Hoffmeyer Scholarship - St. Louis Public Schools

Hoffmeyer Alumni Scholarship

The Hoffmeyer Foundation is awarding fifteen (15) scholarships of $1,000 to alumni of St. Louis High School. These are merit-based scholarships that will emphasize your strength of transcript, and the quality of your activity at SLHS, college, and in the community. To be considered, please fill out this application form completely and return to the SLHS Guidance Office by March 13, 2015. Email attachments can be sent to sbrooks@

Name ______________________________________________ DOB ___________

Address ______________________________________________________________

Home phone __________________

College or university you are attending: _________________________

Major or program you are pursuing: ________________________________

1. List your activities, honors, offices, etc. held during and after high school. You may add additional sheets if necessary.

2. List community activities, organizations, etc. in which you have been involved during and after your high school career. You may add additional sheets if necessary.

3. List work experience (other than at home) you have had during and after high school. You may add additional sheets if necessary.

4. List your present class schedule (include credits):

5. Please list other scholarships or financial aid that you have received for the academic year 2014-2015.

NOTE: Please request that an official transcript for each college/university you have attended since graduating be sent to the following:

St. Louis High School

c/o Shane Brooks

113 E. Saginaw St.

St. Louis, MI 48880


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