CC Agency summaries and contact REVISED July 27, 2016


Name/Title Agency / Program Address Phone (973)

|Thomas A. Barrett |Secretariat for Catholic Charities |777 Valley Road |777-8818 |Tbarrett@ |

|Acting President |(Serves as part of Bishop’s senior staff; oversees operation of all Catholic Charities |Clifton, NJ 07013 |X231 | |

| |agencies & services; serves as Diocesan Director for CCHD and ORB) | | | |

|Scott Milliken |Dept. for Persons w/Disabilities |1 Catholic Charities Way |406-1101 |Scott@ |

|Executive Director |(Services to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout the Diocese; |PO Box 2539 | | |

| |group homes, supervised apartment programs, adult training center, volunteer programs, |Oak Ridge, NJ 07438 | | |

| |spirituality programs) | | | |

|Sam Pirozzi, PhD |Straight & Narrow, Inc. |508 Straight Street |345-6000 |spirozzi@ |

|Executive Director |(Residential and outpatient drug/alcohol counseling, medical detox, intoxicated driver |Paterson, NJ 07501 |x6233 | |

| |resource center [IDRC], methadone maintenance, housing for persons with HIV/AIDS, Family | | | |

| |Success Center & child care) | | | |

|Christine Barton |Catholic Family and Community Services (CFCS) |24 De Grasse Street |279-7100 ext 21|dsilbernagel@ |

|Executive Director |(Emergency services [rental, utility bill, & temporary shelter assistance]) , aging services,|Paterson, NJ 07505 | | |

| |adult & child day care, housing assistance, immigration assistance, day program and respite | |ext 26 | |

|Buby Jacob |services for adults with disabilities, counseling, disaster assistance, transportation | | |bjacob@ |

|Associate Executive Director &|assistance, and Early Intervention and Special Child Health Services, Supportive Services for| | | |

|CFO |Veteran Families) | | | |

| | | | | |

|Delia Rosario |Hispanic Information Center of Passaic a division of cfcs |186 Gregory Avenue |779-7022 | drosario@ |

|Site Director |(Services in Passaic for youth, elderly, emergency services, foster parent program, addiction|Passaic, NJ 07055 | | |

| |counseling) | | | |

|Lee Ann Cianci |Hope House a Morris County division of cfcs |19-21 Belmont Avenue |361-5555 |Lcianci@ |

|Site Director |(Counseling, substance abuse treatment, IDRC services and supportive housing assistance and |Dover, NJ 07802 |x126 | |

| |case management for HIV/AIDS clients. Supportive services for seniors, Chore and Fix It | | | |

| |programs, food pantry) | | | |

|Delia Rosario |Father English Community Center a division of cfcs |435 Main Street |881-0280 x517 | Rrosario@ |

|Site Director |(Summer and after-school programs, preschool and child care, food pantry/clothes closet / |Paterson, NJ 07501 | | |

| |furniture & household furnishings, ESL) | | | |

|Rev. Alexander Londono |Migrant Ministry |18 Church Street |973-818-3603 |Fr.Alexanderlondono@ |

|Director |(Through strong parish partnerships provides for pastoral and social service needs of migrant|Suite 215 | | |

|Luis Arias |workers and their families throughout the Diocese) |Newton, NJ 07860 |973-818-0075 | |

|Associate Director | | | |themigrantministry@ |

|Fr. Edward Lambro |Public Relations & Development |777 Valley Road |523-4456 |email@ |

|Dir., Development & Public |(Directs development efforts of the Secretariat for Catholic Charities as well as public |Clifton, NJ 07013 | | |

|Relations |relations efforts) | | | |

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