First Day Procedures and Protocols - ST Math

First Day Procedures and Protocols

Before students' first ST Math session:

?? Set up your account, create your password, and create your class(es). ?? Attend in-person professional development or complete Self-Guided Online Courses

1, 2, 3, and 4.

?? Prepare students for ST Math by introducing the program and the password,

reviewing Think Before You Click, and discussing strategies for playing.

?? Optional: Create a Ticket to JiJi for each student. ?? Optional: Create a computer lab seating chart.

Linking students to a class

Students should:

Once all students are playing games, teachers should:

?? Open ST Math. ?? New students click the New

?? Triple-click in the bottom-right corner of a

student's screen that has a green or blue

Student icon . Returning

students click on JiJi.

?? New students enter their first and

frame and log in.

?? Click Link to my class as a new student. ?? Select the students you wish to link, or

last names.

?? Returning students enter their

click the Select All check mark to link all students. Note: If you have created more than

picture passwords.

?? Select grade level and teacher


?? Play ST Math games until linked.

one class, use the Class dropdown to select

the class.

?? Notify students they're about to be linked and

their screens may change, but that they should

Remember to Play the Gray.

?? Once linked, new students will

start Password Training games.

continue to Play the Gray.

?? Click on the Link selected students button. ?? If no more students need to be linked, click

This step must be completed on

Done Linking. If additional students need

Day 1.

to be linked (e.g., for another class), click

Important: After new students are linked to your class, they will need about 20 minutes to learn their passwords.

Continue Linking.

?? Confirm that all students are linked and new

students have started the Password Training


Exit Procedure

?? Stop the class 5 minutes early to teach exiting and practice logging in using the

picture password.

?? Have students continually click the in the bottom-left corner of the screen and

STOP when the appears.

?? Review the Today's Accomplishments screen. ?? Click the in the bottom-left corner of the screen. ?? Have students log in again. Repeat the Exit Procedure.


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