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Standards Based Grades in the World Language Classroom:

How to Transition from a Traditional Grading System

Susan Loeffler-Bell

Spanish Teacher

Muskego High School


Joshua LeGreve

Spanish Teacher

Green Lake School District


Background/Suggested Further Reading

Muskego-Norway School District

2012: Grading 4 Learning Committee tasked with research grading methods

Standards based became focus

2013-2014: Small group of teachers piloted to see viability/work out hiccups.

Gradebook set up to accommodate the methods

New scales were devised to convert between systems

Parent/Student/Board feedback was….

Useful Resources

Muskego-Norway’s Grading 4 Learning Research

Rick Wormeli's Resources for Practical and Compelling Educational Change

Ken O’Connor’s (“The Grade Doctor’s”) website

Marzano’s website

Teach For June Resource Page (scroll down, past the “sign-up” for workshops)

What exactly is SBG?

“Standards Based Grading (SBG): This is a philosophy of the role of grades in a class. The idea that a grade should be a reflection of what a student understands. It’s like a measuring stick of learning, not whipping stick of obedience. These measurements are then based on standards. Standards are the ideas that you expect students to understand. Example: students should be able to use the momentum principle to solve interesting problems.”

-Rhett Allain, Wired Science Blogs

What it is:

Using pre-defined expectations to measure student achieve

Focuses on the specific standard to provide precise feedback

Establishes clear task goals

Performance based/reflects performance

What it provides:

Elimination of “unfair” numerical systems

More chances for students to reflect on their growth

Focus on what is important

Clear expectations of what should be graded/affect the grade.

What is shouldn’t be:

Converting ABCD for 4321

Based on percentages correct

Why use SBG?

1) Results!!!

Eliminates “playing school” that affects grade

-Skills are measured independently, so there is no hiding behind “homework points” or

“extra credit”

-Rewards risk taking instead of rewarding those that “play it safe” for the grade

Gives clear feedback

-Students know exactly how they are doing on each skill

-Provides for clear paths for student intervention

Shows what students can really do in the language

-What does “7 out of 10 correct” really mean in USING the language?

-Gives a specific goal and level students are expected to reach, and allows for analysis

that raw points just does not.

2) Pushes students higher/Raises the bar

-Students know how high they need to reach, not how many points they must get to

-High achieving students have a clear path on how to push themselves further

-Struggling students can see specifically what they can work on AND see some of their

strengths (giving them some encouragement)

-Students can talk about and discuss their specific skills and achievements.

Creating Power Standards

Our state standards are many and plentiful, and our district required every standard to be posted per quarter. Research suggested combining standards to create targeted “Power Standards”

Original Standard List:


Final Power Standards

Standards for Conversation and Composition

1. Speaking: Students will defend personal preferences/opinions.

2. Writing: Students will create written products for a variety of reasons.

Español 2 (8th Grade)

1. Speaking: I can converse about what people did, are doing, and plan to do (A.1, C.4)

2. Listening: I can comprehend selected authentic audio on familiar topics (B.1, B.2)

3. Reading: I can comprehend the main idea of selected authentic written material in a wide variety of formats (B.3, B.4)

4. Writing: I can write various texts and letters for a variety of purposes (C.3, C.4, C.5)

5. Language Structure: I can identify and use sentence structure to derive meaning (H.1)

6. [Culture*: I can compare perspectives and practices in different culture (I.1, I.2)]

*Culture was eventually phased out, as in the language classroom culture should be interwoven in the other standards.

Tips for smooth transition

a) Communication

Clear Communication = Smoother Transition

Front load info to families and students.


What do the numbers mean?

Not equivalent to letter grades

What are the standards?

Remind through the year

Add to Report Card Comments

Note standards on assessments

b) Effective Rubrics w/ Defined Expectations

Clearly define what is a "3

Rubrics should drive toward the standards (is it grammar nit picky?)

See following examples for General vs. Specific rubrics

c) What to assess


Feedback does not need to lead to a grade (example: homework).

Only include what supports the standards in the grade

Grade one piece for separate standards (reading portion gets separate grade from writing)

Example Rubrics

Rubric for weekly in-class oral participation for Conversation and Composition Class

Nombre_____________________________   fecha___________________________

¿Uso frases completas? sí no

¿Uso el tiempo verbal correcto? sí no

¿Explico el "por qué" de mi opinión? sí no

¿Explico palabras que no sé con sinónimos o con circunloquio? sí no

¿Pido clarificación cuando no entiendo? sí no

¿Puedo defender mi opinión cuando necesario? sí no

¿Incluyo vocabulario nuevo en mis comentarios? sí no

Para mejorar la habilidad de comunicar oralmente, voy a:

Creo que merezco 4 = exceeds expectations

3 = meets expectations

2 = sometimes meets expectations

1 = need to practice/work harder as I’m not meeting the expectations

comentarios de la profesora:

WRITING RUBRIC (based off District Wide Rubric for Writing)

Students will write a well-organized essay in which they support their opinion about the value of having an imagination; is it helpful to have an active, creative imagination in order to be successful?


I use complete/complex sentences.

I can defend my opinion with appropriate arguments

I use appropriate vocabulary

My essay is well organized and has an effective thesis statement

I use appropriate verb constructions and tenses

I use conventions (spelling, accents, agreement, and punctuation) correctly

| |Language and Vocabulary Usage |Comprehensibility |Organization |Accuracy – |Accuracy – |

| | | | |Grammar |Conventions |

|4 |I incorporate new vocabulary |My audience understands all |My presentation makes sense and|I have control of level |I have control of the following |

| |fluidly and naturally.  I include |of what I am trying to |is well organized; the thesis |appropriate grammatical |conventions but may make a few |

| |idiomatic expressions and use a |communicate. |is effective and defensible. My|structures, but may make |errors with no pattern of the |

| |wide variety of level appropriate | |conclusion is an effective |one or two errors which |errors. |

| |words. | |summary of the thesis |don’t affect |1.  Accents |

| | | |statement. Supporting details |comprehension. |2.  Spelling |

| | | |are specific and effective. | |3.  Capitalization |

| | | | | |4.  Punctuation |

|3 |I incorporate new vocabulary, |My audience understands most |My presentation generally makes|I show evidence of control|I show evidence of control |

| |although it may not flow |of what I am trying to |sense and is mostly organized; |however make some errors |however make some errors with |

| |naturally.  I try to include |communicate. |the thesis and conclusion are |with some patterns of |some patterns of errors. |

| |idiomatic expressions and use a | |included, but not necessarily |errors; however, they | |

| |variety of level appropriate | |effective. Supporting details |don’t affect | |

| |words. | |are included. |comprehension. | |

|2 |I incorporate new vocabulary, but |My audience understands some |My presentation is somewhat |I show evidence of control|I show evidence of control |

| |may make some mistakes and it |of what I am trying to |confusing and lacks some |however I make many errors|however make many errors in a |

| |doesn’t always flow naturally.  I |communicate. |organization; thesis and |in a variety of |variety of structures. |

| |don’t include idiomatic | |conclusion may be missing or |structures, and they may | |

| |expressions and although my | |ineffective. Supporting details|affect comprehension. | |

| |choices are level appropriate, | |may be missing or ineffective. | | |

| |there isn’t much variety. | | | | |

|1 |I do not include new vocabulary or|My audience understands very |My presentation is really |I show minimal evidence of|I show minimal evidence of |

| |idiomatic expressions and/or my |little that I am trying to |confusing and lacks any |control and I make |control and make frequent errors.|

| |vocabulary choices are not always |communicate. |organization. Key elements of |frequent errors, which | |

| |level appropriate and lack | |thesis, conclusion and |affect comprehension. | |

| |variety. | |supporting details may be | | |

| | | |missing. | | |

|0 |No evidence |No evidence |No evidence |No evidence |No evidence |

| |Vocabulary Usage |Comprehensibility |Comprehension |Accuracy |Sentence |Fluency |Content |

| | | | | |Structure | | |

|3 |I incorporate new |The person I am talking to |I understand most |I make some errors |My sentences |I can speak clearly with|I incorporated |

| |vocabulary, although it may|understands almost all of what |of what is said to|in choice of verb |are complex, |a some problems with |references to one or two|

| |not flow naturally.  I try |I am trying to say; no need for|me, and can |tense and/or make |but they may |hesitation, |of the works that we |

| |to include idiomatic |clarification.  I ask a few |respond |errors in form. |not have much |pronunciation, and/or |read/watched in class. |

| |expressions and use a |questions to keep the |appropriately with| |variety in |intonation. Errors do | They may or may not |

| |variety of level |conversation moving. |some | |structure. |not affect my ability to|flow naturally in |

| |appropriate words. | |clarification. | | |be understood. |conversation. |

|2 |I incorporate new |The person I am talking to |I understand some |I make frequent |My sentences |When I speak I have some|I made an attempt to |

| |vocabulary, but may make |understands some of what I am |of what is said to|errors in choice of |are simple |problems with |include references to |

| |some mistakes and it may |trying to communicate, and may |me, and must ask |verb tense and make |and/or don’t |hesitation, |works we read/watched in|

| |not always flow naturally. |need to ask for clarification. |for clarification |many errors in form.|have variety. |pronunciation, and |class.  They don’t |

| | I may not include | Although I ask one or two |frequently. | | I may have a |intonation, and they may|necessarily flow |

| |idiomatic expressions and |questions, I rely on my partner| | |few fragments. |affect my ability to be |naturally, and may seem |

| |although my choices are |to move the conversation along.| | | |understood. |forced, at random, into |

| |level appropriate, there | | | | | |the conversation. |

| |isn’t much variety. | | | | | | |

|1 |I do not include new |The person I am talking to |I understand very |I am very |My sentences |I hesitate frequently |I made no attempt to |

| |vocabulary or idiomatic |understands very little that I |little of what is |inconsistent in my |are not always |and I struggle with |include references to |

| |expressions and/or my |am trying to communicate, and |said to me, and |choice of verb tense|complete |pronunciation and |works read/watched in |

| |vocabulary choices are not |has to ask for clarification |sometimes respond |and form to the |thoughts. |intonation.  It’s |class into my |

| |always level appropriate |from me.  I make no attempt to |inappropriately. |point where | |difficult to understand |conversation, but may |

| |and may lack variety. |further the conversation. | |sometimes I am not | |me. |have reacted to comments|

| | | | |understood. | | |by my partner. |

Interpersonal speaking rubric (Based off District Wide Rubric for Speaking)

Students will have a conversation about the future. One student will be chosen, at random, to have an optimistic view of the future and the other will take a pessimistic view of the future.  They should include references to the selections which were read in class to support their views.


I use complete/complex sentences.

I use appropriate verb tenses/structures.

I include reasons for each argument I put forth.

I explain words I don’t know or use a synonym.

I ask for clarification when I don’t understand my partner and ask questions to further the conversation.

I include new/appropriate vocabulary.

I can pronounce words correctly.

Writing Assessment – Lower Level Example Escribir: Casas

LT: I can describe my house, including the types of rooms. LT: I can describe the items within a room.

LT: I can describe where things are located within a room.

Writing Standard: I can write a variety of texts and letters for a variety of purposes.

| |Mínimo (1) |Básico (2) |Proficiente (3) |Avanzado (4) |

|Describing Items in a Room | | | | |

|Describing Location | | | | |

|Physical Description | | | | |

4 = I can do this task very thoroughly in writing. I am able to complete this skill in a variety of ways, integrating new and old vocabulary

3 = I can complete this task well in writing. My sentence structure is clear and I use a variety of vocabulary with this skill.

2 = I can do this somewhat, but I make a few minor errors that hinder the fluency/understanding of my writing.

1 = I show very little control of this specific skill within writing. Errors make it difficult to understand and errors an varied greatly.

Describe 2 of 4 cuartos: Make sure to LIST what is in the room, say WHERE at least two things are in each room, and DESCRIBE at least two things in each room!

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FLES Example - Speaking

Quarter 1 Content Standards -- These are our four content standards for my Grade 4 Class

Grade 4 Quarter Check

Fecha: _______________ Nombre:________________________________________

I can… Not Yet I can with help I can alone ok I can alone well

|…identify the color of an animal. |[pic] [pic] [pic] + |

|…identify the size of an animal. |[pic] [pic] [pic] + |

|…identify the habitat of an animal. |[pic] [pic] [pic] + |

|…say what the weather is like in that habitat. |[pic] [pic] [pic] + |

Cultural Reflection Rubric


4- I answer all questions very thoroughly. I make multiple connections with the text/pictures in each step, and multiple times I draw deep comparisons and connections with my own culture.

3- I answer all questions well, making one or two connections to the text/pictures for each step. I make decent comparisons between my culture and the culture of Chile. 

2- Many answers are basic, but I make a few connections to the readings here and there. I make minimal connections to my own life.

1- My answers do not show a comprehension of the cultural material at all. I give no cultural connections to my own culture. 

How to Give That Final Grade

Muskego Norway Schools Grading Scales


Bay Lane grading scale

Middle School Grading Scale

|Grade |Standard Scale |Percent Score |Explanation |

| | | |Most recent evidence of standards attainment indicates the student... |

|A |Mostly 4’s some 3’s |90-100 |exceeds content standards |

| | | |consistently demonstrates a thorough understanding of content standards |

|B |Mostly 3’s |80-89 |meets content standards |

| | | |consistently demonstrates proficient understanding of content standards |

|C |Mostly 2’s with some 3’s |70-79 |meets some content standards |

| | | |consistently demonstrates a partial understanding of content standards |

|D |Mostly 2’s |60-69 |meets few content standards |

| | | |consistently demonstrates minimal understanding of most content standards |

|F |Mostly 1’s |0-59 |does not meet content standards |

| | | |consistently does not demonstrate understanding of content standards |

Susan’s scale for Comp and Conversation (Upper Level):


The following metrics will be used for all written and oral work:

4:  Exceeds expectations

Student has demonstrated mastery of the standards/learning target and exceeded the expected level of performance.  Student is using the learning in novel ways.

3:  Meets expectations

Student has demonstrated mastery of the standards/learning target and met the expected level of performance.  

2:  Approaching expectations

Student has demonstrated some mastery of the standards/learning target but has some work to do to meet the expected level of performance.  

1:  Not enough evidence that student has met expectations

Student has demonstrated only partial/minimal mastery of standards/learning targets.

0:  No evidence has been provided

Grades will converted to an A, B, C, D, F scale as follows for quarter and semester grades:

A 3.75 – 4.0

A- 3.50 – 3.74

B+ 3.25 – 3.49

B 3.0 – 3.24

B- 2.75 – 2.99

C+ 2.50 – 2.74

C 2.00 – 2.49

C- 1.75 - 1.99

D+ 1.50 – 1.74

D 1.25 – 1.49

D- 1.00 – 1.24

F 0.00 – 0.99

Don't forget to remain sane!

-Don’t fear change midstream

-Find a buddy and collaborate often

-Listen to the kids and communicate to them often

-Ask for help

-Take one step at a time.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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