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PARENT HANDBOOKEXPECTATIONS FOR STUDENTS OF THE ST. LOUIS IL PROGRAMSept. 2019Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Welcome PAGEREF _Toc491863532 \h 1Code of Conduct PAGEREF _Toc491863533 \h 2Communication Inquiry / Concern Process PAGEREF _Toc491863534 \h 3Progress PAGEREF _Toc491863535 \h 3Class Cancellations PAGEREF _Toc491863536 \h 3Eating and Drinking PAGEREF _Toc491863537 \h 4Life Threatening Allergies PAGEREF _Toc491863538 \h 4Medications PAGEREF _Toc491863539 \h 4Sick Children PAGEREF _Toc491863540 \h 4Contact …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4WelcomeWelcome to the St. Louis International Languages Elementary Program. This Program is offered through the St. Louis Adult Learning and Continuing Education Centres of the Waterloo Catholic District School Board.Why learning another languageFour Benefits of the International Languages Program:Identity“Whoever is not acquainted with foreign languages knows nothing of his own.” Johann Wolfgang von GoetheCareer Enhancement “If we want that part of the country which is humane and tolerant to continue on into our future, we need to educate the next generation to be tolerant, open. ?What better way to do this than through learning languages?”Roseann RuntePersonal Growth“A different language is a different vision of life.”Federico Fellini.ESL Support“…. promoting the development of minority children’s L1 in the school program contributes to their acquisition of L2 academic skills, as well as to their overall intellectual growth.”Dr. Jim CumminsVision/MandateVision“Learn a Language, Share a Culture, Change the World”International Languages Program PhilosophyThe St. Louis IL Program will provide the most inspiring and engaging learning experience to all our students by: The target language will be the primary language of communication spoken with the studentsThere will be an emphasis on functional proficiency in real-life situationsLessons will be action-oriented and task-basedStudents will receive repeated opportunities for reflection about how they learn languagesCommunicative activities will focus on the development of 4 language skills: Listening Speaking, Reading and WritingGrammar will be presented in the context of a relevant communicative taskStudents will be exposed to authentic texts such as pictures, music, video clips, stories, new media, real objects, etcA variety of groupings and cooperative learning activities will promote “Student Talking Time” in a languageCode of ConductIn the St. Louis’s International Languages Elementary Program students are expected to follow the same rules and responsibilities as in any regular elementary school. Therefore, the standards of behaviour outlined by the Provincial Code of Conduct will articulate the “Standards of Behaviour” for the International Languages Elementary Program with the Waterloo Catholic District School Board. Please discuss the following expectations with your children:1) Respect, civility and responsible citizenship All International Languages Program members must:respect and comply with all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws;demonstrate honesty, integrity and healthy lifestyle;respect differences in people, their ideas and opinions;treat one another with dignity and respect at all times, especially when there is a disagreement;respect the dignity, rights and fair treatment of others, regardless of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability;demonstrate citizenship and acceptable strategies for resolving conflict;respect the rights of others and the sacredness of human life;show proper care and regard for school property and the property of others;demonstrate honesty in achieving academic expectations; take appropriate measures to help those in need;respect persons who are in a position of authority;demonstrate regular attendance;respect the need of others to work in an environment of learning and teaching;respect and honour the appropriate dress specified by the school community;demonstrate appropriate and ethical use of technology;respect guidelines regarding use of personal items (for example, cell phones, pagers)Communication Inquiry / Concern ProcessFor any concerns or issues, parents should follow the progressive communication chart below. If there is a teacher issue, parents may contact the Program Manager directly.ProgressProgress of students in the language class will be communicated to parents twice a year. First at the mid of the program through parent/teacher interviews/meetings and at the end of the school year a report card will be issued for each student participating in the program.Class CancellationsIn case of inclement weather e-mail communication will be sent to all IL students and staff regarding cancelation.The cancellation of the Saturday classes will be posted on the WCDSB website.Indoor ShoesEach student should have an indoor pair of shoes that can be worn at school. In the event that an emergency would require the evacuation of the school, it is imperative that students have shoes on their feet at all times.Please ensure that your child has indoor shoes at school.Peanut and nut Free EnvironmentThis is a reminder that our schools are “Peanut & Nut Free”. This means each child is asked to bring a peanut and nut free snack. Though it sounds simple, it means no peanut butter sandwiches or peanut butter cookies. Other foods like muffins, granola bars, cupcakes, cakes and cookies will require reading labels before being packed in your child’s snack. Please ask your child to avoid sharing their snacks with other students. Eating and Drinking15 min nutritious break is provided. Please bring water and a peanut free, healthy snack.Life Threatening AllergiesAny parent who has a child with a life threatening allergy will be expected to follow these rules:Complete the necessary paperwork associated with life threatening allergiesProvide Epi-pensA medic alert bracelet worn by the child at all timesMedicationsWe prefer that all medication, if possible, be administered by parents at home.Sick ChildrenWe do not have proper facilities or staff to care for children who are ill. If a child is not well enough to go out at break, they should be kept at home. If a child becomes ill during class or is injured, we will call the parents to notify them of our actions and to pick up their child. Contacts The International Languages Program Manager is Lilianna Sosnowski and she can be reached at 519-745-1201 ext. 221 or by email – lilianna.sosnowski@wcdsb.ca ................

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