The Exaltation of the Holy Cross September 14, 2014


[Christ] emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross.

"For just as some people want a purely spiritual Christ, without flesh and without the cross, they also want their interpersonal relationships provided by sophisticated equipment, by screens and systems which can be turned on and off on command" (Joy of the Gospel, 88). The hymn in St. Paul's Letter to the Philippians clearly shows that Christ became flesh and bone and then died the ignoble death on a cross. Our Catholic faith is very much an incarnational faith. We believe in a world created by God that is very real, tangible, and we are a part of it. Genesis recounts how God formed Adam out of the clay of the earth. Also, we are heavenly, and this part of us is also very real, though invisible. Genesis also recounts that God breathed his life into us, endowing humanity with an immortal soul. Yes, we are created in the image and likeness of God. Then Eve was taken from the side of Adam. They shared the same human nature and were in a special relationship: Husband and wife, friends and helpmates. They had an interpersonal relationship and they both walked with God. They communicated with one another, they communicated with God. But then sin entered in and they severed their relationship with God which of course affected their relationship with one another. Now Eve would be subject to her husband and Adam would be bound to the earth from which he came. No longer would they be able to walk with God in the Garden. Their nature had corrupted. Pain, suffering, and death would now accompany us with health, joy, and the hope of eternal life.

Finally in the fulfillment of salvation history, God came to us in the flesh to be as us, to suffer and die like us! Christ's presence among us is real and tangible, no longer invisible and distant, but rather, visible and present. Christ really walked this earth and he really suffered and died on the cross. Our relationship which was broken by sin, is now healed by the blood of the one who alone can justify. Once again we can walk with God and likewise with one another in sincerity. In today's modern world we tend to be so individualized that we isolate ourselves. We treat relationships as something far away and distant. We forget that Christ is with us and so we forget that we need to be with others. The electronics allow us to turn people on and off at will, forgetting that they are human too and so in need of God's love which is expressed through our love and concern. We were baptized to be his instruments on earth, yet we all too often forget to be present and real to our friends, to the stranger, to the one who needs us.

Once I was sitting and talking with a friend, a Christian Brother. His phone was ringing and ringing. I finally said, "Are you going to get that?" He said without hesitation, "I am with you now. He can call back later."

One holiday as I was visiting my family; my niece was sitting next to me. She was texting her friends. It must have been very important. I said to her, "Excuse me, but I don't get to see you a lot and it would be nice if you could be with us now and you can talk with your friends later." My words were meaningful. She stopped texting and became present to her family and me.

Interpersonal relationships are very important to the Christian way of life. The Scriptures are replete with stories of encounters with God and the many relationships between peoples, tribes, and nations. Even the fact that the Church is comprised of both Jew and Gentile is evident that God wants us to be a family which can only truly be united by his grace. As humanity was divided at Babel, she is reunited on Pentecost as one faith in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit---we call this the Church, the assembly of God's people who come together particularly on Sundays at the Mass to "commune" with God not as individuals but as a Body of believers communicating in the Body of Christ. Could there be a time when we could text God and one another, and still be considered a Church in communion?

Pax Christi, Fr. Paul

"Every day is a preparation for death. By realizing this, it helps somehow, because what the dying go through today, I will go through tomorrow. Death is nothing except going back to him, where he is and where we belong" (Mother Teresa: Her Essential Wisdom ed. by Carol Kelly-Gangi, 2006).


|SATURDAY Anticipated Masses for Sunday |

|5:00 PM |Ron Pezzillo |

|6:30 PM |Intenciones de Maribel Torres y bebe Alena |

|SUNDAY September 14 - The Exaltation of the Holy Cross |

|7:00 AM |William J. Mawe |

|8:15 AM |Gerardo Villarraga |

|10:00 AM |Roberto Gammel |

|11:15 AM |People of the Parish |

|12:30 PM |Joseph Carlone |

|4:00 PM |Misang Pilipino |

|6:30 PM |Juan José Macias |

|MONDAY September 15 - Our Lady of Sorrows |

|7:00 AM |Catherine F. Hickey |

|8:00 AM |Antoinette Desmay Williams |

|12:10 PM |In thanksgiving to St. Padre Pio |

|TUESDAY September 16 - Cornelius & Cyprian, bishops |

|7:00 AM |Maria & Biagio Vitale |

|8:00 AM |John Coughlin |

|12:10 PM |Lisa Starace |

|WEDNESDAY September 17 - Robert Bellarmine, bishop |

|7:00 AM |Calvin Lipscomb |

|8:00 AM |Cora Carlone |

|12:10 PM |Miguel Astete Casini |

|THURSDAY September 18 |

|7:00 AM |Intentions of Sydelle Fernandez |

|8:00 AM |Gerardo Villarraga |

|12:10 PM |Jessica Cordova |

|FRIDAY September 19 - Januarius, bishop-martyr |

|7:00 AM |Betty Rogers |

|8:00 AM |Sr. Therese Martin Hanley |

|12:10 PM |Intentions of Dan & Bernadette Dennehy - 55th Wedding |

| |Anniversary |

|SATURDAY September 20 |

|8:00 AM |Petra† & Lou Turro (50th Wedding Anniversary) |

|12:10 PM |Maria Vitale |

| Anticipated Masses for Sunday |

|5:00 PM |Ron Pezzillo |

|6:30 PM |En acción de gracias al Señor |

|SUNDAY September 21 - 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time |

|7:00 AM |People of the Parish |

|8:15 AM |Jesús Tineo y Ambrosio Collao |

|10:00 AM |Nicholas Presti - 19th Anniversary ( |

|11:15 AM |Mary & Jack Mulligan |

|12:30 PM |Irene & Frank Ritz |

|6:30 PM |Luis Alfonso Toalongo - 7o Aniversario ( |

Please pray for our deceased and their loved ones:

Donald Flemming, Lucile Keyes,

Mary Rosen, Gary Haltner

|Prayer for Our Troops |

|Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. |

|Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our |

|time of need. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen. |

Our Parish Community prays for the sick:

Mary Badaracco, Ann Enrico, Robert Lewis, Vincent Maccarro, Phyllis Maher, Jose & Dorothy Nogueras, Maureen Quinn, Joyce Wottke, Carol Yaner

/Martin McCormack//Margarita Fuentes,///Mitch Oldshein, Gennie Moran, Brianne Ruzek, Ann Marquez, Jamie Clark, Ann Taylor, Murry Family, Carly ////June Shuler


Last Sunday’s Collection/Colecta del Domingo Pasado: $9412.00

Church in Eastern & Central Europe: $1553.00

New Emails Addresses for the Rectory Staff

Fr. Paul Prevosto frprevosto@

Fr. Mayhel Velasquez frvelasquez@

Fr. José Pablo Muralles frmuralles@

Fr. Teo Layosa frlayosa@

Deacon Gregory Quinn dcquinn@

Miss Viviana Villa viviana@

Please use these addresses to contact any staff member. If you want consideration to have something published in the bulletin, please send it to Fr. Paul in word format.

Also, don't forget to visit our new website at:

Charitable Gift Annuity

Are you interested in giving a substantial gift to the Church? If you answered yes, you might consider a Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) offered by the Archdiocese of Newark. CGAs regularly pay you a fixed amount of money every year for the rest of your life. Payments on our CGAs are guaranteed by The Archdiocese of Newark. When you pass to eternal life, what is left in the annuity is distributed to the catholic charities you specify. If you are interested in this gift opportunity, now might be a good time to act. For more information about making a gift, please call the Theresa Lynch, Planned Giving Manager, Archdiocese of Newark, (973) 497-4042 or email: lynchthe@.

| Finance Council |Oct 02 |7:30 |Rectory |

|Finance Council | | | |

|Knights of Columbus |Oct 13 |8:00 |School |

|Spiritual Renewal |Sept 15 |7:00 |Convent |

|Liturgy Committee |Sept 22 |7:30 |Rectory |

|St. Vincent de Paul |TBA |7:00 |Convent |

|Pastoral Council |Sept 18 |7:30 |Parish Hall |

|Amor de Dios |Cada lunes |7:00 |Parish Hall |

|El Rosario |Cada lunes |7:00 |Capilla |

|CCC |Cada viernes |7:30 |Parish Hall |

|HT Prayer Group |Thursdays |7:30 |30 Maple |

|Bible Study |Sept 17 |7:30 |Convent |

|Fil-Am Ministry Officers |Oct 04 |6:30 |Marcelino |

| | | |Residence |

|Fil-Am Ministry |Sept 21 |1:30 |Parish Hall |

|General Meeting | | | |

Mea Culpa

My Apologies to the Finance Council. I was distracted by a visitor and I forgot about the meeting on September 4. Please allow me to make up for it, with a meeting on October 2.

Boy Scouts

Holy Trinity pack 5/troop 5 have started another year. Any boy in first grade and up, who is interested in joining the scouts, we meet every Friday night @ 7pm in the school cafeteria. Come and see what it's all about. We will also be holding a family fun day on September 21 to show off what scouting is all about. If you can not make it and are still interested, please call Gary Westlake @ 201-657-1073

Boy Scout Troop 5 sponsored by Holy Trinity Church, Hackensack will have a Family Fun Day on Sunday, September 21, 10AM to 4PM at Olsen Park, Bogota.  Families and friends are invited to join Troop 5 Scouts in playing games, learning scouting skills and sportsmanship challenges for children and parents. Picnic food will be available for purchase.

Committee members shown with a Toshiba Television Set to be raffled are (standing) Mark Salerno, Co-Chair, Randy Romines, Alex Ocasio Co-Chair. Seated left to right are Frank Rotondo, Ada Wright, Mike Zisa, Michael Wieskus, Vinnetta Singleton, and Vivian Muchero (Photo compliments of Joe Shuler)

High School Open Houses

Don Bosco Prep: Tuesday, September 30 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm, and Sunday, November 2 from 1:00 to 3:00pm. For info, contact George Mihalik at gmihalik@

Paramus Catholic: Sunday, Oct. 5 from 1:00-4:00 and Wednesday, Oct. 15 from 7:00-9:00 PM. for more info call 201-445-4466 x 104.

Holy Angels Academy: Sunday, Oct. 5 from 11:00-3:00. For more info visit admissions/open-house

St. Peter's Prep: Sunday, Oct 5 from 1:00-4:00. For more info call 201-547-6389.

St. Joseph's HS: Sunday, Sept 28 from 11:00-2:00. For more info call201-391-3300 or pre-register at

The Officers of the

Knights of Columbus


Grand Knight – Joseph T. Shuler

Deputy Grand Knight – Gary Bauer

Recorder – Gary Westlake

Treasurer – Thomas Hyer

Advocate – John McGilchrist

Warden – Vincent Napolitano

Outside Guard  - Sean Flatley 

Trustee 1 year  - Frank Cavallo

Trustee  2 year – Kenneth Carlson 

Trustee  3 year – Steve Martino Jr. 

Chaplain - Fr. Paul Prevosto

Financial Secretary – Ryan Doenges

Spiritual Events/Eventos Espirituales

From September 24 through November 2, you’re invited to join other Christians for 40 Days for Life – 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You’re also invited to actively participate by peacefully praying during a 40-day vigil outside the Women’s Choice Abortion Clinic, 10 Zabriskie Street, Hackensack, during the hours 7AM to7PM.

We pray for the babies, their moms and the staff as well as for God’s protection of all human life.

If you’d like more information – and especially if you’d like to volunteer to help, please contact: Margaret: 201-805-0937 scullyfam@ or Mary: 201-723-5356, doctorted2@. hackensack

The Opening Mass will be celebrated at 11AM on Wednesday, September 24th in Holy Trinity Church, 34 Maple Avenue, Hackensack, NJ

Caring Hearts Ministry, Maywood, Bereavement Support Group

It is said that death ends a life, but it does not end a relationship. There is great truth in this statement. However, the loss of a loved one can bring great pain. If you have lost a loved one to death, we invite you to join OLQP Caring Hearts Ministry for a series of six sessions of information, mutual sharing and support in a spiritual, caring, strictly confidential setting. The group is led by trained facilitators certified by the Family Life Office of the Archdiocese of Newark. If you are interested in joining us, or if you would like more information about the group, please contact the Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish Center at 201-845-9566. All calls are confidential.

Critical Life Issues Conference:

On Saturday, October 18, 2014, the Diocese of Metuchen will be sponsoring the “the Annual Critical Life Issues Conference.” Expert speakers will address a variety of life issues including: Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger’s eugenic legacy, dangerous abortion practices and what happened at the Kermit Gosnell trials, crisis pregnancies and the inspiration behind the movie ‘Gimme Shelter,’ and how every human being is a masterpiece of God’s creation. The speakers will give practical information as well as thought-provoking testimony of real life experiences. The Conference will also feature exhibits of products and services which pertain to some of these issues. It will be held at the St. John Neumann Conference Center, Piscataway from 8:30 am – 3:30 pm. Registration is $25.00. This fee includes lunch and handouts. To register please visit or call 732-562-1990 ext. 1629 or 1543. Seating is limited.


This Wednesday at 7:30 PM we will resume our Bible Study with the Gospel of Matthew. Join us on September 17 at the Convent on Pangborn Place.

Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat

Post Abortion Healing & Forgiveness

Sponsored by: The Newark Archdiocese Respect Life Office



Are you suffering from an abortion experience? Do you have feelings of guilt and anxiety? Do you suffer from depression? There is Hope! Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats offer hope and healing for post abortion syndrome.

When: September 26-28, 2014

Where: Archdiocesan Youth Retreat Center

499 Belgrove Drive, Kearny NJ, 07032

Cost: $150 (includes all retreat materials and meals) assistance available. For more information contact the Respect Life Office

All calls and e-mails are confidential.

Struggling with Alcoholism?

Special Noon Mass

A special mass and support group meeting for all who are affected by the disease of alcoholism will take place at Church of St. Mary, 20 Legion Place, Closter, NJ, on Saturday, September 20, 2014 at 12:00 noon.

Mass is offered for the support, healing and recovery of not only the person directly infected with the abuse of alcohol or drugs, but also for anyone involved in the life of the alcoholic or drug addict.  For information please call 201-768-7565.

Come, Pray with Us

Holy Trinity Prayer Group - charismatic prayer every Thursday at 7:30 PM at 30 Maple

Adoration - every first Friday from 12:30 to 10:00 PM

Bible Class - Wednesdays from 7:30 till 8:30 PM, Convent

Misang Pilipino is celebrated every 2nd Sunday of the Month at 4:00P PM. Fellowship follows in the Parish Hall.

(Oct 12; Nov 9; Dec 14)

Retreat - Joy of the Gospel

Retreat day ($35) for men and women on October 25 or the weekend ($135) for women on October 24-26. The retreat will explore Pope Francis’ recent exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel. For more info:

Sr. Marita Funke at the Benedictine Center of Elizabeth, NJ 07208, Call 908-353-3028

Community News

Noticias de la Comunidad

AED Training for Ushers

Choose any of the following dates and times

September 17 or September 24

7:00 - 8:00 PM or 8:00-9:00 PM

Every usher is expected to attend.

Thanks to Larry Peele, trustee, the instructor and Fr. Paul for making this possible.

In Peace, Fernando Rodriguez

“When I called, You Answered”

Back to School!

September is always a very exciting time throughout our Archdiocese! For many families, September means back to school. Our Catholic School elementary and high schools have opened their doors to over 34,000 young people throughout our four counties. In addition, many of our Religious Education programs in our 219 Parishes are gearing up for their new classes of Catechetical studies.

This year, OUR parish has 330 registered for our Religious Education program. It is going to be a great year for the children involved in our catechesis program!

In addition, Archdiocesan Campus Ministers on 9 different college campuses throughout the Archdiocese are currently evangelizing thousands of college students, and are working hard to bring the truth and love of the Gospels to these campuses. In addition, we have welcomed 125 Seminarians to Saint Andrew’s College Seminary, Mater Dei Seminary, and Immaculate Conception Seminary.

All of these programs could not be achieved without your help. Over $14.5 million is given by the Archdiocese to Parishes, Catholic Schools, Campus Ministry, and the Seminary for these programs and ministries to operate. The Annual Appeal helps to offset many of these programs and ministries, which are essential to the future of our Faith, and are essential for bringing brothers and sisters into a deep personal relationship with Our Lord, Jesus Christ. The greatest gift we can give is the gift of our Catholic Faith. Without these essential evangelization programs and ministries, it becomes ever more difficult to enrich and grow our Faith.

Thank you to those who have supported the Annual Appeal. These essential programs could not happen without your generosity!

Annual Picnic

@ St. Joseph's of Hackensack

460 Hudson Street

Sunday, September 21 from 12 noon till 8 PM

Polish & American food, music, drink, games, 50/50, free admission

Fun for the whole family



We will soon begin work on the next cycle of scheduling. Please let Lynn know by September 14 if you wish to make changes. Call Lynn at 201-342-6304 to leave a message.  As always we thank you for your faithful service.

Oktoberfest at Lacordaire Academy

on September 27

Lacordaire Academy is hosting an Oktoberfest on Saturday, September 27 (rain date 9/28) from 9:00-4:00 that includes a 5K race, flea market, mums & pie sales, beer garden, food and children’s play land on campus at 155 Lorraine Ave., Upper Montclair, NJ. Special beer tasting from 6:30-8:00 PM. No admission charge to shop the flea market but there are fees to participate in the kids and adults 5K races sponsored by the Junior League of Montclair and Newark to benefit children at risk in Essex County.  There is a pay one price fee for the all-you-can-eat-and-drink Beer Garden, children’s play land and evening beer tasting. Rent a table at the flea market or donate gently used goods for the school to sell. For more information, visit Events at or contact advancement@ and 973-744-1156 x33.

An Annulment for Us?

An Annulment Information Evening is scheduled for Wednesday, October 8, 2014, 7:30 PM - Our Lady of Mercy Church, 40 Sullivan Drive, Jersey City, NJ. A staff member of the Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Newark will provide basic information about annulments; the requirements for annulments and how to begin the process of petitioning for an annulment. There will be an opportunity for questions at the end of the session. Pre-registration is not necessary, but for directions, please call the parish at 201-434-7500.

NEW HOPE PREGNANCY RESOURCE CENTER - Our new Center has blossomed! Our outreach to first-time single moms and their babies, born and unborn, could use more volunteers to help us keep up with the expanding workload. Please call us at (201) 408-4726, e-mail us at newhopeinc@, or access our website  if you need more information about our rewarding program, incorporated in 1985.

100th Anniversary Concert

Les Elgart Orchestra

Our Lady of Lourdes Church, West Orange

September 14 at 3:00 PM.

With thanks to God, OL of Lourdes Church in West Orange will host a concert with the Les Elgart Orchestra who will perform Fr. Joseph O'Connor's, (the founding pastor) compositions and standards of the 40's and 50's and 60's.

Tickets are $50 and may be purchased online at or at the Parish Office. Any questions please call 973-325-0110 or email

Fr. Apostoli, CFR to Speak

On Tuesday, October 7, 2014 beginning at 7:00 pm at St. Margaret’s Church located at 115 West Central Ave., Pearl River, NY there will be a celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. Fr. Andrew Apostoli, CFR will begin the evening with Rosary then Holy Mass. Following Mass there will be a talk in Church given by Fr. Apostoli concerning the message of HOPE of Our Lady of Fatima. For information call 845-641-3682 or email: saytherosarydaily@.


Muchas Gracias

Nos gustaría dar las gracias al Sr. y Sra. Delso Fernández por sus muchos años de servicio a la parroquia como coordinadores de los Lectores y Ministros Extraordinarios de Santa Comunión en la Misa de las 6:30. Muchas gracias.

La Necesidad de pedir Perdón.

La liturgia de hoy nos llama a contemplar la actitud de Dios con el pecador. La existencia de cada cristiano se valida ante la mirada vigilante del Padre, quien nos valora de acuerdo con nuestra acción solidaria respecto a los demás. Declararnos incapaces de perdonar, significa no haber entrado en el ámbito de la comunión divina. No participar el perdón al otro, es índice claro de la interrupción de la comunión con Dios, quien es fuente del perdón.

¿Pero cuánto perdonar?

Perdonar es algo serio, humanamente difícil, si no imposible. No se debe hablar de ello a la ligera, sin darse cuenta de lo que se pide a la persona ofendida cuando se le dice que perdone. Junto al mandato de perdonar hay que proporcionar al hombre también un motivo para hacerlo. Es lo que Jesús hace con la parábola del rey y de los dos siervos. Por la parábola está claro por qué se debe perdonar: porque Dios, antes, nos ha perdonado y nos perdona. Nos perdona una deuda infinitamente mayor que la que un semejante nuestro puede tener con nosotros.

San Pablo ya puede decir: «Como el Señor os ha perdonado, haced así también vosotros» (Col 3,13). Está superada la ley del talión: «Ojo por ojo, diente por diente». El criterio ya no es: «Lo que otro te ha hecho a ti, házselo a él»; sino: «Lo que Dios te ha hecho a ti, házselo tú al otro». Jesús no se ha limitado, por lo demás, a mandarnos perdonar; lo ha hecho él primero. Mientras le clavaban en la cruz rogó diciendo: «Padre, ¡perdónales, porque no saben lo que hacen!» (Lc 23,34). Es lo que distingue la fe cristiana de cualquier otra religión.

Cristo no se limita a señalar el camino de la perfección; da la fuerza para recorrerlo. No nos manda sólo hacer, sino que actúa con nosotros. En esto consiste la gracia. El perdón cristiano va más allá de la no-violencia o del no-resentimiento.

El perdón cristiano no excluye que puedas también, en ciertos casos, denunciar a la persona y llevarla ante la justicia, sobre todo cuando están en juego los intereses y el bien incluso de otras personas. El perdón cristiano no ha impedido, por poner un ejemplo cercano a nosotros, a las viudas de algunas víctimas del terror o de la mafia buscar con perseverancia la verdad y la justicia en la muerte de sus maridos.

Pero no hay sólo grandes perdones; existen también los perdones de cada día: en la vida de pareja, en el trabajo, entre parientes, entre amigos, colegas, conocidos. Debemos estar atentos para no caer en una trampa. Existe un riesgo también en el perdón. Consiste en formarse la mentalidad de quien cree tener siempre algo que perdonar a los demás. El peligro de creerse siempre acreedores de perdón, jamás deudores. Si reflexionáramos bien, muchas veces, cuando estamos a punto de decir: «¡Te perdono!», cambiaríamos actitud y palabras y diríamos a la persona que tenemos enfrente: «¡Perdóname!». Nos daríamos cuenta de que también nosotros tenemos algo que hacernos perdonar por ella. Aún más importante que perdonar es pedir perdón.

¡La Paz de Cristo! Fr. Mayhel Velásquez

La Clase de la Biblia

Este miércoles a las 7:30 PM la clase de la Biblia se reanudará con el Evangelio según San Mateo. Reúnanos al Convento en Pangborn Ave al 17 de septiembre.

(La clase se conduce en ingles;

pero la lengua es la lengua de fe.)

Misa Vespertina:

Misa el domingo por la noche se reanudará

el 7 de septiembre de 2013 a las 6:30 PM.

Ven y Ora con Nosotros

Hora Santa - Todos los viernes a las 6:30 PM en la iglesia Adoración - El primer viernes de la mes desde las 12:30 hasta las 10:00 PM en la capilla

CCC - Una hora de reflexión de la Biblia cada viernes a las 7:30 PM en Salón Parroquial

Amor de Dios - Grupo de Oración todos los lunes a las 7:00 PM en Salón Parroquial

El Rosario - Todos los lunes a las 7:00 PM en la capilla.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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