Common Lay-up Terms and Conditions - United States Naval Academy

Common Lay-up Terms and Conditions

?Mid-Plane: Centerline of the lay-up. Plane forming the mid-line of the laminate.

? 2003, P. Joyce

Common Lay-up Terms and Conditions

?Symmetry: A laminate is symmetric when the plies above the mid-plane are a mirror image of those below the mid-plane.

?Symmetrical lay-ups help to avoid thermal twisting of parts as they cool down after curing.

? 2003, P. Joyce

Common Lay-up Terms and Conditions

? 2003, P. Joyce

Common Lay-up Terms and Conditions

?Balance: A laminate is balanced when it has equal numbers of ? and + angled plies.

? 2003, P. Joyce

Common Lay-up Terms and Conditions

? Warp Clock The Warp Clock is the standard for determining ply

orientation. It is also how ? and + angled plies are defined. The 0? axis is always parallel to the long direction of the structure or rectangular panel. The 90? axis is always perpendicular to the 0? axis. The 45? axis may be determined in two different ways:

? 2003, P. Joyce


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