Parish Lay Leadership


Finance Council Chairs….Kimberly Schoolcraft, Matthew Barnes

Parish Pastoral Council Chair..………………Kathleen Harrington

Rel Ed Advisory Committee ...Melissa Moriarty, Suzanne Harlow

RCIA ……………………………Ray Breton, Rosemary Thresher

Bible Study………………………………………..........Sue Fratini

Adult Education………………………..Mary Federici, Bob Stack


Rosary Sodality……………..………Nancy Garen/Ursula Tuohey

Social Justice………………….…………….Andrea Cook-Hewitt

Just Faith…………………………………Pat Mack, Karen Scahill

St. Joseph’s Workers………………………………………Fr. Dan

Men’s Ministry Group………………………...Deacon Paul Briere

Women’s Ministry Group..……………………..…..Mary Federici

Youth Group (JPII Crew)………………….………Lisa Laferriere


Cursillo Movement ……………………….………...Karen Scahill

Schoenstatt Movement .……………..……….…Diane Czerwiecki

Boy Scout Troop 821 …………………..………………..Joe Muto

Girl Scout Troops…………………….……..……....Pat O’Connor

Knights of Columbus………………………………Greg Perreault


Altar Server Scheduling……………………..……… Cindy Monti

Altar Server Training……………………………….Jim O’Connor

Baptismal Prep……………………………..…… Lou Mastroianni

Children’s Liturgy of the Word……………….……….Sue Fratini

Eucharistic Ministers/Readers, Scheduling ......……Beth Modlish

Homebound/Pastoral Care Ministry…………..........Mary Federici

Music Ministry – Adult & Youth Choir……………Melanie Peetz

Contemporary Music Group (Psalm 33).………………Tom Fucci

Sacristans.…………………..……..Irene King, Phyllis Chlastawa,

Jim O’Connor, Irene Breton, Karen Scahill

Soup Kitchen……………… …..... Marcia Daly, Sandy O’Connor

Take & Eat Ministry……..…………………………Cheryl Wood

Wedding Coordinator………………………….…..Donna Whelan

Wedding Team……...…Kathy Harrington, Gina Broderick,

Christina Straney, Tina Broderick

Prayer Line………………..Pauline, 862-3885 or Diane, 568-9754


The Parish Office is located at the Parish Center. Entrance is across from the Mary Garden. Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00AM-2:00PM. Sue is available to greet and assist you.


We warmly welcome new members to join our parish. Please fill out a registration card on the tables in the church and place in the collection basket. Registration and active participation is necessary for Religious Education and letters of eligibility for godparents and sponsors, as well as Catholic School Parish Subsidy.


The Sacrament is celebrated monthly. Please call the Office to arrange. At least one Godparent must be a Confirmed, active parishioner in their parish, attending Mass weekly.


The Sacrament of Marriage is planned by an initial meeting with a priest or deacon, at least 6 months in advance. Be sure to contact the church BEFORE committing to date or venue with a deposit.


The Sacrament of the Sick is administered by a priest, when requested. Pastoral care to the hospitalized sick and homebound is provided by the pastoral staff, and trained parishioners.


The Sacrament with Confession is celebrated each Saturday after the 8:00 am Mass, and from 3:15- 3:45 pm, as well as by appointment.


If anyone has a hospital stay, please have a family member call the parish and indicate whether the parishioner would like to have a visit, or if they would like their name mentioned at Mass during the Prayers of the Faithful.


Pope Francis has declared the period from December 8, 2015 till November 20, 2016 as an “Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy”.

God’s Mercy can be experienced by all who come before Him. All people are invited to experience the “Gift of Mercy” in many ways throughout this year – through Prayer, Scripture Study, Acts of Kindness and Mercy, and through Devotions to Mary the Mother of God, and the Divine Mercy of Jesus.


Hearing Assisted Devices are located near the American Flag at the back of the church.


Low -Gluten Hosts are available at Communion time in theChapel


Sat 11/5 3:15-3:45PM CONFESSIONS (Chapel)


4:00PM +Maurice Valois

Birthday Remembrance

r/b his wife Lillian

Sun 11/6 7:00AM +MacTavich Family r/b Therese Trottier

8:30AM +Beloved Departed Breton Family

Members r/b Ray Breton & Family

11:00AM +Joe Laferriere

Birthday Remembrance

r/b the Laferriere Family

Mon 11/7 7:00AM +All Deceased Bishops, Priests

and Deacons of the Diocese

Tue 11/8 7:00AM Special Intention

r/b Rebecca Perazella

Wed 11/9 7:00AM +Anna Pestritto Montana

r/b Bob & Trish Ragone


Thurs 11/10 7:00AM Communion Service

Fri 11/11 8:00AM Communion Service

Sat 11/12 8:00AM +Edward Lubas

r/b Paul & Louise Stevens


3:15-3:45PM CONFESSIONS (Chapel)


4:00PM +Rita Hague

Birthday Remembrance r/b her Family

Sun 11/13 7:00AM +Ken Burl

Anniversary Remembrance

r/b Phyllis & Peter Chlastawa

8:30AM +Carl Kiefer and Christopher Kiefer

r/b the Griswold Family

11:00AM +Jeffrey Leavitt

42nd Anniversary Remembrance

r/b his Family

6:00PM +Don Blair

r/b his daughter Suzanne and Family


I want to offer my sincere thanks to all of you who have supported me through this difficult time of the death of my mom – through cards, emails, Facebook posts, phone calls, Mass cards, or those of you who came to the Wake or Funeral. I was uplifted by your support!

I want to thank some of our Seniors Altar Servers who served the Funeral Mass, as well as Tom Fucci and the Members of “Psalm 33” for singing at the Funeral one of my favorite songs – “Oceans”. You honored me and my mom by your presence!

I want to thank Fr. Tom Shea for being such a support to me in these weeks, from being their just after my mom died, to covering so many Masses here over the last several weeks, and especially for his words of counsel and wisdom! I continue to be grateful that he is with us here at the parish! I also want to thank our Parish Secretary – Sue Fratini for being such a help these weeks - fielding phone calls and getting coverage for some of our Masses and Funerals here. I also thank the rest of the Staff for their support.

It was a long 4 weeks, and it may take me a little bit to get back to full energy, so I hope you will all be patient with me. God is most certainly the source of all our consolation!

Just a reminder that our Former Pastor - Fr. Francis Sullivan’s Birthday is coming up on November 13. I want to be sure to get the date right this time! If any of you would like to send him a card, I know he would love to receive it! Cards can be sent to: Fr. Francis X. Sullivan, Marian Center 1339 Northampton Street, Holyoke, MA 01040.

God Bless, Fr. Dan


Is burning this week in loving memory of


requested by his Family


Is burning this week in loving memory of



requested by his wife Marion Pion and Family


Is burning this week in loving memory of


requested by the Wood Family


To request prayers for yourself or a loved one, please call Pauline at 862-3885 or Diane at 568-9754.


Our Sunday Evening Mass, held once a month on the Second Sunday of the Month, will take place next weekend, November 13. The Mass is celebrated at 6:00PM and features our wonderful Contemporary Music Group, made up of Youth from our Parish. The music is very uplifting. Please mark your calendars and join us on the following dates: Sundays – December 11, January 8, February 12, March 12, and April 9.


October 23, 2016

Regular and Development (gold) $ 8,843

Budget Requirement per Week 9,600

(deficit) (757)



We thank the following who have made donations to the Church Mortgage Fund:

In memory of: William H. Tella

Wayne & Barbara Vangsness

Francis & Shirley O’Brien

Roger Kriesak

David & Holly Amanti

Advance Manufacturing Company

Karen & Mark Amanti


In anticipation of the Year of Mercy coming to a close later this month, our parish will travel to the National Shrine of Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Massachusetts this Friday, November 11th (a holiday) from 11:30am-5pm. Take this opportunity to walk through these designated diocesan Holy Doors. There will also be time to walk the grounds, see the outdoor Stations, visit the Gift Shop, explore the Shrine and Relics and attend any of the Shrine’s daily services – confessions, Rosary, Mass, and Divine Mercy Chaplet. We will carpool to Stockbridge – please contact the parish office if you would like to join us!


Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Church will host The Original Image of Divine Mercy November 16-20. The film follows the creation of the painting of the Merciful Jesus at the direction of St. Faustina and tells the untold history of the painting that disappeared as war broke out in Europe. The movie is free of charge and will be shown in English and in Spanish.

Wed, Nov 16: 1pm - English version

4:30pm - Spanish version

7pm- English version

Thu, Nov 17: 10am – English version

1pm – English version

7pm – English version

Fri, Nov 18: 10am - English version

1pm – English version

7pm - Spanish version

Sat, Nov 19: 1:30pm - Spanish version

7pm - English version

Sun, Nov 20: 1pm – English version

3:30pm - Spanish version

6pm - English version

Call for more information: 562-3450.


Our parishioner -Shirley Mason, has asked our Parish to join with other locations in the area, in collecting items for the U.S.O. to be given to our military men and women in active duty situations abroad this Christmas. Flyers listing items needed are located near the bulletins, and there is a box in the Gathering Space marked “U.S.O. Christmas Stocking Collection”. Items, along with a Christmas Stocking, can be placed in that box. This is the final weekend for items to be dropped off. Call Shirley with any questions at 413-454-4833. What a great way for us to continue to support our Troops!


Chances will be sold at all the Masses on the weekend of November 19 & 20, for a Raffle of a beautiful hand-made quilt to benefit "Harmony House of Western Mass". The quilt will be on display that weekend - it is all hand stitched and the size is 74x88. The raffle tickets will sell for 1 for $5 and 3 for $10.   Please take a chance on winning this quilt and supporting the work of Harmony House at the same time. All proceeds will go to the reconstruction of the inside of the Harmony House.





Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA (AMS) was established by Saint John Paul II in 1985 to provide the Catholic Church’s full range of pastoral ministries to those in the United States Armed Forces. The mission of the Archdiocese is to “serve those who serve” by providing the same pastoral care and services as any other Catholic diocese to Catholics serving in the U.S. Armed Forces, enrolled in in U.S. Military Academies, undergoing treatment at any of the 153 Department of Veterans Affairs’ Medical Centers in the U.S., Puerto Rico and Guam, working in civilian jobs for the federal government beyond U.S. borders, and the families of these populations.

The AMS is the only source of Catholic chaplains for the U.S. military and Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Centers. All told, the AMS and its endorsed priests and deacons are responsible for pastoral service to approximately 1.8 million Catholics.

While the salaries and retirement of military and VA chaplains are paid for by the government, the AMS receives no funding from the military or the government in support of programs and services vital to the mission and ministry of the AMS, including Vocations, Evangelization and Catechesis, Sacramental Records, Tribunal and Veterans Affairs.

Unlike a conventional diocese, the AMS has no parishes or parish registries. The AMS has no weekly collections and relies solely on the generosity of private donations to support its aforementioned programs and services. The Office of Sacramental Records currently maintains over 3 million records as the AMS maintains all records of sacraments celebrated on U.S. Military Installations and at VA Medical Centers since 1920 at the Edwin Cardinal O’Brien Pastoral Center in Washington, D.C.

Last year, Pope Francis told military ordinaries from around the world that “The role of military chaplains is to accompany and support [those in need] on the journey, to be a comforting and brotherly presence for them all.” (Pope Francis, Address to participants in the 8th Humanitarian Course, 26.X.15.) Your support of the National Collection for the AMS will bring the Gospel, the sacraments and other forms of spiritual support to men and women who serve our Country and defend our freedoms, including parishioners and families from our own diocese.

Thank you, in advance, for your generosity.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Mitchell T. Rozanski

Bishop of Springfield


Start your Christmas shopping now!! Join us NEXT Saturday November 12th from 11-4 in our Parish center for a craft and vendor fair. We will have rare Dept. 56 pieces, a wide variety of vendors, crafters, raffles, and food! The event will benefit our youth who will be going on a pilgrimage to Rome in February. We look forward to seeing you!!


As we celebrate All Saints Day this month, and recall those “living witnesses” of the joy and peace that living the Catholic life can bring, let us ask for the saints’ intercession for those who are thinking about finding our more about the Church. If someone you know wants to know more about the Chuch, contact Deacon Paul Federici at deaconpaulf@. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), the process established for individuals to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist, will soon begin in our parish for those who are interested.


One of the special blessings of this Jubilee Year of Mercy is the opportunity to visit one, or all of the designated “Pilgrimage Churches” in our Diocese and to pass through the “Holy Door” of that church, and receive the indulgence offered during this Extraordinary Holy Year! The following is a list of the Western Massachusetts Pilgrimage Churches:

Springfield Deanery: St. Michael’s Cathedral,


Hampden Central Deanery: St. Stanislaus, Chicopee Hampden West Deanery: Sacred Heart, Feeding Hills Hampden East Deanery: Divine Mercy, Three Rivers Greater Holyoke Deanery: St. Theresa, South Hadley Hampshire Deanery: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton,


Berkshire Deanery: St. Joseph, Pittsfield

Franklin Deanery: Blessed Sacrament, Greenfield

National Shrine of The Divine Mercy, Stockbridge

The “Holy Door” for the Universal Church is at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome and was opened by the Holy Father on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception – December 8, 2015. It signifies an “opening” during this special Holy Year, to the many graces God wants to give us. Please read the information on visiting the Pilgrim Churches and “Plenary Indulgences”, which may be found near the bulletins, and consider taking advantage of this Spiritual Grace, by visiting one of our Pilgrim Churches here in our Diocese before the end of the Holy Year on November 20!


You can find voting information materials and prayer cards in the gathering space. Also please consult the Bishops’ document entitled: “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship”. You may download the document at



Please join us at 2pm on Sunday, November 6 at the Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel for this special celebration which highlights the accomplishments of boy and girls scouts, and their leaders, who will receive various Catholic Religious Recognitions and Emblems.


A Veteran’s Day of Remembrance & Prayer for the Election of a Good President will be held on Tuesday, November 8th from 8am-8pm during Eucharistic adoration at St. Peter & St. Casimir Church, Westfield. Come and show your gratitude to all the living and deceased veterans by taking time out of your day to honor and pray the rosary for those who fought for our country to keep America free. Come and pray for the election of a President who will defend and lead our nation with God-given principles. The rosary will be recited every hour for our veteran’s intentions. The day will conclude at 7 pm with the recitation and singing of the Patriotic Rosary along with Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Reception to follow.


Catholic Charities is accepting Thanksgiving baskets for our annual Thanksgiving holiday initiative. Donations of baskets with non-perishable food items and/or monetary contributions can be dropped off at Catholic Charities, 65 Elliot Street, Springfield, M-F from 9am-4pm. Deadline for donations is November 16. For info, please contact Laura Robertson, Social Service Coordinator at (413) 452-0605.


Please join Catholics for the Unborn for a pro-life vigil on Thursday, November 10th at 10 AM in the Holy Spirit Chapel, St Michael's Cathedral in Springfield. The vigil begins with Exposition, Recitation of the Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet then Adoration. At 12 noon there will be Benediction followed by Daily Mass. Please support our efforts to protect innocent unborn life through prayer. For more information call Marilyn at 567-6085.


Emmy nominee Frank Runyeon is coming to St. Patrick’s Church, 1900 Allen Street, Springfield, MA 01118, next Sunday, November 13 at 7pm. Come experience Frank’s live performance of “Luke: Stories of Mercy” ending with a brief “Hollywood vs. Faith.” He has received national acclaim for his work as a translator and performer of Biblical texts over the past 20 years. Get your tickets early - seating is limited. Tickets will not be available at the door. Ticket prices: adults - $10; seniors (60 +) $8; student/child (17 or under) $5, suitable for children 7 and older. Enclose a self-addressed envelope, a list of the tickets you wish to purchase, phone number, a check payable to St. Patrick’s for the total amount, and mail it to the above address, or come to the Administration Office located behind St. Patrick’s church M–F from 9am-1:30pm. Call 413-783-6201 for more information.


Matthew: The King and His Kingdom is a Catholic Bible study that brings the history of Christ to life through Matthew’s Gospel. You will see Jesus as the awaited Messiah who fulfills the promises and prophecies of the Old Testament, establishes the New Law, and inaugurates the Kingdom of Heaven. Join us for Matthew: The King and His Kingdom at St. Mary's Parish Center on 86 Mechanic Street in Westfield beginning November 30th from 7 to 8:30 p.m. and continuing every Wednesday until June 7th, 2017. For more information or to register for the study, please call Joanne Bagge at 562-5484, or jbagge@.


God’s forgiveness knows no bounds. In the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God makes even more evident his love and its power to destroy all human sin. Misericordiae Vultus, no. 22


As November stirs up our thankfulness, let the Corporal Works of Mercy call on us to act:

Feed the Hungry

•Make sandwiches and pass them out to the homeless.

•Keep granola bars in your car to pass out to people in need at stoplights.

•Keep a list of local food banks and soup kitchens on hand to pass out to those you encounter around your town who could use such services.

•Serve at a soup kitchen.

•Prepare and take a meal to someone in your community who is seriously ill.

Give Drink to the Thirsty

•Pass out water bottles to the homeless.

•Donate baby formula to a local pregnancy help center.

Clothe the Naked

•Go through your closet and give away what you don’t need.

•Host a clothing drive and donate the items.

•Knit, or crochet scarves, hats, and gloves for your local homeless shelter.

•Shop for deep discount bargains and donate them.

Shelter the Homeless

•Volunteer to do manual labor to help in the upkeep of a homeless shelter.

•Keep a list of local homeless shelters on hand to pass out to those you meet on the street.

•Become a mentor to a foster child.

•Send a care package with special treats to an orphanage.

•Sponsor a child through the Christian Foundation for Children and Aging (CFCA).

Visit the Sick

•Volunteer at a hospital.

•Send flowers or a card to someone you know who is in the hospital.

•Visit a seriously ill member of your parish.

Visit the Imprisoned

•Donate bibles and/or spiritual reading materials to a prison.

•Mentor a teen at a juvenile correction center.

Bury the Dead

•Supply a dish for a funeral luncheon.

•Visit the cemetery and pray for the dead.

•Donate to ministries that offer free Catholic burials to those who are unable to afford one.

•Pray at an abortion clinic for the lives lost to abortion.



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