jang (in progress)

Mathis Lohaus (University of Griefswald)

Lindsay Pettingill (Data Scientist, AirBnB)

Alexander Reisenbichler (University of Toronto)

Filip Savatic (in progress)


Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, Germany, 2002 – 2003

Rheinische Freidrich-Wilhelms-University, Bonn, Germany, 1996 – 1997

Stanford University in Berlin, Germany, January – March 1994


American Political Science Association – Best Book Award Selection Committee

2014, Science, Technology, and Environmental Politics Section; Best Dissertation

Award 2019, International Collaboration Section.

Cambridge University Press Series Business and Public Policy – Advisory Board,

January 2017-present.

Conference of Europeanists – Mellow Pre-dissertation Fellowship Committee 2011,

2012. Mellon Write-up Fellowship Committee 2013.

European Union Studies Association – Executive Committee (February 2015-

present); Chair (April 2017-May 2019).

Fulbright Alumni Association

International Studies Association – Best IPE Graduate Student Paper Committee

2011, 2012; Best IPE Book Committee 2016, 2017.

International Studies Quarterly – Senior Editor, October 2013-December 2018.

Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society

Review of International Political Economy – International Advisory Board, 2012-



American Political Science Review, British Journal of Political Science, Business and Politics, Comparative Political Studies, Crime Law, and Social Change, Economy and Society, European Journal of International Relations, European Journal of Political Research, European Union Politics, Foreign Policy Analysis, Governance, International Economics and Economic Policy, International Interaction, International Journal of Constitutional Law, International Organization, International Political Sociology, International Security, International Studies Review, Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of European Integration, Journal of European Public Policy, Journal of International Law and International Relations, Journal of Public Policy, Mobilization, Perspectives on Politics, Policy&Internet, Public Policy and Administration, Regulation and Governance, Review of International Organizations, Review of International Political Economy, Review of International Studies, Review of Policy Research, Social Science Quarterly, Telecommunications Policy, West European Politics, World Politics


Cambridge University Press, Cornell University Press, Harvard University Press, Oxford University Press, Princeton University Press, Stanford University Press, University of Michigan Press


University of Minnesota, Department of Political Science, October 15, 2007

University of Pennsylvania, European Studies Seminar, November 14, 2008

University of California, Berkeley, International Relations Seminar, September 21,


Johns Hopkins University, Department Seminar, December 2, 2010.

Princeton University, International Relations Seminar, March 7, 2011.

Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Networks and International Relations,

March 4-6, 2013.

Princeton University, International Relations Seminar, October 14, 2013.

Brown University, Department Seminar, November 5, 2014.

Yale University, International Relations Seminar, April 20, 2015.

Columbia University, International Relations Seminar, October 1, 2015.

Johns Hopkins SAIS, Transatlantic Research Seminar, November 3, 2015.

University of Denver, European Studies Seminar, September 27, 2017.

University of Pittsburg, Global Studies Seminar, October 27, 2017.

Princeton University, International Relations Seminar, November 6, 2017.

Johns Hopkins SAIS, Political Economy Seminar, April 17, 2018.

University of Wisconsin, Madison, International Relations Seminar, March 12, 2019.

London School of Economics, Government Department, December 11, 2019.


German: fluent reading, writing, and speaking

Spanish: basic reading and speaking


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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