Democracy, Culture, and Contagion: Political Regimes and ...

Democracy, Culture, and Contagion: Political

Regimes and Countries Responsiveness to Covid-19*

Carl Benedikt Frey?, Chinchih Chen, and Giorgio Presidente

Oxford Martin School, Oxford University

May 13, 2020


A widely held belief is that autocratic governments have been more effective in reducing the movement of people to curb the spread of Covid-19. Using the Oxford COVID-19

Government Response Tracker (OxCGRT), and a real-time dataset with daily information

on travel and movement across 111 countries, we find that autocratic regimes imposed

more stringent lockdowns and relied more on contact tracing. However, we find no evidence that autocratic governments were more effective in reducing travel, and evidence

to the contrary: countries with democratically accountable governments introduced less

stringent lockdowns but were approximately 20% more effective in reducing geographic

mobility at the same level of policy stringency. In addition, building on a large literature on cross-cultural psychology, we show that for the same policy stringency, countries

with more obedient and collectivist cultural traits experienced larger declines in geographic

mobility relative to their more individualistic counterparts. We conclude that, in terms of

reducing mobility, collectivist and democratic countries have implemented relatively effective responses to Covid-19.

Keywords: Covid-19, Democracy, State Capacity, Culture, Policy

JEL: H11; H12; P48; Z1

* Frey


and Presidente gratefully acknowledge funding from Citi.

Corresponding author:




The Covid-19 pandemic is unfolding at a time when democracy is in decline. Data from Freedom House (2020) shows that democracy has been in recession for over a decade, and the rate

at which countries have lost civil and political rights has accelerated since the 2000s (Diamond,

2019). A key concern is that Covid-19 will exacerbate the decline of democracy. As the New

York Times puts it, ¡°China and some of its acolytes are pointing to Beijing¡¯s success in coming

to grips with the coronavirus pandemic as a strong case for authoritarian rule¡± (Schmemann,

2020). Even the World Health Organization (WHO) has called its forceful lockdown ¡°perhaps

the most ambitious, agile and aggressive disease containment in history¡± (Kuo, 2020). This

raises serious questions: have autocratic regimes generally been able to take more stringent

policy measures to restrain people from moving around spreading the virus, and have their

policies been more effective?

Governments around the world have introduced unprecedented measures to curb travel in

order to halt the spread of Covid-19. Figure 1 shows how travel fell in a number of selected

countries as time passed and more stringent policy measures were introduced. However, even

at similar levels of policy stringency, there is a wide variation in cross-country mobility. In this

paper, we examine the institutional and cultural underpinnings of this variation, tracing governments responses to the Covid-19 pandemic at the national level. By exploiting a real-time

dataset with daily information on mobility trends and policy restrictions in 111 countries since

the beginning of the lockdown, we estimate the differential responses and their effectiveness in

democratic and authoritarian nation states.

We split the analysis in two stages. In the first stage, we regress an index of restrictions on

mobility on daily confirmed cases of Covid-19 and their interaction with a proxy for whether

a country is democratic.1 Exploiting time variation in policy and infections, we are able to

include country fixed effects and purge our estimates from country-specific characteristics potentially affecting the spread of the virus and the policy response.2 We find that for a given

number of infections, our policy stringency index was 17 percent higher in autocratic regimes.3

Figure 1 here

The second stage of our analysis regresses changes in people¡¯s mobility on policy stringency and its interaction with proxies for democracy. Again, we include country fixed effects

that allows us to estimate the impact of institutions on the effectiveness of time-varying restrictions, while minimising the bias from country-specific characteristics. We find that although


Daily confirmed Covid-19 cases are assumed to be the main variable considered by policy makers when

deciding on mobility restrictions.


Given the daily frequency of our data and the relatively short time period under analysis, we deem it unlikely

that unobserved time-varying characteristics would bias the estimated coefficients.


The number refers to column 3 of Table 2 in Section 3.


autocratic regimes tend to impose more stringent lockdowns, there is no evidence that they

were more effective in reducing travel. On the contrary, we find robust evidence that countries

with democratically accountable governments introduced less stringent lockdowns but experienced approximately 20% larger declines in geographic mobility at the same level of policy

stringency. The positive correlation between an index of political and civil rights and our estimated elasticities of mobility to policy restrictions is presented in Figure 2. In our regression

analysis, we find this relationship to be robust across a variety of specifications: in our baseline

specification we find that on average, a ten percent increase in policy stringency corresponds

to a 5% reduction in geographic mobility, while in countries with autocratic government, the

reduction is one percentage point lower.4 In other words, governments policy measures appear

to be less effective in autocratic countries.

Figure 2 here

It is of course possible that the capacity of the state to enforce the lockdown matters more

than the political system in place. Indeed, a large literature emphasises the role the state¡¯s ability to implement a range of policies in order to effectively respond to a crisis as well as driving

economic development (Besley and Persson, 2009; 2010; Fukuyama, 2011; 2015; Johnson and

Koyama, 2017; Migdal, 1988).5 To that end, we explore the role of state capacity, proxied by

the percentage of armed forces in the total labour force, in shaping the effectiveness of governments responses to Covid-19. We find that at the same level of policy stringency, countries

with greater state capacity saw steeper reductions in geographic mobility. However, the negative correlation between autocracy and declining mobility remains statistically significant, also

when accounting for state capacity.

Another complementary theory is that some cultures are more obedient than others, prompting people to better follow more stringent lockdown measures. For example, several studies

have documented that Western Europeans and their cultural descendants in North America and

Australia stand out as being particularly individualistic and independent, while revealing less

conformity, obedience, in-group loyalty (see Heine, 2007; Henrich et al., 2010; Henrich, 2017;

Schultz et al., 2019). Individualistic countries appear to have a dynamic advantage leading

to higher economic growth by giving social status rewards to non-conformism and innovation

(Gorodnichenko and Roland, 2011), and take out more patents for inventions (Gorodnichenko

and Roland, 2017).6 The flipside of an individualistic culture is that it can make collective

action more difficult (Gorodnichenko and Roland, 2015), such as mounting a coordinated response to a pandemic. This hypothesis is supported by the positive correlation between the


The numbers refer to column 2 of Table 5 in Section 4.

For instance, several scholars, including Amsden (1989); Wade (1990); and Evans (1995), have attributed the

economic success of South Korea and Taiwan to state capacity.


The observation that the United States is especially individualistic is not new and dates at least as far back as

de Toqueville (1835).



widely used Hofstede¡¯s (2001) scale, which we employ to measure the variation in individualism across countries, and the reduction in geographic mobility (Figure 3). Regression results show that at the same level of policy stringency, less individualistic countries experienced

sharper declines in mobility, and that the relationship remains robust also when adding a full

set of controls. We note that our findings are in line with research showing that individualistic

cultural traits are associated with negative attitudes towards government interventions (Pitlik

and Rode, 2017).

The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 outlines the construction

of our dataset. In section 3, we discuss our empirical strategy and the determinants of policy

stringency. Section 4 describes our methodology and explores the elasticity of geographic

mobility to policy stringency. In section 4.2, we investigate the role of democratic institutions

and state capacity in shaping the effectiveness of governments policy responses. Section 4.3

explores the role of cultural traits in understanding patterns of geographic mobility. Finally, in

section 5, we outline our conclusions.

Figure 3 here



We build a dataset allowing us to trace the daily spread of Covid-19 cases, government¡¯s response to the pandemic, and the movement of people across 111 countries over the entire

lockdown period to date. Data on movement and travel were collected from Google¡¯s Community Mobility Reports, and matched with information on policy restrictions, testing, and tracing

from the Oxford Covid-19 Government Response Tracker (OxCGRT) (Hale et al., 2020). Table

1 provides some summary statistics for the variables of interest in our analysis.

The Google Community Mobility Reports provide daily data on Google Maps users who

have opted-in to the ¡±location history¡± in their Google accounts settings across 132 countries.

The reports calculate changes in movement compared to a baseline, which is the median value

for the corresponding day of the week during the period between the 3rd of January and the

6th of February 2020. The purpose of travel has been assigned to one of the following categories: retail and recreation, groceries and pharmacies, parks, transit stations, workplaces, and


OxCGRT is a novel dataset which is published by the Blavatnik School of Government at

the University of Oxford. It contains various lockdown measures, such as school and workplace closings, travel restrictions, bans on public gatherings, and stay-at-home requirements,

etc. These measures are complied into a stringency index, which is constantly updated to reflect daily changes in policy. This allows us to analyse policy changes as well as geographic

mobility patterns on a daily basis. Data on testing policy and contact tracing is also taken from



To measure democratic institutions, we collect data from two sources. Following BenYishay and Betancourt (2014), who argue that democracy constitutes both civil and political

rights, we use the civil and political rights country score from Freedom in the World 2020,

compiled by Freedom House. The second variable is a dummy variable equal to 1 if a country

classified as authoritarian, taken from Dictatorship Countries Population 2020, compiled by the

World Population Review.8

To examine the role of culture, we employ the widely used individualism-collectivism measure from Hofstede¡¯s (2001), which integrates questions about goals, achievement-orientation,

and family ties.9 One advantage with this measure is that it has been validated in a number of

studies.10 For robustness, we also create a novel measure of attitudes towards obedience and

conformity using data from the World Value Survey (WVS), which is based on face-to-face

interviews and uniformly structured questionnaires (Inglehart et al., 2014).11 Inspired by the

obedience and conformity dimensions highlighted by Schultz et al. (2019), we run a Principal

Component Analysis (PCA) to construct an ¡°obedience index¡±.12 The drawback of compiling

the WVS variables into an index is that we lose observation if at least one of the subcomponents is missing for a certain country. However, we believe that this measure better captures

the dimensions of obedience and conformity described by Schultz et al. (2019).

Table 1 here


Political Regimes and Covid-19 Policy

To assess whether authoritarian governments tend to implement more stringent mobility restrictions, we estimate OLS regressions of the following form:



¦µc,t = ¦Á0 + ¦Á1 Covidc,t + ¦Á2 Covidc,t ¡Á Dc + uc + ut + ¦Çc,t



See Hale et al. (2020) for more details on variable construction.

The countries classified as authoritarian are: Afghanistan , Algeria, Angola, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Brunei,

Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, China, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Gabon, Hong Kong, Iran,

Iraq, Kazakhstan, Laos, Libya, Macao, Mauritania, Nicaragua, Oman, Qatar, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia,

South Sudan,Sudan,Syria, Thailand,Turkey, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam


A higher value on the scale corresponds to higher individualism.


For an overview, see Gorodnichenko and Roland (2017)


The variables are based on the percentage of respondents placing weight on the following values: obedience

(respondents say whether obedience is an important value to be taught to children); proper behaviour; family ties;



The PCA shows that the first component has an eigenvalue of 2.7 and explains 54% of the variation, and that

the second component has an eigenvalue of 0.97 and explains 20% of the variation. The first component has an

eigenvalue larger than 1 and it explains more than half of the common variation across the variables, justifying our

choice of using it as an obedience index.




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