Fort Bend ISD

Monday, Apr. 20th

STAAR Math 5th

No Visitors

Tuesday, Apr. 21st

Hero Folders Sent out

STAAR Math 3rd - 4th

No Visitors

Wednesday, Apr. 22nd

STAAR Reading 3rd - 4th

STAAR Science 5th

No Visitors

Thursday, Apr. 23rd

Kinder Field Trip - Bayou Wildlife

Friday, Apr. 24th

Girl/Boy Scouts K-2

Spirit Day


Project Saving Smiles

Upcoming Events

✓ 150th Day of School

You’re welcome to come eat lunch with your children Monday-Friday during designated lunch time.


Please check the lost & found for any missing items.

PTA News:

Student spirit shirts are on sale for $12.

Box Tops 4 Education

Please Come Out & Join Our PTA. Grade level with 100% participation of PTA Members will WIN a pizza party!

Birthday Acknowledgements:

Store bought cupcakes/cookies can be dropped off at the front office and we will give them to the classroom teacher. They will be distributed at the end of the school day. Balloons are not allowed. There will also be a form that is needed to be filled out prior to receiving the cupcakes/ cookies. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Student Dismissal:

Due to student safety and timely dismissal concerns, please remain in your car if your child is a car rider. For a timely dismissal, please remember that exiting your vehicle delays dismissal due to staff verifying your status as a parent. Car Riders will not be released to parents parked on the side ramp/parking lot. **You must remain in car rider lane** Walker parents will be dismissed at the crosswalk with a teacher.

Fort Bend ISD Family Access

When you sign into Skyward Family Access, it will have a different look and feel as well as additional capabilities. The new family access 2.0 display offers access to all of the essential family access tools that you are accustomed to using. The family access 2.0 screen also offers you the ability to view one or all of your children from one convenient screen. Be on the lookout for these changes.



Good luck on the STAAR!




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