


Proposed legislation – A.2954 Gunther/S.1032 Rivera – would impose government-mandated nurse staffing ratios on New York State hospitals and nursing homes, jeopardizing access to care without improving quality or patient outcomes.

Here at [HOSPITAL NAME], we pride ourselves on the level of quality, patient satisfaction and nurse engagement we have. We continually work with our experienced managers and staff to determine how best to care for our patients. This is a very fluid process which takes place in every hospital. It is what we do. It is our mission and we take it very seriously.

This blanket approach assumes one size fits all. It does not take into account that each patient has individual needs that can change rapidly, that every nurse and care team member has unique expertise and experience, and that no two hospitals or nursing homes are the same. Moreover, the bill does not account for the recruitment and retention of new and experienced nurses which presents serious obstacles throughout the state, especially in rural and underserved communities. [HOSPITAL NAME or UPSTATE NEW YORK] alone has over [HOSPITAL # or 2,000] nurse vacancies. [WE WOULD BE UNABLE TO COMPLY, PUTTING OURSELVES IN JEOPARDY OF LOSING OUR OPERATING CERTIFICATE].

Research in California, the only state to require hospital-wide nurse staffing ratios, has not demonstrated a direct link between rigid statewide staffing ratios and quality of care. Rather, research has found that the combination of higher levels of nurse education, the use of evidence-based criteria, and an effective mix of staff are all critical to quality care. New York has taken an important step in the right direction by enacting legislation that requires new nurses to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing within ten years of licensure.

Additionally, safeguards already exist. Not only are hospitals and nursing homes required to have staffing plans tailored to individual patient care needs, information on safety/outcomes is available to the public. Unannounced inspections provide additional government and regulatory oversight.

Most importantly, mandating nurse staffing ratios would cost providers tremendously, many of whom are already struggling financially, especially in rural and underserved areas across Upstate New York. It is estimated that, if passed, this legislation would cost New York’s hospitals and nursing homes close to $3 billion annually—the largest-ever unfunded healthcare mandate in New York State. There are many other areas where [HOSPITAL NAME] is investing money in staffing that make a real difference in the changing environment of population health management. These efforts will be drained or completely wasteful if this bill passes.

Every day [HOSPITAL NAME] and our staff strive to provide the best quality care to our patients, and this legislation has the potential to significantly cripple our ability to meet our patients’ dynamic needs. For these reasons, we urge you to oppose A.2954 Gunther/S.1032 Rivera. Thank you for your consideration on this important issue.


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