St Joseph’s Carrickmacross St Michael’s Corduff St John’s ...

st Joseph’s Carrickmacross St Michael’s Corduff St John’s Raferagh Fr Shane Mc Caughey PP 042-9664367 ; Fr Seán Mulligan CC 042-9661231, Parish Secretary: Yvonne Mc Bennett Parish Office 042-9661231 : Office opening hours : 10am- 12.30pm Monday- Friday . Email stJosephscarrickmacross@Website: carrickmacrossparish.ieWebcam – Live streaming: This can be viewed by our own webpage or /carrickmacrossShould you have any difficulty accessing the live streaming please contact via email directly to Support@ St Vincent De Paul : St. Vincent De Paul Contacts- Local Helpline (087) 917 1371Sunday 3rd January –The 2nd Sunday of Christmas Weekly ReflectionWhich star to follow?The wise men from the East followed the star that led them to Jesus. They could have stayed in the comfort of their own homes, but they chose to set out on a risky journey, with dangers, and without guarantees, and were rewarded with finding Jesus.Unlike these famous travellers, most of us do not make much of an effort to find Jesus. Like Herod we would like someone else to find him for us. It cannot be done. We must be prepared to pay a price in terms of time and effort to meet him.The world today offers a myriad of stars to attract our attentions: little stars that offer comfort, security, selfishness, possessions.Each of us must choose a star to follow.Which star will you follow this year?Fr ShaneNew year Mass schedule St Josephs Weekday Masses From Monday 28th December – Friday 1st January Morning Mass is at 11amNew Years Day Mass at 11am & 7.30pm The Epiphany Vigil Tuesday 5th January at 7.30pm Wednesday 6th January at 10am St Michaels CorduffNew Years Day Mass at 7.30pm St John The Evangelist Raferagh The Epiphany Wednesday 6th January at 7.30pm New Year Prayer 2021O Lord, help me to live this year quietly, easily, to lean upon Thy great strength trustfully, restfully, to wait for the unfolding of Thy will patiently, serenely, to meet others peacefully, joyfully, to face each tomorrow courageously. ( Amen)Mass IntentionsSaturday 2nd Jan 11am M.M. Josie Meegan ( nee Byrne) InniskeenSaturday 2nd Jan Vigil Patsy , Thomas , Catherine Kirke; Bernard and Alice Kelly , St Jude Ardee Road ; Julia Shields ( Birthday Rememberance)Sunday 3rd Jan 9.30am James Fox Cuchullian Terrace Sunday 3rd Jan 12 Noon Noeleen Keenan, ( 1st Anniversary) and her parents Ned and Kathleen , 33 St Macartans Villas;Teresa Rogan, Dundalk and deceased mebers of the Rogan and Ward families; Brian and Theresa Duffy, 23 Emmett Street.Monday 4th Jan 10amThe People of the Parish Tuesday 5th Jan 10am7.30pm Private Intention Vigil Mass for The Epiphany at 7.30pm Francis and Kitty Kieran, Tullnaskeagh.Wednesday 6th Jan 10am The EpiphanyPatrick, Elizabeth and Margaret Cooney.Thursday 7th Jan 10am Private Intention Friday 8th Jan 10am Private intentionFriday 8th Jan 7.30pm M.M. Alan Woods, Carrickmacross, Kilkerley and his mother Angela Woods.Saturday 9th Jan 11am M.M Yvonne Mc Cabe, Valley Close, CarrickmacrosSaturday 9th Jan 6 O’ClockOwen Mulholland, Longfield; Brian Mc Mahon Corduffkelly ( 1st Anniversary)Sunday 10th Jan 9.30am Pater and Kathleen Jones , Greaghwillan and deceased members of the Jones family, Mullinary; Peter and Kate Mc Cabe and deceased members of the Mc Cabe family, Greaghwillan. Sunday 10th Jan 12 Noon John Meegan and Wayne Tumelty, Brian and Teresa Duffy, 23 Emmett Street; Pat Finnegan, Greaghdrumneesk. Recently Deceased : *Please note the 6 O’ clock Vigil on Jan 2nd will be recorded by LMFM , and will be broadcast on LMFM , the following morning after 9am.*The Parish Office Will be CLOSED for annual leave on Tuesday 22nd December , reopening Monday 11th January .Mass Time Corduff / Raferagh Mass will be celebrated on Monday & Wednesday Evening at 7.30pm (alternating) Sunday at 11am (alternating) Live streaming is now available to be viewed Via or /carrickmacross Should you have any difficulty accessing the live streaming please contact via email directly to Support@ . Mass Intentions Sunday 3rd Jan Raferagh Private Intention Monday 4th Jan Corduff Private IntentionWednesday 6th Raferagh The EpiphanySunday 10th Corduff Private intention ST JOSEPH'S YOUNG PRIESTS SOCIETYWe would like to thank everybody who has supported our local branch throughout the year. Due to restrictions we have been unable to hold our usual monthly meetings. Donations can now be made via the Parish Office post box, please mark envelopes "St Joseph's Young Priests Society" Many thanks.Childcare Centre under construction for the many orphans in Fr Matthews Parish in Mallawi.? Your help to finish this project to accommodate, feed, cloth the orphans so they can attend school would be greatly appreciated.?"DONATIONS TO FR MATTHEW'S AIB ACCOUNT IBAN NO - IE83AIBK93247726010023 or contact : Eileen 0877659398/ Lucy 0872267830Live Streamimg Live streaming is now available in all our Churches. We recommend to watch live streaming via . Our website has been carefully designed so that all 3 Churches are easily accessed from our webpage; alternatively it can be accessed on the Homepage, by clicking on the relevant church (on the side banner). It is also important to note that no live streaming is perfect, and there will be minor issues from time to time. If you experience any technical difficulties we ask that you contact via email directly to Support@ where a specialised team is there to help.Recordings of masses : are for a technical and monitoring purpose, however if there is a particular mass you wish to watch back , please contact the Parish office , where a password will be provided . ................

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