Microsoft Word - S1_Syllabus.doc

Title of Lesson: Reproduction and Embryonic Development

UFTeach Student’s Name: Nicole Steele

Teaching Date and Time: Monday, November 19th, 2012 from 8:30-9:20

Length of Lesson: 50 minutes

Grade / Topic: 10th grade Honors Biology

Source of the Lesson: Activity and worksheet idea from

Video from

Appropriateness for High School Students: This lesson addresses the needs and interests of high school students in that many different teaching strategies are used. To begin with, the engagement uses a video to capture the attention of the students. The video interests the high school students and also educates them enough so that they are successfully able to complete the exploration. The exploration allows the students to explore the concepts with their group members. It is hands-on in that they are drawing the reproductive systems and then correcting a nearby group’s drawing and labeling as well. Students will also work as teams in order to identify the stages of fetal development and in what trimester they occur. The explanation allows the teacher to teach the students the concepts but also allows the students to be more engaged as they will share their answers and findings from the exploration.


Human reproduction involves both a female and a male. A male implants sperm cells into a woman’s egg cell, which then becomes fertilized. Only one sperm cell can fertilize one egg cell. This process is called fertilization. The sperm cell is called a gamete and the egg cell is also called a gamete. These two gametes form a zygote inside the female and is then attached to the uterine wall where it will eventually develop into a child. After fertilization, it becomes a zygote and the cells multiply into a bundle of cells. The ball of cells continues to grow until in becomes an embryo. It will further develop into a fetus after the 8th week after conception. It becomes a baby once it has been born 9 months later. A woman’s pregnancy is broken up into trimesters, three periods of three months in which the embryo becomes a fetus and develops completely inside the womb until it is born.


Florida State Standards (NGSSS):

• Grade 9-12, SC.912.L.16.13, Big Idea 1: Heredity and Reproduction-Describe the basic anatomy and physiology of the human reproductive system, describe the process of human development from fertilization to birth and major changes that occur in each trimester of pregnancy. Cognitive Complexity: Moderate

• Grade 9-12, SC.912.N.1.3, Big Idea 1: The Practice of Science-Recognize that the strength or usefulness of a scientific claim is evaluated through scientific argumentation, which depends on critical and logical thinking, and the active consideration of alternative scientific explanations to explain the data presented. Cognitive Complexity: Moderate

Performance Objectives

• Students will be able to identify the different parts of the male and female reproductive systems by drawing and labeling them on a blank sheet of paper.

• Students will be able to identify the major changes in each trimester of pregnancy by making a list of the biological and fetal changes from the first trimester to the third trimester.

• Students will be able to recognize that scientific arguments and evidence support scientific claims by discussing as a class how arguments and evidence support the different stages of pregnancy.

Materials List and Student Handouts

• 24 nametags for each student

• 1 copy of worksheet per group (Have 12 copies just in case of many groups)

• 1 copy of 3 trimester worksheet per group (Have 12 copies just in case of many groups)

• 24 copies of evaluation

• PowerPoint

• Converted YouTube video

Advance Preparations

• Pass out nametags for the 24 students

• Set up the PowerPoint presentation

• Convert the engagement video using if needed

• Set up the Engagement video

• Put PowerPoint presentation and video on flash drive

• Print out 24 copies of worksheets and evaluation and have organized to pass out when needed


• There are no safety hazards

|ENGAGEMENT Time: 5 minutes |

|What the Teacher Will Do |Teacher Directions and Probing Questions |Student Responses and Potential |

| | |Misconceptions |

|-The teacher will introduce the benchmark |-Good morning! Today we will be learning about the female and male | |

|to the class |reproduction systems as well as embryonic development. | |

|-The teacher will question students in |-What is an embryo? |-[An unborn offspring] |

|order to identify misconceptions |-What is the difference between an embryo and a fetus? |- An embryo is younger than a fetus. [An |

| | |embryo is an unborn human baby and is during|

| | |the first eight weeks of conception while a |

| | |fetus is an unborn human baby for more than |

| | |eight weeks after conception.] |

| | | |

| | |-[A pregnant woman has three parts to her |

| | |pregnancy, hence why each one is called a |

| | |trimester. With each trimester, the fetus |

| | |develops further.] |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |-What is a trimester? | |

| |-What is a trimester relating to pregnancy? | |

| |-While watching these two short videos make sure to pay attention to what | |

| |each part is labeled. Make mental notes of what looks new to you. | |

|-The teacher will play this video until |-We are also going to watch these two videos. Pay attention to the parts of| |

|the designated times |each. Here is the female reproductive system: (Watch from 0:00-0:25) | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Here is the male reproductive system: (Watch from 0:00-0:28) | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |-Turn to your shoulder partner and tell him/her one thing you learned from | |

| |the video | |

|-The teacher will ask students questions |-What is one new thing you learned from the video that you would like to | |

|about the video |share with the class? | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|-The teacher will transition from the |-Let’s start exploring! | |

|engagement to the exploration | | |

|EXPLORATION Time: 20 minutes |

|What the Teacher Will Do |Teacher Directions and Probing/Eliciting Questions |Student Responses and Misconceptions |

|-The teacher will introduce the activity and discuss |-Today you will be working in groups. I am going to | |

|the directions |assign your groups for you | |

|-The teacher will assign groups of three to four |-Your group will be given two worksheets to complete. | |

|students |For the first worksheet, I will give you ten minutes | |

| |to label the parts of the female and male reproductive| |

| |systems. Once you are done labeling your paper, find | |

| |another group that is finished. Switch papers with | |

| |this group and discuss your answers with the group. | |

| |Make changes to your group’s and the other group’s | |

| |worksheet if necessary. | |

| |-Make sure not to spend a long period of time on this | |

| |because there is one last component to our activity. I| |

| |will pass out a paper that gives you and your group 12| |

| |events that occur during fetal development. It is your| |

| |job to figure out what trimester they belong in. Try | |

| |your best to organize the events in each trimester in | |

| |the order they occur in. However, it is okay to guess.| |

| |Focus more on which trimester the events belong in, | |

| |not the order they occur in for each individual | |

| |trimester. | |

| |-Any questions before I let you and your groups work? | |

| |I will walk around the classroom and help you if you | |

| |run into trouble. | |

| |-In your groups of three or four, please make sure to | |

| |assign each student a number ranging from 1-4, | |

| |depending on how many students are in your group. | |

| | | |

| |-Here is the question I would like you and your group | |

| |to think about: what are the different parts of the | |

| |female reproductive system? | |

| |-Now make sure that everyone in your group knows the | |

| |different names and how to label a diagram of the | |

| |female reproductive system | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |-Group members with the number 2 will be sharing the | |

| |answer using response cards (pieces of paper), the | |

|-Students will count off numbers in their groups |chalkboard (labeling the diagram on the board), or | |

| |manipulatives. | |

| | | |

| |-The person who is called on, for this first round, | |

| |will use the white board (not response cards or any | |

| |other manipulatives or objects). You will try your | |

| |best to answer the question yourself on the | |

| |whiteboard. When done, please consult quickly with | |

| |your group. You and your other group members will have| |

| |a minute to talk quietly to each other and come up | |

| |with a group consensus. | |

| |-For the whiteboard activity we will go over the | |

| |female and the male reproductive systems. | |

| |-I’d like each group to discuss the female | |

| |reproductive system. I will call one person from the | |

| |group to draw the female reproductive system and they | |

| |will rely on what they learned from their group the | |

|-Students will be given ten minutes to put their heads|minute prior to being called on. I will then let that | |

|together and teach each other |person show me their drawing on the white board. You | |

|-For the first formative assessment, whiteboarding, |will then consult your group one more time to fix your| |

|the teacher will pass out whiteboards to each group. |drawing. | |

|-The teacher will call a number | | |

|-The teacher will walk around the classroom and assist|-Why did you label that part that term? |-Because I learned this before, I remember learning |

|students in the activity | |this part in middle school biology, etc. |

|-The teacher will ask students questions as they work |-Why do you think it takes longer than a trimester for|-[There are many organs and they are very detailed. |

|on the activity |organs to develop in a fetus? |There are many things being developed in the fetus so |

|-The teacher will ask the following questions (in the | |it takes time] |

|next column) using the same cooperative learning |-How long is each trimester? |-[Three months] |

|strategy. | | |

| |-Why do you think this event belongs in that | |

| |trimester? | |

| |-Why wouldn’t that event occur in a different | |

| |trimester? | |

| |-Why do you think the fetus becomes active in the |-[It has developed enough organs and body parts in |

| |second trimester? |order to become active and kick around a little, for |

| | |example.] |

| | | |

|-After the students have completed the second |-Now that we have completed this worksheet, let’s | |

|worksheet in which the groups explore what event |explore embryonic development even more. Here is the | |

|belongs in which trimester, we will move on to another|question I want you to think about: how does a fetus | |

|formative assessment. It is called “Paint the Picture”|develop from the first to the third trimester? | |

|in which students can work in groups at first and then|-Discuss this question with your small group. Be | |

|work individually if called on by the teacher. |prepared to be called on and to come to the board. | |

| |Here is the catch: you must explain your answer only | |

| |using drawings. You must not use any annotations and | |

| |your explanation must be clear enough for the rest of | |

| |the class to understand. Since you will be drawing | |

| |three stages of the development of a baby, you will | |

| |have to be very descriptive and cover the major parts | |

| |of development. | |

|-The teacher will transition to the explanation |-Now that we have finished the worksheets, let’s go | |

| |over them as a class! | |

Two Formative Assessments

1. Whiteboarding

-In the explore for female and male reproductive systems

-Activate thinking and promote metacognition

-Small groups to encourage students to pool their individual thinking and come to a group consensus

-Encourages student generated ideas

-Group of three to four works together to write on board

2. Paint the Picture

-In the explore (later on for embryonic development)

-Provide stimuli for scientific discourse

-Visually depicts students’ thinking about an idea about science without using any annotations

-Students are given a question and must design a visual representation that reveals their thinking and answers the question

-Must describe and explain their representation to others

-Reinforces the importance of scientists’ use of representations to convey ideas in science

|EXPLANATION Time: 20 minutes |

|What the Teacher Will Do |Teacher Directions and Probing/Eliciting Questions |Student Responses and Misconceptions |

|-The teacher will call on students to come to the |-I have a blank diagram of the female and male |-Student answers will be written on the board |

|board and share their answers with the class and label|reproduction systems on the board. I will call on | |

|the blank female and male reproductive system |students to come up to the board and label the parts | |

|diagrams. |of each. | |

|-Teacher will ask the students if they believe their |-Do you believe we labeled the diagrams correctly? |-Yes/No |

|classmates labeled them correctly | | |

|-The teacher will go over the answers to the |-Let’s go over the male and female reproduction | |

|worksheets |systems to see if we completed the worksheet correctly| |

| |-Let’s start with the female reproductive system. | |

|-The teacher will discuss the male and female |-Where are the fallopian tubes? | |

|reproductive systems (the correct and labeled diagrams|-Where is the uterus? | |

|will be written on the board and the teacher will |-Where are the ovaries? |-Students will point out the parts on the board |

|point them out to the class.) |-Where is the cervix? | |

| |-Where is the vagina? | |

| | | |

| |-Now that we have correctly labeled the female | |

| |reproductive system, let’s move on the male | |

| |reproductive system. | |

| |-Where is the seminal vesicle? | |

| |-Where is the prostate gland? | |

| |-Where is the vas deferens? | |

| |-Where is the urethra? | |

| |-Where is the epididymis? | |

| |-Where is the scrotum? | |

| |-Where is the penis? | |

| |-Where are the testes? | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |-Now that we have mastered the reproductive systems | |

|-The teacher will discuss embryonic development and |let’s go over the trimesters. | |

|the change in the mother during the three trimesters |-On the board, I have three images of the child. I | |

| |would like you to sequence them chronologically into | |

| |three trimesters. Support your claim with evidence and| |

| |support your reasoning. | |

| |-Does organ development for the fetus occur during a | |

| |specific trimester? | |

| |-Which events occur during the first trimester? | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |-What is the role of the placenta? |-[No, it occurs over more than just one trimester.] |

| | | |

| | |-[Sperm and egg unite, pregnant woman experiences |

| | |morning sickness, fetus is about three inches long, |

| | |placenta forms] |

| |-Why would the placenta only form during pregnancy and|-I’m not sure [It develops during pregnancy and allows|

| |then exit the body after birth? |the fetus to acquire oxygen and nutrients as well as |

| | |release carbon dioxide and waste] |

| | |-[The body does not need it since the placenta is only|

| | |used to supply nutrients and oxygen to the fetus.] |

| | | |

| |-Which events occur during the second trimester? | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |-Which events occur during the third trimester? |-[Fetus becomes active, heartbeat can be heard with a |

| | |stethoscope, gender can be determined, fetus is about |

| | |11 inches long] |

| | |-[Body systems complete development, fetus increases |

| |-Switching gears a little, how do we back up a |dramatically in size and weight, fetus is about 20 |

|-The teacher will question students and discuss why |scientific claim or hypothesis? |inches long, birth occurs] |

|scientific evidence and arguments are needed to |-How else do we back up a scientific claim? |-[With evidence] |

|support a scientific claim and how this relates to |-Why do we use these two things to support a claim? | |

|today’s activity. | | |

| | |-[By argumentation] |

| | | |

| | |-[Scientific evidence is extremely important because |

| | |it is information that can prove a scientific point. |

| | |Argumentation is also important because, in order to |

| | |convince other scientists and the community, |

| |-How do scientific claims relate to what we learned |argumentation is needed. Furthermore, evidence helps |

| |today? |improve an argument.] |

| |-Let’s think about it. How did scientists understand |-I don’t know |

| |how embryonic development works and what happens in | |

| |each trimester? |-[By research] |

| |-Right! Research was done and scientists and doctors | |

| |created and used equipment that allowed them to study | |

| |the human body. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |-What would be acceptable evidence to support a claim | |

| |about the chronology of development? | |

| | | |

| |-Think about it: would you believe someone’s | |

| |scientific claim if their argument did not have |-[By supporting his/her argument with evidence from |

| |evidence or critical and logical thinking? |research performed] |

| | | |

| |-Should we also consider alternative scientific | |

| |explanations? | |

| |-Why? | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |-[Yes] |

| | | |

| | |-[Considering alternative scientific explanations |

| | |keeps our minds open to different ideas and |

| | |possibilities.] |

|-The teacher will transition to the evaluation (or the|-Anymore questions before we move on? | |

|elaboration if time allows) |-Lastly, I am going to give you a short paper to | |

| |complete so I can understand what you have learned | |

| |from today’s lesson. | |


|What the Teacher Will Do |Probing/Eliciting Questions |Student Responses and Misconceptions |

|-The teacher will introduce the elaboration and the | | |

|directions | | |

|-The students will continue to work in their assigned | | |

|groups. This time, however, the group will draw the | | |

|female and male reproductive systems and label every | | |

|part (without referencing any prior diagrams). Next, | | |

|they will switch with two different groups and correct| | |

|at least one thing from each drawing. When each group | | |

|receives their original drawings back they will redraw| | |

|the completely correct drawings on a separate blank | | |

|sheet of paper. | | |

|-The teacher will transition to the evaluation | | |

|EVALUATION Time: 5 minutes |

|What the Teacher Will Do |Assessment |Student Responses |

|-The teacher will pass out the evaluation |1. Draw and label the female reproductive system |1. Look at answer key on page 11 from this link: |

|-The teacher will explain that the students will work |using these vocabulary words: fallopian tubes, |

|separately |cervix, ovary, uterus, and vagina |dbirth.pdf |

| | | |

| |2. Define fertilization using the words sperm, eggs, |2. [Answers may vary] Fertilization is the process in|

| |ovaries, and zygote. |which a male’s sperm travels to a woman’s eggs, which |

| | |are in her ovaries. Only one sperm can fertilize an |

| | |egg by “breaking inside” the egg. This fertilized egg |

| | |then becomes a zygote, which carries genetic |

| | |information from both the male and the female. |

| | | |

| | |3. From conception to birth: zygote, embryo, fetus, |

| | |and baby. |

| | | |

| |3. List the order in which they develop from | |

| |conception to birth: zygote, baby, fetus, and embryo.| |

Name: ________________________________________


1. Draw and label the female reproductive system using these vocabulary words: fallopian tubes, cervix, ovary, uterus, and vagina

2. Define fertilization using the words sperm, eggs, ovaries, and zygote.

3. List the order in which they develop from conception to birth: zygote, baby, fetus, and embryo.

Exploring the Reproduction Systems!

Group Member Names: _____________________________________________________________

1. Label the female reproductive system using the following words: ovaries, fallopian tube, uterus, cervix, and vagina.





2. Label the male reproductive system using the following words: seminal vesicle, prostate gland, vas deferens, urethra, epididymis, scrotum, penis, and testes.





Group Member Names: _______________________________________


This is a list of 12 events that occur during a fetus’s development. Down below in the columns, please write which events occur in the first, second, and third trimesters.

Fetus is about 11 inches long

Sperm and egg unite

Fetus becomes active

Body systems complete development

Birth occurs

Pregnant woman experiences morning sickness

Fetus dramatically increases in size and weight

Heartbeat can be heard with a stethoscope

Fetus is about three inches long

Gender can be determined

Fetus is about 20 inches long

Placenta forms



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