ISU ESSAY EVALUATION - Mrs. Werner- English

ISU ESSAY EVALUATION /50 Name: ______________________________________

CONTENT: thesis, originality and depth of ideas, development and elaboration of points, use of supporting textual evidence, quality of the writer’s analysis.

|25 24.5 24 23.5 23 |22.5 22 21.5 21 20.5 20 |19 18 17 16 15.5 |15 14.5 14 13.5 13 12.5 |12 10 8 6 4 2 |

| | | | |1 |

|Very insightful thesis-well beyond the |Thesis shows insight into some aspect of the|An acceptable thesis-somewhat arguable |Weak thesis-barely arguable |Unclear thesis or no thesis. Thesis is not |

|obvious |novel. |Adequate elaboration and development of |Limited elaboration and development of basic|arguable and/or provable and/or worth |

|Superior elaboration and development of |Competent elaboration and development of |standard ideas |ideas |proving |

|original ideas |somewhat original ideas (points of proof) |You state ideas you don’t fully prove or |You state ideas that you don’t’ prove of |Little or no elaboration and development of |

|Convincing, logical, highly effective |Logical, effective arguments |develop |explain |simplistic ideas |

|arguments (points of proof) |Direct and/or indirect references support |More indirect references would have added a |More indirect examples are needed |Plot summary replaces proving ideas are |

|Direct and/or indirect references strongly |thesis reasonably well |strength to your essay |Direct references to the text should be used|valid |

|support thesis |The writer has consistently connected |More direct references would have added a |more often |Few or no indirect examples used to support |

|Examples are woven into the writer’s prose |examples and quotations to the point being |strength to your essay |Limited arguments |ideas |

|in such a way that the writer’s ideas are |discussed |Examples need stronger connections to the |Occasional lapse(s) into plot summarizing |Very few or no quotations used to support |

|strengthened and validated |Ideas are always related back to the thesis |points being made |It was not always clear why you were |ideas |

|Writer has clarified how the examples prove |Good focus and purpose for most ideas |Points were not always tied clearly back to |discussing an idea or mentioning an example |Unclear arguments, your point is unclear in |

|the point and ultimately the thesis |expressed. The reader rarely stopped to |the thesis |Unclear focus and purpose in parts of the |significant portions of the essay |

|extremely effectively |wonder what the point of a comment was |Sufficient focus and purpose for most of the|essay |Blurred focus and purpose |

|Excellent focus and purpose for all ideas |Secondary source effectively supports point |essay |Secondary source is missing |Ideas/wording not belonging to the writer |

|expressed. | |Secondary source supports point | |seem to have been used but not acknowledged.|

|Secondary source effectively supports point | | | | |

|and thesis | | | | |

STYLE: organization (formal essay style), coherence (transitions and repetition), diction and integration of quotes, clarity of expression, level of language.

| 15 14 13 | 12 11.5 11 | 10.5 10 9.5 9 | 8.5 8 7.5 |7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 |

|Opening paragraph introduces topic |Opening paragraph introduces topic clearly, |Opening paragraph introduces topic |Opening paragraph weakly introduces topic, |Opening paragraph does not introduce topic, |

|skillfully, identifies the literature and |foreshadows direction of main argument and |sufficiently, foreshadows most of the |does not adequately foreshadow the argument |does not foreshadow the argument and/or |

|the author effectively, foreshadows the |establishes thesis clearly |argument and establishes thesis |and/or establish thesis |establish thesis clearly |

|points of proof skillfully and establishes |The literature title and author were |Opening does not create strong reader |Limited organization of ideas presented in |Little or no organization of ideas presented|

|thesis strongly at the end of the paragraph |introduced |interest. It lacks originality or coherence |brief paragraphs |in illogical paragraphs |

|Opening hook strongly grabs the reader’s |Opening creates some reader interest |The author or literature title may not have |Limited coherence at times-few transitions |Author and novel title not mentioned |

|attention and is both original and thought |Effective organization of ideas presented in|been mentioned |and repetition |Little or no coherence-no transitions and |

|provoking |focused paragraphs |Sufficient coherence-more transitions and |Considerable informal, imprecise diction |repetition |

|Highly effective organization of ideas |Good coherence created through the use of |repetition would help |Limited and/or awkward integration of quotes|Too much informal, imprecise diction |

|presented in mature paragraphs |basic transitions and repetition |Some formal, precise diction, but some |Conclusion does not adequately reinforce |Little or no integration of quotes |

|Excellent coherence created through skillful|Mostly precise, formal diction. At times |informal language used. Wording does not |thesis & main points of proof & does not |Conclusion inadequate or not evident |

|transitions and repetition |wording did not strongly enhance the ideas |enhance the writer’s ideas in all parts of |leave reader with a brief statement about |The understanding of the writing style of an|

|Precise, formal diction |but it was clear |the essay |topic as a whole |academic essay has not been demonstrated to |

|Writing style is mature, sophisticated |Good integration of quotes |Occasional and/or awkward integration of | |the standard required |

|Excellent integration of quotes |Conclusion clearly reinforces thesis & main |quotes | | |

|Conclusion skillfully reinforces thesis & |points of proof & leaves reader with a |Conclusion somewhat reinforces thesis & main| | |

|main points of proof & leaves reader with a |statement about topic as a whole |points of proof & leaves reader with a brief| | |

|thought-provoking statement about topic as a| |statement about topic as a whole | | |

|whole | | | | |

CONVENTIONS/MECHANICS: spelling, grammar, sentence structure, punctuation.

|5 |4.5 4 |3.5 3 |2.5 2 |1 0 |

|Nearly flawless spelling and grammar |A few minor spelling and grammar errors |A few spelling and grammar errors |Many major spelling and grammar errors |Spelling and grammar errors impair |

|Mature, well-developed paragraphs |Focused paragraphs |Some verb tense inconsistency |Verb tense inconsistency was distracting |comprehension at times |

|Excellent sentence structure |Good sentence structure |Adequate paragraphs |Brief paragraphs |Underdeveloped paragraphs |

|Verb tense is consistent, likely present |Verb tense mostly consistent |Some sentence structure errors |Sentence structure errors |Weak sentence structure |

|tense |Punctuation was mostly accurate |Punctuation errors were evident |Numerous punctuation errors |Verb tense inconsistencies were distracting |

|Punctuation is meticulously accurate |The flow of ideas was rarely interrupted due|Verb tense inconsistencies |Errors distracted the reader from the ideas |Significant errors make the writing below |

|The flow of ideas was never interrupted due |to mechanical errors or careless |The reader was distracted from the ideas by | |standard for this course |

|to mechanical errors |typographical errors |mechanical or careless errors | | |

MLA FORMAT: title page, page numbering, citing sources, punctuation, Works Cited page, double spaced

|5 |4.5 4 | 3.5 |1 .5 |0 |

|Flawless |1 or 2 minor mistakes. A reasonably good |Some mistakes. More care of understanding |Many mistakes, significant weaknesses in the|Serious weakness in the understanding of MLA|

| |understanding of MLS formatting has been |needed re: proper MLA formatting |understanding of the MLA formatting |formatting, no Works Cited page |

| |demonstrated |requirements | | |

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