Pathology II review:

Pathology II review from ROB-:

This is for the Summer 2004 Tips Sheet (with some questions answered) which may vary from one year to the next…however, for this term, the tips sheet (for the test #2 / midterm) are as follows:

1. Atelectasis, hemoptysis, epistaxis, hemothorax

a. Atelectasis: Decreased or absent air in the entire or part of a lung, with resulting loss of lung volume. Loss of lung volume itself

b. Hemoptysis: Spitting of blood derived from the lungs or bronchial tubes as a result of pulmonary or bronchial hemorrhage.

c. Epistaxis: Nosebleed

d. Hemothorax: accumulation of blood in the pleural cavity (the space between the lungs and the walls of the chest)

2. see 1

3. Intrinsic and extrinsic asthma: Atopy, prostaglandins, Leukotrienes.

a. What produces prostaglandins?

b. What is Atopy?

c. Intrinsic: bronchial asthma in which no extrinsic causes can be identified, and which is assumed to be due to an endogenous process, possibly allergic.

d. Extrinsic: bronchial asthma resulting from an allergic reaction to foreign substances, such as inhaled particles, vapors, or gases, or ingested foods, beverages, or drugs

4. see 3

5. Asthma and emphysema, what is damaged in each?

a. Know the difference between the two. What is damaged in each scenario?

i. Alveoli / bronchi

6. see 5

a. What is the causation?

i. Allergies / illegal drugs

7. see 5 and 6

8. Normal, restrictive, and obstructive spirographs

a. There is a chart in the book. Be able to distinguish the three graphs. There is normal, restrictive and obstructive

9. see 8

a. What are the restrictive lung diseases

10. see 8

a. What are the obstructive lung diseases

11. see 8

12. see 8

13. Atelectasis or bronchiectasis?

a. Define the both

b. Compare / contrast

14. What causes damage and what organs are damaged with Goodpasture’s?

a. Just know causation and organs which are damaged.

15. Pulmonary Embolism

a. Where do these come from? (Review)

16. What causes most types of pneumonias?

a. Self-explanatory.

17. TB. Infected or diseased? What is the PPD test aka?

a. Symptoms, what are the names of the test?

b. Is it infectious or diseased?

18. Ghon focus or complex. Pott’s disease. Miliary TB

a. Know what this is

b. Know the stages of TB

19. What could happen with an apical tumor (tip of the lung)

a. What neurological effects? There is a syndrome for this

20. Chylothorax, pyothorax, hemothorax, pneumothorax

a. Know the definitions of this

b. Parietal and visceral pleurae

21. Reduced blood flow to kidney. BUN and elevated Creatinine

a. What is the pathological nomenclature? What is the condition? What are the buildups referred to?

b. I didn’t understand this, sorry!

22. Nephrotic or nephritic syndrome?

a. Know the difference

b. One has blood

c. One has protein but no blood

23. What is hematurea? What is hemoglobinemia?

a. What produces hemoglobinurea?

24. Cystitis, pyelonephritis, or nephrolithiasis?

a. Know the differences. Define

25. See 24

26. Podocytes, mesangial cells, basement membrane, endothelium, visceral and parietal epithelium

a. Know what these terms mean

27. See 26

28. Goodpasture’s

a. What is affected?

29. See 26 and 27

30. Lipoid nephrosis and membranous nephropathy

a. Either or? Older people vs. younger people. This is going to be a 2-part question

31. a. Anuria, b. oliguria, and c. polyuria

a. Cannot urinate

b. Scanty urination

c. Too much urination (excessive) / renal disorder characterized by the production of large volumes of pale dilute urine; often associated with diabetes

32. Immune complex or anti-glomerular basement membrane fluorescent patterns.

a. Linear pattern in Goodpasture’s. Immune complexes cause glomerular pattern.

33. Know:

a. Anasarca: generalized edema

b. Ascites: Accumulation of serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity (Abdominal edema)

34. Know:

a. Urethritis: inflammation of the urethra; results in painful urination

b. Cystitis: inflammation of the urinary bladder and ureters

c. Pyelonephritis: inflammation of the kidney and its pelvis caused by bacterial infection

35. Chief cause of Cystitis or pyelonephritis

a. Self-explanatory

b. It’s either going to be A, B, C, or D (just kidding…)

36. see 35

a. germs or mechanical defects

37. APKD

a. What is adult polycystic kidney disease?

38. What can anti-inflammatory drugs do to the kidneys?

a. 10-30 g Aspirin can kill an adult

b. as little as 3-4 can kill a child

c. What does it do to the kidneys?

39. With obstruction, what can happen to kidneys and ureters?

a. What is it called when kidneys get enlarged

b. Renomegaly is one thing – there may be another though?

40. See 35

a. Organism that causes it. Mechanical defects

41. Know:

a. Aphthous blister: a blister on the mucous membranes of the lips or mouth or gastrointestinal tract

b. Fever Blister: blister near lips: a small painful blister on or near the lips, or sometimes the nose, caused by a virus Herpes simplex. 

c. Candidiasis: an infection caused by fungi of the genus Monilia or Candida (especially Candida albicans)

d. Leukoplakia: A white patch of oral or female genital mucous membrane that cannot be wiped off and cannot be diagnosed clinically as any specific disease entity; in current usage, a clinical term without histologic connotation. Syn: smoker's patches

42. see 41

43. see 41

44. see 41

45. Sialoadentitis: Inflammation of a salivary gland

a. What cannot be classified as this?

b. Know the definition

46. Know:

a. Hiatal hernia: resulting from the protrusion of part of the stomach through the diaphragm

b. Achalasia: Failure to relax; referring especially to visceral openings such as the pylorus, cardia, or any other sphincter muscles.

c. Mallory-Weiss (Syndrome): upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage resulting from a laceration in the mucosa at the gastroesophageal junction usually induced by retching or vomiting.

d. Varices: abnormally enlarged or twisted blood vessel or lymphatic vessel

47. see 46

48. Chronic inflammation of the distal esophagus can result in what?

a. And what is the process?

49. see 48

50. Main cause of chronic gastritis

a. Chronic gastritis may be caused by prolonged irritation from the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), infection with the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, pernicious anemia (an autoimmune disorder), degeneration of the lining of the stomach with age, or chronic bile reflux.

Many people with chronic gastritis have no symptoms of the condition. Risk factors include infection with the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, pernicious anemia, and use of NSAIDs. The incidence is 2 out of 10,000 people.

51. What is the difference between erosion and ulcer?

a. Self-explanatory

52. Polyp or diverticuli?

a. Polyp: A general descriptive term used with reference to any mass of tissue that bulges or projects outward or upward from the normal surface level, thereby being macroscopically visible as a hemispheroidal, spheroidal, or irregular moundlike structure growing from a relatively broad base or a slender stalk; polyps may be neoplasms, foci of inflammation, degenerative lesions, or malformations.

b. Diverticulum: A pouch or sac opening from a tubular or saccular organ, such as the gut or bladder. A herniation through the muscular wall of a hollow organ, such as in the colon.

53. Know:

a. Hirschprung’s: congenital condition in which the colon does not have the normal network of nerves; there is little urge to defecate so the feces accumulate and cause megacolon

b. Crohn’s: a serious chronic and progressive inflammation of the ileum producing frequent bouts of diarrhea with abdominal pain and nausea and fever and weight loss

c. Ulcerative colitis: a serious chronic inflammatory disease of the large intestine and rectum characterized by recurrent episodes of abdominal pain and fever and chills and profuse diarrhea

i. For all of these, know where they effect histologically!

54. Dysentery or Diarrhea?

a. Dysentery: A disease marked by frequent watery stools, often with blood and mucus, and characterized clinically by pain, tenesmus (painful spasm of the anal sphincter along with an urgent desire to defecate without the significant production of feces; also associated with irritable bowel syndrome), fever, and dehydration

b. Diarrhea: frequent and watery bowel movements; can be a symptom of infection or food poisoning or colitis or a gastrointestinal tumor

55. What protozoan can produce abscesses in the liver

a. Strait forward

b. This will be on boards

56. What is malabsorption syndrome

a. a pattern of symptoms including loss of appetite and bloating and weight loss and muscle pain and steatorrhea; associated with celiac disease and sprue and cystic fibrosis

57. See 53

58. See 53

59. See 52

60. What can help reduce either of the conditions from above?

a. Self-explanatory

|Obstructive Lung Disease: A |[pic] |SPIROMETRIC READING |

|form of lung disease that | | |

|manifests as acute or | |A: Normal breathing. This is usually |

|chronic, narrowing or | |about 12-20 BPM (breaths per minute) |

|blockage of the smaller | | |

|airways in the lungs, causing| |B: Restricted breathing. This will have |

|increased resistance to | |about the same BPM, but the amplitude is |

|airflow in the bronchial | |lower, and that means that the RV |

|tubes (for example asthma, | |(restricted volume) is higher (this is the|

|silicosis, chronic | |amount of volume which is vacant but |

|obstructive pulmonary disease| |cannot be filled with air) |

|from smoking). | | |

| | |C: Obstructive breathing. There is a |

|Restrictive Lung Disease: a | |large RV factor on this as well. The |

|general term comprising | |descending part indicates a long-drawn |

|pulmonary diseases | |exhalation which is oftentimes forced. |

|characterized by decreased | | |

|total lung capacity, | |“t” stands for a unit of time |

|including those caused by | | |

|disorders affecting the chest| | |

|wall (e.g., poliomyelitis and| | |

|scoliosis), and those caused | | |

|by infiltrative interstitial | | |

|and infiltrative diseases, | | |

|such as adult respiratory | | |

|distress syndrome. | | |


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